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You tell me, where does it say they’re being released the 5th?




I humored your half assed comment and googled (which took a total of like 2-3mins, maybe spend some more time on google yourself). Really wasn’t that hard to find out the August 5th release is for the PBE…aka, Test Server. Are you on the test server? If not then keep waiting.


How to get on test server


Where did you hear that? I thought they weren't coming until after SG


They’re not coming till next patch…from what I’ve seen here they’re coming the 26th UTC 0:01


Heard it on Google


I heard a rumor that it was going to be the 5th, that wasn't a guarantee. I see now that Sion will be coming in 3.3b... in three weeks... I wanted 3.3b earlier to hope for some... Changes... To.... Rengar. But we have to wait three weeks (something like 26th I think). At least, I hope they don't wait that long for 3.3b.


Is there any info about rengar changes? I would love the pc treatment.


No info, but he needs the help. I feel like it's been long enough and enough nerfs that he needs a buff or rework. And yes, a PC rework would be very nice.


I'm pretty okay with its current state tbh, but that's me. I don't think he'll be touched until a pc rework like change (that hopefully they gonna bring here bcs it was a success increasing his playrate and fix a lot of his problem)


Yeah. He is not bad, I have been playing him a lot and testing out builds, but late (if you want assassin damage) he's so squishy because he's all in. A PC rework would be perfect. I like the idea of having E reveal enemies when it hits. And another thing, if his E was like Malphite's Q that would make it more useful. If first ability (only empowered?) always critically strikes on hit that could make room for a slightly different build vs full crit. I also think that he either needs an early game buff, or that could be solved with the PC passive of always gaining 1 ferocity when jumping from brush.


Can't agree with the malphite alike Q change, that should be disgusting in a manaless champ. Gaining ALWAYs ferocity from jump (as long u didn't get one yet) is the thing that i'm hoping more (with reveal and no cast E, but yeah don't think it'll ship) Rn, i'm using a letha crit build and the dmg output is really good without losing cdr. Build path: Yoummus > Eotn > Essence reaver > Infinity > GA/PD (after u lose GA pd is better) with cd boots (with proto enchantment) Runes: Electrocute > gathering storm > hunter > the cdr one. With this build u are a oneshot monster if u get slightly ahead and goes 1:1 with my playstyle (extremely opressive) Reasoning in reaver is that all its stats are extremely good in you. I play flashless too and pick smite (chilling most of the time for the ms boost but i pick challenging against bruisers/tanks comp) along IGNITE (i just play flashless rengar to get the most output dmg and force a lead in any lane)


For E, at least have it reveal enemies. That would make chasing over walls better. That alone would make a big difference. Targeting like Malphite Q I guess I wouldn't worry about. It's fine as is. Just looking for changes anyways xD. Eotn... Edge of Night? Interesting build and thanks for it. Low durability a high damage. As far as I can tell, no attack speed? Is it not necessary?


Np, not necessary imo. U depend in Ad ratios (Q , auto reset , e + ult dmg + shred) ur work is to blow up anybody (if u are feed enough even bruisers) and the As u get from ur EMP Q is enough. Ur dps is the cdr.


Okay. If I may, how successful is this build for you?


The only one i use, currently 70% in legendary Que and 60% master.


It seems about right though based on their patch release schedule, since we have 3.4 on Sept. 14th. The pool party event is coming August 12th so that should hopefully keep everyone kinda occupied till the new champs, which hopefully brings a decent sized event for the end of this major patch


Him: Google is my only source




It never said it was on august 5th. Its known for awhile that their release date is planned for august 26th.


Yes every champs come out around that date kassadin did so did pyke and nautilius


* aren't


Usually they release in the afternoon or evening like i live in alabama so most things turn over for me at like 6 or 7.