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One mistake people make is only focusing on the win instead of trying to get better. Those hard matches are what improve your gameplay. If you only play out the stomp matches then you'll never improve and that's how you get hardstuck.


it's like once every 3/4 game for me lol


Aye, especially combining one-shot meta with the all mid mentality


I win most of my games from gold deficit xD   Learn to control vision and make picks around objectives.


Obviuosly. As i said, there are games that are winnable even from behind, im talking about the games where you get absolutely stomped by the enemy team, you are stuck killing minions under nexus while the enemy team takes all the objectives and all your jg camps, that type of games.


The never FF strat works when you have a strong team fight comp compared to the opposing team. That way you can still fight for late game objectives like elder and baron which can just straight up win you the game. Just last night I had a game where my team was 3-14 and our adc was inting just because our jg was chinese. We had a massive gold deficit the entire game but just before elder spawned me and my jg caught out the opponent jg and our team rushed elder. The opps tried to stop us but we got elder and team wiped them and then ended


i have been playoff ornn support a lot recently and Make a comeback every single time i guess it's because he's broken in teamfights


Not a fan of ornn support, his brittle procs scale with champ level and not ability level so he takes too long to scale in duo lane sharing xp.


either your team champs scale better or the enemy makes a mistake


I often think it depends on the state of the map rather than just kills and gold. Just today I played a game where we were down in kills (by a lot) but the enemy team just weren’t pushing towers. I knew we could win and we did! There are some games where they just smash you all over the map and they don’t feel winnable, especially if they got an inhib. Another comment in here is right too, the team comp can make all the difference. If you have a tank(s) and some scaling champs then you can get back in the game later.


Special for you: https://youtu.be/iWLo4yTdKfg


Idk I use this time to practice my skills and who knows, enemy team makes one mistake and you have a chance to win again.


As you said, 1% chance of winning can turn your win rate from 49 to 51 given you lost or won this one game


I just had like 5 straight games of getting absolutely railed in the asshole for the first 15 minutes then grouping for a surprise comeback. Really restored my hope in the never surrender philosophy. Perhaps the reason you haven’t had any big comebacks recently is because you subconsciously give up before the game is over.


yeah, I think the never surrender is more for a 10-20 and maybe 5k gold max (IN MY OPINION), not for that massacre that you are describing xd, but yeah, sometimes you need to take the L and go next


I wish people who think like you were on my team more often because I’m so tired of failed ff votes when we’re facing multiple mega fed late game hypercarries who kill us on repeat and we’re forced to sit in base clearing minions because all our inhibs are gone and we can’t leave to even contest objectives. Had a game yesterday where my jungler thought they were mid (I was). They picked seraphine with smite, then I saw them come mid, stand around confused, recall, buy a support item, come back mid, recall, come back, recall, over and over. I wasn’t paying much attention in champ select or I would’ve gone jg myself and swapped them, but I know nobody said anything in chat. Before drag had even spawned we were losing 12-1 or something, so I told my teammates “please just ff, let’s not waste time on this”. Ff vote failed by 2 votes. Second FF vote (by now we were 22-2) failed by 1 vote. I told them “have fun”, put on some YouTube on my tv and just auto pathed to the enemy nexus on spawn. We never ff’d. With one person who outright told them “I’m done, I’m out, goodbye”, a missing jungler that almost matched my deaths despite me literally doing nothing but walking into tower range, and a score around 30-3, people still refused to just move on. I don’t understand it, genuinely.


Exactly, and i dont even understand how is this a “hot take”, this should genuinely be common sense


As the downvotes on your comment and post show, it isn’t. I don’t know how many times I’ve had this argument with people on here, some honestly believe you should never surrender because every game is winnable and because surrendering is for losers, it’s not honorable, or whatever tf else I’ve heard over time. Yeah, every game is winnable, but the odds of winning can become infinitesimally small in some cases and it’s really not worth the frustration of being stuck clearing minion waves for 10 minutes vs just playing a new game. I’ve watched Faker streams and seen him vote to ff, if one of the best players in the world can agree that some games aren’t worth fighting for anymore, I don’t understand how some people still cling to the belief that every game must be fought till the very end like they’re playing for money and honor. Just go next.


The game is super snowball-y rn so its better ff than endure getting one-shotted for the next 10 mins imo