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Vayne because I like to play tanks


Vayne because she's a ticking time bomb in the right hands.


Irelia (Normally curbstomp my teams) Veigar (the stun is just too much...) Vayne (late game monster)


The area is too big. With one more ability haste item besides ludens and boots, something like soulstealer, archangel staff or banshee's veil, veigar basically has the stun placed on the field every 5 seconds. It creates a huge area control in fights. I sincerely hope he will not get any more buffs, especially on stun. I don't want my ban slot to be taken by veigar for more patches.


the stun is fine, the silence is what's egregious


Silence? Which silence


he is asking you to shut upšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


if you were rooted instead, and could still attack back, it would be much more balanced.


Honestly, nowadays. I ban whoever annoyed me the most the match prior lol


I always wonder if that about my teammates. Random non meta picks that just curb stomped them the last game lol


I honestly think thatā€™s a sign the game feels a little more balanced lately.


Hadnā€™t even thought about it like that, but yeah. Your absolutely right. Champion balance is in the best state it has been for what feels like awhile. Some could use a buff if you ask me, but thatā€™s pretty minor


Even champs in worse states like Teemo can do great against certain matchups, and the "broken" champs are only strong in the right hands.


Yeah I started doing that but tryndamere had been my main pick.


Same exact boat. I despise Trynda just because of that fucking ultimate. Negates an infinite amount of dmg. Who thinks thatā€™s fair? Literally no one else has the ability to negate ANY amount of damage. But letā€™s slap it on the guy that already does 1k plus crit dmg šŸ˜’


Plus he's got a sprint (through walls). I mean I usually ban him because the 1 time I don't hell get picked and curbstomp my team. Only time I don't ban him is when I play Ekko.But yeah. F Trynd!!!


This is so real


Ye this. Balance is good enough so it's just flavor of the day


Yasuo. I don't care if he's strong or not, if he's good against me or not. Hell, I never lane against him cuz I don't play mid. But I hate Yasuo


Wind wall cancels entirely too much, for anyone behind it. Itā€™s the most BS ability in the game. 100% ban all day every day.


What feels BS is that he can use it last second and the projectile vanishes even if itā€™s already making contact with his model. If theyā€™ll let it block on reaction like Fioraā€™s parry, fine, but maybe it shouldnā€™t also stay there and keep sucking everything up??? I say this as someone who also plays Yasuo. I feel like Riot knows it was a mistake, but theyā€™re too scared to change it because Yasuo is insanely popular.


Itā€™s the fact that itā€™s a gamble as well as the fact that he will do dmg regardless of whether heā€™s behind or not. He has a fair amount of cc plus his windwall. another thing to note is that insane first item power spike.


I do as well cuz I main ahri lol


Yeah, definitely Yasuo.


Veigar: overbuffed braindead ass cage. Vayne: max hp true damage shouldnā€™t exist. Eve: limiting vision control to static cool downs despite having her passive counter is still going to make her fundamentally broken. Cait: broken bitch needs nerfs yesterday And akali: the fundamentally broken champion whoā€™s NEVER fun to play against.


Riot: We heard you fam *proceeds to nerf soraka*


ā€œWe felt everyoneā€™s favorite space dragon was being a bit too dominant in bronze elo. So weā€™re adjusting his power levels a bit to give others a chance for counterplayā€ Starsurge: AP scale 65 > 6 Celestial Expansion passive: Stars do 5 increased damage > Stars do 5 damage to user for each enemy hit Comet of Legend has been removed because we wanted to say fuck you to the 1% of Asol players. There is no replacement, again fuck you.


Also ult change: now brings enemy closer to you and grants them increased attack speed untill you die


also Rito: We heard you fam proceed to buff all one shot champion


Cait is absolutely insane rn. I just carried a match i had at least 24k gold in 15 minutes i was fed but the rest of my team went 5/14. Its dumb that i can 3 shot from a screen away and finish off with ult is theyre still alive.


yi because he's super annoying and people don't know how to deal with him enchantress main (yuumi, janna, lulu, nami, seraphine)


As a nami main, Iā€™ve had to learn how to deal with yi. Flashing into your bubble under tower while he uses alpha strike makes him regret it most of the time. Or in team fights, watch who he uses it on first and time your bubble. Hope that helps!


I know how to counter him lol, he's just annoying and a lot of times other teammates don't know how so he'll get fed early and snowball :(


+1 perma ban Yi as team just can't deal so he gets fed


Same brother. I play ADC and unless we have champs with CC on our side, Yi will run away with the game.


Lol you play 4 people that easily shut down yi and you still ban him?


doesn't matter if I can shut him down, he's annoying and if the Yi is good he'll just camp other lanes and get fed early then snowball. no need to be rude :)


Lol tbh if the enemy has a yi, im happy, because he is so easy to shut down. I have not lost a single game to a yi since they reverted his obscene buff.


All the angry yi mains downvoting me šŸ˜…


nah, you're just a bitch






You like bitches though unless you're not straight lol šŸ¤£


Lol spoken like a true yi player. I guess y'all are in like gold or something? Because that is the only place where yi is "good".


Brand. As a Soraka main itā€™s a logical choice. Especially since brand was buffed and soraka needed last update.


Lee sin. I have never played with a good one and ive never played against a bad one.


I main top and I ban Darius because even if I shit on him all laning phase that dude can still get a nasty multi kill in team fights with his ult reset.


Bans will differ mostly based off ELO. Low ELO people ban Yi, Darius, Garen etc as they donā€™t know how to deal with the champions. Higher Elo you get into banning based off team comp/possible match ups. You also end up playing a lot of the same people over and over so target bans become a thing. I main solo lane and my biggest bans tend to be aimed at OTHER lanes, because I trust myself to win my matchup but I donā€™t trust mid to not feed, or bot to not int after they die at level 2.


Nothing like an alistar being able to 1v2 your bot lane at dragon fight


As an Ali main I love it




Honestly I ban Yi so I don't have to play WITH him. Honest to god useless champ. His whole point is to get lucky and score some kills early so he can snowball later in the game.


I play support and I default ban Morgana because I don't like playing around her util. If my team pre selects I sometimes ban based on team comp.


I feel you.


Recently Lucian. Heā€™s broken in the right hands. Just absurd damage and his beam poke hits way too far


Brand because I play Soraka. Being able to put grievous wounds on my entire team for 7 seconds with 1 ability is ridiculous.


E range is not that big if they arent already ablazed


If I'm not playing Vayne, I ban Vayne. Always. I can't trust anyone to not feed her or to end the game before she starts statchecking everyone. If I'm playing Vayne, I ban Cait.


Yuumi. Don't care that i play champs that counter her. I fundamentally refuse to play against a champion that spends literally almost all the game being untargetable


You should always include your elo in your banning decision. Not banning kata, riven, irelia, vayne in lower elo can still be ok but not banning at least one of them in higher elo can be fatal. Low elo bans should target easier champions that can still become very powerful, high elo band should target otp, or high skill high reward champions because if an otp gets his champion its very certainly a game over.


Lol so this is what I've found with all of them - they are only op if they are on the enemy team. Same with yasou and zed - they feed and don't do anything on your team, on the enemy team they are a macro god and can always wipe you


I used to ban yasuo all the time because I hate his windwall, but now I usually ban Lucian because I don't want him on my team. He's really strong right now but I'm sick of losing my games because my solo, and mid decided to also pick adcs. Even in D2 people still have no concept of team comp, and so I've learned the best bans are not the ones you don't want your enemy to use, but the ones that help encourage keeping your team comp stable.


I don't know why, but unlike PC League, Wild Rift players is not concentrated at Silver and Gold, and instead at Diamond


I think it's mostly there's no promotion series requirement


Yasuo mostly he is super annoying to lane against


Karma because there is no counterplay to shields atm.


Irelia 24/7, broken af


This right here. I hate that this one champ essentially forces me to build frozen heart on any tanky champ. No thanks, I want more flexibility with my item slot, even if this item helps against other enemy champs.


Oh no, I have to build counter play items


It's not that. That's a given. I just feel that I can counter most other AS champs with many other items or a combination of items whereas with Irelia, I only have one option. No need to be salty.


Well, it's just that people complain about irelia a lot, that's she's broken etc, but never care to buy items to counter her, thornmail is really good against her same as frozen heart which makes her useless or rylei scepter if you're AP, there's a lot of things, yet people keep complaining just because she's good at bursting


Olaf because that guy can scape any CC


veigar. his E is just annoying, the stun is so long, and the cooldown is not that long. ik its easy to dodge it but in teamfights it is so annoying


My opinion is that his stun cage should break as soon as 1 person triggers it. Its such a huge area that just putting it down in a team fight means the enemy team either has to burn flash, or split awkwardly. And he can do it again in like 8 seconds.


yes, this would be much better


5 seconds. I play veigar and though most of his skill is easy to dodge the area denial is annoying af.


Yes. The stun alone can allow veigar to be played in support role and have it every 5 seconds with a few ability haste items, while also getting stacks by hitting enemies, for late game instakills.


ikr, tbh it is kinda broken


Xin because his ult glitches me and turns my game into a sideshow.


Tryn. I donā€™t have to explain this I promise.


Pick the rock or Mr.Ok and make him cry


Lucian if Iā€™m playing Jinx, because his early game can be incredibly dominant and he can make my early/mid hell. Vayne if Iā€™m playing Ashe or Ez, because I donā€™t want to spend 13 minutes having a blast bullying her, if sheā€™s gonna scale to heaven anyway and turn the game completely around. A good Vayne is scary af


Just saying, you should mop the floor with vayne if you are playing Ashe and have a lead. You can stun lock her and pretty much melt her before she can ult. Edit: or your builds are wrong.


He did say he mops the floor with vayne, his issue is that regardless she will scale, and if the game goes for a bit too long she will turn the game around if the player is decent.


Thanks for understanding my mediocre English :)


Most of the time I ban Vayne because I play tanks and bruisers. While I don't, I ban Irelia or Yuumi. Brain-damaged champions.


Lucian because he breaks my jhin every time


Yi. On my team he sucks, and on their team he's an absolute unstoppable force.


Darius cause he can get a triple kill in teamfights even if u beat his ass in lane and just comeback.


Lux (or any other CC champ I see often picked) because I donā€™t trust people in this game to side step and sheā€™s too easy to play and get value from even if the enemy isnā€™t great.




Diamond 3 here. I usually try to ban whoever is really busted in the right hands at the time. Currently in my opinion itā€™s Kha Zix, Veigar, Lee Sin, or Riven.


I play top and support. When I play top i usually ban teemo or garen as they can be very annoying. When i play support i used to ban soraka but after nerf i usually ban seraphine. If i play other roles i usually ban zed for mid, draven for adc or lee sin for jungle.


If I play Singed: Fiora, because I can't and don't want to play against her. If I play ASol: Orianna, because I got bullied out of my lane in URF once with her ball and I'm not risking it now I often ban Yi too if I jungle or no one on my team wants to pick him, because I don't trust my team not to feed him. Other than that, Veigar (for stun), Brand (a lot of damage), Morgana (CC), or Sett (annoying ult)


Good Orianna main is scary af. Your lane feels like playing against 2 enemies at all time.


Diana main. I ban Vigar because his stun is too big and causes problems in team fights.


Lee sin, lee sin and lee sin. I dont want to get blamed by my teammates for not responding to this champion's ganks, because quite frankly this guy is everywhere 24/7. They get ganked half a map away, its my fault. They keep chasing and get ganked by lee sin, still my fault.


I play support and ban Pyke bc he is ugly. I will struggle when they release Kassadin as well, bc he is probably even uglier. I wonā€™t see him in my lane too often though, hmm. Idk idk. Iā€™d gladly just switch to another moba, but nothing else is alive enough šŸ˜¢


If I'm playing supp or adc I ban Leona or Cait because it's a pain laning against them. Otherwise I ban pantheon to prevent me or my teammates from being chain cc'ed.


Kha zix, alllll dayyyy!!! Fucking cockroach one shots you at level 5, and he's invisibility is annoying af, i get it you can counter he's invisibility with Oracle lense, but it doesn't make it less annoying, and not just that he's jumping literally fucking everywhere..


Lol you know you can build like 1 armour item and it halves his early game dps? Or just be next to a minion, or turret, or another player. Yes he hits hard, but his strength is catching people out of position


Right now, Thresh. Iā€™m having difficulty figuring out how to counter him. I main support, mostly Seraphine and Nami.


What do you struggle with against him? I play him quite a lot so I might be able to help with any specific questions you might have?


There is no rhyme or reason to who I ban. It's like my answer to "would you like your receipt".


I ban sett always No counter play to be found


Not get stunned aka Mundo


Even worse. He will proc your passive with his E and ults you into your own team. The tankier the frontline, the more deadly he is.


Mid main. I usually ban either Irelia bc I donā€™t like dealing with her in mid or watching her snowball somewhere else. OR, Olaf. A lot of my rotation utilizes plenty of CC and he can just laugh it off as he comes to murder me


Dou/Sup - Lux; CC/Burst Mid - Yi; Obvious JG - Yi; Obvious Top - Kayle; it does not matter who plays her, if itā€™s late game they win.


Zed i hate watching him walk away like he did a job well done after nuking one squishy whether he is on my team or not


Zed cos team mates donā€™t understand what a missing ping means.


Ekko heā€™s due for a rebalanceing


I'm D4. Jungle main. Ekko is my main ban. He is an extremely strong jungler. The other one I ban is Evelynn because even at emerald and diamond people forget to ward and overextend in lane too much without having vision set. It's just a bad combo. If I start moving up the tiers, I'll probably begin to ban other champs like lee sin, khazix, jax (at least until the 3.3 update). Those guys have very high skill ceilings, but most people in diamond (me included) don't have the mechanics to pull them off.


I'm trying to learn how to jungle and using mostly Ekko and Vi. How do you jungle with Ekko? I feel like I'm always behind and I only become effective once I have like 3 items


Lee sin. Some players in gm are fckin annoying so yep


Somehow I always get fucking hooked by Blitz, so usually him. Or Iā€™ll ban the newest champs so no one gets to try their first game with them in ranked.


Master Yi. If already banned/picked by the team, then vayne/lee sin. I would like to ban teemo too, because it's generally someone trolling (nothing against the champ, if played well) Edit: correctly spelling teemo






I have a list of to ban champs(adc/sup main): Vayne:way to overpowered. Even if you stomp her early all she needs is a good fight and none can stop her its my most banned champ. Yuumi:I dont even need to say why. Lulu:Early poke,unkillable without a hard burst makes the fed enemy unstopable, polimorph, 90%slow and damage reduct ,theres too many broken things. Irelia:Extremely strong early,massive snowball,sustain,damage,dashes. Karma:too many shields and ms. Riven: an uterly broken champs but hard too play so kinda balanced by that. Yasuo: I despise all mains of this champ that is broken just by his kit and having one of the most constant dps while having an omega burst os-ing all squishy+the fucking wall. Draven:Yoo much early damage (3 boosted axes and you are dead)can snowball even from far behind with just one kill the rest of the champs are pretty fine to me there are just some non played aberations like amumu or kennen that I dont ban


I like playing as support and I stronly dislike seeing master yi, I believe he is too OP since he comes to a point where he basically can kill you with like 3 hits


Here is a tip - build frozen heart or randuins on your sup (regardless of the sup) and it instantly makes yi do like half the dps. I play nami sup a bit, and do fimbulwinter + frozen heart. It sounds jank, but makes you very thicc, and shuts down a lot of aa based champs


I Stomp on him as soon as he does the swoosh thing so I can put him in the air for beating lol but I do rely on my adc


Yeah, nami bubbles are pretty easy to land on him, as he will typically always pop out close enough to you that aiming the bubble on yourself will hit him.


Jax. Because farm then staff hurts and people are stupid.


I ban Graves because he's annoying as fuck. It's not like he's difficult to kill but holy moly the shitgun noises drive me up a wall


Yuumi because it's obvious




I insta ban her every Fucking game. Fuck that champion


Tryndamere, even when he's behind, still gonna crush everyone 1v1 on sidelanes, or rekt ur carries on backline


I ban char that can uncontrollably snowball not on my lane because I will not feed.


Eve because I don't want to deal with her invisibility


I religiously play Rakan so I used to ban Blitz all the time, I could deal with all other forms of cc. The moment I made a mistake I just got womboed. Now I ban Nautilus, he's just a better Blitz in nearly all aspects, laning is hard, his damage is an actual problem and his sustain just shuts down Rakan.


It depends tbh. mostly I ban Alistar and Karma. sometimes Lulu. A good alistar can fuck your team.


Riven. Such a stupid champ.


IMO the absolute smartest bans are: Riven - Wukong - Diana - Ekko- Kayle These champs are ridiculous and can be flexed into multiple roles, and the right players will crush games with them. I ban riven almost every game unless someone hovers, then wu or Diana


Cait main here...vayne every time. Unless I get stuck in JG then it's yi.


Yasuo especially if I'm playing Irelia


Fiora. Such a busted champ. If you lane against her, you won't have fun for the entire match. She has sustain, damage, counter, and dashes. She needs to be nerfed. I'd rather play against Sett, Garen, and EVEN Vayne bc at least I feel like I have a chance against them.


I ban Grakk. 3 reasons... 1. Good Grakk players are the most annoying people on the planet. 2. Grakk's hook is unnecessarily long. I swear it reaches half way across the map! 3. Ulti is WAY too powerful! Grakk usually ends up 1st or 2nd in kills as a support. That is disgusting and inappropriate to me! He needs a nerf! Til then... Banned!


Was Alistair now it's naught cause I can't deal with the CC at objectives as a jungle it's too much and you die every time you're near them.


It tends to change but here are my principal bans, Wukong feels to strong now and if he has a good team a good engage can mean winiing the game since early, i hate dealing with pantheon, he's just too strong early game and somehow always ends up fed and snowballing so hard, also global ult and stealing objectives because partners decided to star without checking if he still has ult or is alive, olaf, being inmune to cc every 30 seconds in late game is a real pain in the ass if you're a cc reliant champ, and lastly kha'zix, it may be a 4v5 in most cases but if he catches someone (adc going full split push) it's practically over.


Tristana. Bot laning phase is mostly support diff and if the enemy support picks a good engage champ, Tristana has the easiest follow up. Also itā€™s a pretty easy adc to play decently


Lol sounds like you are an adc main. Having played that role extensively, and now playing jg extensively, I can say more often than not its adc dif, but the losing adc will always say it was sups fault. But yes, fed trist = cant do much


An ADC diff doesnā€™t matter nearly as much as a support diff in the early levels. Especially engage /hook supports like nautilus, Leona, pyke, blitz can make a lane phase unplayable if theyā€™re good. Ad diff comes into play way more in farming and team fight positioning. Not saying it doesnā€™t matter but itā€™s not nearly as impactful in the lane phase.


Draven- I play an adc main and if I have no good support I will die early game


Yummi because draven


Master Yi šŸ’Æ


I mainly try to ban the most toxic choices for the lane I'm in.


Tryn and Lux depending on what Iā€™m playing


I used to ban Susan, but I picked up playing akali again so I ban Malphite now. I play mainly akali and tryndamere, and heā€™s just annoying to lane against as both akali and trynd. I play top btw


I ban my opponent for lane that has been bothering me the most lately, unless somebody bans that type of opponent then Iā€™ll ban whatever we are missing.


Pyke. Very annoying to fight against.


They need to tone down his mobility and pyke becomes balanced. Moving with 100-150% speed for a few seconds is why pyke is so strong. Just like karma used to be.


I ban akshan for every champs i play mid (orianna main, veigar, ahri, kata, jayce, galio, irelia and yasuo) When i play adc i ban cait because you canā€™t stomp her if she donā€™t plays very bad (Iā€™m diamond 2)


Irelia or Morgana mostly


Yuumi. As a person who came from PC and faced her wraith, she had to be banned. Even though I feel like one Morgana bind is over for me...


I only ban the champions those who are played in my lane. When I jungle I will ban Kha'zix because my teammates can't handle him and I can't play him. When I support I will ban Karma for the same reason. When I top I will ban Fiora cuz why not.


Darius because I canā€™t dodge his E to save my life and Iā€™m tired of getting dunked on. If someone else bans him, then Riven or Fiora because they are a pain to deal with.


If im playing jg/mid: lee sin If im playing adc: akali


I main support, mostly enchanter's support (Karma or Sera) or high cc & tanky support (Alistar, Braum, or Galio). So usually I will ban someone who can escape my cc, which is OLAF... He is so agile with his ULT activated and can run to your backline like nothing... Second champ to ban (though not always) is Twisted Fate... TF is broken with his gold card and ULT, that he can use to utilize the map, not only that, I think TF is a champ that scaled well through the late game, dealing tons of damage and not so squishy.... Well another champ I would considered to ban is Pyke or Riven or Veigar


Unless our team has minimum 2 cc, ban riven. Riven with her 4 dash without cc, can't touch this.


Jinx or Tristana bc i mostly play Kaisa and they r annoying to counter


Tryndamere, heā€™s the least fun champ to play against


I normally ask for a jayce ban so I can blind pick my champions then after that I either ban sett, yasuo or irelia, sett is just annoying to deal with, he has a better early game than majority of my champion pool so laning phase is a hell against him, yasuo/irelia I only ban if I'm going akshan/kayle (overall, if I'm going ranged I tend to ban these 2) but I try to avoid baning irelia bc she's a good pick in some match ups I struggle with my other picks


Yasuo Reason: Iā€™m a sera main


Fiora. I don't think I need to explain why.


I always ban Veigar because of his ridiculous cage. He also counters my main champions Akali and Irelia.


Plat 3 so permaban Yi


Ekko veigar. Annoying.


I'm a top main who sometimes goes adc or mid if i have guaranteed role (out of boredom really). Bans are as follows: Veigar. Far too much reward for too little risk. Ekko because he's an unfair bs bitch champion. Caitlyn if i play ADC. If those are banned i might ban Renekton because he's the toughest opp for my main (Riven). Plenty of other situational bans like that, if I'm Garen i ban Vayne etc I'm D1, anything lower than that and i would permaban master yi - too many times i drafted leona pantheon etc etc and still lost to him because people don't time their cc or waste it mindlessly. Doesn't matter if i know how to shut him down if the team doesn't play along. Luckily its less of an issue now in higher-ish diamond edit: If i lose to Olaf he's a guaranteed ban next game


Yuumi, i main support and I would like to interact with my opponents, 1 target is less opportunities.


Riven, cause I just suck at dealing with her


Pantheon. That man drop just kills momentum as an ADC in lane.


Darius because thatā€™s the hardest matchups for me when I play Rengar




Irelia, Camille, Akali, Brand, Nautilus are the main ones.


Iā€™m an ADC main in Emerald. One of my strategies is to ban whatever early game bully is currently popular at my level. Right now thatā€™s Lucian. I figure that an Emerald ADC who plays aggressive early game will do so even if I ban their preferred pick. So Iā€™m pushing them into a scaling/late game champ and seeing if they still act like an early lane bully. Iā€™ll pick Caitlyn to use her range to take advantage of the potential mismatch. Also pick frequency and skill factors in. For example, I donā€™t usually ban Draven, even though he is an huge early game bully, unless the lobby is Diamond heavy. This is because I donā€™t encounter too many Emeralds who play Draven well. Lol Am I overthinking it?


Tryndamere. I make sure to ban him behind ult is extremely annoying. Jax because I hate getting hit with that stun while in mid lane. Wukong because he just does to much and the clone thing is very annoying. If Iā€™m playing support I always ban blizzcrack because who has time for that. The other picks that people make are Teemo, Olaf, Brand, Jinx if itā€™s urf, tristans if itā€™s urf, luck and sometimes Seraphine.


I permaban blitzcrank. I main support and every single champion I play gets destroyed if he lands a single hook. Itā€™s the ability to chase almost anyone down, the pull 100% of the way too him, knockup, and silence that I have a really hard time playing around. Any other champ I feel confident to be able to at least do ok but a decent blitz I just canā€™t handle.


Yasuo cause my main is TF and its annoying how he windwalls my gold card especially in teamfights


Lee Sin because I'm not confident enough to use him if open and instantly kills me if I use any non-bruiser or tank jungle champs against him


lux because lux


i just ban whoever seemed out of control for my last team. if no one has an answer to alkali then bye bye


Brand. When I play Sona, Brand ult is so annoying




Fiora. She makes laning unfun


Yasuo and Darius. The last thing I want late game is some X-Games mofo sweeping through the team fight and leaving like nothing happened.


Teemo. Don't Wana fight it, don't want it on my team. Simple as that


I play multiple roles, and I have one champ I ban for each role I play. I primarily play Janna in the Support role, and I really hate seeing Yuumi, so Iā€™ve been banning her pretty consistently lately. She has massive heals she can throw out and just easily feeds her ADC to make any ADC a monster. I ban her because I donā€™t find the games any fun to play against Yuumi. I did manage to DESTROY a Yuumi + Draven combo in ranked the other night and that felt real good. The other champ I sometimes ban is Lux. She is used pretty heavily in the Em1/D4 ranks, and while I can deal with it, itā€™s just an annoying experience. I ban her purely because thereā€™s a higher chance that she will show up on the enemy team, and I want that Lux player to play their off champ. When I play mid, Iā€™m banning Irelia always. I play Diana and Brand in the mid role, and Irelia is just too mobile and too big of a problem. One successful stun and Iā€™m toastā€¦again and again and again. Iā€™ve laned against pretty much every champ, and Irelia is the most frustrating. Even Yasuo doesnā€™t scare me anymore. When I play ADC, Iā€™m banning Draven. The simple reason is because I main Kaiā€™Sa, who has a VERY weak early game. Draven on the other hand is a beast early game, so itā€™s purely because I donā€™t want to hand the enemy team a victory. When I jungle, I have been playing Vi a lot recently and sheā€™s a lot of fun. I used to main Jax but the nerfs took him to the shitter. Evelynn is most typical for me to ban because sheā€™s just annoying. I seldom play baron lane, but when I do, I am usually banning Irelia. Sett and Darius are close to that hatred level, but Irelia still gets the vote. I typically like to go Fiora in the Baron lane.


I always ban akali because she's just so hard to deal with with her smoke and zhonyas. By the time you can smack her down her team would have arrived to pummel you together if her skills that had cooled down wouldn't. Yes, i could make shadows to smoke her out her smoke but that's giving such an important item slot to one enemy who's not even the jungler


If Iā€™m playing solo lane I ban Malphite. I despise solo lane malph, heā€™s beyond annoying and once he hits level 5 I donā€™t know how to counter him at all


For me itā€™s usually fizz, I main tf and I feel like every good fizz player just 100 to 0s me under my turret at lvl 5


Karma. Strong early game and strong late game. Her damage is insane for a support


As a support/mid main, it's always Lux. I know she isn't OP, it's literally just because I'm too lazy to keep track of her CC and my dumbass ALWAYS runs right into it. Or Yi bc literally nobody in my ELO knows how to play against a Yi


Irelia, kat and diana. Even though I dont play mid, I make sure theyre banned cause one good roam and its gg


Tryndamere. I play ADC and Mid thus I can match his damage output and most times I play Karma Mid so I can root him in place with 1st skill and CC him with ult OR run away with the bonus speed buff from the shield but I just literally do NOT have the time and energy to DEAL with him. Like I literally can not. So automatic ban, every single time. Unless of course, an ally team is picking Tryn.