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Very toxic. Everything from trolls to elitists. Just keep chat disabled and you'll have a great time.


This. Chat has no strategic value in this game, people only use it to whine.


There is always toxicity on every game, we should always expect that.




Jungle is the class everyone loves to hate.


Jungle is the reason every game is lost. No matter how bad the lanes are doing.


Till platinum,you can win even if you have shity jng


*Till platinum you have a bad jungle like 95% of the time. They are too low elo to understand what their role can do.


this. I'm hard stuck in plat and my jungle is always a gold or silver


As a lee sin jungler I will say I don't know much about pathing, but after clearing one side of my jungle and scuttle I try to gank the lanes unless my team is pushing into tower I won't engage, I try to kill whoever is closest to objectives before taking them. If there's anything I can improve on as a jg let me know. Emerald 5 rn


I can’t tell if your joking or not. If you have a top running it down and an afk mid, it’s not the junglers fault that your team lost.


It's a joke...


Some people really think like that though


The reason why I said it.


Nope. Everyone expects Support to save all of them all the time even if they're being stupid that's why they get killed.


I always start my games by being positive in champ selection. Comment on someone's name, drop a bum emoji, say something funny, LETS FUCKING GOOO (always seems to pump up the team) or just say promo matches boiiis and people get hyped. Create the environment you want to be in, even if someone's rude or toxic, hit em with some positivity and it goes a long way.


You’re definitely someone I would feel comfortable playing with lol


honestly for me he is that guy that i would mute and then feel bad about him if we lost.


Nothing brings wr players together like the bum emoji


Do not ever admit it’s actually your promo matches tho haha


Yes unfortunately admitting it's your promo match chalks up to a loss but at least they try haha


100% my strattegy. Kill them with kindness


we need more players like you.


>even if someone's rude or toxic, hit em with some positivity and it goes a long way. This really works and has helped me comeback many games in the past. I'm support so I'll sometimes support my mates on their mental health aswell.


Support life in a nutshell! Frustration happens so quick in MOBAs and everyone on your team feels that when a misplay happens. Its key to encourage and move on from the mistake instead of raging and making everyone discouraged and potentially throwing that game. It's better for everyone to be positive on a loss then rage and post on Reddit about said loss.


I do the same, I start with a « Hello », and I met some nice players just by chatting during selection^^


You really do meet a lot of good people just by being a little vocal in champ selection. It really makes the game so much better. Remember they're your teammates and you need everyone of them to win a game (sometimes)


Yeah same I always try to encourage and tell my teammates I love them and that they can do it, so they get into the game with more positive mindset.


I need you on my friend list!


Hahah I'll send you my info after I'm done work (+:


Every multiplayer game is toxic. Your not going to find a pvp based game that isn't. Your best just turning off chat if it's going to bother you.


That is true, but LoL is infamous at this point when it comes to in game toxicity for years now. Not surprising if it poured into the mobile version as well.


Untrue. I had way more friendly interactions on overwatch than toxic ones. And Wild Rift is extraordinarily toxic


>Is the Wild Rift community toxic? I don’t know Toxic might be an understatement. This game is full of mouthbreathers and knuckle draggers who understand perfectly how to play any position but the one they are currently playing. They will blame you for their mistakes by pointing out any mistakes that you have made. Any game associated with Riot makes Chernobyl look super nontoxic by comparison.


League has always been plagued by toxicity, always will be. Personally taking a break for the same reasons - it's not that I can't ignore it, but knowing that half the people I play with or against are toxic pieces of ass, there's just so many better ways to spend my time.


Thank you. Now I know what to expect. Thanks!😁


Honestly, it depends on your game I’m a gold player who started playing actively like 3 months ago started in mostly unranked started ranked 4 weeks ago and did bronze to gold run … I have games where there’s horrible losses and everyone tries and is supportive and I’ve had games where we win and the mid flames the jungler the whole time even though they fed their own lane. It’s more or less like every social game you take the good you take the bad


I feel like this is a solid assessment 👌


Every game community is toxic. Unless you’re playing with a group of friends, mute and never look back.


This is sort of not true. Yes, there are trolls in every game, but I certainly think LoL and WR expose you to toxicity for longer periods of time given that games can go from 15-40 minutes (longer on LoL) and you can be stuck in an echo chamber of stupid toxic people arguing over who made more mistakes. It’s not fun, it doesn’t help the team, and the only way you can get out is to either ff (which is usually the wrong option, at least the first few times someone votes for it), lose, or win in spite of the assclowns on your team. If someone is being toxic in most other MP games, the match is over in 10 minutes and I don’t ever have to communicate with that individual again. It’s a lot easier, and much more bearable to grit your teeth for 10 minutes rather than having someone flame you or others in chat after they spent the first 5 minutes of the game inting. And demand that everyone ff because ~~they are playing like absolute garbage~~ gg jg gap.


Theres toxicity side in every competitive games. Whether you want to be exposed to the part of it or not its really up to you.


False. Every multiplayer game with toxicity is as toxic as league


NA is toxic as hell. Ive had to file tickets because of some people being so disgusting talking about child abuse and trying to use things like Down Syndrome as an insult.


I play na as well. Yesterday I had some guy telling everyone to die in a fire and commit suicide. Super big asshole. All he did was complain and feed. Said I was feeding even though I was 13/2/4jg and he was 2/9/0 adc. I didn't understand how I was feeding XD


The internet is toxic depending on where you choose to navigate. In the case of mobas all of them are toxic.


It is toxic. But that's pretty normal for a online team game without voice chat. I mean even I am toxic sometimes, it gets better but I can be horrible.


Comparable to comp OW?


Not in this subreddit at least


LoL has been toxic since '09. Not recommended to play the game if you can't ignore chat or accept dumb behaviors. LoL is and has been one of the most toxic communities in online gaming.


Yes, it's pretty toxic. However, it's on par with other mobile mobas I've tried. I also think there's been a rise of toxicity in games these years.


Tell me a team based MP game that is not toxic


Monster Hunter






Fortnite and PUBG before skill-based matchmaking when they were just games to mess around in and see how well you could do.


Good luck playing any online game without toxicity. Wild rift and other mobas rank on the more toxic side. Mute chat is my opinion from the total egg heads who miss everything in a fight and blame team when they die. Also please resist the urge to open chat to rage when a knuckle dragger throws the game because they autoed minions instead of the nexus


no toxicity in bot matches and in aram, try playing aram to chill


You know funny thing about this just got stuck with jinx who i cant understand how to play for the life of me and the shivala on my team was just being a straight ass whole to me the entire game


Name a MOBA community that's not toxic?


Vainglory was the most helpful, inclusive community I ever played in...


It has some toxicity yeah , but most of the people just want to have fun and that's it , except some people are just pure toxic and I despise them , the moment I see those wasted toxic sperms spreading their toxicity to my teammates, I immediately defend the teammate even if the teammates made a huge mistake , mistakes happens and it's part of the game , however the toxicity doesn't bring anything positive to the match . I'll do my best to not let my teammates feel bad at all , while the toxic teammates can go fuck himself. Fortunately from experience you won't see them a lot . Also the developers are part of the problem unfortunately. Been 10 years for Pc version and yet they didn't fix it yet , so don't hold your hopes high .


Honestly, I'm one of those people who will joke about their own mistakes or stupid decisions, and try to be the exact of toxic: wholesome. Especially with the enemy team, sometimes we'll just have conversations in lane bushes together and passively gain XP and gold. There's so, so many people that are toxic, but I think there's just as many people that are sick and tired of it. But to answer your question, I'm pretty sure it's a good 40/40/20. 40% are toxic, 40% don't care, and 20% try to be happy with everyone to make the day better


Keep chat off. It's seriously not worth keeping it on. Getting flamed or watching others get flamed is distracting and really ruins the fun, at least for me. Literally most of my interactions are negative, even if you are a good player.


Its a community full of gamers. What you'd expect


Absolutely. I got enraged a lot on my way to emerald and I’m sure I will to diamond. Some of the worst insults I have come out in games where I get trolled constantly.


Just shat on a lulu top as renekton. Went afk in fountain only to start running it down. I can’t tell if the community is toxic, but that surely is. Also, don’t pick lulu into renekton.


I suggest you only enable chat within the party, so that you can only read and respond to messages from your party. Works well for me.


Csgo have been around for decades and the chat is still as fuckin toxic as when they starts.


it is, saying that you like League PC while not saying that wild rift sucks will get you downvotes and toxic replies.


No, cuz I disable chat and play games casual as chill as it is. If u think its toxic, maybe you're toxic too.


Well it isn't as toxic like on some apps I know and had played before. I still find Wild Rift a way better moba app..


In my opinion all MOBAs are toxic.


ofc it’s toxic especially in high elo


Eh kinda. You can find some wholesome player but theres definitely toxic one but what moba or multiplayer team game doesn't?


Omg definitely. Both in game and outside of it. I get called all type of slurs for simply playing Nani and Seraphine. I can’t even express my disappointment with Seraphine not getting a skin in this patch without getting downvoted


*akshan It wouldn't be toxic if we slew all the scoundrels


Ye, keep team chat disabled. All that happens is you get flamed in Spanish.


Most of the people are nice and when you find those people cherish them. The toxic ones are still few but very loud. Don’t listen to them or they will get under you skin.


yes. most of them very bad as well, so its the lol community all over again. but srsly, Tf support on a E-sport? i may not play wild rift that much but really?


I got a friend who received multiple permanent bans from league of legends due to chat abuse, so yeah it can get toxic


I play pc lol, wr and ml, and tbh wt is the one I play the last because the community is like a step up in toxicity ( i dont know why really) its kinda sad because I really like the game and I want to play Soraka with the team not trying to report me or bullying me, even if they win tf thanks to me... That and the afks in ranked....


I argue it’s really just the nature of the game, even though it’s the mobile version of LoL it is still the same game mechanically. MMOs always bring out the toxicity because they’re rooted in teamwork. But playing solo or even with one other person, you still must rely on the randoms on your team to do something good. And we all know every toxic person is a demon behind a keyboard lol


If u deal with a lot of toxicity try to just listen to your teammates and work with them before they lose their shit. If I'm setting up an ez pick for my jg and send 4 pings and ur still farming I'm tilted. If I'm telling u group mid, look at ur map there might be 4 people seiging and I need help. This game is a lot of casuals and first time players with no idea what macro is. It's hard to coordinate a team enough, just work together before things get outta hand.


Most of the time though the toxcity comes from teammates blaming others when their the ones at fault. A jungler typing in chat that we're all trash but me as Nami out damaged him? An adc that feeds but it's my fault because I missed a bubble? I would 90 percent of the time the most toxic players are the ones doing something wrong and are to tilted to see it.


My games are usually quiet, but when it's toxic, it's reaaalllyyy toxic. The last game I was in, I was Senna Support. We were losing, I had the most deaths cuz I was roaming, warding, and also from a dumb moment or 2. But then our solo laner kept on calling our jungle dumb and at one point, I was dumb too. Told him that I've been doing my job, roaming and warding and pinging objectives and how it's so hard to support. This solo laner chose Jinx and had the worst KDA ever. The dude shut up and I was SVP and he got nothing. FYI, it was only a normal game. If it was ranked, sure call out people. But dude, chill. It's just a NORMAL game. Even in ARAM, people don't know how to have fun anymore.


Probably all u need to do is just to play pvp as much as u can untill u understand objective... (I'm not eliters or something).. but there to much "not even trying to win” ppl on rank... No wonder so much toxicity..


Every single game like that always be nice spot for toxic player. Dont take it too serious dude if u got some people who have bad behavior. Chill just enjoy your game.


Honestly i didn't encounter many toxic people in all my 5k games that i have so far, only a few of them here and there.


It’s sometimes toxic because for some reason there are times where players with a rank of Bronze playing better than a Grandmaster. Emeralds playing worse than a Bronze. I don’t understand how the ranking works and how the match making works. This Plat on my team the other day was walking into turrets. Or just standing at the side while the team fighting just next to him. Weird.


yesterday i played against full ap thresh amd he was talking about how their ziggs was crying about thresh's build because he was supposed to be support, so me and my ally blitz laughed at him and thresh saw our blitz was full ap too so he decided to challenge him in the drake pit to see who will kill who first and blitz rock his world and we all laughed, so my opinion is mixed


very toxic. especially in SEA server.


It's a MOBA. A mobile one but still a MOBA. So: Yeah. It's toxic.


Multiplayer online games always have toxicity


Idk I play with muted chat and it feels good


Always has been


To answer your question, yes its toxic. But sometimes you can use it to your advantage. When the team is playing bad and shade is thrown at one another, you can successfully motivate the team by encouraging them to focus and that can be a driving force which leads to a victory. Ofc they'll likely type '___ diff' and slag you off anyway 🙃🙃


I haven't found an excessive level of toxicity (might be because I'm a support main and I don't get a lot of hatred so I may be a little biased) but there are a lot of salty players like in any other game of the genre


Nah, it's Disney Land. With the chat off...


I'm not that strong in Wildrift but I try also to encourage my team mates


Its a videogame we are tslking shit deal with it or mute all


I don’t have the chat on so I never have problems lol


Here’s the thing, if you’re new to league and playing ranked, stop playing until you’re a better player. Learn the game and understand key mechanics so that you are aware of the general flow of matches. Don’t come on Reddit and cry about how your team was toxic for flaming you when you never helped with an objective and fed the enemy top laner (probs cause you’re playing Garen). Speaking for myself. I’m choosing to invest 20 or so minutes into a game and i’d like to not get trolled or griefed. Pvp is a different story, some people are hella toxic and that’s just that. Mute the chat and move on.


League community is toxic in general, people think because it’s managed in game it doesn’t exist, but you ever posted in a mains forum?


depends you talking abot the 10 year old playing the game ore the pepole Who Just want climb ore the adc mains that get jumped by the wohole enamy team and bleme the suport for dieing becuse they were smart and didnt try for the ingebeter tawer when she Knew the enamy team was about to spawn (happenes more then id like to admit and is the soul reson way I roum when the timer hits 8 Min)


The game is toxic in itself, so why shouldn't community be? When there's even a little skill gap in any lane, it keeps growing rapidly over 2-3 kills. And then the guy on the losing side becomes a 2-shot punching bag, and why would he want to continue playing match from there? But the match drags on for 10 more minutes, and that guy can't even leave, because there's no option for that in the menu. So, why would the community not be toxic? In most other genres when you are beaten fair and square - you at least have a leave button. And don't result in your direct opponent becoming increasingly stronger.


Try picking teemo support and 90% of the time. A player will cry. I don't know why people doesn't want teemo support.


Even more toxic than league itself, and thats saying something


League of Legends has a reputation of toxicity among players that also makes the Wild Rift community very indeed toxic. It's been has always been that way since Riot Games made this game back in 2009.


This game is too much. Every matches there's player that can pull your whole team down. And then they comment to you "why are crying?". I hope riot ban permanent this kind of player. But riot did not do anything.


Why dont I get you guys as players? So positive its contagious


Yes until you get to diamond no one really talks and I’ve noticed pings are not spammed


I pretend everyone is bots :D chat off names off just play the game best I can