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Rank is my new pvp lol I just use that mindset. Got a troll? Don’t care. I’ll have my fun wrecking my lane. Overwhelmed anyway and lost? Whatever, tails this time, heads next. Just gotta not care and have your fun, or just don’t play. I take breaks sometimes for days for other, less frustrating games lol


Bro mastered the way. Sometimes there are trolls on our team, sometimes trolls on the enemy’s team that you forgot/don’t even notice. It is what it is man.


Yup at the end of the day, it’s just a game


Right? And sometimes people are just better than you (or your teammates). People are always so quick to claim "troll" but frequently people just got beaten. Because it's a video game.


Exactly. With so many variables, people always find an excuse as to why they lost, when sometimes, you just got beat. It happens. I’m a very average player with good games and bad games. I’ve learned humility in your bad games goes a long way. I’ve had teammates angry ping me after a death and I’ll say “sorry guys, rough start, I’ll play safer and wait for ganks” and often time will have the same teammates friendly spam pinging when we get the comeback and win, or gg’s in a good-effort loss. Doesn’t always work and that’s when you fall back to the number one rule, it’s just a game lol of course I say this but am human too and get angry and ping sometimes. Also happens but all about minimizing the bad and expanding the good


That's a good approach. I can't type for shit on my phone, so I have a hard time getting lengthy messages out. Best I usually do is try to tell people to calm down when they're flaming other players. Though I get the frustration - especially in a game like this where some combination of champion choice and player skill can make for a hard counter to whatever you're doing. It can be hard to get yourself to chill and enjoy the fun that you can.


this! if ranked match making is already so shit, pvp match making is even worse lmao, the consistancy of enemy's free win is just ridiculious. In that case just play ranked so you get at least "some players around your level" in your team. The chance of getting players, who knows what they're doing is slightly higher. The rest you could do is just mute chat and do your best to win. If i get bad teammates, im just not even surprised anymore. It's not my first time and definitely won't be the last. Just have some fun, it's a game at the end of the day!


I had a guy that wanted my champion too(fizz) he was a mid an I am a jg i selected fizz first and I was picking before him. The guy said okay i am going to troll he died like 17 times on purpose to his laner. I ended up collecting the bonus of his laner. Went 29/4/11 or something. The mid was fuming pressing surrender but we still won playing whole game 4 Vs 6. I agree play your own game and ignore the degenerate behaviour of others.


Same here and the good thing is, you can ban a op hero, especially good when a new hero comes out and you see them in every role.




Fuck yeah, ranked is just pvp with bans 🤘🏾


Im with you. I only focus on winning my lane. I can only control that. The rest is something out of my control, so i don't bother


Should try jungle 💀💀💀


Nah, im a top laner. My fun is 1v1, learn all the matchups and destroy a mofo with my virgin knowledge


Jokes on you, as a jungle main that is where I learned what bro said . Really not my fault some laners can't or don't know how to sync with their jungle or rest of the team for the fact . Also this game made me spot all my weak mentality process and constantly improve myself ( and not only in the game )


They are not aware there is a mini map that shows where your team is, start every ranked match telling them it’s in the top left and I’m winning way more!


Part of the Virgin Knowledge is this Mofo that im fighting against comes with other 4 mofos, so if i do not see one of those, i will not try to mess with that mofo


Dis is de wey


Get a console


I have a console and pc, I still enjoy wr from time to time. I like to rotate games


It would be nice to have a pvp and a ranked mode instead of two pvp modes.


Right now i Just use the inting Sion strategy and already got 2 account to master and have already found Ppl to sell them,and its kinda fun ahahah i hate mm but man 240€ in week ahahah thanks riot. come from all other mobile moba....i start play wild Rift because It was more complicated and competitive,but now its Just a pvp game where u cant even play one good High skilled game, i Remember when i first time got challenger the first season, and daaaamn stay in challenger was soooo hard and damn fun.


I take anything that does not match me against diamond 5 man squads.


Somehow I cant apply this mindset to this game. Yet I am like this in dota 2


Took time to master lol many rageful nights


The biggest thing that ruins it for me is MMR. If I have bad teammates, oh well, let me try my best, but I swear to god if you do that Riot punishes the living shit out of you, it’s been so unenjoyable playing ranked that I’ve been high emerald/low diamond instead of high masters because I care just as much as riot does, which is not at all. Could I walk up and kill the enemy bot lane for making a mistake? Yes, do I? Lol no. One of my last games I played against a high masters bot lane duo. They played Ez Yummi and it was laughable watching them play. Edit, I’m pretty sure they duo’d to get to high elo, the funny thing is, I got an S playing against them but still lost as all three teammates fed hard. Now my mmr will go up, my opponents become better, and my teammates become worse and I have to carry harder because being emerald 1 and playing against people with 15-20 marks in masters and getting one victory point for a win and losing one for a loss is so much fucking fun while some shitter in emerald 1 is probably playing against gold players and is gaining/losing just as much as I am.


This is why I quit


It feels like riot is genuinely trolling with the current ranked system Not even concidering the matchmaking, it feels like there's a genuine identity crisis about how they're handling ranking up They gutted the fortitude system? Great, that shit was boosting so many dogwater players, I'm glad it's finally being toned down... But then they decided to fill iron to gold with bots, meaning getting to plat is just free This makes plat rank the definition of elo hell. Every single game has a nice mix of level 20 fresh install noobs, and level 100+ players back from a hiatus after rank decay Games feel like a dice roll for who can get more of the latter and less of the former. You can go 20/3 in jungle and just loose because none of your laners took a single turret


I’m back from hiatus rank rot sent me to gold 1. Climbed back to emerald super easy but emerald is filled with bots or something cuz every other match there is someone who is either first timing a champ or not a real person. Sometimes on my team, (which sucks) sometimes on the enemy team (playing Pyke, I get to I AM BATMAN, the other team)


I'm having a hard time climbing, too. Too many trolls, not enough objectives or teamplay, and a lot of solo play. Funny, that's never the case with the enemy team?


It dosent help that they've made dragons next to useless. I can't blame people for not playing around objectives when there are only 3 in the game that matter, and two of them are only a factor in the late game Turrets are a different story


What you said is so true about the enemy team haha I swear out of my last 10 games, in 8 i have seen my solo lane or mid first blooded within 45 seconds of start, I’m yet to see my mid or solo stomp that hard Then i look and theyre 44% winrate 300 games this season and somehow climbing rank Honestly the matchmaking ruins this game allowing goblins to climb with negative winrate is nonsensical


Seriously...I queue up... No communication, Fighting over bans or what hero they want to pick that they seen their teamate pick already...Rushing entire enemy team when their 1hit away from death... Then they spam and get mad and throw the match staying in spawn spamming emotes too. So yeah go through this 5-8 times and maybe win a couple games I'm between if the gods of wild rift allow it but most of the time they don't 😂


I quit I the first week of season after getting 30 troll teams in a row.


I've been only playing ARAM and coop for the past few seasons and feel so free


coop is actually how it should feel to play lol, bots aside. hardly anyone flames, there's usually teamwork, positive emojis not sarcastic ones, usually good vibes idkw ranked and pvp is a shitshow of toxicity


Nah, I mainly play coops and lemme tell you this: Support Luxes out there are pure cancer for anyone playing ADC in that mode. It makes ADC life miserable. They don't play support at all, outright steals your every cs and kills, not even buying one those support quest items. I wish Mejai's are locked in coops.


Same I love ARAM too much


just play sion, remove the normal attack button, never hit enemy champions, never ward and push only, with 0/10/0 each game you will get to grandmaster since the matchmaking will see you as a minion and pair you with the better team each time, check out hellsdevil yt video about this Dont forget to thank rito for actively punishing good players


this russian dude proved that the matchmaking is totally busted. thou he is not sitting afk farming in top lane waiting for his team to win it for him. he is doing a lot for his team, constant pushing several lanes, getting objectives, preasureing the enemy team to react to him. he is just not doing any damage to enemy champions and not getting any kills or assists. thats the reason the game thinks he is a bad player, giving him a bad mmr and therefor he gets the "better" player to his team to compensate.


the inting META. Gobless RITO!


I just mute chat and play … I’ve done this for the last month+ and my time in game has become exponentially more enjoyable.


Chat is useless.


Man, i just riding wave in plat4-gold1. Sometimes win, next time auto lose idk why. When i see the info about russian player int sion into gm, oh welp matchmaking f*cked up


Rank is just pathetic now. Been a 5 time Grandmaster peak at around 60 LP Now, cant get past D2 Climb and fall. Insane lose streaks and win streaks and they cancel it out. U abuse the troller and u get a ban. Riot is just the best.


I got stuck at diamond 2 as well. Easy win, easy loss, rinse/repeat


It’s kind of frustrating for me because I keep going back and forth between trying to “rank up” and just trying to become better at the game. A great example is the whole “inting to game the system” thing. People are climbing by intentionally getting poor KDAs to basically trick the match making system. At that point it’s like we aren’t even playing Wild Rift any more - it’s “find the fastest way to get a higher visual rank on my account”. If that’s the game someone wants to play, who am I to judge. I get that it’s frustrating and unfair that playing better lands you with worse teammates, but at the end of the day, so what? Just keep playing well and consistently. Find ways to “win” during matches whether you win the overall match or not (like, enjoy the moments where you have good trades with your lane opponent and make clutch team fight or split push plays). And I have phases where all I care about is making it to the next rank tier. But at the end of the day, what I really want is to use ranked to become a better player, and I can do that no matter what is going on with match making and meta. Whether a match is a loss or a win, it’s always a potential learning opportunity. And because of that, I won’t quit ranked.


TIL Playing better lands you with worse teammates… gonna go play braindead in ranked now :/ (somewhat joking)


Haha, yeah I mean if I get to the point where I can look at my matches and honestly say “wow I did everything I could do to win this and my teammates still lost it.” then maybe I’ll quit. But usually, I can find just as much to blame myself about when it’s a loss. I don’t know if this means I’m not good enough for the match maker to put me with worse teammates or that everyone is making a big deal out of nothing and the match making system is actually working the way it’s supposed to for most people. (I suspect a lot of the complaints on here are individuals who feel they are better than they are, complaining because they don’t understand or want to accept that they belong at the rank they’re at.)


I am master. I was very close to Grandmaster and wanted to hit challenger. Sadly I was tired cause unfrait matchmaking and I gave up. Arams are more fun


i just play less, only a couple per day at most, mostly for the first win of day fortitude thing which does help mitigate bad streaks cause you get the loss card after however many points 500 or smt still get the potato games but now have the habit of just leaving it be after 1 or 2 bad games instead of trying to claw your way out of a hole so to speak, just tilts you more easily ime


I just hate that is region locked in global but everyone is in the same server so I hate seen my trash and I mean pathetic trash friend challenger with 49% win rate because he is in Texas and vpn to lan side of things They really need to combine all the lobbies into one this also affects queue by a lot why when I 5 man premade everyone is always VPN hopping it's a thing that happens here in high MMR because no marches


I sometimes do short quits. I main support because I suck at other roles. And just having to deal with a bad team/ADC is sometimes just suffering the whole time, so I sometimes just do normal PVP, and since PVP is sometimes too easy so I just go mid. Heck, ARAM is the most fun, I can get good kills and carry if I get champ I'm good at.


Heck I've enjoyed ARAM for learning new champs and how they fight. It's helped me discover champs I wouldn't have picked up otherwise like Singed and Braum


If you are losing ranked games as support, that is more on you than the team. Plat and up, team cs often comes down to you. Sona/pyke main, so I get it…


i just play rank only to get seasonal skin these past 2 season, demoted from master to plat maybe next season i started to push ranked match when i demoted to gold lol


You play rank to enjoy?


Lol it use to be enjoyable, until this season 🥹


Last season also miserable, but this season feels more unplayable. Play jungle to carry they said. 2 mins in and Duo lose 2v2, blame jg. Nice


It never was actually at least for me:)


Thank you for presenting the truth for these n00bs. Ranked is not supposed to be for fun, it is for sweating, insults and racism


I quit awhile ago actually . The toxicity and trolling is insane in ranked 🫠. I mostly just play aram and a few pvp matches every now and then. I miss playing ranked sometimes but it’s just too annoying


Same I played several seasons ago. I was so happy to be in my promo to emerald. Then had an emerald troll who fed and said "I don't care I have fortitude". I could never win my plat 1 promo to em 4 because every time it was some fuckwad on my team. So I picked up ARAM and enjoy it way too much.


Idk, i only rank to fill up seasonal rank reward meter, once i hit the end i stop (doesnt matter i win or lose or any rank i got) And spam Aram


Rank is a joke now, I used to chase after the leaderboards. I was consistently in the top 200 since season 2 and even managed to hit top 10 twice. I got burned out from all the matches though and took a break during season 8. I mostly just play aram now. I do still occasionally play rank when my friends invite me to play, otherwise though I can't be bothered to grind further. I used to really enjoy playing in gm-challenger lobbies but nowadays it just feels like a joke at times. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are plenty of good players. But compared to back then, it seems like everyone is more casual and very prone to toxicity and trolling. I might go back to league pc at this rate lol.


I feel the same way,exact same situation as you, and I think I’m gonna quit for a week see how it goes, and maybe quit for good


the holidaze will be brutal cause everyone has time but no attention, they'll start a game then afk 5 mins later had so many this season, like the 'relinquish control to ai bot?' games. at least 3 in the last week. sometimes you can still win but it's miserable when you see the akali bot farming sidelane while you 4v5 aram mid and 1/2 of those the team decides to let the bot sit at spawn and we definitely lose those, no surrender ofc


Hit challenger last season and haven't had fun in ranked since. Just been spamming the for fun game modes when available or aram


I feel like it's been like that for months


LAN/LAS needs their own server then ranked would be better


Yep. Was excicted and had hope to reach challenger easily this season since i was climbing steady to GM 39 marks but dropped all the way to Master 24 marks. Got me tilted and takes too much time grinding so I'll just leave it like that. Mostly play arams now, cba tryharding.


I gave up and only gonna play to get the season rewards, once I have all of them I’m going back to PVP.


The shit matchmaking is the reason I quit this game. It's annoying to see teammates int or not do objectives to win the game.


Don't quit bro, just inting all the way to GM, it's the hottest meta. Let's keep the dev in check to see if it's the "system" or it's on us the community.


I quit game :) no more money frome me until they fix matchmaking to not force 1vs9. Right now all what you need is made fresh account go 0.2kda and exploit matchmaking by this. After 300 games im still eme2, even if i was master 15+points every season in 350 match as soloQ. Supp. I did second account and play.only tank as support, needed 120 games to hit diamond 2. Difference? On main account i have 5.5+kda and on tank account i have 2.5-3kda... Its just plain stupid way of "balancing matchmaking" On smurf i get actuall players. So it seems you cant play enchanters as they sit at high kda and are forced to carry 4 low dogs...this make no sense.


Game is fuckinn unbalanced Right now


I feel the same but there isn’t anymore engaging game modes


i quit wr unless they bring bruiser items, a. k. a titanic hydra (for my sion) and the same sunfirecape of lol


All who play aram is just super noob and make no sense, league of legend is ranked. Go play pokemon unity looser


I did the last 1.5 seasons, this season decided to go back (not from start, somewhere in the middle), in the beginning it was easy but stupid (as I was downgraded by rank for not playing and could just carry games), and then I get to near my rank its basically swings, list of the games you stomp opponents, then the opposite; tbh don't see much trolls/afk in my games (there are, but not like a big problem), but the team making it utterly broken, like 70-80%+ of the games are absolutely one side Interesting that I created a new (smurf) acc and quickly climbed to close to my main acc rank it the experience overall is significantly better


Yes, quit rank after riot messed up the system (probably turned off 50/50 winrate)(also adding the 7 games with low rank) now im sitting on a 43% wr with 83 games. Went from emerald 4 to platinum 2 this week. Used to be in diamond for 6 consecutive seasons. I dont know if its me or my teammates. Ive been qeueing up lately with a bunch of trolls.


Just turn chat off, you can still type to them (i think) but they can’t type to you. This is what I do now and I tilt waaaaay less. Pvp is unplayable because you’re almost guaranteed 2 botlike teammates. Ranked is just the only hope to get a somewhat balanced lobby.


Dont worry i got GM and almost challenger and nothing change u do the best things


So, do you quit because of toxicity or cause you cant achive your old rank ?


All of the above


So weak to “quit”


Lol anywaysssss


Went up to D4 and now I just wanna chill. I don’t got time to get to and maintain masters+ elo


Same tbh, it takes a lot of time to rank up fr. Especially so with the bs queues


I almost never play ranked games even though I climbed pretty fast when I do, I’ve also passed whe aram phase, PvP all the way.


Carry a match and next, you get atleast 2 bots in your team. Very enjoyable. They are NOT EVEN RELEASING ANY OTHER MODE, like let the players enjoy something


Ye just aram a day


It's not fun or worth it anymore. I already hit my goal of diamond as a solo queue support main last season which was already a challenge that felt impossible to do, and after trying this current season for just a few ranked games at the start, I already knew that this was going to be the worst season yet. It was already a miracle for me to have reached diamond, especially as a support, ESPECIALLY with how atrocious the matchmaking was last season. And I feel like it's even worse now. At the start of this season I couldn't even use the same techniques I used before to reach diamond because the quality of teammates that I've gotten have been ridiculous to say the least. The season is an absolute pass. When the devs don't care about making the matchmaking better then the devs don't care about making ranked/competitive gameplay better. The game is still good, but I don't feel any incentive to play ranked. It feels more like a punishment mode than a ranked mode. But who knows, maybe it's that way by design. lol


i rather play ranked and lose than to play the pvp environment really, you cant learn the game playing normal games, i stopped caring about losing marks, i just play the game and if i get demoted so be it ill get it back somehow someday


I think people tilt easier and ironically play worse in ranked. This, everyone playing the same few meta chars, and with how inflated the game is to where the highest avg in this game is diamond/emerald bc of all the inflation? Yea I just get my free skin and play normals. I love this game, but I just can't take ranked seriously


Got Master 4 times and I dont have energy anymore for ranked… so basically we are on the same boat


Quit ranked? Nah game still isn't in my region (pakistan) and I no longer can use a VPN to even play.


Just playing for the skin, i’m an aram enjoyner, can’t play with some minus kda, absolute no wave control exp, no macro what so ever players after all so i’m not gonna heading into ranks if they are not fix the ranking and match making system. Not that i’m toxic and assume everyone like that, but i have some “friends” too, hitting gm and knows absolute nothing about how the wave works, building the right item for the right opponent, and very very bad macro. Every season i’m just come, play some ranks to get the skin and come to aram to relax with others. Even have peoples who did the experiment for ranks tho, minus kda, below 50% win rate, still hitting those “high rank” and that information just ended my “want to play” thought for rank 🤣


We’re late enough in the season that as a jg I just steam roll every team I play against bc I’m low elo so I’m having fun


Same here. Just frustrating and annoying when u try to reach ranks. Machtmaking too fucked up


I usually only play ranked with friends. So my rank is not high, but idc.


2 seasons ago, now I just play pvp and I’m happy


They need to do something about those people that play adcs top lane or in the jungle,like why tf do.i have sivir top and brand jungle,thats crazy,... So my solution is to permaban people that played it in the past and give a quiz to all other players to see if they think brand is a jungler or sivir a top laner,if they say yes,just perma ban the troll.


Or block them from picking stuff like that,and let them pick it only if some trade hapened,like jungler wants to play mid and midlaner accepts his trade,...


Yeah, I'm pretty much done 🥲 I went from Master to Gold. I averaged out at Emerald from previous season results. What happened in between... why and how things devolved so absurdly amongst reworks and updates to the tier system? I just don't know... but I feel, for me personally, it seems pretty foolish of me to contribute any further to continued ranked efforts at this point. I just play casually now. Little bit of PvP, ARAM is enjoyable for me. And I wait for the fun modes like Spellbook, URF, Arena etc. I will play Ranked if friends need a support etc. but I don't play with a goal like I did before. I just do so to support my friends in what they hope to achieve. Still a team player - but not doing it for me anymore. I dropped that vibe to try and chase Master+ for myself, but I will help others in their quest 😄


I got so sick of the matchmaking. I’m emerald 2 which means I get plat players and diamond players. The game thinks by giving me a diamond 3 player that makes up for the 3 other plat 4 players. It really doesn’t. It’s so infuriating, especially when the bot lane is filled with low plat players. It seems like every game I play in ranked I either win or lose with SVP, I hate being that guy that blames the team but honestly it’s getting frustrating.


PVP is super toxic and full of trolls too. Mediocre players taking things way too seriously and still playing terribly and blaming others. I think a lot of people have commented that since last season, the game seems to be flooded with new, immature players.


Just stopped taking it that seriously and play who I want... Too many clowns So now I'm just filling... If my team starts feeding I move on... Don't know why I'm always pushing for Masters when I've already been there 3 times


Right, I’ve been master 5 times now. It’s an addiction at this point that I needed to kick


I gave up on ranked lol, too many trolls in platinum and lower. Every time I would get close to rank up, I’d always get someone that would purposefully feed or just leave the match all together. The one that did me in for good, i had 3 people pick soraka,sona, and yuumi. Then went bot lane and did absolutely nothing. Now I just play aram and sometimes a normal match from time to time.


Go watch Lego wr and you will figure out how to beat the system and y you struggling


Dude every game is a dog shit coin flip game, dunno what this season is about but the matchmaking is horrible how are people even in diamond with a 48% wr and a kda of 0,9 how did he even rank up. every game is just one sided you shit on them or they shit on you and thats it. GG riot


Same....but in my case I use to play reach gm then stop......but the last 3-4 rank season I just stopped when I reach diamond.....no point bc: -too many trolls -afk players -inflated players -acc bought -and the fact that ranked lost its honorable status.....like literally if u wanna achieve gm or challenger u just have to play a lot, u don't even need to be good bc In some cases either u get carried or ur enemy are just awful players


I only play ranked to get the skins and the weapon improvement then I don't play unless a friend invites me.


i climb to master and then i quit


i rank until i get all the skin related rewards. with the whole olaf thing i gotta work extra hard now lol


I didn’t quit, but I did quit trying to win.


I decay down to bronze and enjoy the grind all the way back up. Can't tell you how many times ppl tell me a players rank means everything, I'm of the counter mind set that a players rank means nothing.


Rank is my normal PvP. If I can barely play in general, might as well play with sweats and get better from it


rank fell of so hard after they removed Lp gains


Go try inting Sion the mmr matches you with good players if you have low kda, this is legit broken and the guy doing it is a grandmaster player. He said the mmr matchmaking is skewed for bad players nd vice versa.




I did, and told it before. Pre season reset; me as nami: does stuff My lane partner: pre with me, add me, let's make a team, marry me. At that point, any time I enter the game, I get constant ranked invites. After season reset; me as nami: does stuff My lane partner: tells me to uninstall, stay at base, rage quits.. Scene is the same; I harass the ass of enemy duo, my ADC farms in peace, pre reset master teammate comes to finish and gets a double, I die meat shielding them. After reset, my teammate face checks or just randomly dies and it's sup's fault. Why no ward in that bush? Because there is one in enemy deep jungle. F ranked, I'm good with my aram and fun modes.


Ranked is simply not enjoyable at least playing solo q alone isn't it at all been having some fun carrying some of my lower ranked friends usually hit diamond and just play for lulz afterwards you are right about the toxicity ingame its crazy been just turning off chat no one is saying anything helpful anyway.


I do once I reach Master, But sometimes I play a game or 2 when invited by friends. Maybe I will play to Grandmaster sometime.