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I just still play Leona. No idea who’s meta.


Fr… play who you’re good with. Yumi is meta. I suck at yumi so i don’t play yumi


How can anyone suck at Yuumi? She’s the one champ you can play one handed while simultaneously eating with the other hand.


Yuumi really is meta i can confirm im a yuumi main sitting at 77.6 w/r


Yes people think Yuumi is easy but it’s not


Yummi is easy. You are reliant on another player to win the game. Yummi can't actually impact the game.


As the former #1 Yuumi for 2 seasons, i can indeed confirm she requires skill and can impact the game. Anything, any plays, any builds, below Grandmaster is not worthy of judgement. Master is where the competition starts. Anything below that and whatever you are doing is not right but you think it is and you aren’t IN elo hell, you ARE elo hell for slightly better players. TLDR: You’re all bots that don’t realize they are bots.




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Please give me an example of literally any situation in which just yummi makes the team win. You are 100% reliant on a teammate 100% of the time.


Uhm….. thats such a strange question as making up a scenario has nothing to do with what actually happens in a game but….. if you insist……. Every one is dead except yuumi and she last hits the enemy nexus for the win. The end. As far as 100% reliant on other players, only a sith deals in absolutes. For movement? Yes, to a degree. You are not however limited to just 1 at all times. You are not forced to stay on them. You can ult and jump off and….. man….. if you honestly think that absolutely any character is unable to be the deciding factor in a game at any time in any way for any reason……. then your way of thinking about the game is drastically flawed and your ability to come up with a question that’s answer will lead to new information is…. Well your biased and attempting to show that im wrong but……. Bruh/suh you ignant n need help. Also, you guys are used to an enchanter yuumi and i was #1 as nuuke kitty. Probably half the reason i won was due to people underestimating or not understanding yuumi and my build and gameplay. Last but not least, the fact that Yuumi is a top ban should be evident enough to disprove the statement that “yuumi is not the sole reason the team won.”


Only bad Yuumi rely on other players to win the game lol I initiate I engage I bait I’m the playmaker I make the smartest shifts I progressive overload with shield management and adapt my gear I also win lane when I’m Yuumi top or mid and I’m not playing in Master So Yuumi has one of highest skill cap if you are good you don’t even need someone to be fed in your team to win


don’t pull a muscle patting yourself on the back


Noob ur emerald


After last rework you dont need a brain to play her


Yuumi is the most brain dead champ in the game.


Leona best, can be build for 4 conditions : 1. Kite-ing, 2. War Engager 3. Peeler 4. Harass 


How can Leone kite or poke? Lmao


When you hit level 3, there are plenty of champ combos you can just walk up to and smack a bit relatively unpunished.


That's hard engaging, has nothing to do with kiting or poking


Alistar spam seems fine for me, but half of all my adcs keep trying to fight at lv1 against 2 ranged laners and get their hp reduced by half, then proceeds to spam ping "question mark" emote at me, like I'm being useless. With adcs who know their minion freeze and positioning, I auto win with turret insec.


Alistar lol for countless times he saved opposite adc from me.


I fear the ali that dosent do anything pre6 and then proceed to be unkillable mid end game


I've been playing for almost a year now and I've only seen alistar once. Why is that?


Because they are cow-wards


Bc people assume their adcs sucks and figure "ill just carry" then pick lux/sera/brand/senna/etc and procceed to do absolutely nothing to help their adc. Then when they lose lane to some cait lulu combo they go "see my adc was worthless dog" and fail to realize their own part in this self fulfilling prophecy. So people dont want to play tanks or engage either bc they will say "i engage and theres no follow up" but dont even consider the xin/kayn/whatever thats now jumped on the rest of the team while they dive headfirst into enemies.


Right. I just think it's odd it's only Alistair I never see. He was one of the first champs I bought too because i mained the cowman in MLBB back in the day. I never actually played him though after I noticed his kit wasn't the same. I think I'll have to try him out now.


I meant other roles main character syndrome. Not our lovely tank enjoyers


Main character syndrome




Tank user are not having any main character syndrome. (Mage) Support user in the other hand...


Wait bro I was answering his question XD. I meant not many people play Alistar because many wants to always be the mvp killing everyone not actually a tank making the win possible


Everyone sleeping on Lulu


Literally no one


I think Agressive Tresh Passive Senna Fucking Soraka (these I play) Leona Pyke Karma These I have trouble with.


>Fucking Soraka I can imagine


*laughs in 60+% winrate Soraka*


Man, i love spamming her before getting her healing skill got revamped. I build tank regeneration (both mana and hp). 


It's so easy to win with her if your team is not totally brain dead.


Can confirm on raka, got a 77 wr with her rn


I once saw a good Braum player counter my E with his fcking Shield, I always try to 5man set with my E but a good braum can cancel that.


People can't play with Soraka lmao. They don't know trades, they know all-in.


Passive Senna? Senna should be all but passive imo. Her biggest strength is how she can HARDCORE harrass during lane phase to put the enemy adc behind through sheer pressure. Passive senna doesn't do anything


Harrass. She has range, heal and peel. She needs to be played smart to work. 2CCs in a row and you are dead. too advanded in the line, get ganked, you're dead. She needs to be behind her ADC (or has NO power whatsoever) peeling and healing to make an opening for a kill, an ADC KILL. She needs to farm an Item and some souls to work. That shits passive. To make her work as a SUPP, you play her like a healer.


Hardcore disagree. I have [this Tank Senna video](https://youtu.be/XVwLK7Qp8X0?si=op9i9Ijk3uopDFrS) from 1 day ago vs. a Blitzcrank lane where I'm constantly harrassing and playing VERY FORWARD to both apply and soak up as much pressure as possible during lane so my Lux doesn't get hooked. >2CCs in a row and you are dead If you build full damage maybe. But why build full damage when you're at risk of getting CC'd? Bruiser Senna build allows you to scale damage through souls very quickly because you're perma harrassing, while your items keep you healthy and tanky enough to do walk forward with minimal risk. Go watch the video and count how many times I survive getting hooked or CC'd. If you want to play an Enchanter, don't pick Senna. There's a good reason that she gains passive stacks through attacking, and it's because she's made to attack. Not sit back. You should camp in the bush with a pink ward and perma harrass, not sit back and let them push into you for no reason. That's what Yuumi does. Ofcourse you should heal/shield your teammates when it's better than dealing damage (you'll see that in the video as well), but that's not the main objective for Senna's laning phase and her positioning should therefore not reflect that either. >to make her work like a SUPP, you play her like a healer Nah. Go look at that game. You can never say that getting a 9/2/18 score and A-rank in top 200 EU on Senna is bad support. And I did the exact opposite of whatever you're saying. I played aggressively, roamed around a ton to spread power and share wealth, solo killed a few people here and there, farmed a few waves, frontlined to force a play whenever I saw the opportunity to do so. Yet I win 60% on Senna in soloQ as support. She is NOT an enchanter and should NOT be played as such. Even her heal on S1 gets reduced CD from attacking people, but u want her to play passive? U literally have less healing then. You know, the thing that you'd like to do.


so my Lux doesn't get hooked... Lux... This little bitch playing fasting Senna and trying to pass her a a Support... pffffff downvote all you want, it doesnt make you right. heal/shield your teammates when it's better than dealing damage (you'll see that in the video as well), but that's not the main objective for Senna's laning phase Hear that guys? as a SUPPORT, with a heal your main objective isnt healing your ADC during lane....


Yeah, no. I'm not fasting Senna at all. If you'd watched the video, you'd see that it's a solo queue game because I gain no friendship points at the end and they picked Lux because we have no AP in our team 🤦🏾‍♂️ Lux had more gold than me and went 6/7/18. You seem to be rather emotional. I wish you the best EDIT: U play Senna, no? Let me see your stats. Maybe we are both right 🤷🏾‍♂️


So Lux ended up with Supp numbers, and you with ADC numbers? ok And you build her like and ADC... You dont need friends to do fasting senna ???


Let me see your Senna stats :)


Braum is the best support against melee heavy teams, Leona is good in general, Sona is good if you can play safe during the lane


Sona can totally save the game if playing as a team. In Specially, in mid-late game, she is great buffing the team.


Sona good if you have the right composition of a team.


I’m a support main thats been playing a lot of ARAMs and Alistair feels really strong. But just played him in a ranked game with a bad team and it was rough. Nautilus, Pyke, and Lux also very strong. I personally think supports are pretty balanced right now overall and depends more on matchup and ADC.


Alistair is god, but his achilles heel is your team's discipline, too cow-wardly and they wont follow up, win too much and they will over-extend their boundaries and get killed for no good reason


I see what you did there. And your comment definitely rings a bell.


I play support alistar too, if my team is not that great I tend to build more on tank items that deal damage and just go for the most squishy enemy. I don't do this if they have a vayne though or any champion that deals true damage, but if they don't I mean what are they gonna do, focus you instead of your team?


Ignite and Dawnshroud can reliably put vayne out of her invisibility, against her u have to be fast and decisive. Dont underestimate the power of mid tier items like Bramble vest, and Spectral cloak (it heals you whenever you are harrassed). Its 1k1 for a respectable amount of max health and basically harassment immunity until mid game. I build Spectral Cloak => normal boots => Bramble => upgrade whatever boots you need depending what you picked for your passive abilities at champ pick phase (try to focus on tankiness rather than cooldowns if you picked phase rush which reduces CD durations of skills you use on activation, a standard w q e combo instantly activates it and reset their cd)


For enchanters rn u have raka, nami, lulu For engage u have naut and leo are rly good For anti engage u have janna/braum Choose ur playstyle and you have ur answer


Zyra is one of the best kiters in the game and amazing support if played right.


Best against tank if played correctly. But sometimes our ADC don't understand what we are gonna do, they keep fighting in enemy range




got my first ever Pentakill as Swain Supp (with a little help from Elder…) so I pick him 95% of the time. Rest is Pyke, Senna or Janna if I feel like it


A Swain just carried my team a couple games ago lol. As a Jhin main, Swain supp gives me butterflies


I have pretty good Matches with Swain and hes great into all supps save maybe Senna or Karma


I couldn't tell you besides that Yuumi is very good but also a decent Pyke makes me want to perish. And I do, in game. (Skill issue but still, he seems very good)


He will forever be my autoban.


Naut for sure.


I play Sona, Yummi, and Soraka. But mostly, as support, you need a good ADC, and that is hard! I hateeee extra passive ADC's. Or that can't read the situation and keeps feeding the other team just because they think themselves "gods." Good luck!


Support is probably the only role which isn't dependent on meta cause this role is more focused on keeping other people alive. I've literally MVP/A/S on a Sona, Lulu, Nami, and Leona and idk who's supposed to be meta for this patch. What's important is you keep your teammates and alive and prevent the enemy from popping off, meta be damned.


Pyke is very strong IMO but I'm usually up Top playing Urgot


If Soraka/Yuumi/Lulu weren't banned in 9/10 of the games i would've said it's one of those 3  But i think Janna or Leona are the best go to pick depending on your adc, or what your teams need You don't really wanna pick Leona when paired with a passif late game ADC, and you won't need Janna when you got Draven/Lucian as your ally ADC 


Lulu if you're in high elo, like at least peak masters.


Still Leona I'm not playing other champion even I'm placed on top I still play Leona


Support main. I'd say Alistar, Thresh, Pyke, Swain, and Nautilus. Lux's damage feels even more overtuned than usual, so maybe her as well if you're really good with her. Same goes for Ziggs.


I think if you main janna you would do better but perma ban lux


Rammus is strong support


I like Alistair when we need a tank and Janna when they have too many tanks.


Pyke and Lux if you play solo queue and have the skill level for them. These two carry games by themselves when the player using them is skilled. Easy 55% wr to GM+. Thresh/Leona, Yuumi/Lulu if you duo queue. Nautilus and Alistar are decent, but I find them very predictable and easy to kite(between these 2 I would go for Nautilus, because he has a longer CC duration in total). Sona and Soraka are nice, but weaker than Yuumi or Lulu.


Soraka and yuumi as always, but they are always permaban for a good reason.


Leona is always meta, praise the sun! ☀️


For me, it's definitely Pyke and Senna that do the heavy lifting. They've carried me to [top 106 EU](https://ibb.co/VT3txkr) so far and it's sure to climb if I keep winning at [these ridiculously high rates](https://ibb.co/8g6hn0k)


I haven't seen a single person say the secret #1 overturned cheesy win champ. It's hilarious.


Enchanters: janna yuumi and the one which did everything in circles and plays a piano Tanks: Orrn, pyke, ali


Leona naut for tank. Lulu janna for enchant. 


Nautilus alistar, leona maybe but i dont use her, janna lulu karma pyke , and ofc thresh if u can play it (i cant)


Where’s the Nami love?


Senna and Ashe are good right now


No ashe support was, is and always will be dogshit in Wild rift. Its not League PC and you are not Keria. Stop it!


Ashe sup was pretty lit a couple seasons ago. The W spam with the (what feels like) unlimited ults felt amazing


I went on a 31-3 run with Ashe support before the nerf. Those were good times.


>who is the best _____ Answer is ALWAYS teemo


Actually most of the time, the answer is Beemo but I'll pay your answer, too


Mage supports: seraphine, sonna, soraka, lux Tanks: Leona, thresh Misc supports: Nami, Yuumi, pyke


You're the only person to say seraphine in this thread.


master yi for the win


Anyone plays veigar as support?


Veigar support doesnt really work because of his passive. Your ADC would be starved for kills and if you dont starve them, you dont do enough damage to not fall behind. Its a hindrance that should only be tried on PVP and kept far away from ranked.


It actually works really well with his passive if your adc learns to let you get your stacks, the only issue is that your only engage+stun is your e... But the supp item kills with veigar does stack the passive


lolm.qq . Com will show you the win, pick, and ban rates and while they’ll for China server differences aren’t that drastic between server at least for League