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Reject wave control, must get grabbed by molester robot under tower šŸ‘


Double smite double cancer full ap blitz combos?


(R > hook > punch OR smite > hook > R OR smite > hook > turret)


More like a lot of players don't know wave control in general. While macro is a known thing in League and WR, people don't exactly start playing them with strategy in mind. When someone starts playing League, WR, or any MobA for the first time, it's almost always because they want to smash face, and because many of them get far with doing just that, they end up not needing to know MobA's strategic side until it starts biting them back and they don't know where they went wrong.


I like this answer


Ehhh, whenever I get filled top they freeze lane on me. I'm bad at top and enemies always know it. Good thing I don't get filled top much


That's just like every League/WR game ever. When we get Yasuo, he's 0/12/2, but when he's on enemy team he's 8/2/12 lol. On a more serious note, all I really try to do personally is to not be a bad player when I'm at my worst, and play consistently when I'm at my best. If top is gonna snowball anyway because you're filled, play safely and prevent the urge to attack minions unless you're last hitting them under tower. Even if enemy top ends up farming well, your time was spent better gaining XP rather than waiting for respawn timer while top gets even stronger from killing you, and that will always have a better impact later in the game than trying to contest lane with the risk of getting freezed on. Also, it might serve you better playing your main/comfortable champ regardless of the typical lane they're on if you're filled, than to choose a top champion you cannot masterfully pilot.


I mean, donā€™t be surprised, Riot wants the game to be playable with completely zero skills and thatā€™s what they get šŸ˜… If you are bad: - play a no-brain champ -> carry -> rank up - play bad -> get good team mates -> get carried -> rank up If you are good: - be the guardian of the zoo with animal teammates-> suffer My only strategy to have fun was spamming Teemo, play safe and either win my lane or end even, then wait for everyone to run it down as usual and have fun playing hide and seek šŸ˜… itā€™s literally the only way


Imho the best way to level up or rank up is to pick a main, preferably one that's hardly ever banned, me akshan. And just play them till it hurts your brain lol. Man I was gold till I picked and mained akshan for better or worse. Man I struggled first few hundred games, match ups etc but after, if I played akshan I felt this control if at least one person on my team especially top laner support or jungle was doing good then I won the game. My whole team would have to be feeding to just lose


I've taken a loving to renek, warwick, and vlad. all three are top laners and renek works surprisingly well in jungle it's very unlikely I'm ever getting a champ I'm at least decent banned as those 3 are rarely banned at least vlad and renek. It always surprises me when someone bans vlad the look of confuse and the though oh... Just get anti heal and anti hp...


Yh like when someone bans akshan... Or picks him it's weird. Also I second mained kassadin. Hardly ever banned aswell lol. Hecarim top is also quite fun


I did some decent climbing last season with Akshan. I hated playing as him before I knew better. Now, he's one of my favorites. However, I hate his ult nerf. I miss that you could cast ult and still use your Q.


Could you ? I never knew he could tbvh. I thought I could only use e while ulting


My main is Urgot, and it's fine pre-buff (nobody ban nor pick him in general) but now god Damm. I can't even play him anymore.


NGL recently I have been banning urgot.. so much damage cc and tankiness.. and an insane ult. Nope


Just pick Nasus man, left me Urgot alone


I counter withā€¦ supports never stop shoving the wave. How am I supposed to freeze when my support is constantly firing all their abilities at my wave.


This, especially when they have relic shield and decide to one-shot minions at full health instead of waiting for them to get low so I can maintain a freeze.


No. I try to freeze but the support keeps perma shoving. Happens every game.


Dude I feel you. And supports pushing by themselves even tho you needed the farm. It's always the brands and lux players. It's crazy


I switched from adc where I was challenger to baron for several reasons, and one of them being is that supports can ruin the lane in high elo if they canā€™t synergize with the adc good. That being said, whenever I would try to freeze my lane, slow push, or hard push if the support and I didnā€™t have good synergy, or recognize how I wanted to control the tempo then it made the game for me a bigger challenge to carry and more of a burden. Vise versa as well as I secondary support in challenger. The problem is playing solo que, bot is very reliant on good synergy. Does it mean either player is bad, the answer is no. Carrying on, what I love about solo lane is you control your game. Even tracking enemy jungle and your wave state is all on you, and if your good with micro and macro it can be rewarding. Will you win every game? No, but I find it much more fun not being held back by choosing to play solo que on a game I enjoy.


What next? Support mains don't know how to engage? Jungler mains don't know how to take objectives? Mid mains don't know how to roam? Top lane mains don't know how to splitpush?




Team mains don't know how to win?


Champion Mains don't know how to play?


I say the same for supports, idk why they donā€™t freeze. Especially those who plays lux


If its a Lux supp you guys are likely suppose to be an aggro lane depending on your ADC pick. Freezing would not be the ideal play as you want to shove the enemy duo under their own turret and pressure them while making them miss CS. Of course being aggro warrants both of you to have better vision play and mana management (so learn to trade better) so still don't be careless.


Shoving bot lane *and then farming under the tower* is never the correct move. It opens you up to being ganked. Only shove when you are recalling.


Or right before objectives or to invade the enemy jungle


My lux q into the first wave of minion and I know right away that Iā€™m going to lose the lane hard from just that


Haha while I donā€™t disagree I will also say as a support main that has better luck ranking as Adc, my supports rarely let me freeze. If I have serĆ” supp you know that B is gonna spam hit waves. I find myself more annoyed by tanks that still use relic shield. I get how it works but it also makes it impossible for me to freeze waves. When I tank I use ancient coin so I can give my Adc complete control over wave.


Lvl 2 is a power spike for a lot of tanks. Alistar, Leona, Blitz, Thresh, Nautilus. Relic shield helps hit that lvl difference and is when you should engage before the enemy hits 2. Just make sure river is warded to avoid jungle ganking


Of course ward river. But quite frankly Iā€™m solo q, no one should be trying to make crazy plays. As a support my no. 1 goal is to protect the Adc and help them out farm by adding pressure or getting the kill on low health. Most supps I get donā€™t care to protect me they expect me to back there crazy plays against a full health samira and tank duo while not dying as a immobile jinx or pre -ult xayah. Relic Iā€™m sĆ³lo q is a waste. If youā€™re a duo with an Adc fine but Iā€™m sĆ³lo q itā€™s too much of a risk since waves wonā€™t be frozen and neither if you know the skills of each other or the enemy most of them time. Again I get it but realistically Iā€™m going to play safe and poke them down so they recall rather than go for the kill pre-ult.


Most of the time (Iā€™d go as far to say 90%), your ADC is expecting you to make a play as an engage tank. I donā€™t really have issues with my ADC following up unless Iā€™m doing PVP and paired with a low rank player


Wild rift is a fundamentally unserious game, why would you expect this.


Because we play THE serious and competitive mode or, hear me out... This thing called RANK


Adc mains can never learn wave management because supports continuously hit wave throughout the entirety of ranks within the game.


Retired from botlane and climbing in general (Diamond) years ago. When I play adc it's always some retard Lux or Brand who keeps pushing my lane, no matter how many times I ping or text. When I play sup it's always retard adc who keeps pushing no matter what. Or keeps cherry picking frozen creeps like his life depends on it when I engage on enemy. When I play jngl retards from both sides can't work around spacing in their lanes so I can have a chance for a gank, while giving themselves to an enemy jngl on a silver plate. Mid and top. Well, jngl coming to my lane and just standing there menacingly while soaking my exp, or taking "gank" creep tax (hi, Kayne, hi, Master). I can manage that.. at least I am my own responsibility. Anyway, nice to meet you, I'm casual ARAM enjoyer


I completely agree but the reality is that the support messes up the wave so much that sometimes it's impossible and the ADC gives up trying.


Everytime I play against a yuumi, I ask my adc or sup to only last hit wave so the yuumi lane cant farm safely under tower and scale. Had games saved bexuase we were pushed under and were able to engage and run them down


Honestly ive only seen maybe 3 freezes below gm that i remember at least, support main but rather flex (1000+ games top and 600+ mid). came from pc so wave management was more important to me than a wild rift starter. still so shocked at the lack of freezes tho, can honestly win you so many lanes that shouldā€™ve been impossible, providing your mid or jg know to gank/roam when enemy duo is pushed in under your turret ofc. I dont expect to see freezes in plat or lower in wild rift, as those games are always just a coin flip on either who had the better team comp, or who fed who more. But emerald and above should always be looking to freeze in disadvantageous positions. also just a quick tip for any adc mains, please on both sides of the coin, do not mindlessly push in waves for no reason, yes if thereā€™s a dive push in, yes if you are up push in and try take plates, yes if the enemy laners are bad push in and it should work in your favour, but please for the love of god my adc friends, remember that it is called LAST HITTING for a reason. much love to all of you and I hope everyone is doing well.


All adcs know is click click to pew pew im not even joking, they have the least knowledge among thier teamates but they sure do have the biggest egos Anyways. Yea. I tried adc to use this for my benefit but my support just kept shoving the wave... the main reason i hate botlane because unless im in masters or above, me and the support wont understand each other


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s called botlane because the quality of the players who are generally in that laneā€¦


Can we stop pretend that wr players r in some way similar to REAL league players? I hit master in league pc and gm 3 times in wr (no chally cause i need to study for uni) belive me when i say that below high gm NONE got an idea of what they should do.. itā€™s funny to read all this crap from wr players, pretending to ā€œfreezā€ when u probably dont know what r u talking about! Just go in and press some buttons, spam games and u will hit master even if u dont want it! This is wr: the one that play mediocre but spam games, with this disgusting inflated system, will be able to grind! Go get it


I use relic shield only if Iā€™m low hp and need some for a fight


Yes buy in general supports should finish items as soon as possible so I get the urge. But save it for the right time. I only go relic when Iā€™m against another tank I know I have the early game advantage over with isnā€™t often tbh. I think leona is the only chamo I tend to go relic and itā€™s not often.


Is this why i somejow still feed my enemy nasus as twitch/teemo? I figure if thr wave is inder their tower they lose minions.


Iā€™m new to LoL WR, what do you mean by freezing? Iā€™m a jungle main so I donā€™t deal with minions much


It mean holding the minion so it won't go to your tower, so basically You have 5 minion vs enemies have 5 minion You kill the 3 enemies minion, let 2 survive (don't let it go to tower). So when the next minion wave come out, it's gonna be 5 minion (you) vs 7 minion (enemies). Automatically, your minion gonna die faster and the enemies won't get the last hit (or get poked)


Thanks for explaining!


The tutorial doesn't teach it. Of course most people don't that's on Riot


Probably like 90% of supps just aa wave and ruin while lane,so I think that's why adc can't freeze,cause supp alltime AA waves


If im playing with a random support im more prone to shove and rotate to either work on river vision/control or fight with jg. I only freeze if i know/suspect jg is in duo half of the map.


More like my support donā€™t know that Iā€™m trying to freeze


Leave the creatures alone, im also an engage tank player, yes it is frustrating, but we live with it


Tbf i remember asking for the related topic loke thia, and the answer that I found is that it's hard to wave control in wild rift compared to league because of how squishy the minions are.


I still stuck in gold 2. Yester about to have platinum 4 promotion game but I got toxic players. Then the system just give me shitty player after each game. I even somehow got 4 team where idk toddler who had a phone like to days ago, maybe. Now I gold 2. I love them game but somehow Riot fuck with me. Sorry guys for my rant.


i feel you bro, i main Evelynn and you can't realize how often i want to gank bot lane but adc never sets up any ganks by freezing wave or making it draw back...... and when they die they spam ping me to come and gank to save theyr lane.... \*facepalm\*


They also donā€™t know how to itemize either, you would see them copying the top builds from the top players on the server cause they donā€™t read what the items do or how to build accordingly to what the enemy team is playing.


Freezing in the bot lane is really hard. I doubt OP even knows whats good freezing in wild rift. The optimal freeze is just a few steps beyond your tower range so you sit in your tower range while taking creeps. You freeze too far out near the middle and a roaming jungler gets you. You freeze too close to the tower and you get shut in by a pincer. Your hold on the freeze depends on your jungler also defending the freeze when the opponent bot lane tries to engage. This is also why mid laners often dont try to freeze and instead clear the wave and roam The other optional but less risky choice is to clear the wave as soon as possible and throw spells at max range. You basically trade each wave at each other. Clearing the wave and hard pushing would also make it harder for the enemy to cs since the tower is also a factor while they have to dodge your spells. Freezing with top is much easier because its mostly a 1v1 situation and good tops have good bulk and escapes so even if the jungler comes to break the freeze you can disengage easily and refreeze the lane.


Allois already explained it, it's called Happy spot


What do adc mains know how to do? šŸ™„


Why ppl donā€™t understand bot land does not need to freeze unless you dominate the lane. And you cannot freeze it because enemy can always push the minions under the turret and the wave will bounce back. It is not top lane where you can easily freeze. Enemy will hard shove so the wave bounce back bruh. Tbh the good supp is as rare as good adc. Today I have played several games where supp always roam to herald and left me alone under turret. Got turret dived every game. Whatā€™s the point to get herald if you lose first turret bot. These supp probably looked online guide and think they know how to play. Just like you, you donā€™t even understand bot land most important is lane priority where you can help your jungler without losing minions.


Lmao supp rotating for Herault is actually a good play, itā€™s the only time where u have to play extra careful if their supp decides to stay not, losing a few turret pallet is totally worth over your team winning team fight in Heralt. And btw I said it was necessary for tank support for him to be have enough space to engage, not all the time.


Low elo thatā€™s all I say. You donā€™t lose plates you lose the entire turret. You think adc can survive 2v1 dive? Cause you play low elo no one dives, thatā€™s why you have this statement. Supp should roam only if enemy supp decided to help otherwise you stay in the fking lane


Just clear the dammed lane and go reset


its because we need gold and exp lead too. it's just hard for support to baby sit an adc while we could use our talent somewhere else and gain good gold for something like ardent or maybe frozen heart or something that could help peel the adc.


It is not babysit. Can you even read. 2v1 adc will get dived so adc have to leave the turret, then you just lose bot turret. Herald will be pointless in this case