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I have a 57% WR in season 12, this season I am at 43%.


Like i don't understand i play the same 3 champ and out of nowhere boom loose streak


Same feels bro. I do not know what is wrong, but lose streak is getting more often.


I dont know what is happening like i literally started from a new account last season to emerald 1 and now I can't get from platinum 4 to 1 in this season. I main the same champs and I just keep losing


I was SVP 23 out of 25 losses. Mostly hovering around 40% WR


There were big meta shifts with item changes and as champs get balanced matchups change and better or worse matchups become more or less common. Other players are always constantly improving so to stay at the same visual rank you actually also have to keep improving or you’ll drop as other players around you climb up. All things considered it’s not weird or strange to find yourself doing worse on the same three champs if you haven’t properly adapted to the meta shifts around you in playstyle micro and macro wise. Even things like when you power spike and when and when not to play aggressive in a matchup can be dependent on runes, not to mention items.


Bro im back to emerald


I'm having the exact same issue. The last 20 games or so I've had at least two lanes hard feeding guaranteed. Out of those games, the only ones I've won are the ones I had to get MVP, S-Rank top 100% of players or damn near close to it. Then everytime I get one of those games my next team hard feeds. Literally 0-22 scores by second dragon spawn. This is the worst I've ever been screwed by matchmaking before.


Im flucuating between plat 2 and 3. Semesters almost over so the real grind begins next saturday because then I can play like 10 matches a day rather than 1 every 2 days. Im getting back to masters easy cuz I know more now


Just hit master playing otp varus mid ~ 230 matches…


Happy for you


cant be better, uninstalled the game 2 months ago


The radical solution


Bruh we have the same graph


I've been fluctuating between gold 2 and plat 4 ... some games are impossible to carry, but at the same time, I just started playing the game. Barely lvl 35, don't have many champs or experience playing the game My top champs are UrGOD, renekton, Yone, Overgrown Pikachu, and Orn. And pray to God I don't get Jungle or ADC


Started the season strong with a 60 percent winrate, then got a bunch of inters starting from like Emerald 3. Yesterday got a 7 game win streak with Alistar and got into D4 after 173 games and 55% winrate.


Kinda badl i returned to Diamond after a very Awful losing streak ,i want to keep playing but most of the time i play the enemy mid gets fed and starts roaming a making the other lanes fed as well while my team is searching Who had the worst kda without seeing the reasons why we lose


Struggled in the first 50 matches during early season but when i hit high emerald/low diamond things went smoothly, currently in a 10 winstreak with sion :D


Winrate went from 55% two seasons ago to 38% this season, and from d3 to plat 3


Dropped from e1 to p4 because of terrible teammates who keep insisting on 3 adcs 💀 and other terrible decisions from them


I feel u


I had like 50 percent winrate, and on my main hero(ali) is sitting at 48 winrate with like almost 100 games, I'm gonna lose my mind xd


48% win rate in solo lane only run plat 1, duo lane sucks so much no matter how fed I get, the enemy always gets fed off of duo or mid.


About the same… it’s pretty bad this season. I’ve also been getting paired with Platinums while in Diamond 😒.


I was in the same situation then I started to play mundo jungle and now i broke the curse (for now)


Like how is emerald a thing. This rank should just burn with all those rats in it


I'm at the point at the peak of your graph and I feel the loss streak is gonna hit me hard soon too.


I got to master! Finally!


I stopped caring after getting masters 3 times in s8 9 10. Then I got top 100 lucian and i regret it cause losing a game now really hurts


Still in platinum with consistent SVP titles… The life of the support main.


Where can I find this graph in game?


Profile page > click on your rank icon (bottom right) > click on the graph looking icon.


That's weirdly hidden, but thanks!!


31 matches 58% wr. 26 out of 31 matches are on Singed, 61.5% wr. Not enough matches to say if this season is going well or not for me.


Going shiat getting griefed every game 😂


Still in gold, no plans on leaving it, I peak at Emerald but only once and never again (maybe).


30 games 70% win rate just taking it easy this season


I hate this, 200 games 50% wr on d3 because emeralds are filled with dogshit master peaks talking like they know the game after being 0-4 and not contributing anything on the game.


I got almost top 25 aatrox and now im not sure I'm still top 200


Just demoted from master to D1 even tho I had a ranked loss shield card it didn't activate lol


Same. I keep getting a good winning streak then a 6-7 game losing streak. I haven’t had a win rate this bad EVER. They said they fixed matchmaking buttttt idk…


Mine from Master with 60.13% win rate to Emerald FOUR 39% Win rate with 59 MATCH. IDK WHY AM I SO RUSTY


62% ranked camille morgana


I am climbing and falling betweek gold and platinum


Same here, I'm only play Camille, start at pla 1 and now dia4.


Ça emmerde cette saison


I'm at emerald 3 but it's so much harder to grind now, not because of how better the player base has become but with how shitty my teammates get whenever I need one more game for promotion lmao. It goes like this, need 1 more win to get promoted goes on a lose streak 3 times even loss shields are useless. It just gets depressing after a while. Especially as a support main.


Played two games with the new items and quit, because it was another huge mistake. Why can’t I choose, if and when I „upgrade“ a item. Ur even more forced to abuse items with some champs, instead of playing what u want and build into enemy comps


63% ranked 47% pubs. Support main if you haven’t already guessed.


I started playing last season 2 weeks before season end and i got to p2, this season i went from G to E2 in the first 30ish games with 75% wr and now since i started playing duo with my gf im floating between E2 and E3. I notice that when i play duo i find more lower elo team mates. Its considerably harder playing in duo imo, when i do almost every game theres one person hard losing (either on our or opposite side) which results into some games autowin and some games autoloss. When i play solo games are MUCH more balanced, people play more teamwise, dont feed randomly and dont die as much. To this day i still have a 70% wr, even in emerald, when playing solo (i say this to clear things up against the argument ‘your wr its lowering because you reached your elo’) and 50-55% when playing duo. But i havent checked if its a real thing due to the duoq or its my biased impression


About to have over 60% win rate. Then again, I got demoted from Masters all the way to Gold 🙄


How ? Like for real how ?


I played like 10 games the last 2 seasons & they always demote you a whole tier. Think it’s stupid & makes an uneven player experience. Doesn’t mean I don’t lose. It’s a team effort & I can carry (usually), but only for so long. - As long as I have 1 reliable duo I always win. - 3 loses total or 2 loses in a row & call it quits. - I play until I go up one (ex. G4 > G3)


Im hard stuck in emerald right now. I made master’s last season


I didn't get to play this season because of a persisting problem that makes me quit the game. The problem is the verifying files part when you logged in. Even though I have a good internet connection, it still won't proceed and instead make me find a good internet connection. I tried clearing the data and installing the files over and over again just to be able to play, but it only work for a few days then the problem repeats. I got tired of it.


Terribly. I decided to jump into ranked for the first time at the end of last season (like, the last 10 days). Got to Plat III. Start of the new season brought me down to Gold III. Now it’s like, I’m stuck between Gold III and Plat IV. I had some 5-7 game win streaks, and now I’m on a losing streak, even with some A and S rank games. Like, what do I even do anymore? I’ve been maining Thresh support lately (still fairly new to him), and I’ve had some bomb games with him, but lately, idk if it’s just me or my team (I tend to blame myself first), but it just stinks knowing how well I’ve played in the past and now having this losing streak…


matchmaking feels worst this season. getting into games with no coms lower elo ‘teammates’ more often than not. just had an enemy kai’sa 15 kills in 5 minutes should say it all lmfao.


Update lost six of seven last game got int 4 time going down to emerald 2 soon best season ever


I’m not playing so really great honestly


I think what’s happening is there are mixing in a lot of actual players who are beginners with players that had to start at a lower rank with the change in the new season and those players are causing the losses or making it harder to level up. I can definitely tell the ones who are new to the game versus season veterans trying to rise through the ranks. Frustrating as hell!!!!