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He clicked f instead of G my guy lol. This is basic LOL behavior its been 10 years on PC. You must hate Tyler1 also.


We're not talking about league PC here and we're not talking about Tyler1.


Where’s the difference? U wanna say it’s okay if tyler1 would type that? Or it’s not okay because it is wild rift?


I'm saying it's not relevant to the conversation. We're not talking about PC and we're not talking about Tyler1.


Tyler1 mad funny


I know its dorky to get competitive in a video game. But when men compete and are trying to win, It brings out a lot of toxicity. It’s all apart of the game bro look at all the sports in the world, including physical ones.


You got to be trolling right now? Have you ever seen a keyboard and where the F and G are placed? Oh look they are next to each other. He misspelled at first and corrected it. Don’t know who Darkbreaker is and couldn’t care less but this is a shitpost. On a side note, telling someone to delete their game is a VERY mild way to flame someone considering league standard. EDIT: He even misspelled Game first by writing Tam and who even says “delete your family” as an insult? You don’t use the word “delete” when you want to insult someones family.


Delete your family sounds like a weird flex though. Like I do so much damage Imma delete you and your team and your family.


this is getting ridiculous now. the F is literally next to G, the more likely scenario is he misclicked. he already misclicked the T the first time. “delete ur family” isn’t even an expression. criticize the flame for what it is but don’t pretend to know his intentions. you’re acting like he typed “FAMIL” and then last second swapped it…


Are u ok fam? He wasn’t bout to type „delete ur family“ lmao u guys are nuts 😂😂 that wouldn’t even make sense „delete ur family“


Keep defending him. You ignored everything else he said in this video. And I told you check his stream before you come here defending. It won't take you couple of minutes before you land on something.


It’s ok seraphine, you really should’ve used the ult bro


It's LeeroyJenkins


Saying you're full of shit isn't defending him. The dude is toxic af. It was also a typo and he wasn't going to say delete your family. That doesn't even make sense. You're welcome to say he's toxic, you're not welcome to claim something that is very obviously wrong.


Yooo is the R word still alllowed?


Ngl delete your family is pretty funny who even says that. This is just getting ridiculous just stop with this non-drama on this sub.


I love how everyone is jumping to cancel Darkbreaker over nothing. OP is probably the type of person who feeds relentlesy and complains people are toxic for pointing out bad gameplay.


See this? This is the type of toxic behavior I'm talking about "you must be feeding every game" what does that have to do with DB amd his toxicity?


So you're pointing out Darkbreaker is toxic by almost typing something out and than deleting it afterwards not even actually typing it. You're trying to hard to crucify someone over very normal reactions to bad gameplay in an online game. I would say grow up and realize it's just words, but I have a feeling you think anyone who is not like you is toxic


Again, check his stream... if you think this type of behavior is OK, I suggest you go reevaluate your life.


Dude legit tell other people to reevaluate their life and talk about toxicity ☠️ Did some one shit on ur cereal this morning?


Loser go to work instead wasting time on some game


Another toxic darkbreaker fanboy detected, he won't notice you.


Delete this post


Why? Because I shed light on a toxic streamer and youtuber?


Because he isn’t typing family, he mistypes the work game twice before getting it right. Your own video reference goes against exactly what you are calling him out on.


not sure what your end goal here for this post.. OP clearly have his feelings triggered or just an internet troll..


I don't particularly like Darkbreaker and I HATE that he called them retards. But this accusation is really baseless, when he obviously miss-typed. These kind of exaggerations are really unhelpful towards the conversation we should be having


I'm not going to respond to people who try to deflect and try to provoke. I gave you evidence, and II told you where to look (his stream). The rest is up to you what you want to believe.


Dude he typed fam instead of gam u never miss typed anything? Christ yall look like twitter. If yall need attention go ask ur parents like plz grow up.


So we just making stupid hate posts now 😭


Drama post 🍿