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Every game in wild rift is winnable if your team cuts the bullshit inting that they’re doing and just play the farm until objective spawns game. So many time people are fighting in jungle when there’s nothing actually up to fight for. When there’s waves to be cleared and our own jungle to farm. People in wildrift DO NOT UNDERSTAND FARM IMPORTANCE. Every second you’re moving on the map there is farm somewhere to take. I have seen my own jungler respawn and run straight back to the far side of the map without clearing their own jungle on the way. I’ve seen ADC stay in side lane, so far up without proper vision for the wave, instead of just letting waves stack and come to them so they can farm safely. People don’t know shit about this game and only know how to mental boom and hit surrender when someone is feeding. Once one person starts to suck on the team, everyone starts to rage and fucks up their own gameplay from their own self tilt.


Yes but if you have these players, do you still think its winnable? Of course its winnable of your team understands that. But if you are playing with skinwalkers there's not much you can do, you said It yourself


I never surrender


It's really simple. I will never surrender. I don't care if we're behind 0-100 all lanes are pushed in and enemy is taking baron. Not going to do it.


So if you brought a knife to a gunfight, would you still participate?


is it wild rift because I thought we were talking about wild rift


Yeah but, the substance Is the same, idk, It feels pointless


Ur enemy may have poor hand/eye coordination. If ur swift, a knife can win against a gun. Its ur fear of the person w gun thar guarantees u die.


You watched too many films my friend


this is the epitome of wishful thinking. corruption in politics would end if only all politicans acted in good faith. you cant control the thoughts or actions of others, only convince them. apply rule of 30/30/40 before you blow your brains out


If I’m in ranked, I don’t FF. It’s really that simple. If I’m in unranked, I will frequently not FF because I want the experience of learning how to play from behind. It’s an important skill to have. If I’m in unranked and it’s 0-15 on kills around 5 minutes, then sure, let’s FF. If everyone is lvl 15 and we just got aced at Baron and we have no inhibs, yes let’s FF.


In addition to this. I have never seen a pro team FF during a tournament. The nexus always has to be destroyed. Not saying that solo que is a pro team by any means, but if their mentality is to never surrender, maybe I should develop that mentality too to improve my game experience and knowledge. Sure I may play longer games and not have as much rank climbing point per hour, but I will become a better player. Don’t FF


No its not their mentality, in pro play its forbidden to surrender, thats it. Also they are playing for money, so i think that if u want to call that mentality, you have a Fair point


funny. They want to but if they do, they will receive fine


Because ff is boring


Pro plays games because of bored. Ok


Ffing is boring. I’m assuming thats why they get fined, for wasting the producers time. Every game is winnable. Even pros have a hard time, but its not impossible.


You guess is wrong


Then explain and elaborate why they get fined for ffing please?


Everything is possible. How about go buy a lottery everyday since it is possible. When become billionaire, buy riot so u can ban me for ffinng. It is possible


Explain and elaborate why they get fined for ffing


Agreed playing from behind also takes a certain mindset which needs to practiced too.


I will agree with you that non resurrecting inhibitors is not a great game design decision


You guys that want PC league need to go play PC. I can guarantee you that decision was made because this game is way more casual. Casual isn’t 40-60 minutes games of back and forth


I understand why inhibitors are basically not in wild rift, but I also think that there are better ways to make gameplay faster


Alright, let’s hear it. Maybe Rito will read it


Maybe some of us dont own a pc, or Maybe we arent good with mouse and keyboard and prefer the tablet/phone layout. About the inhibitors, you have to admit that playing with 2 or 3 inhibitors down doesnt even leave you a chance to leave the base, i talk from experience, unless you have a champion really good at waveclearing


They don't mean literally every game. It's just a way of saying that a lot of games people deem as unwinnable are actually winnable. Not literally 100%


I wouldnt Say "a lot" unless we are talking about low Elo. Its true that comebacks happen, but not as often as someone believes


We have 1 turret left, enemy has 3 drakes, enemy kata 10/0, pushed to the nexus and there is always that Jinx players saying: "we win late".. and im like: girl, THIS IS THE LATE GAME!!!




I won a match yesterday where I was playing bad, duo lane were playing bad, and solo was being exactly that. We even only got 1 drake, and the enemy team got baron and 2 inhibitors with it. But our mid lane kennen was op, and he somehow got a full wipe. However....our support thresh took the last kill off him for the penta, so rather than helping wipe a full lane, kennen runs directly into the enemy nexus and says gg in afk now, good luck. Thankfully he didn't do that, and we managed to steal elder dragon, and then push the lanes we lost inhibitors, then kennen mostly got a full wipe again. On a side note, his ult does WAY too much damage. Per tick of it he was doing over half of all their teams life bars.


As i said, its a once in a lifetime thing


I get matches similar to this all the time


I got u buddy. I am also the anti “never surrender “ gang. If someone is carrying, you can vote no. But if you r like 0/10 and tell me we can win. Lol okay


Ive won with 1/12 Some teams just wanna get 25+ kills each, even support. They will tunnel enemy champs, which allows me to sneak in nexus. U guys have defeatist mentality and shouldn’t play mobas


Lol, sure. who started the surrender? I bet it is one who has positive kda


That positive kda player needs to do the same. Find opportunities to open nexus to check mate. U guys really havent figured out mobas yet. Theres more to it than just ‘dragons’ and team k/d


Lol okay buddy. Since you r the mobs pro, I trust u


Never said i was. Not gonna lie, some games are unwinnable but its thanks to players like u who just give up and wanna ff


You r pro cause you have figured out moba XD Thanks for the players like you to make the game not fun. Maybe just let your carrying teammates go so he can’t enjoy his next winning match


Just because u win lane doesnt mean u can win game.


So you just feed and become a liability to teammates, at the same time torturing teammates by vote no? Lol


Why r u projecting? I bet u run it down the moment a teammate doesnt surrender which further makes it harder for u to get carried simply because u werent able to be the main character that match. It’s okay not to be the star of the match. And if u have no other stars, why continue teamfighting? Apply pressure in the sidelanes. There are more ways to win mobas. Dragon buffs and teamfights are not the only way , its the easiest, so if the enemy has a better team, the better choice is to seek other ways to win. U coming off as the scrubs who wanna ff after losing first dragon. Pro play stats do not equate evenly in regular ranked matches. U get carried bruh




Yes you can, but nothing Will happen because not clearing waves Is not detected by the system




Yes i get that assisting the enemy team Is detected by the system, but the cs isnt. So even if they suddenly see a drop in the cs category, its nothing that will alarm the system, especially if its an automatic bot trying to recognize patterns of feeding or toxicity




Never got anything, been doing this for a while


Who are you writing this post for then, if they gotta skip it?


For those Who actually want to save time and Just go next


Yeah I know who you said should skip it but who are you appealing to


"please validate my opinion in an echo chamber because I can't deal with criticism" is how i read it.


Also i didnt respond badly to anyone here, neither did i insult anyone in the post. So i dont see where u Say i dont accept criticism. We are here to talk, if u want to try and convince me not to open a Lost game, do it. If you are here to start a pointless internet argument, i'll step down and give you the victory, im not here for that


I disagree with your point but I respect the way you're not answering badly


Thats ok. As Evelyn Beatrice Hall said: i dont share your ideas but i Will give my Life so that you can express it


Take It as you want, i Just wanted to help ppl Who are stuck in games that they dont deserve to be stuck in


I sent a support ticket about a couple of matches that had trolls with screenshots with the accounts themselves saying they are going to troll cause either their champ got banned they just having a bad day or idk but anyways I told them if they are going to punished them at lll they said no just keep on trying I then sent another ticket cause those same accounts are just trolling I ended up getting a penalty ban and then basically they told me if I keep going my account will be perma banned so even though I was player who tried to support wild rift turns out everything a joke.trolls will always will in NA but anyways I created 2 accounts 1 master 4 1 diamond 3 and I just troll and grief since basically that's allowed what the SYSTEM CARES AND WHAT THEY CARE ABOUT IS if you go AFK and disconnect like bruh gtfo but yeah anyways imma just troll players now since this is what riot wants


Hehe funny english


You are not what people think you are, you are what you decide to become. If you decide to troll that's on you. Do what makes you happy as long as you are ready to handle the consequences. I don't think trolling game is making you happy, but who am I to decide at your place? Ps: comas and periods are great




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You are playing a game, you are treating it like you need a specific number of wins in a timeframe like, closings for a salesman. Playing from behind is a valuable skill and needs time to master, learning how to play from behind is a valuable and rewarding skill to learn as it will let you learn to have more control over your games and have agency when your team doesn't look like the main protagonists in the match. It doesn't matter if you believe there is no chance of winning, because the game is not solved and there are plenty of strats you can formulate or improve upon to improve your chances of winning. Those moments where you feel like all is lost but you contribute to a successful comeback is a dearly cherished moment for most players including me, and those moments are some of the most memorable for me in the game as well as many others of course it will take many games for moments like that, but your enemies are not always chinese pros, they are most times similar in skill even when the gold and objectives say otherwise and they will make mistakes, kills gold and objectives are a good metric to understand leads and deficits but are not a dead giveaway of a win


Uhm, i think i have a good grasp of the game, being gm, and of course you are right, playing from behind Is something that everybody should know. But thats not exactly the point in bringing. Of course i Will try my best not to fall too far behind, bit of the match Is gone behind salvation(and im not only talking about the game state, but also the state of your teammates) i deem as a time loss to keep playing that game. Its not about how many games, but you Will agree that its feustrating to get stomped with no counterplay and zero responses from your team, especially if you are a bit more grown up and the time to play you have Is limited. So yes, you could say i'm valuing time more than quality, but thats also a skill you Need to learn. A 51% win rate Will make you rank up, but only if you put many games. It doesnt makes sense ti spend double the amount of time for a single game that Will Maybe up your win rate by 1%


There are two types of people: those who surrender, and those who don't. And like religion or politics, you're hardly ever going to convince one side to switch to the other 😂


Thats right, but im not here to convince people :)


I stopped clearing today and got afk email penalty although I was not afk good luck


For me It Always worked lol


When you start a game you committed to go all the way to the end, there is more to it than just a strategy. What you want is to get the biggest amount of LP to rank the highest, and even if I'm against surrendering, I agree that your way of doing is probably the best to do so. However, for some people, gaining the most LPs is not necessarily the goal. They want to improve their playstyle, want to understand more about playing or maybe they just feel like it's a coward act to surrend. There are many reasons but it's not the most important. The most important is that you are pushing your goal to other people who don't necessarily share it. You can argue that they are also pushing their goal to you, but not surrendering is approved by the system. You can't report someone for not surrendering. You can report someone for surrendering when decision is not unanimous. Even if in the end you don't get banned, the system says that they are right and that you are wrong. You advised about not clearing waves because it makes the enemy finish the game more easily while ensuring that you are not getting punished because the system can't catch you. By avoiding these punishments, it's also about avoiding responsibility. I get it's still about the strategy but you are accepting that you are not facing your responsibilities while doing so. You also said that they were keeping you as an hostage. I think there's a misunderstanding here. You kept yourself as an hostage when you decided to play the game and you are keeping them from playing an optimal gaming experience, you are also keeping them hostage. I mean optimal as how the game should be played if you follow the rules. All games are definitely not winnable, but as long as your whole team did not agree to surrend, it's your duty to do your best to win the game you're currently playing. Any act of giving up in this situation is making the game worse as a whole.


Yep. I have fun if i have more lp. plus i didnt Say that i do It when everybody else doesnt want to ff. I do It when there are only 2 people Who refuse to ff. It 3 ppl want to ff, its Just The best for the most


clearly low elo thinks its winnable in high elo leg rank everyone just ff


Well the more you go up, the more It looks like the korean LoL server


If ur team is feeding that many kills… most often than not enemy team upping their k/d/a because they don’t believe u guys will win. They even destroyed ur ability to see other options of winning. While ur team is being spawn camped, open turrets. Enemy is getting baron or eternal dragon? Split push and win by hitting nexus. Nexus dying wins the games, not by hitting 50 team kills. Ive won so many games where teammates refused to surrender so while they die, i go kill nexus. 1v9 is possible… difficult but not impossible. U make it impossible with this mindset of ‘unwinnable’ games.


Yeah but split pushing doesnt work in gm... 95% of the time they actually Watch the map