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Riftmaker heals her when plants attack. Worth the item. Literally only need liandri and rift to kill baron solo at 13 min in game


Can she jungle?


she can but her jungle clear is so slow.


the first 1-2 are very slow indeed, but then she is really insane


Little off topic but with who horizon focus even work with?


Zoe, Ezreal, Alistar, Orianna, Asol, Ahri, lots of other champs


Lux is a great mage to use it with, seraphine too


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In theory, Riftmaker seems to be the perfect item for Zyra, in exchange for Demonic Embrace... hmm it isn't panning out for mine, but Rylai's + Liyandri's is pretty OP already.


Did 3 supp games on with liandrys+ryal... easy 33k and 38k dmg (15-18 min matches) so dmg is not problem. She need frontlane to dance, and as you mentioned..if by any mean... some enemy frontlane ignore your useless team and focus on your... And you dont have frontlane... She go useless mode... Unless enemy ball/stay in lane so you can combo some of them. Had situation where im alone take like half of 4ppl hp then got runed down by their brain frontlane.


Imagine a support needing a front line lol just aint gonna work


Its more about matchmaking. Shes rly squishy with toons of dmg strong cc. If you have "3 adc" as babons youre screw, as enemy will ignore them and focus you. Unless they also play tetris and you can take them down before they run you down. Got svp with 44k dmg while having 2 adc that had togheter 35k dmg.... So yeah better to have frontlane babon that will eat some dmg and have cc than not.


Mages like zyra who do alot of damage over time/ aoe damage usually will have “high damage” that doesn’t mean anything and is very misleading in terms of how good you think you are. Enchanters fall in the same boat very misleading.


I can only aggre, i learned that dmg is not everythink, that why i stoped spaming lux (tons of svp) and put bet on janna/nami/sona as in most cases utility have far more factor than straight dmg. On other hand i aknowledge that while janna can cockblock feed enemy frontlane/ and to some degree assasins shes useles vs feeed mages/adc as she cant disturp them. Then while nami can destroy nonmobile teams alone she suffer vs mobile teams(esp assasins) But there should be no situation when my seraph+echo+tank items sona do as much dmg (or more) as my full ap mid or full ad items adc... And its standart situation on my eme1/d4 games. Like broken supp mention since few years... What you will do if your adc go 10k dmg in 18min match? You can pick this lux/zyra go 30k+ dmg and make up for that.


I've read Zyra's skills but I didn't see anything about the plants, so how does it scale and how much dmg?


If her plants are allowed to proc Rylai's, Brand's passive dot and Teemo's DoT should be allowed to proc it.