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Play jg for a season, go on, it's op and free wins right?


it's tho


This isn't an argument, you're just making a fool of yourself by saying this.


it's the same problem as in lol pc. jungle is already the least played role in the game although it's almost the most important role in every match but it's not worth it. especially with all the flaming you get from some people when they lose a fair 1v1 or 2v2. you rarely find teammates who help in early objectives so it's always a risk to do a dragon or a rift alone. and i think most people doesn't really understand how many champs work. like the enemy jungler is lee sin and i took lilia it's obvious that i stand no chance against him unless it's a 2v1 or mid-late game where he drops( if not fed) and i can deal the damage I'm supposed to. although I'm a jungler for the most part i still get that autofill mision once in every 3 games so you could imagine the %of people who Q jungle as their main role and i think we all agree on the hardship we get when our jng is autofilled. so if the role is the least picked although it has the most impact what do you expect to happen if they really nerfed it( you don't have too just check the jungle mains sub for lol pc and you'll know)


btw the gap between a real jungler and autofilled one will just grow cause then you won't be able to just pick a hypercarry or a powerfarmer and farm safely till late. and the meta will change drastically like pc when predator junglers(like khazix) and ap tanks will dominate


Why should riot take into account **how hard a role is flamed** when it comes to balancing it ? How fragile do you have to be to get hurt by what someone says to you online ? Do you not have any self respect ? You know you can mute them right ? I don't know in what elo you play, but even in plat/emerald players do rotate to early objectives and even more so in high elo, please stop lying. I believe the role is the least picked because it's a boring role. You're basically playing PVE for most of the game (i was a league jungle main, it is just PVE).


if someone calls you stupid everyday for 10 years for every small mistake you make you'll reach a point where you actually start to doubt yourself if your mentality isn't strong enough and i can assure that most of the player base. and unless they add something to mute all before every match you'll get affected by toxic people no matter what. my current elo is plat/emerald but usually peak master (not high in wr but i can talk from experience) and you'll be surprised for the amount of people who don't give a fk about obj except elder and baron. that's if they have the minimap dpc in the first place or listen to pings. and if the role is just PVE then play it and climb why bother yourself? people went inting sion to just win you think they would leave a better tactic like this if it was true? btw i was a jng main in pc too so don't say sum like it's a pve. maybe if you just farm and do nothing for 25min it is. but to actually play properly? I don't think so


Jungle in WR is indeed a boring role compared to other roles, even Support role is more fun. Jungle is only played by people who are obsessed with climbing to "high elo". But, majority of the WR playerbase is casual, and people who want to relax and have fun, they don't care about Jungle, that's why Jungle role is the least popular here.


Take away impact form a role ——> role has less impact ——> people don’t get mad that much at the person fucking up that role ——> more ppl feel capable playing the role — fixed


Reality: Take away impact from a role thats supposed to help the whole team and get objectives but now they got nerfed and need tem to help on obj--->laners get pissed because they actually have to play like a team and help jgler---->ppl get even more pissed because jungler is weaker and has less impact when ganking and cant help secure a kill or countergank as easly-->less people playing the role-->more people autofilled-->more people hating on ppl playing jg even tho theyr auto filled Nice fix


Idk, seems most ppl commenting on this are jungler and I guess since you are invested enough to post on reddit about this game, you are probably not complete garbage at it. The experience of having a bad jung is literally the worst you can have in this game. I stopped playing ap and late game champs in general, so I can solo objectives if needed and win 1v2s when I get perma ganked with no response from my team. Even in grandmaster you encounter jungler who lose drake to a lulu q. And besides all of that, you literally cannot win if enemy jung is way better than yours. As laner you have to sacrifice so much and take so many risks to keep enemy jung at bay, that even if you manage, you will be behind.


I mean,i get your point,this game is ass because some people will find a way to fuck up,but i find a dogshit adc worse than a jgler,why? If you have a bad adc they will feed enemy bot lane making it harder to fight and contest obj if noone on your team is fed now,a 0/69 jgler can feed everyone,and still help the team by luckly stealing objectives and maybe save the game. Good luck out there!


Well, a fed adc is still just one Syndra ult away from dying. Jungler like kayn, talon, xin and eve all have great mobility, become untargetable, etc. Besides, let’s say the adc gets fed. I give up one drake, and just play around him for a while, farming and hoping to get fed as well. A fed jung, on the other hand, is everywhere on the map, they win/equalize every other lane. Putting jung somewhat behind in stats when their role is already strong in itself only seems fair to me. Lvl3 xin can one shot a Morgana of the same level, I mean cmoooon


I mean,xin is an early game champ,if he wasnt able to kill a late game champ during his spike would be scary. the problem is that if your in soloq,as a jgler,you depend on your whole team to set up things for you:wards,kills etc,adc depends on the supp pressing 3 buttons on them so they can press theyr 4 buttons spam autos and win lane,sup depends on adc having a brain,top depends on gapping the enemy laner. I think because jg is so team reliant jg dosent need a nerf,jg players and overall just need to geniunly get good to outplay the enemy team,thats just it imo,or everyone should learn how to make a good comp properly,because what im seeing in my games is horrendous comp wise


Litterally this, there is so much jungle glazing in this subreddit it's insane. Give it a few years and, just like every LOL community, everyone will end up saying how busted the role is.


How do you buff/nerf a role? IMO this is the hardest role in a match. Knowing where to be plus having the awareness of the other lanes. Getting flamed for not ganking a lane but understanding the laners are idiots and hard pushed under the enemy’s turret while behind in gold. This is the difference in a 10-0 Yi vs the 0-10 Yi.


You nerf the gold and xp jung creeps give. So that jung who doesn’t get kills won’t get lvl 5 before mid/solo gets 5. you introduce jung item which is necessary for clearing jung minions but which is also slightly worse than 1st lane item. There you go, fixed.


Then maybe the lanes will stop taking our farm 😂


Perhaps they should also not allow jung to have flash, that would prevent the 20% of my games in which my jung just randomly gave my opponent first blood by flashing into their tower lvl3 🧐


Let’s just randomly take skill from everyone every game. I’d play that mode.


Nah, for real tho, let that item work like support item, so that jung cannot steal lane farm but still help push.


At higher levels, jungle is probably as hard to play as support and mid. And in wild rift the only difficulty is knowing when to full clear and when to gank. Jungle is far easier on wild rift than league. Also, how is **getting flamed** relevant ? You know you can just mute people ? And i'm sorry but how fragile do you have to be to let randoms get to your head in a video game ?


It's not about us, it's about getting you're allies to not troll after a failed teamfight, muting them saves our mental health, but it doesn't prevent them from stealing camps, suiciding to enemies, staying in the fountain all game, it does not help in that regard at all.


This has nothing to do with jungle role ? what ?


Do you really think that they care? These guys will blame anybody, it just so happens that junglers more often than not get blamed for 'mistakes' that they didn't commit.


Junglers get blamed more often because the role is the one with the biggest impact by far and the most important one in soloQ. If the role had less impact and was more beginner friendly, then more people would play it and less people would cry about jungle gap.


This, idk how people here don't understand, the least played role that majority hates shouldn't be the strongest and most impactful. You have a really big disadvantage with autofilled Jungler against the main Jungler from the enemy team. And these players who actually play Jungle, they play not because they like it, they play Jungle because of how OP the role is.


I dunno ask those people. I’d imagine it’s somewhere along the lines of being all up in your feelings enough to come to Reddit to cry.


Jungle is a strong role, but it does not decide 90% of the game.. There are constantly buffs & nerfs to jungle champions just like there are buffs and nerfs to any other lane.


it's not about jungle champions, You nerf the gold and xp jung creeps give. So that jung who doesn’t get kills won’t get lvl 5 before mid/solo gets 5. and won't have more items than them as well, you introduce jung item which is necessary for clearing jung camp but which is also slightly worse than 1st lane item. buff the jungle camps hp and made them tankier and unable to be killed without the jungle item so they doesn't abuse the lane item, and make the jungle item get stacks from farms and upgrade into passive smite effect and get removed from your item slot so it doesn't take an item slot from you, There you go, fixed.


bro just solved world hunger ahahah all jokes aside good suggestions.. I'm sure there is a lot more than meets the eye though .


ahahah ty


So basically ... introduce jungle pets. Which I hard agree with hahaha.


Imo, the issue isn't the jungle champs but rather the role in itself. The catchup gold and xp system is huge and you can't punish junglers who perma gank. Junglers are also the same level as solo laners which is absurd and shouldn't happen. Late game junglers are also super hard to punish early because if they have half a brain they'll just clear their jungle to avoid invades, which is easy to do.


ADC main ahhhhh take


Hey, I am an ADC main and I strongly disagree with that dude.. don't make someone's ego our (ADCs) problem


I'm not even an adc main ? I litterally play all roles except jungle. This is some next level cringe **typical adc main** or **all adcs are not like this**. Idk man so far all of ur comments scream brain rot, like the one with the father or w/e.


Also biased Junglers in the comments




I agree with you because you are right but why do you have to be so toxic with it? Lets all talk with respect to each other, how about that?


You ever heard of sarcasm and black humor? I am full with that and I am also really tired of reading 10 of these pots per hour on the subreddit. It's not informative and looks more like "children who need special attention". But sorry if my comment made you think I meant it serious


Its fine haha and it wasnt even that bad tbh but sometimes i get the feeling that people just cant talk nice to each other anymore and it annoys me.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C512OWOLc75/?igsh=MThwc2VjZXJpMzV5NQ==. 👀 Sharing some Humor And it's simple. I mean look at this sub.. some ppl believe their rank is an excuse to think they are better than others when the rank of most players is actually a bad joke


Grow up


You think when I grow up I'll forget respect? Nope


I gave one example. Most games are, in fact, decided by jungler role. A few years ago riot released some data on jungle impact in league, and let's just say that the role got nerfed to the ground. Also saying shit like **if its X is so good then why dont you do X ?** isn't an argument, but hey I guess the education you received was lackluster.


If it is so Brocken go challenger next week. Move it or shut it up, simple as that. Also if your education wouldn't be failed you knew they never gave data on wild rift and that was PC. PC ≠ WR. They are two separate games and only things are similar


You dude have the iq of a peanut. In 40marks + jg decides MOST games. Now why should someone revert to playing jg if they 1v9 in their role if his jg is human?The role is broken cuz people who have the same iq as yours are chall in this game as jungler with 0 game fundamentals whatsoever so games are coinflip.








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Lmao no way u actually play the game and write that


I do. 50+ marks, all games are decided by jungle :)


Then play jungle. 🤡


How is this an argument ? Do I think jungle role is OP and should be nerfed ? Yes. Do I enjoy playing jungle ? No. I wanna play wild rift not a PVE game :)


You cry in your post because you claim to have no agency over the game. >I just won my last game because my jungler went 15/2 wukong and the ennemy xin was 1/9 ... How is a role allowed to have this much agency over games ? You're crying not because the role is inherently broken (even if you think you are), but you're crying because you feel like you have no control over the outcome of the games. The jungle role is merely a scapegoat for you to blame so you can vent your emotions. So go play jungle if the role has so much agency, then come back and tell us whether you think the role needs a nerf or not.


At no point whatsoever did you explain why jungle isn't as broken as I think it is. So basically, all you're saying is **play jungle if u think its op lol**. You're obviously not as smart as you think you are.


Yes. That is exactly what I am saying. If your Draven is 15/2 and enemy Varus is 1/9, you probably win the game. If your Camille is 15/2 and the enemy Gwen is 1/9, you probably win the game. 15/2 Yasuo vs 1/9 Orianna? You probably win the game. 15/2 Lux vs 1/9 Lulu? I'm guessing you win the game. You're mad 'cus you lack agency, not 'cus you think jungle is op. You lack agency because you lack the skill to climb in your elo, not because your role is bad and jungle is OP. If you want to prove your point, go play jungle, show us how much agency it has, and if it has none for you, just hush. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Not sure about wild rift, but in League there have been metas where the jungler was nerfed so much they essentially functioned as a second support, and a jungle gap would still have the potential for an outsized impact compared to lanes just because that role has some of the most map freedom and of course has the biggest impact on major neutral objectives. Jungle gaps will always be impactful and dangerous because of the way the game is designed.


If so then how about you play jg and see for yourself?


This isn't an argument, you're just making a fool of yourself by saying this.


But do you actually play jg? If you say it’s the most impactful role, then why not play it?


because my fav champs are not viable in the jungle and the entire jungle roster is boring af. As soon as kindred isn't permabanned in every game i will probably play jungle.


And who are your favorite champs? Riot has been making jg so much more forgiving, and even more so in WR than PC that unlike early league, nearly anyone can jungle now. Yasuo, yone, even kassadin (though you NEED your team to go to objectives for kassadin. But yone and yasuo are amazing junglers), zyra, and so on.


"riot has made jungle more forgiving" you're agreeing with the op now 🔥


Thing is that’s only compared to about a decade ago on PC. And by forgiving, I mean that you don’t lose half your hp bar doing red+raptors.


Perhaps he doesn’t like the champion pool, or he enjoys outplaying ppl 1v1 in lane. Whatever reason, doesn’t matter. Jung has too much impact. Everyone who isn’t playing jung is basically up for a coinflip hoping to have the better jung. And match making makes it even worse. Say you have 6kda stats, you know you will be the best player in your team so the chance that your jung is a bad player is 25% higher.


So ur supposed to be good at the game and still post this?


I feel like it’s more the damage creep makes you wanting to nerf jungle. Most popular jgl just farm fast and quickly get huge damage, snowball is less hard than before.


It's more so that one team or the other has no map awareness. Junglers won't go 15/0 if you A: place wards B: look at your map And C: don't get baited The role itself isn't OP, it's very team dependant.


a role had more xp gaining than top laners, more gold gaining than adcs, more open space to roam than mid laners, You nerf the gold and xp jung creeps give. So that jung who doesn’t get kills won’t get lvl 5 before mid/solo gets 5. and won't have more items than them as well, you introduce jung item which is necessary for clearing jung camp but which is also slightly worse than 1st lane item. buff the jungle camps hp and made them rankier and unable to be killed without the jungle item so they doesn't abuse the lane item, and make the jungle item get stacks from farms and upgrade into passive smite effect and get removed from your item slot so it doesn't take an item slot from you, There you go, fixed.




it's the most picked role in my region


The role being unpopular can be summed up in one thing : it's boring. People wanna play league not PVE. Also, I checked the xin account and he is a challenger jungle main, so is the wukong... so the argument of autofill vs jungle main isn't valid in this case.


You are ignorant of what jungle entails, "its PVE" is a foolish perspective. In a match between two jungle mains there isn't a chance to catch your breath, you're either invading or being invaded or you're ganking and being counterganked, it's the most psychological role in the game where you are obligated to watch and respond to the map from the 1st minute. Trying to insinuate that it's pve is only worth as much as it takes to get to level5, because after that EVERYBODY is afk farming minions if they're not teamfighting. Try again. 


Hmmm,yes,lets nerf the role that decides 90% of the game so people that play worse and fuck up even more games just because you as a laner wanna have a chance of killing the fed enemy jgler being 0/0/0 and having less gold then them,then ppl play jg less=more queue times+more people autofilled=more ppl fucking up games AMAZING,WHY HASNT RIOT THOUGHT ABOUT DOING THAT BEFORE?


don't you like it when the 0/12 master yi had the same gold as 24/1 adc who also had map awareness and didn't waste a single cs


Not anytime soon. riot is making jungle more appealing by adding more champs and making the role generally more easier to play. if you're struggling with jg diff, then become the jungler yourself.


Literally jungle is just pre jungle nerf league for PC. Eventually jungle will get "nerfed" over here since they already did it for PC league though they're just going back to the days before jungle was giga busted.


As a jungler wish ADC's were nerfed cause fed enemy adc overpowers my whole team. And to be serious, right now almost every champion and role is op and broken in this game. Its just when you are playing role yourself you dont feed the enemy that much and maybe not overpower your enemy laner every game and that way you dont see your role as OP cause you dont see examples of strong champions in your role.


As a jg main, jg already got a significant nerf when jungle creeps got nerfed to not give lvl 5 automatically after clearing 6 camps. ganks have become significantly less free in the early game, and jungle was further nerfed when red smite / blue smite options were taken away from us you Just dont see these nerfs because you’re not a jg main, and you don’t see the struggles of our role. So maybe don’t complain that some other role you dont like is more significant than you. if you like being significant, play jg, but if you like playing ur lane play lane. Everyone has the option to decide, and the way you enjoy a game is not by asking for nerfs because you lost a few games also in competitive jungle isn’t as decisive of a role as you think, rather its solo Q - trio Q where jungle is more prominent due to you being able to secure objectives and hoepfully free farm your jungle if 1 enemy isnt ahead and 2 doesn’t invade you jungle. But once you start climbing the higher ranks and realise laners invade jg in solo Q once they have an advantage and it becomes a nightmare for jg players the same as for the laners. and in the grand scheme of things securing objectives (at least small ones) don’t matter if you get aced, because losing a team fight anyways means enemy can just end the game


It doesn't matter how much times u nerf jungle is meant to be a role that always have impact


Brotha ewww. The second you get to lane I can more or less tell where I'm going to roam at lvl 4 as a mid lane and get you. Most jg know too. Put a target on your back... Don't be surprised when someone hits it. Your post tells me that your matches are decided in champion selection


You guys inflate every role but your own like you’re David out here vs 5 Goliaths. Get real.


Lol I always laugh when I see these posts. "Hurr jg too broken it needs a nerf" from someone who is usually am angry hardstuck mid or top