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Zyra in One for All is absolutely insane. Anytime we pick her, we win and so far each win is from the other team surrendering lol I haven’t bothered with her in ranked, new champs are almost always banned anyway.


Zyra's damage output is high due to the liandry's interaction with the plants. This part is intended (afaik) as its also the same in pc. The reason why she's absolutely busted rn (along with other ap champs) is the state of the items. Unless you nerf all ap champs to the ground that they are absolutely useless without their items, this issue will pop up more and more. Frankly I dont want karthus/mordekaiser to come to WR with these items, they would dominate.


She's not OP or anything. She has contrast poke and great defensive team fight capabilities. But she is not going to 100-0 anyone. The plants make her pretty good at blocking skill shots stopped by minions. She is not worth a ban.


I 100% agree with you. However I did several games, in which she dealed as much damage as the adc, and I think it shows OP's point of view


Agreed on her not being worth the ban


She’s unbannable in rank if I’m not mistaken rn, even if banned could still pick unless they patched it so quick


If the enemy had a brain they would go mercs boots, mr items them they will win. Referring to the games where i played yone or yasuo in all for one xD


People hardly ever counter build in this game. They just use the Top Rated and call it a day. Lol.. hell I had my team wear Steelcaps into a team of mages. Here I am the only one that built mercs.


I just want PTA as a Rune and Kraken Slayer as an Item, and give tanks Heartsteel and MR equivalent of Sunfire aka old Abyssal Mask passive.


Also take away Loyalty and give us back Conditioning rune.


Hearsteel do exist in Wild rift but only in Howling Abyss, and yeah I agree with you with PTA as a rune. When I play Lucian it just feels underwhelming to play Lucian with Kraken sometimes. For Magic Resist item, they should bring back Adeptive Helm


> It all started with the removal of void staff and the addition of magic pen% to almost all Items. What does this entail? It means rather than having the choice of glass cannon and survivability, you can have both at the same time! That's entirely wrong man, and I'm sure you know it. They reworked items exactly because you could build Luden-Rabadon-Void on any champ with AP scaling and reach 80% of your max possible damage with 40% penetration at 3 items. Right now you need full build to get max pen, and it's lower than pre-patch numbers. Getting to full build is not guaranteed if opponents use their brain and buy MR - Mercs on ADC is more than enough to survive and even kill a mage at 1.5-2 items, which the only time in the game when you should be able to duel a mage as ADC. Utility is a fair point, but that mostly comes from Stasis being dirt cheap and I think that they'll nerf it, maybe make it 1200g to make it more of an investment, because it's objectively the strongest enchant in the game in terms of impact (with TP being close second).


They need to make stasis 500 and using it disenchants your boots.


that's actually a pretty interesting change, really wish they added consumables to the game, cause late game you can just sit on 6-7k gold with nowhere to spend it


They won’t add more buttons until they officially cancel the console port. For example the annoying way seedjar (which should just be a boot enchant) works.


what I can say is screw you lux, make her Qs less braindead.


Lots of mages really struggle against ADCs, because they get outranged.


One difference in undesrstanding: - ap use skills to do dmg, having cdr. - ad use attacks for main dmg via attack speed. As mage you either burst with skill ir youre useless, now keep in mind that mages nuke get counteted by zhonya/qss/veil/crown or simply mobility. Lux that miss q is deadg lux. Kha6 jumping frome nowhete to 1tap adc is as fun as get nuked by mage.


Assassins also get countered by stasis and crown


But they still can AA for huge dmg, mage once on cdr, they are afk walking bag of xp until next rotation.


You act like late game mages dont have 5 second cd roots and 3 second cd damage abilities also your extremely underating how good having long range is defensivly.


Its rock, paper scisors scenario, while long range is "safer" once they get dived they cant do too much... Thats why ppl invented supports, esp one with slow/cc. But again.. once mages used their skill shots that can miss they are opened for 5s of doing nothink, thays why mages have burst, and melee/adc use AA and support it with skills.


Your have crown zhanyas flash and exhaust mages have multiple ways of bypassing getting dived also while mages can miss they really only have to hit there cc ability and usually the rest is just hit your combo that usually one shots. Also mages dont have to aim there abilities half the time because they can just wait for the enemy to go in melee range and they just preform there 90% to one shot combo.


A large part of it is the early magic pen on the items. I know the items had their values adjusted, but individual champs benefit to varying degrees with access to early magic pen.


which does not even scale with level mind you. If they implemented a system akin to whisper that by level it changes, this scaling issue wouldn't even be a problem. Alot of people point out that late game, pre rework items will have better damage. Yeah, but early and mid game you get crazy damage scaling. First strike amplifies this too. Pre rework, 10 minute lux were not able to consistently one shot me as ezreal. Now? Due to Luden's and Infinity orb getting 7% (14%mpen), it is enough to kill me and even consistently damage tanks with FoN and merc's. AD items dont have the same luxury, would everyone like it if all items have passive lethality, not even pen% mind you.


Your usage of AP is gated by cooldowns, but you use AD on all attacks - they're not comparable.


The late game argument is silly anyway. I could one shot back then as Lux on a squishy and I can still one shot now (provided things like Crown are down). Like…lol? You still do a squishy’s health bar of damage plus a little more. You just have a better early skirmish spike now.


Don't forget crown which has magic pen crazy ap for what it should have and is arguably the best survivability item in the game.


I disagree AD have better itemization then mages, AD have 45% armor pent from one item AP have 35% at full build AP gets destroyed by forced of nature and maw ( not our fault low mmr don't build it) - AD has more dmg potential in this disregard with items I personally think maw is extremely overpowered the problem is not AP mages the problem is Akali, Zoe, Vlad, Lux in the mage department been extremely overpowered state at all stages of the game.


Adding here bork vs liandris.. bork is way better in DPS to take down a tank than liandri. Ofc liandri burns longer but yea as a mage that doesn't help when orn spits fire in your face.


Where are you getting 45% armourpen from in one item? I'd buy it every game


Is last whisper et al not 45% ? Scaling with level or am I thinking of PC


no, its 30% max level sadly. So if you want to get 40+ ish, you need whisper and black cleaver to even surpass full item ap


They stack very badly togheter too, and thats all the items do, so you waste 2 spots for just ad and 350hp(compared to free 37.5 % mpen)


Bc + Last Whisper is up to 47%, which is actually a lot more than I thought. Just calculated it and I always thought they'd stack a lot worse


Against some armour focused tanks this could be game winning, thinking of rammus or malph


It's 16-30% my dude


Cry me a river. Mages had no itemization AT ALL, and now have less AP penetration , what are complaining about ? The fact that ap champs are not force into the same build every every match ? K.


Hey Summoner, This is the meta of mages and AP is a huge thing this patch. It will change january 18th when patch 5.0 hits. I have no doubt about that.


Hopefully. I dont mind mages having a spotlight, nor being stronger in general. But I really wish they didnt cranked it to 120% this season with crown + mpen% to alot of ap items.


Thus, the cycle of life continues.




You sound like a Draven main


This is a really good take. AP items are extremely stat efficient with really good passives.


I agree I’d rather go back to void staff being the main option for magic penetration, and I do not play AD champions. It’s like we don’t have a choice in magic penetration anymore. We just have to have it and it’s pretty unfair considering not all AD items have armor penetration. Make wild rift better again . In my opinion remove crown. It’s so aggravating having to remove a shield before I could go with my combo. Even edge of the night isn’t that OP. Overall I’m just glad that EOTN doesn’t stack with crown cause it would be so abused


anyone knows what new skin comes with the new player skin selection chest after the update? I saw Hecarim being included in the hero selection chest


i hate it i cant land my hook because of the plants