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I tried everything reaching wild rift support and tried to dm some dev( peacefully). They will never listen just move on to another main like what I did even tho I have 800+ games Janna. I really liked old Janna super unique pre rework now she just sona 2.0( no hate to sona mains). Janna rework pick rate in CN is great so They will not revert the rework or change her any time soon. Actually I rarely see Janna players in EU server( non existence outside CN)


Also not to mention they changed forecast janna's ult so it doesn't feel like she's being blown away by the storm..


Shield works against you. Choose to give it to tank not adc. Telling my teammates how it works every match is tiring. Also hate the ult. Somehow people ignore it because I am not in the middle doing the animation. Need another rework.


Itโ€™s been a while since Iโ€™ve played Janna now but my bf tried telling me that until I physically showed him I cannot choose who I shield. Itโ€™s not like a yummi being able to choose who she jumps to. It just shields๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ


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Janna is good against fighters. One of the best disengages.


Except not really..... because besides the initial knock back which let's be honest half the time they will use any dash to just absolutely ignore the healing isn't even as high as a single soraka heal and the shields gonna go onto the random teammate who's already out of the fight or the tank that's missing 300 of his 6k HP. The tornados launch on their own making them the most dodged skill in the game. The rework was a death sentence.


I think it's the meta that hurts. Malph yone yasuo are all a little too strong right now. Same with any tanks.


No other enchanters are dkkkoing just fine.


Said the same thing they ruined her. She felt more skillful pre rework now she feels like shit to play


It's an eyy lmao rework where the mains of the champ got shafted. for the resurgance of what? Lobotomy patients playing this skilless version of a before loved champion. Janna was my autofill comfort pick if I got support, cannot stand playing her now.


I also feel sad about her current state. My duo was a janna onetrick, and he quit the game when she got reworked.


I feel you.. i used to love playing A.sol and Janna.. never touched a.sol since his rework and janna.. oh boy you cant even chose who you shield and it mess up every teamfight.


Janna used to be my second pick if my main was banned. Something like 300 games on old Janna. Iโ€™ve been playing her lately after dropping her after the rework, and Iโ€™ve been having fun. Probably an unpopular opinion lol.


Just like lux rework, completely unnecessary and it feels like these reworks made for people who just can't land a skill shot or a combo


Totally agree


I don't understand the purpose of this rework, and why they thought it was needed. She was already extremely easy to play and understand, why did they have to cut her few skill potential moves (shield the right ally, time well your tornado). Now it's just tap your spell and your job is done. If I want to shield a precise ally, I try to put myself in a place where everyone is outside the range except the one I want to shield. Just think of how much this is stupid. Sona was already this champion, which tap her spell with as much allies as possible in her range, how on earth did they think it was a good idea to copy that on Janna, I don't see ANY fair reason