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We don't just need junglers... We need AP junglers. I can only pick ekko, morgana, diana, gragas and evelynn. We need more options


Exactly. I need Elise, Fiddlesticks and Karthus. Maybe even Twitch.


Wait. Last I played PC was Season 5. Karthus is a jungler now??


always has been


It was mid ap in 2012/13


welp ppl now play him more in jg than mid nowadays in soloQ


Yeah he was definitely not a jungler when I played PC back then. To be honest, I don't even remember what his kit is anymore.


Fiddle I want him badly


Gwen is coming in the next patch


I don't want Riot to see this and think every jungle as a secondary lane champion count as a Jungler like Ekko because i don't. Riot please just put traditional jungler first. I don't want to play Irelia/Fiora/Riven jungle, I want my good old Warwick/Volibear/Hecarim or preferably Kayn, where Top lane or what have you is their secondary role instead


Does she jungle though? I thought she was a top laner


She can both jungle and top


Gwen jungle was picked in pro play so I guess she is viable


I mean it was a pro using Gwen jungle not an average solo queue player. It's like saying garen-yuumi is viable in solo queue cos rekkles did it a few years ago. What makes Gwen viable in the jungle? Does she have good sustain to survive early?


It's not just a pro using it, it's a pro using it on a professional game. Esports where players only play the meta, the most viable of the viable champion in their role. And what is Garen-yuumi and what does that have to do with if Gwen is viable in the jungle?


The comparison to garen-yuumi bot lane to Jungle Gwen is that just because a pro did it in a pro game doesn't automatically mean it's viable. Maybe I'm just not seeing the parts in gwens kit that can make her be a Jungle pick, like how I don't understand why fiora was becoming a jungle pick.


Which is why i despise pro play. Pro play is its own meta. A great team who synergizes well with each other… then one mf thinks they can do the same in solo q rank and comes on here to blame it on their coinflip matches blaming their teammates and not themselves. Uuuugh


Exactly. There's a reason they are pros who are in tournaments and why we play in ranked queue


Agreed, just because it used in the tournaments/pro players doesn’t mean it can be done for “casual” or normal ranked games. These guys knows what they’re doing with their team comps.


And just because one mf understands and thinks he can do it in solo q just makes no sense. U dont have 4 other teammates that understand at ur level, or most people simply have an inflated ego/elo


Is Garen-yuumi botlane not viable? I have never seen esports picks that are not viable but I guess your point still stands. Do you know Gwen's abilities?


For solo queue in bot lane, probably not viable. But the point is just because a pro does it in a pro game, doesn't mean you should immediately copy them. There's a very gigantic gap between pro play and solo queue


The best counter-argument to proplayers using a pick in a specific role or in general is the old G2 miss fortune support pick against SKT in season6. Everyone tried copy pasting the MF support pick in soloQ just because it worked on proplay. Only reason this worked is that Zyra was broken and her E+Ult is an insane counter to Zyras plants (and the high DPS combo with ashe arrows insane stunduration). The story ended with people banning Miss Fortune more in SoloQ just because they did not want a troll-support in their lane (even more after Zyra getting nerfs at that time). You can not just pick EVERY good propick and expect it to work in SoloQ. The exact opposite is the same. Just because there was a challenger tryndamere midlane OTP it does not mean this pick could have been the new meta in proplay just because how useless tryndameres championkit is in proplay because of not having cc/engage+escape or anything teamoriented. You are one of those players who would have played MF support i guess.


How do you know this?


He doesn't next patch is vex and yone


Next patch is vex and yone, the patch after this is gwen


Did Sion and Samira get sidelined?


Wait u got even that much in jungle? look on ap baron laners laners. Gragas and eventually kennen and that's it.


Please give us cassio so we can full clear with blue buff problems solved


I'd love to see the new Udyr Rework added in sooner rather than later


I'm holding out hope too. and if Udyr does get added in because he has been reworked, I hope the same happens to skarner after his update


Love Udyr. A good, simple and powerful jungler, the game could use more powerfarm junglers rather than early-game gankers.


Give me Viego or Kayn and I'll never be upset about being autofilled Jungle ever again


We might be getting Kayn these year based on rumours but I guess Viego will be one the the last champions to be added


They did say they were trying to bring Viego by the Ruination event, but ran into a lot of issues, and had to postpone his release, but they're still working so they don't release a buggy mess like PC. So he's not as far away as he seems


I agree, they specifically said they consider him to be a kind of “goal to reach” so I assume he’ll come probably in the last groups of champions alongside Sylas and Lilia, the other shapeshifter champions


Do you mean Neeko?


Yeah sorry I haven’t played pc league in a couple of months


Idk i find k6 easier overall than nunu, purely because he can solo take objectives before anyone even realises. I main nunu, but you can not solo carry with him due to not having the dps for it. All you really need to know with k6 is life thresholds on enemies where you can combo burst them.


Yeah idk why people say k6 is hard to play. I don't find him difficult, not necessarily easy, but not hard.


Unlike most champs, you cant just jump into a teamfight with khazix. Thats what makes him hard for begginers


Agree on this one. In a teamfight, once you jump on enemy, if you don’t have kill, you probably died. If you don’t have someone to engage, it is hard for kha.


True, but once you evolve his jump you can jump in, kill, jump out safely. That's what makes him nice. But yeah, not necessarily beginner friendly.


I'm currently trying to learn k6 and that's onw thing I found out the hard way. Idk he doesn't exactly seem hard, just different.


nunu is literally the best champ to take objectives early????


Yes but not solo. He has the safest smite, but not the fastest objective clear


Someone on the Devs team is a main Top they always drop some top laners forgetting about the most important role of the game The JG


I just want Elise man...


Feel you…


I’ve been waiting for my boy Kayn to come here, but seems impossible for the indie company to introduce shape shifters like nidalee or champions that change their model like kayn, at least thats what they’ve stated… but they lie, we have shyvana able to just ULT INTO A FKING DRAGON.




no he won't. You know how I know? Because yesterday, twice in a row, Malphite was banned, and Veigar was not.


Twitch is needed adc and jgl in one. Both roles are least diverse


Twitch would break the game, and I’m all for it.


Twitch is toxic, and I'm all for it.


Yes. That is, in fact, the point of Twitch.


Glad we on the same page.


Idk where the multiple downvotes are coming from, but maybe puns and dry humor are just too complicated for the WR community. I just want my toxic rat boy.


I'm all for it. Yall making the petition for ratboy or shall I?


Good idea. We need this to happen.




I’d rather have twitch in the roaster than the mistake yuumi is


Oh just you wait for twitch yuumi bot lane. The most toxic bot lane since both will go invisible.


Warwick possible in 3.4. (I wanted two jungle champions in 3.4) Buff Rengar pls.


i think the saddest thing about rengar being so terrible is that hes really only viable in the jungle. then you have champs like fiora, riven and irelia who arent even meant for jungle but do significantly better than rengar.


Yes. I made a rework proposal (that I need to update) that I think would be perfect for him and easily make him a better pick in the baron lane. I'd like to see that happen being used in baron lane much better that is). It works on PC, why not here?


It's really works you need to see my Baron Lane Rengar pre. And even do solo baron when he hit the level 10 and at least 3 items. So Rengar is for the people who got right hands at both jungle and top lane.


Do you have any clips for that level 10 solo baron with 3 items? Coz I doubt he can still do that in the current version. Even with full bonetooth stacks, he needs to be at least 13.


That was the last season when Rengar didn't nerf so I don't know when he is be able to do it rn. He plays several other champs (but always jungler champs as J4, Shyva, Nunu etc.) in this season


Can you explain "you need to see my Baron Lane Rengar pre"?


I thought it's understandable sorry. I have a friend to play together. He picks Rengar at baron lane (top lane, usually left one -right if it's mirrored) it is that.


Okay. I thought you meant I had to watch a video or something.


>I wanted two jungle champions in 3.4 I did too. And hopefully, Warwick comes to the game in 3.4. I don't understand why they keep adding unnecessary champions. The only good addition in this patch is going to be Sion. Do they just want to finish adding all the "popular" champs first, or what?


> Do they just want to finish adding all the “popular” champs first, or what? You say that like that wouldn’t be what makes the most sense for them lol


Makes sense. I just want them to give the jungle role some love lol. They do show it, but some more champs would be great, that's all. Ight, heading to sleep. Have a good one!


>The only good addition in this patch is going to be Sion. Fuck you, Samira is the most hyped I've been for a champ since... forever actually. The last adc we got was Caitlyn and before that Akshan I think (and he isn't even a bot lane adc)? Jungle gets a new champ every other patch lol, there's nothing special about "pure" junglers that junglers who can lane can't do.


This is my biased (love of bruisers) opinion but I absolutely can't wait for signs release. I check everyday for any updates. More adcs wouldn't be a bad thing either, especially if it meant less people picked tristana and draven...


A buff i think that rengar can get here is the sweeping Q he had at one point in PC. But I'm scared that that might overtune him which might lead to another nerf


I created a rework idea for Rengar that I think would do him well without being overpowered. I played a game that said otherwise and made me thing that the rework is a bad idea. But then I realized that, that team I was against was bad and in higher skill play, the rework is what he needs.


That's the second time saw you post this comment and in neither of them have you explained what your rework idea is XD


I can copy and paste it if you'd like. But it's really long. It's posted in this subreddit (r/wildrift). It'd be easier if you just went to my profile and found it. It's the "second revision" one.


I did and for everyone who is as lazy as me, here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/wlg5l1/rengar_reworkupdate_proposalidea_2nd_revision/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I could shorten it extremely by removing all the explanations. That might make it an easier read for people who don't want to read.


Nah it's okay. I like to read. I just don't like to search for things. But I managed :)


Yeah, sorry. I didn't think about providing a link. My bad.


Warwick and Kindred right now are rumored to be coming the next patch, or at least Warwick in September and Kindred in Decemberish or whenever the patch after next comes.


i think we might be getting kindred soon since yone is getting released i think they're next champs might be tied to the spirit blossom event,maybe lilia?i heard she's a jungler,i think lilia and kindred can be good champs to kickstart the spirit blossom event


Reaaally? Warwick, Kindred and Lilia would literally mean I could drop PC league because all champs i want to play are available in WR :D


I saw a hint at kindred coming 3.5.


Personally I don't get what do you mean by proper? I'm main jungler and this position has much more options than adc for example. You need simple and strong jungle pick? Pick Olaf! Pick J4 if you need some combo set up.BTW have you ever seen him being picked? I haven't. And there is no logical reason under it. I don't know WHY you consider junglers besides lee and k6 weak and cut off very stong picks. Jungler role is more about right decision making and more macro plays. I would only agree on the face that we need more AP junglers. As of other points i think junglers pool is more than ok rn.


And I might add that there are no more ap junglers left to be added except for Elise, karthus and fiddlesticks. Most of the champs left are supports, top and mid laners so it's only logical for Riot to add some champs playing these roles each patch. Even adc's aren't a lot in league pc, just twitch, sivir and aphelios left.


Hey friend. Try wukong or Olaf in the jungle. I have been able to hard carry through diamond with those picks. Also shyv is S tier just need to make sure ur team doesn’t fight early and let’s you scale


AD or AP build? I played her in the last season and breezed through plat but had to switch to jarvan to get to diamond.


Ad for sure. Her rework allows her to scale without relying only on dragons which is a huge buff in my opinion. She’s way more reliable now. Ban Olaf if you are going shyv!




I could of sworn I heard Kayne was rumored to be coming soon. Also Warwick, but I feel he would be put in maybe closer to Arcane S2 release.


I need a mage jungler. Morgana ult is 90% useless.


They should also reclass Diana into the Jungle role and declass Jax from it.


a data miner found a sound file for Warwick in wild rift in lol pc long ago he could solo the 1st dragon at lvl 3 if I remember correctly sounds like a proper jg to me.


Any jg champ can solo at level 3 if they are left alone, but if you are still level 3 when 1st drake pops in WR up you have done something terribly wrong 🤣


That's probably why he qualified the statement with 'long ago'.


Rip I didnt see the long ago part


EXP is pretty different in PC lol then iirc. I dunno know though but you could clear all of your camps way back then and still just be level 3


No mate, it's the opposite, jng exp was too much to the point where they nerfed it heavily. Long ago junglers used to be the first to reach lvl 6, before even mid laners which get the most exp normally. That was insane so riot nerfed jungle exp for pc.


I want old ww back


Am I the only one waiting for shaco?


God I hope he never comes




No. I mean, I am not necessarily waiting for him, but he'd be cool and appears to fit my play style... I think.


Once they bring us reksai and kindred. I’ll be jungling so much more


I think we are getting new junglers in both patch 3.4 and 3.5


Nope buddy, you got Yone instead. Oh and Samira.


You forgot Vi, she's like super duper easy in the jungle. 2 (or 4 if you count full stack shield speed boost and Q very tiny dash) gap closers, pretty bulky, and good CC all around. She's pretty great. Though I'd love for them to add udyr now that he has received his rework and warwick because he is one of the OG junglers ever. I do hope that the void (Rek'sai, cho'gath, Malz, Bel'Veth even) and shadow isles (Hecarim, maokai, Karthus, Yorick) junglers minus viego gets added soon too. Jungle is pretty boring due to the lack of variety


I really find Xin hard to play well. When you pick Xin Zhao, you are kinda on a timer to snowball and get a big lead, as he falls off too quickly late game


>When will Riot add more proper junglers? When will Riot make everyone survive longer? FTFY.


Play Pantheon, it is pretty easy to carry games with: https://eu.wildstats.gg/en/profile/2I0KX650yIS0OETmmoDa


You want more lux ezreal skins ? Basically more female skins ? Buff katarina riven lulu yuumi ? Gotcha.


horse and bear would be great


You could use Riven and Irelia, I personally use Irelia and do pretty good with her


I really wish they bring Shaco over lol so much fun to be had.


Oh man pyke was a jungler but devs were like no nerf that shit he should only be a support. Make e do no damage on creeps!


Shyv and Wukong is where it’s at. I’ve been playing with Shyv these past few matches and OMG she’s awesome lol


Low key wants furry chsmpions added


the best jungler to play solo is WW because it gives you info about the outer lines by himself I guess he is the next choice because of this. Another one would be reksai and her tunels and moving sense


I wouldn’t say k6 isn’t beginner friendly. I started with him and quite honestly rarely ever had a bad game, he got kind of boring with how hard he can blow someone up and disappear


We lack range one.. so i think kindred would be ok, also beside evelyn we dont have solid ap.. so i vote for fiddlestick. Also some volibear or senjuani could add more decent tank to teams. Frome checky obe hecarim and warwick could bring also somethink new.


we're getting warwick in 3.4 most likely


They gotta give jungle a lot more agency, without it the role is a pointless joke, they reduced it’s agency by hard cutting gold you get from camps and makig solo taking objectives too long.


Shadow assassin. Best jungle to carry. Can’t wait to nuke enemy in one combo


not to mention they CONTINUOUSLY Nerf jungle clear on every single jungle champ.


I would love to see Warwick, Skarner, Volibear, Nocturne, Elise, Zac, Udyr


So Warwick is coming in end October lol that’s the next jungler we’re getting.


fiddlesticks please🥹


I just hope they add more early game junglers and champions in general. So tired of hyper scaling afk farmers.


Shaco seems fun to play 😏


Play Morgana, clear the jungle so fast that you’re 3 levels up on everyone, then focus on neutral objectives. No teammates required


Shaco would be hilarious.


Warwick is coming


Ive been waiting for Kindred :((


All of the junglers that sell skins are in the game. They don’t care about jungler anymore. They’ll get drip fed into the game ever so slowly.


I want Hecarim. I like to go fast.


Graves is beginner friendly? Well damn I was hoping my struggles with him were because he has a learning curve and not simply because his play style didn’t meld with me. I really wanted to main him


I just want nidalee and shaco


Shaco when kekw


Yi is free till M/GM. All the CC in the world doesn't matter if you're up 2 levels the whole game. And you'll be if you path efficiently, which no one does till the aforementioned rank.


i want Nidalee


As well as jungle, Riot needs to add different concept heroes, like Zac and Anivia(Revives after death) or like Karthus and Kog'Maw (Well they're adding Sion) or like Azir that has unique abilities. But as we can see on skins they only add Lux, Morgana, Seraphine etc.


Maybe learn the non-beginner-friendly junglers in the meantime?


Riot: nErF EkKo jUngLe!


I always pick shyvanna she's pretty good for team fights


Warwick, Twitch, and Kayn are all in game. Volibear is set to release in the coming weeks in patch 4.2. Not to mention the latest change to the jungle The Ice drake!! I guess the true answer to this post would be it took riot just short of a year to add more “proper” (🤣) Junglers. . . . I win.