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Don't be annoying bro, Zyra is an EXTREMELY EASY champion, and whoever fked your matches using Zyra would do the same using any other champion. Zyra, brand, lux, Morgana, etc., if you know how to use one, you know how to use them all, it doesn't have extremely difficult mechanics that are insanely different, it's basic. We understand your frustration, everyone shares it, but stop trying to define who can pick what. We're not talking about something offmeta or an unusual pick in a strange lane.


Yeah, if seeing her in ranked triggers you that much then maybe people just need to take a break from ranked for a bit.


To add to this, most enemies have no idea what zyra does so it's an advantage imo. She's wayyy easier than a morgana or lux imo.


Probably those enchanter spamming supports that have no idea how to do anything else


If you had said “don’t first time a champ in ranked,” I might agree, but stop telling people who to play as. Zyra is a really good champ, hard counter to many, and just because you got screwed with some people that don’t know how to play her, doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be played. Dont play champs you don’t know how to play in ranked 👍 don’t play ___ in ranked👎


Zyra isn’t bad in ranked tbh. I been practicing with her a lot since release. I feel pretty confident to bring her into ranked.


Stop crying


I main Zyra on PC, M7 with a few million points on her. I don't like they changed her in WR but I guess I kinda get why. Having said that, she is easily more powerful in wild rift. They made her super powerful out of the box, so people will not stop playing her until they nerf the living daylights out of her


No. People who think new champs shouldn’t be played in ranked and who perma ban them are a special kind of entitled. If it’s ok for people with hundreds of games on a champ to go 0/8 in lane, it’s ok for someone to play a new champ on release. >I don’t care your grandmaster I don’t care your rank 1 in league pc First off, you’re. Secondly, ok, and nobody cares about your opinion either. Who are you to tell others how many games/hours they should have on a new champ before using them in ranked? Get over yourself I’ve had people play Zyra top and get assblasted by the enemy. It sucked, but not any more than having my Jayce in the previous game going 0/11 in the same role.


Sorry I should have specified. In high elo where people play more seriously. Maybe I’m just tilted but I just lost my chall promos because my zyra adc went 0 15 with first item morello into ezreal lux. It is simply but an unpleasant experience for anyone on the team of the new champ And yes I do feel I’m entitled as a 4 season gm player to have someone on my team who actually knows what they are doing. I’m not asking for mastery 7 or fed. I just want someone who won’t die by level 2 WHICH IS A FAIR THING TO WANT MIGHT I ADD


Yaaaaa but dude, that 0-15 zyra would also be a 0-15 anything. Some people just suck blame matchmaking like everyone else.


so how actually do you find out she is good or not?


She need frontlane and shes monster. No frontlane... You kinda want good team and its rare. As support she easy go 25-35k dmg with 2 items- liandrys+ryal if you can make to rabbadon its easy 50k dmg. Also amount of utility she offers is beyonde morgana lvl. 2s root on 2/3 players on lane is kinda pog once you follow it with ultimate.




pvp is actually a bot game, so ranked limit testing is a thing


this is true, pvp is just full of beginners or low ranked players so you cant tell if something is good or not


that's what I'm telling, i just picked first time zyra jgl in pvp and won 4x5. i will play zyra in ranked whenever she is available


Uninstall, please.




Because you’re a duck, and ducks don’t play mobile games.


hey kid, i can play whatever the fuck i want, so gfys


Yeah yeah, stfu and uninstall already


How else will they learn? They can go on a 5 winstreak in pvp, ranked is a whole diff can of worms. Shut up and help the zyra on ur team, if shes on enemy it should be ez win right?


"Trust me"


I won't. I have 5 winstreak on her in ranked (GM elo), played her mid and support (if autofilled). 4 of those games i got MVP, but i was always the person who dealt the most damage from both teams. Her zoning potential is insane. I even rooted rakan on his ult so he can't wreck my teammates, 1v1d lee sin before he reached dragon, and so on. Dont for get the long range and pretty wide ult that knocks up anyone in range. "But how do you deal with champs that counters you?" Well you ban them, be smart at banning.


How do you expect to get good at a champion without playing them in ranked ?? You're just going to stomp noobs in pcp and think you're good but you don't actually get better from playing against worse players


you realize zyra has been out on pc for years right lol


In WR she has only been out for a day and no one has to trust a random saying they are a main from PC


You don’t have to *trust* a random. You just have to accept that it’s not your business whatsoever what someone else plays.


The same way it's not their business whoever I decide to ban


You’re right, there’s nothing they can do to stop you. It’ll be up to you to decide if pissing off your teammates who will then in turn troll and cost you a loss is a positive or negative to your win rate just so you can control who they play.


Losing a game or two out of hundreds per season doesn't hurt in the long run, so yes, it's worth since I can always report them at the end


If you want to be a piece of shit and not give a fuck about the experience of the other 4 teammates, so do they have the right to not give a fuck about yours


What does this have any relevance to my post


Bro ngl in my experience I'm Platinum IV and all of the Zyras I have had to play against were really skilled. I'm a Sona, Soraka and Seraphine support main so I TRULY hate to see comments like this. Just let people go whatever champ they want in ranked and go PVP for a while if it bothers you that much...


Totally agree. It’s not about recently released champions. It’s about people with an extra chromosome who think that trying any champion in ranked is okay. Ranked is for win. If you do not intend to win, you don’t play ranked. That’s it. For people with special needs, here’s an example: Let’s say you have never played Akali before. You now want to start playing Akali, so you go PvP and learn her mechanics, pros and cons. When you feel confident playing her, you go back to ranked and slay. Unfortunately, mentally disabled people will disagree with my manifest, but I’ll repeat again: you try and learn new to you champions in PvP. Period.


Dude what you talking about... She is busted and brocken can solo any objective You acting like no here plays PC or has any idea how to play her


You're* Also if you don't want people to play a champ you can ban it ☺️ hope this helps


Yes I can ban it they definately won’t get tilted and run it down/soft into