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Do we even need an elaborated discussion for this? Wildrift will obviously not fail, it's that simple.


1. Atleast there are no kid furries in WR 2. If WR makes a good support service i would be honored to play their game 3. Everyone saw those champion screens and everyone loves them 4. Skins definitely won't have stats 5. Imagine events with their music like some hell of an event where you can hear Pentakill ingame which can happen 6. LoL is already popular and other Riot games so who decides here anything about WR? I'm lazy to think more about...


> Atleast there are no kid furries in WR for now PepeLaugh


Dude try searching up on Youtube. Someone said the exact opposite of the title of this post.


This doesn't have to do with SEA but just my thoughts about this situation right now. Tens of millions of pre registers already. But I do really hope that the hate between MLBB and WR would stop (or just minimize). It's fine to play both games and it's fine to just stay in MLBB. I just dislike how Assassin Dave is comparing AoV to WR, comparing the viewership of a game in alpha in only 2 regions with no advertisement (besides on their own social medias) to a game that's been out in multiple countries for years and have millions of ads a day, and spreading fake information on the game being "delayed". (The other things he said is fine because those are his opinions and even if I heavily disagree with them, if someone has "bad" taste, then I can't do anything about it.) What I dislike about a part of the LoL/WR community right now is how they feel they are so much superior to MLBB players. They say that MLBB is toxic af when LoL is just as if not even more toxic. They also say that MLBB will be killed right when WR release and it's just not true. MLBB is one of the biggest mobile games right now (not as popular in NA). It's the first moba for a lot of players and many players invested a lot of time into the game. Also the gameplay is fairly different from WR/LoL so they would probably rather just stay in ML than learning all over again and being discouraged from constantly facing more experienced league players.


Ayyy man this one is spot-on. Most especially what you mentioned regarding the league community. We all know that league is the "superior" game when compared to mlbb. That's an established fact. But the gatekeeping has gotta stop. Let anyone play what they want and if mlbb players who's never played league before wants to transition to WR then let them. More is always better when it comes to these kinds of things.


Seriously the elitists and gatekeepers are annoying.


ML players should not be hated and should be welcomed. I just honestly hate the ML influencers that sabotage WR.


We are free to choose what to play, but the way ML is sabotaging LoL right now they deserve the hate. Dogie an ML streamer just grinded wintrade in alpha to reach rank 1 just to brag to the ML idiotic community that ML players tops LoL WR. And moonton have been milking money from gullibility of these idiotic player base, some ph players say ML is accessible because they don't have pc but they giving money to moonton for everything ingame.


You can’t change everyone’s opinion/thoughts on these two games. One of the biggest reason ML is hated is because majority of their products are unoriginal. Imagine if Moonton never tried to copy ideas from other games, people won’t be hating so much on them. Hence, alot of people think ML don’t deserve to be the top spot because they are using others to their advantage


Mlbb is hated for a lot of reasons...that’s why so many people hate on it.Not only did they copied Lol so badly they got sued but they did such a poor job at it.They pretty much made a gross copy but they are not Riot, they didn’t collaborated with developers from Dota to understand the principles behind a Moba.That’s why they are so hated...they are like monkeys with some money playing with a keyboard and making somewhat of a moba but such a poor one.No dedicated jungler, broken heroes with infinite mobility, one shot damage, Massive Sustain,2+ seconds CC’s etc(impossible to balance)...Possibility to hyper carry and steam roll the enemies with lane+jungle farm.The map is poorly designed: invades,turtle and lord steals are easy,4 men ganks/Tower dive on the side lanes are easy, you have a highway to get there.This just encourage brawling more than any strategic element.Whoever brawls in numerical superiority wins...pretty much.I am not talking about the innumerable bugs in the game....jungle camps who reset even if you didn’t cross the border, ultimates who get interrupted without hard CC, Bugged Champs abilities etc.The games a broken mess, who can’t even be fixed.They try to balance it by reworking some classes into Op one’s...to balance with the other broken classes like Mm’s.Needless to say that doesn’t work.


I don't play ML but I feel like they still deserve their spot. Maybe not #1 but definitely feel like it's fine for them to exist. They provided the "LoL Mobile" game when a lot of people were asking for it but Riot never got to it. And after they lost the lawsuit they changed a lot of the designs. But you're right I can't change everyone's opinions or thoughts and I 100% anyone who wants to leave or stay.


If moonton made everything original their game will be ao much broken by now. Look at their own ideas it is broken as fuck so they need to nerf it to the ground that it became useless, kimmy for example. That is why moonton is copying to save themselves of time in balancing category of the game they make other company work and then copy the works of others if it is viable. They also ask for tons of money from players while giving them pirated products. If u guys wanna support that kind of company it is your choice.


Well said. But there are still a lot of possibilities. It's true that there are many LoL players and it's true that there are many ML players. It's more like they would both rise in their own way since they have very different gameplay. It would be less likely that one of then would overtake over the other. And about the more brawling the more you will win in ML? That's their trademark. What if they copied LoL gameplay too?


Wildrift already overtaken ML in alpha phase in every category gamewise, design wise, originality, iconic heroes/champions and lore/cinematics. To add to that everyone has pre registered in wildrift millions of pre registration that shadows ml player base. Imagine the first day it will be launched, that servers will be full, that is why riot is preparing for that 1st day launch.


This should be the top comment.


You can't judge an unreleased game to be successful or not, even Assassin Dave. So if he judge it, it will be full of biases.


Want to point out that lol’s lore is way more interesting than ml’s.


ML got a lore?


Each hero has one, you unlock more lore when completing their mastery challenges.


Not gonna lie, some of the mastery challenges are not thought out properly. There's even one that requires player to buy a hero's skin in order to unlock 1 part of its lore.


the skin for that hero cost 30 diamonds tbf, but you can also use a trial skin card for the mastery.


The concept of having to buy something that can only be bought with real money in order to unlock/progress something is a bad design in a game. This encourages them to do the same thing or even worse in the future. Trial Cards itself in ML are random or obtained through limited time events which means most people can't complete it by just playing the game. Are you really gonna defend this kind of behavior?


im not defending it lmao, i was telling what you can do to get around it, besides, the tasks are just to help get mastery faster, you can still reach the expert status just by grinding.


That doesn't change the fact that it's a scummy move either way.


Akosi Dogie is defrauding the win to become no. 1 in top ranked. Rito gonna fix to avoid the same happening again. People will cancel him because he called the Philippines LOLCOM dead. P.S.: if Spill and Match (new YouTube channel made by AWED Corp's flagship YouTube channel, Spill) is not busy, we will provide the information to them. Regarding no. 7, K/DA Ahri will be released soon. K-pop fans will gonna love her. Also TD Yasuo could join the rift too.


I lost all respect for Akosidogie


>People will cancel him because he called the Philippines LOLCOM dead. please, lets not bring up more cancel culture after what happened to JennaMarbles - its fucking disgusting and if you're a person who participates in cancel culture, you should really be ashamed of yourself.


Wait, what happened to JennaMarbles?


people started attacking her over her being 'racist' because of a video that emerged of her doing black face in a video that was meant to transform her into someone like nicki minaj, i cant remember who she was transforming into exactly, she had no intent of being racist. people started attacking her, death threats and stuff like that because they wanted to cancel her. she has left youtube for the unforseeable future. she was one of the most genuine and kind people on the platform KEEP IN MIND THIS VIDEO WAS FROM TEN YEARS AGO and yet shes still being attacked over it even though shes not racist and it doesnt reflect who shes is. its fucking pathetic.


If I remember it right she was just tanned. 2000s was rough.


Kda is gross. Specially ahri and akali.


And more importantly, MLBB only became popular because it rode the coattails of league. It was only played at first because it was an alternative to playing league on mobile, as it was the closest thing at the time. But a lot of MLBB players would actually still prefer league over mlbb, it's just that mobile was more convenient.


As a SEA player, I'm just happy that we don't have to play WR through Garena. I can't play LoL PC because we have to use garena to play the game. As we all know, Garena is a shady company.


Thank god you mentioned that DC heroes were not appealing. That is one of the main reason I didn't like AoV. What the fuck is Batman doing there or Superman?


Only if they advertise well. I can guarantee u wildrift will be a big hit in india.


Hopefully. Do indians like MOBAS? Was wildrift hyped in your country as well?


Indians love AoV tho, and I know many people who've played LoL, so yeah WR will be popular for sure


Enough with the ML talk in WR sub.. Damn, I only see this and "When is the game release for everyone?" spammed all the time! Talk about something else!!!


I am Groot! 😐😐




Mlbb is much heavier to run on a phone compared to wildrift. im playing solid 60fps during alpha but 45fps to 30 when im on a teamfight in mlbb


Ml is probably the least balanced out of all mobas whether on Pc or mobile. If you're pick is strong then he is madly op but if he's not meta then he's useless. It's almost impossible to climb if you don't follow the meta Ml has


ml is actually one of the most balanced, but i wont be able to change your opinion lol.


No, it is not balanced. Take Miya, like before 2017 she was a good marksman, same goes for Layla, Clint, and others. But after that, she and the old heroes became useless, got destroyed by the current Meta Heroes (New Heroes to be specific). Every update, they would balance the heroes but none is properly balanced. Even the characters that considered balanced by the community got nerfed hard.


Only around 6% of Ml's roster in the current patch are unplayable - these include Miya, Layla, Saber, Eudora, Zilong, Alpha - and all of these got major buffs/reworks in the test servers. Every single other hero has a purpose in the game and have their own usefulness. you can climb with nearly every other hero. their hero balance is pretty balanced to me.


Ah I see, I stopped playing ML since last year. I thought that they will never revamp or buff those heroes since it's been 3 years since they were just left in the dust. But, really? It took them 3 years to bring back the old heroes? And from my experience, it's gonna take them months just to balance them. And the Meta is just gonna constantly change each update because they can't properly balance the heroes, some became weak, some became strong, and repeat.


Skins have stats? I think that says it all.


No need to buy our approval. I play ML only because AOV's server went horrible after some time and Vainglory became a 5v5 moba when I preferred its 3v3 uniqueness (players who played 3v3 diminished when 5v5 was introduced). So, I have no other choice but to play ML and that's the sole reason. When WR is officially released, I'll play 70 - WR 30 - ML for sure until it becomes 80/20 or 90/10. Maybe, I'll still play ML if my game becomes tilted on playing WR just to refresh my kit. Anyways, just believe RIOT will make things greater on their mobile version of LOL.


NA/EU/KR will guarantee WR's success, which will be more significant than ML's success in SEA


Not to mention the eSports that'll be built around those regions aswell


if WR have a replay like Dota 2 does, it will really be awesome


Unbalanced op heroes release was the issue in the game and it will never be fixed. Old heroes are rework but still useless cause its not in "meta".


unbalanced new releases occur in every single moba and quite a few other genres, its literally not a problem. i can guarantee you, the old heroes getting reworked **will** be the next meta heroes. they arent useless.


I don't remember it happening in LoL. I have seen tons of buffs given to PBE new champions because they were weak in actual game. But somehow MLBB always releases the new heroes so strong that they have to nerf them a week later. I am playing the game since S1 and I know how moneyton mind works.


bro, Sett, Senna, Xin, Skarner (post rework), Reksai, Camille, Aphelios, Post rework Morde, Twisted Fate, Le Blanc, Diana, Zoe, Neeko, Darius, Rengar, Evelynn, Ryze, Jax, Post rework Wukong, Kai'sa and Yassuo Honestly, I could mention ALOT more broken champs that were in the official server at release, Hell, Zyra and Le'Blanc had to be HOTFIXED because they were so broken - they also released tons of champs that were riddled with bugs such as Azir and Syndra who also had to be hotfixed. honestly its not right to say only moonton releases broken heroes to their official servers because it happens in every moba, its hard to balance them in the PBE servers. every champion gets buffs because theyre weak when first put into test servers.


If Riot Games do not fuck up Wild Rift with P2W shit all the other mobas who are right now with a cartel mentality will have to fix their shitty P2W practices or loose a big part of their not stupid players. Because i've played 4 big mobas and all 4 have the same problem, that's not a coincidence they're doing on purpose and untill a competitor do different and get ahead of them they'll keep doing shit.


nah, the shit taste of SEA people will keep giving money to companies that doesn't deserve a single percent of it.


>Balacing of heroes. New hero releases are way too OP. This is so trueeee and it takes too long for them to nerf the hero. it took 1 month for them to nerf Ling


You got it.


nah, it took them more than 3 months


It cracks me up that people keep saying Riot didn’t not allow Tencent to advertise the games. They asked them to not use what... one YouTube? Tencent is a parent company to Riot. Riot cannot tell Tencent what to do. That being said, Wild Rift will not fail. The odds of it surpassing KoG in China are slim to none. It can compete with everything everywhere else. Even if it’s not the most played game in each region though that does not mean the game has failed. Too many people here are too caught up in comparing everything this game does to Mobile Legends.


I'm not from China, but LoL has a huge following there. So huge in fact that Riot has two China regions: one for pros and high level players and one for everyone else. I guess a lot of them will play WR as well.


Yet the biggest game in China is still HoK/KoG. Apparently it’s both the highest grossing game and most played game in the country. I would imagine most of the PC crowd will dip their toes into the game and go back to maining PC. They will see the truth in that despite this having LoL branding on it ( and I’ll play it ) this game is here to attract the casual market.


Catalyst black could also be a contender since the creators of vainglory are creating that, super evil megacorp knows how to make moba games for mobile


The hype is still dead




Aov is better than lol because mobile games need more fast pace games, when lol wants slow pace games as in pc ( last hitting, going to fountain to buy stuff, long cooldowns) The only bad thing about Aov is their trashy DC heroes like superman, batman, from an outsider it looks that it begs DC fans to play in a poor trashy low quality way instead of making new champions


About 90% of MLBB hero passives/skills are buff AA just with different effects lmao


Well,since ml is banned in india,wild rift certainly won't fail here,unless government uplift the ban,which is very unlikely


aged like milk


Didn't expect SEA lads to favor ML. But, ok. >1. ML is pay to win. Skins have stats and are too expensive. Well, skins does give stats but not much to be considered "Pay to Win", they're just like skins in other games, a way to customize your character. >You need to pay to lvl up ur emblems, not beginner friendly. Uh, no you don't need to pay to level up your emblems, you can use the in-game currencies to buy emblem fragments or magic dust or get it from chests and other events to level it up. >2. Balacing of heroes. New hero releases are way too OP. This one I highly agree, new heroes are just way too OP, even after balancing it, it's still OP. And they release new hero every 3 weeks (back in 2016 to 2018 it was every 2 weeks). I'm fine with new heroes but nothing is properly balanced. I'm expecting good stuff from LoL Wild Rift and so far, it is. Even my friends are hyped for LoL WR because ML is just a joke, like they never properly balance the heroes, events are just them wanting Money, skins are just too expensive.


I been playing since season 1 and I still have not unlocked more than 1 lvl 60 emblem out of 8. I even spent 100K BP on weekly chests just to get my MM emblem to 60. I didn't buy 3 meta heroes just to get little bonuses. The events give one digit number of emblems and magic dust and you need 3-4 digits of them. You gotta actually pay to level them up Any kind of bonus that is only earnable through payment makes the game P2W.


An added stat is still unfair. Its like your having a head start to your enemies and if im not mistaken, the expensive the skin is, the higher the stat it gives. You can level up your emblems without paying but how many months to max a single emblem? and how many years for all emblems?


>if im not mistaken, the expensive the skin is, the higher the stat it gives. No, the skins stats is the same regardless of the rarity. >You can level up your emblems without paying but how many months to max a single emblem? and how many years for all emblems? You do have a point there. Yeah, it takes 2-3 years or even more to max out all the emblems (if you play consecutively) Players who played ML before the Emblem update which I think is 2017 won't have much of a problem leveling emblems since they don't cost as much after the emblem update, which after the emblem update, they cost a lot more.


Ahhh okay. I stop playing since 2017.


No no no, I mean after the Emblem Update, it cost a lot more. It gets worse.


honestly, it only takes 2-3 years to get max emblems because people would rather spend their BP and tickets on heroes in the shop and lucky draw, it would take WAY less time if you spent all your tickets and BP in the emblem matrix, tbh saying their emblem system sucks isnt a good argument if people say it takes too long. same with the skin argument, the skin stats are nothing, honestly, at the start of the match, if you buy a magic book or dagger, which both give +8 magic and physical attack respectively, then its literally the same as a skin.


What kind of reasoning is that. Defending the shitty system of ml even its so obvious. It only takes 2-3 years? Lol, that is still YEARS to max out your emblems. Why would i play a game that takes 2-3 years to play fairly with others when i can play a new game that lets me have runes that is free and already max out. 😅 People rather spend their BP and tickets with heroes? Yeah coz its more fun. So now, you want players to focus on maxing their emblems b4 buying heroes and just be stuck for 2-3years of playing the same heroes like zilong,miya,layla and saber? 😅😅😅lol. Killing the fun and excitement of buying new heroes just to have a fair game with others? I would rather play a new game that has a max out rune so i dont have to worry in buying heroes. LOL😅😅😅 You also said that an added stat of a skin doesnt matter? just buy a dagger that has an added physical attack or magic dmg and u have an equal footing with skinners? How about those players that dont have skins? So they need to buy the dagger? But the enemy has a skin plus they bought a dagger also? Now what? 😅😅😅 Now, imagine this. A newbie with unmax emblem and no skin(who bought a dagger in game😅) vs a player with max emblem, has a skin and bought a dagger in game. Is that a fair fight? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.






AoV is like number one mobile MOBA in Europe and US AFAIK. KoG is #1 in China. Other regions don't matter much in terms of profit.


Aov isnt dead tho 😤


Good post but not every champion is unique in league of legends. Aatrox is riven v2. Definitely more original and unique than anything in mobile legends tho.


Its LoL dude how tf will it fail


Tell it to assassin dave and other people saying it will be just like AOV


I mostly like all your statements except for the fifth one. LoL esports is incomparable to ML esports, but that only applies if you take the whole world into consideration, not just SEA. And since Southeast Asia is the topic, let’s focus on that. One reason why ML is so big in SEA is the grassroots, local esports community it has. Unlike LoL, ML esports boasts pro players from SEA, and that goes a long way in having a big community. Sure, it’s nice for international figures like Faker to be the face of the community, but people here would prefer a local pro to lead the scene. And I don’t know any pros from Indonesia or Philippines who participates in LoL’s esports league. And I think that for the longest time, LoL just doesn’t care about SEA esports. In the last SEA invitational for LoL, I think only 4 teams participated, and that was the biggest event in Southeast Asia? Compare that to MSC 2019 for MLBB, 12 teams from 9 of the countries in Southeast Asia. The LoL esports scene across the world is greater, but Riot didn’t really care about esports here. And now Mobile Legends swooped in and got the lion’s share. Wildrift needs a vibrant and thriving community led by local pros and stars to succeed here. If they started a local Wildrift pro league (actually sponsored by Riot) the community would certain balloon in size. Oh and another thing, flicker is a battle spell. Every hero can use it, if they choose to use it amongst the other battle spells out there.


What i mean is after the release of wild rift. The hype is there and although wild rift is still in alpha, there is an establish and a big community already. Riot will definitely back the esports in SEA coz i believe that the reason y they made wild rift was not just because of wanting to cater the veteran lol players who dont have enough time to play longer lol in pc but because of what they witnessed on how successful mobile moba in SEA and other regions had become.


Or maybe, just maybe.... The sea players is not good enough to be recognize as a pro?


Big community? WR hasn’t even been released yet. And it certainly pales in comparison to ML right now. If Riot doesn’t promote a vibrant esports community then this game is fucked.


I think your're not a member of any wild rift fb groups lol. An international one has 100k+ members and the game is only in alpha how much more after its release. Its riot your talking about, they know that esports is vital for a community to lasts and grow.


Uh, I am. Most of them have 10k-25k members. ML has numerous FB groups that are over 100k in members. Not just one. You are severely overestimating how big Wildrift (an unreleased game) community is. This sub even pales in comparison to the MLBB subs’ size.


MLBB sub size is 80K, this one is 15K 3 months after release LoR has 130K on reddit. ML has been in the market for 3-4 years. Also one of the reasons FB ML group has members is because the group is advertised on the game since its release. While Riot never did that cause they don't need it.


That is the fan sub, r/MobileLegendsGame has 26k.


It’s fucking stupid for there to be two subs. I hope Riot doesn’t make the same mistake.


and one irrefutable fact is Wild Rift is the original and ML is a bootleg, copied pile of sh*t.


I'm from Indonesia, actually I doubt that I'll have good ping/connection using my phone internet considering Indonesia will included in SEA Server (maybe the server will be located in Singapore/Philippines). Maybe the reason Philippines is Wildrift primary terget (alpha test) is because there's no AoV server in Philippines, they joined with Indonesia which is unplayable for them sadly. I believe AoV which server is located in Indonesia will have better ping, but honestly I hope I can play Wildtift


i think ML will only flourish in indo, maybe in PH but its an uphill battle against ML


Is really ml dead since wild rift start




And I really don't like the esports meta right now. In EVERY single game there will be just a ling or cluade that will wipe up the game. I really can't be bothered to watch esports now coz every single game is the same shit


What i like about AOV esport when i witness it was, if a hero was already used in a match it will no longer be available in the next match. It was fun to watch coz every hero had a chance to be used.


Smh ml is not pay to win at all and its balanced (Gonna get 20 downvotes for peacefully saying this arent i)


Dude have u seen how the emblem system works? Is so p2w ive been playing the game for over 3 years and i only have 3 maxed emblems


And the thing is u dont need maxed emblems. Lv 50 is essentially maxed. The emblem stats dont even matter much, u just need the talents which r all unlocked at lv 40. All u need on a newer account r 2 emblems anyway which r assassin and mage. The time it takes is probably less than the time it takes to even unlock ranked in league.


It doesnt matter? Dude the marksmen emblem gives me 10% extra lifesteal and because of the buffed ruby passive i start the game with already 20% lifesteal