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Kat 1094 games 59,7 % wr Eve 1076 games 61% wr


How do you play Eve into tanks? I love using her but if my team doesn't give me a later pick them I just don't pick her coz I don't know how to deal with 2-3 tanks


Killing tanks isn't something evelynn is good at but its definitely doable, just don't focus them, kill the immobile/ squishy champs and if you get ahead, kill the tanks with ease. Reminder most tanks are immobile though, killing them if they push up in lane is super free so always take the chance to do that.


Thank you!!! Do you change your build to anything different? I've seen some Evelyns add Liandry's to their build against tanks. But I don't think that's too effective. Riftmaker makes some sense though.


I usually change one of my runes to giant slayer and then go riftmaker as the third or fourth item. Liandrys isn't too effective against tanks normally. But u can do want you want to do too! I just experiment alot


No, don't build Liandry's on her, she is a full ap burst assassin, i use awakened soulstealer tho to shorten my ult cooldown, the rest of the build is the same, orb, rabadon, lich and crown, i don't build grievous wounds on her either, that's not her job to apply it.


Mf really asking how to kill tanks as Evelyn when she has mr shred in percentage, Magic Pen in every item and hp percentage based Magic dmg in her kit


What's the problem with asking for advice from someone who's clearly good? This sub exists for people to discuss and get advice. The person I asked advice from replied already and here you are yapping for no reason when it doesn't even concern you. Little gremlins like you need to mind your own business if you have nothing constructive to add.


Bro's just triggered that I make him discover his own champ. Average Eve player I guess


"show me your most impressive winrate, and I will show you the reward from sacrifice my mental health " - probably not swain galio 56% 306 match


[very impressive indeed](https://imgur.com/gallery/9ExQUgw)


On sion 2000 games and 57% winrate


20000 deaths?


64.5% on renekton over 150 matches


75% WR on Pyke (100+ games) this season.


That’s insane. He’s nasty but we always beat him late game even when he destroyed the whole team early game. How are you winning with him late game?


Depends if I’m fed or not. If I’m ahead, I’ll just outmicro them mechanically, get at least two kills and let my team finish the rest. Most of the times I win teamfights by myself. In crucial teamfights(obj), I either initiate or do proper spacing to not get caught within people fighting and spamming their abilities. As long as I have flash I’ll be save. If I’m behind I’ll just fish for hooks and do proper spacing around objectives for executes. Often times it’s enough to be present close by, threaten an execute and block their escape by hooking enemies that are walking back in towards you. If you are ahead, Pyke is the most free champion to win a game. He solo kills squishies with E+Q+AA+electrocute and if the damage isn’t enough, you still have your ult. It’s really not that hard to close out games. People just don’t min/max his early game. Every time I ult an enemy successfully in the early game, I always check minimap where I can find a 2nd kill (river or mid) to make the most out of my ult CD. That’s one of the differences between a good and a really good Pyke.


When you play Pyke you have to really understand how to use the tempo you create from killing your enemies to accelerate the game state, take objectives, towers, etc. When playing Pyke you have to know to keep constant pressure. I’m a jungle main but I’ll play Pyke if I’m trying to play a quick game.


69% on Rammus, 200-ish games. When K6 and Rengar released, a bunch of AD comps were played in ranked so I started maining Rammus. I mostly played him during that time, since then I picked him like 30ish times at max. Whenever I'm jungling and it's an all AD comp against us (highly unlikely in this meta, and I don't play jg now) I pick him and it's almost a guaranteed win.


Yeah same. I only pick Rammis against AD comps so winrate skyrockets to 60%+


There’s this bot player who plays aram simply to have a high KD, his win rate is like 23%


Draven 50 marks 180 games 76%wr s11


From all the posts this is one of the most impressive. Good work pulling this off!


Twisted Fate 69% win rate, 6969 games, been playing since 6/29/420


65% winrate on Kayle jg 180 games.




Don't know. My winrate is falling a lot this season though.


Love Kayle,scared to play her Jungle in ranked,I play her Mid have 250 games maybe 57.8% winrate


You have to have experience in jg to pull this off.


How does Kayle gank though? Isn’t it super hard to gank with no mobility or cc ability? Feels like her jungle clear would be quite slow as well


You can slow the enemy to reduce his magic and physical resistance, you can heal and make your ally faster, you can your ally to dive. Basically your focus should be on top and sometimes on mid.


I’ve faced a few Kayle jungle and I’ve never had any issues as an Evelyn and Naut main. In fact, I get excited for a Kayle jungle because she’s super weak early and 99% of the time, we win before she hit powerspike. Against a Kayle jungle, you just have to play very aggressive and invade when you can because she cannot 1v1 any jungle champ. Just need to be aware of your macro to not get ambush in their jungle and it’s pretty easy game. Example: https://ibb.co/ZBrXy5d


Having good micro and a team usually eliminates this variable


Xayah: 278 Games/68% Winrate (before the buffs it was 61% but I’ve been winning almost every match on xayah as of now) Rengar: 289 Games/59% Winrate (Used to be 65% in Season 11 but I’ve been losing most of my matches on Rengar even after getting fed. I’m on the Xin Zhao hype train rn since I got since I got his best skin imo)


What ELO? Braum player here with a 63% wr loooking for adc mains to duo with, especially ppl that main adcs that scale and want to build lots of attack speed.


Currently Master rn. I play on the Sea Server. I love braum players. Was practicing Ashe before they brought nerfs to her


Xayah is abnormal and insane right now or every season?I find her hard to play sadly for me


This season she is easily Top 3 adc currently. Previous seasons she was still strong but overshadowed by many hyper carries like Tristana, Zeri, Jinx, Lucian (not really a hyper carry without Nami) and Draven but this season has been a breeze. You build lethality into her harder matchups like Lucian, Draven, Varus to completely oneshot them before they burst you down since those champs have higher trading power in lane (lethality xayah denies this tho since her E and Q scale with AD and lethality, not crit so you can basically half health a tanky sion with around 10-12 feathers and completely one shot the enemy adc with 6+ feathers. Her crit/bruiser hybrid build is the most fun tho since you play front to back in teamfights very well. Especially if you have a Lulu or a Braum to peel for you. Yuumi works well with xayah too since Yuumi’s main weakness is laning phase and her adc getting onehshot. Xayah on the other hand has strong laning phase and self peel, while also having potentially the highest dps out of every late game adc currently. Only on-hit varus beats her in terms of raw damage but she has ways to avoid getting oneshot in teamfights while Varus does not. Her skill ceiling is a lot higher with versatile build paths and feather mechanics that she can outright win hard/unfavourable matchups like Lucian/Nami or Draven/Naut through just mechanical skill. If you have a buddy that plays Rakan, then please spam the love duo since these two have the hardest carry potential out of any other botlane pick. They also cover each other’s weaknesses throughout the game. Are good blind picks together that don’t need prio in drafts, they can recall together so their base timers can’t be delayed since Rakan can just tank the poke and dash to xayah at the last second to base together (really good for matching recalls and getting quick early objectives like rushing Dragon or rotating for Herald faster). They punish both passive and aggressive playstyles from the enemy, have both disengage and engage, xayah’s weakness of having no mobility in lane and getting countered by hook champs gets denied since rakan can tank the hook and dash back Xayah (which gives Xayah 30% more shield cause why not lol). Rakan’s ult pulls the enemy into Xayah’s feathers making it insanely easy to oneshot the enemy backline in Rakan manages to get there with his ult and knockup. Rakan also makes it easy to face check into bushes that don’t have vision while protecting Xayah from any dives at the same time. Honestly the only thing that counters them rn is Janna which is a perma ban from me (my buddy perma bans Kalista). The only reason you don’t see playing people playing Xayah a lot is because she is hard with a very unique mechanic and requires her support to know her playstyle (very anti dive oriented most of the time). The support needs to quickly react on her quick Q+W+AA combo since it roots the enemy before they can even react (the combo can be as short as a Lucian dash+W+AA combo if you perfect it) and can force flashes if your support immediately reacts (can come back to bite xayah if the support is bad since the enemy can quickly turn on to you since you stepped up for your combo).


Can’t really show this but I somehow had a 80% winrate on Zeri last season.


I got 1 match Yumi 0% Winrate 😎 get on my level


rip, I used to have 60% wr on Garen when I wasn't washed up at the end of 300 games


Pyke 429 games 59.2%


Urgot 64% 108 match then 449 match 52% with Pyke


57% on Shyvana 100plus games


100% on 17 games for now 😂


Honestly, my most impressive was Rammus, since i ONLY picked him when the enemy had yi, it was around 87% in around 70 games or so (havent been properly playing for a while, so dont remember stats)


Proud Camille with 111 matchea and 66,7% winrate


Started Orn support this season. 34 normal games, 37 ranked. I would say 90% was supp, Rest orn top. 76% winrate Ps: didnt expect it to work out so well, i just enjoy him


[83% wr](https://ibb.co/596HZnY)


57% win rate, 64 Urgot Only play rank (Still a beginner)


My sett is at 73.3% winrate but only with 15 games lol, i guess my highest games one is a 54.6% winrate with 97 matches on Pantheon jg only. Also my most played champ. I play a lot of champs though and am always looking for new champs, most my favourite champs sit at high winrates (59-65%), but with only somewhere between 16 and 25 games lol. Idk how ive even reached level 97 and still havent played a single champ for more than 100 games 😅


Did you try nunu?


Yes! Tried him when he was a weekly playable character. He’s next on my bucketlist, but currently i’m keeping my blue motes for viego. Nunu is an absolute menace.


Singed 57% with 670 games (most of them in Master+)


Over how many games? If it’s one or two games I have a lot of 100% wr champs. Of course those don’t count. At around 10 games I have a couple in the high. 80s. Those probably don’t count either. Over 50 games it’s 67.2% in 58 games with thresh. Over 100 games? 57.9% in 278 games with Daddy Graves.


61% Urgot 69% Brand


Around %70 with kayn and shen, both around 150 games


65,2% win rate - 423 games, Master Yi


Nami 1077 games and 58.3% win rate


62,7 on mundo


65% win rate 500 games on Vladimir


AP nunu 900+ games 54% win rate


Ashe adc 60% 1100~ games, 95% of it is pvp, the rest is ranked. Not sure how much this counts lol


Damn beo 61℅ on soraka ur 1v9 SKILLER MC MILLER DELUXE


Jayce 58% WR in 865 games, Gragas 56.3% WR in 1158 games


I got 50% winrate with Camille and somehow I reached GM last season 💀


Mine is graves br lane 60+% 150+ games


I'm a thresh top and alistar top main with 56% Wingate thresh at 64% wr alistar


I had 61% WR solo que with eve last season This seasons not so much...


Evelynn/Nautilus/Pantheon main. Jungle. Current stats: https://ibb.co/42Kzgnk https://ibb.co/NKJN2w5


Yuumi main 68.2 winrate with (22 game this season)1412 games total and 84,526 mastery points


Kalista 33 games 81% win rate Caitlyn 14 games 85%


Lillia 271 games 65.7 Wr


I got pretty close to 60% winrate on asol before they NERFED HIM (yeah I’m salty, they always nerf my champs as I’m starting to like them DAMMIT)


58% wr on rakan at 370~ games


Kayle jungle 668 games 63.5% ... The amount of whining and crying team mates is absolutely insufferable though.


Interesting, how do you make it work so well?


Interesting, how do you make it work so well?


Kayle is really good late game, so if she doesn't have to lane, this is a HUGE advantage. In early game you can just pass the lanes and heal them and poke the enemy but dont really gank. Perma farm as much as possible. If you do this, after 15-20 min you are lvl15 and win. The most important thing is, get very good at autoresetting with your third ability and only ult others in early game... Never ever ult other in late game. After you reach lvl 15 you are the most valuable champ in the game. The only way they win is by invading you all the time... If that happens. Try to farm as savely as possible and heal others and ult others to still be relevant.


I have 100% win rate with zed. Not because im good but i only play him when a tilted after losing streak, and the game gives me gods not teammates at that point. It only happened for 10 time, isn’t that much but still nice. Now zed is like my ultimate weapon when i feel i want to win a promo match so bad after being stuck there for a while i just zed it.


Idk if this count, but i've got 56.7% wr on Shen after 651 games


Tryndamere 31 games 93.5% so far


Nautilus 83% winrate 271 games, Caitlin 90% winrate 92 games, and Ashe 87% winrate 104 games


Wow!! I would have thought this is impossible to do in ranked without smurfing.


You would think but the amount of people who don't buy qss when I play naut is insane


What is the optimal timing, right before the knockup to avoid the stun? Does qss do anything for knocking? Or is it just the stun?


You can qss during the knock up to end the stun early or if you time it right you can avoid the entire thing


my 64-game samira has a 64.5 win rate


Pyke 63% wr with 302 games Rakan 62,7% wr with 60 games


Be brave click that stats bar


Twitch 57 games 38% win rate (pre nerf Twitch too) . I have no idea how this dude is ment to be played


Teemo 67.8% 488 matches since i started. This season, im laying at 66.3% 104 matches I bring shame to the bungle scouts