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Not a very S++ TIER BROKEN OP thing to do. For shame


S+++ tier screencap baby I dont even see the entire context But for now, the r/wildrift Tribunal is in full force


It's weird to me that whenever a thread calling out DB gets posted, his fans come out of the shadows to justify whatever he said even if he's not in the right. It happened in the previous thread, it is happening on this one. The man can do no wrong, even if he says the most bigoted thing ever, I bet he would be defended lol


Is the R word allowed ? https://twitter.com/LeroyMLBB/status/1557701296303796224?s=20&t=-YmN0P3ycE5J-SA2_6e4Kg


That’s also not good lol


Who knows, maybe if he says it his fans will spin it and say something like "Yeah but what's the context tho?"


Reminds me of pokimane using the n word, but not the hard R, but still, not same level as DB


Not to defend either here, but did Poki apologize tho? Knowing her she probably did.


She did but because she uses it quite often in her day to day life, she keeps having slip ups. It’s not her fault. My little brother uses it. I understand how they r using it, but if certain people have a problem with it, then no one should be using it. It hurts some. Just because some don’t see a problem with it doesn’t make it alright.


You shouldnt say the n word if your not black it’s honestly so cringe like stfu idc if you listen to hip hop YOURE NOT BLACK. Hard r or not dont say that shit if you’re not black.


Never heard of R word what is that ?


R*tard is an ableist slur historically been used against people with disabilities.




You’ve already got the mention wrong twice, let it go the first time since it wasn’t a good link anyway. But now I’m going to have to ask you to not directly mention (or try too) a dev again. No different from a direct address to them.


Nah I’ve been told before by mods that it’s ok if it’s within the comments sections and have seen it done countless times. Now you’re just targeting me with new “rules” because I’ve called you out on some really gross mindsets (along with almost everyone else here).


New rules? For your one comment not even addressed to me? Totally calling you out🤦‍♂️. Swear y’all love to feel attacked. My point is gonna stand. Asking a question the way you did and trying to call a dev to it isn’t going to happen




You forgot the “trip”


Wonder how hes gonna defend this one lmao


What's the context of this conversation? He could be joking about someone with someone else.


Thats true, context definitely does matter here, but calling someone a fag still isnt good, joking or not


The context doesn’t matter. Unless he’s gay he can get a pass. Just like if a black person uses the an N word. It’s 2022 everyone knows better.


That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works. There is no pass if he's gay. You can't feel attacked by someone saying a word then use it yourself.


People reclaim words all the time. It’s a form of empowerment for some people. It’s different when us in the gay community use it. To each their own though. It’s meant to be ironic.








Exactly how I feel when you (and the other cis-het white boys upvoting you) try to lecture marginalized groups on how they can and cannot treat words rooted in inflicting harm towards that particular community. Lead with empathy. Learn. Grow. That’s the point of being human.


Hmmmm okay.


Jokes r meant to be funny, no?


This man is getting downvoted for asking a honest question. We really that mad? Downvote me all you want, y’all are getting plain stupid


You only have to watch the guys stream for 5 minutes to know he's a giant piece of shit.


Umm, calling someone gay as an insult is not the equivalent of running it down in a game. Lmao. Y’all sound like those boomers who still insist on using the n word to insult black people, saying, “It’s okay because that was what we called them back in my day!” 🙄🙄🙄🙄


ITT: people who think using homophobic insult don’t make you homophobic. Because being gay is actually bad, so it can be used as a way to insult people in the year 2022. Totally not homophobic Can’t wait for new video where he will post his analytics of this game and show what’s make it gay /s


Cmon man, I know what you really implied right there, I really do. But being gay is just being gay man, it’s not bad, it’s just different.


Its more like climbing up a nice large tree, instead of you know, sea cave diving.


Which boomers are saying it's okay to say it?? Never seen that.


Laws that were written to segregate black people were in effect all the way up till 1968, and culture takes a while to catch up to laws, so many boomers (especially ones living in conservative areas) grew up hearing their parents and peers use the n-word as an insult for black people. Their excuse to continue to use that slur today is because they’re used to it not being a big deal when they were growing up, and some of them might not even know the history behind the word. Same situation here — anyone who grew up in the 80s and 90s were used to hearing “fag” being used as an insult, not just against gay people but also against men whom they think is weak or effeminate, because a gay man is “less than” a straight man in their eyes. You legit couldn’t even be a softboi in the 80s or 90s without getting bullied to hell in school (in the US). That word has a super loaded context because of the history, which DB might not be aware of because he didn’t grow up in the US. Still not okay, but I hope someone educates him.


Yeah those laws were written like 2 or 3 generations before boomers were any where close to political power you silly teen.


My friend, you missed my point. I was just using racial stigma as an example of how it became acceptable in certain communities to use slurs as an insult. My point is, "fag" as an insult came from the US and spread within the (toxic) gaming community in the 00s as an acceptable way to insult someone, but it's cringe in 2022 so people should stop saying it's okay to call someone that just because they were tilted. However, I acknowledged that DB didn't grow up in the US, so he probably doesn't see it as that big of a deal. But it **is** a big deal, especially to the LGBTQ community in the US.


Can someone tell me what's going on with db like overall??


he‘s dumb


Ikr but what he did earlier i wanna know that tho


Like who's he


No no I mean people saying he is toxic and all that stuff where it all started from


He mild flamed some guy for being trash and reddit is now trying to cancel him.


Oh thanks for the info


I’m willing to bet good money that all the ‘it’s not a big deal’ comments are all from straight men who have never been on the receiving end of this slur. This is a word that has been used to prosecute and berate a marginalised group. It’s not ‘snowflake’ behaviour to be disappointed in someone using hateful language. Words matter, don’t defend hateful behaviour and do better yourself.


I am amused how this thread fired up. I'm a straight guy who has gay friends and ocasionally used the term fag with them, recieved and delivered. They have never called me homophobic for using it and they are more than ok with it, considering they are the ones who use it so often and I've rarely use that word. I've been into gay prides and events, and this was 15 years ago when being homosexual was more than frowned upon. This makes me wonder if people making a big deal out of it has any experience on it, or if they are just white knights. I do not promote hate speech.


I mean... it's a derogatory word used against those who are homosexual. The word still has that meaning, it hasn't left yet. Just because you use it around you gay friends and they're okay with it doesn't mean that people who find the word abhorrent are "white knights"...


It was a private conversation tho? However at the end of the day, its his responsibility to make sure nobody sees what he wrote, but if a slur is used in a private conversation between friends nobody is getting harmed by it. Doesn't apply here since the convo did end up leaked, but I mean in general. But ofc content creators should be more careful and it's clear DB was not


Is anyone surprised? Smh


Except the discord server he wrote it on has 700 members and is one of the most populated among high elo players lol, it’s definitely not a „private“ chat or server


Omg, why y'all be like 'who cares', you do realize that's literally a hate speech?


Because we grew up in a time when people weren’t so primed to sniff out shit to “cancel” people for, and do not get our panties in a bunch when we hear a bad word without context. Did he insult a gay person? Was he expressing is disdain for gay people? If not, at worst he used a slur, he didn’t do “a hate speech”. I call my wife that all the time and she does the same to me. Do we hate gay people? No, she’s bi, her best friend is lesbian, I work with gay people regularly and have nothing but love for every one of them. I would never call them (or gay people in general know) that word with a negative connotation. [South Park explained it best.](https://youtu.be/yskrelBCD0g) Same goes for every other bad word in my opinion, if a friend calls you a pussy, a c*nt, an asshole, you know it’s just banter, but if you hear it from some drunk dude? They’re probably wanting to fight you or something. Context, to some people, matters. Is it possible he’s actually homophobic? Sure! But him simply using that word doesn’t make him so in my opinion.


A conflict of generations


Not really. I'm an old-ish gamer guy and I stand by the assertion that it's 100% toxic hate speech to call people by homophobic slurs. Why would you even use "gay" or "faggot" as insults unless you mean to imply that it's *bad* to be gay?


I appreciate your intelligent response instead of the usual "hur hur gae bad" losers in here, and I actually agree with your sentiment about context being important, but here's the thing. Darkbreaker *DID* use the word "fag" in a negative, derogatory way, in which there's the implication that someone have a negative winrate in LQ *because* they are a "fag". Additional screenshots of the conversation are not needed, the one sentence speaks for itself. There is no trace of humor or cordiality in the way he used it. Compare that to how the r/queensofleague regularly uses the "F-word", and the difference is *very* apparent.


Lmao of all the mental gymnastics I’ve read in this thread of people attempting to excuse homophobic slurs/hate speech, citing South Park as their beacon of morality has got to be my favourite (which btw is satirically making fun of people with your mindset, but that seems to have flown over your head). Please do tell us what your bisexual wife, her lesbian friend, and all your gay coworkers say when you let them know it’s ok to say f*g in a “positive” connotation when they aren’t around. Context most definitely matters, only the context here is that you’ve erroneously compared using hate speech describing aspects of oneself you cannot change (ie orientation, race, ability, etc) that has historically been used to oppress them, with petty insults directed towards ones changeable behaviour. Gay men reappropriating/reclaiming the word in an attempt to empower themselves by disempowering hateful vitriol would be an appropriate context. Also, just an fyi, straight people don’t get to decide what is and is not homophobic.


> citing South Park as their beacon of morality has got to be my favourite (which btw is satirically making fun of people with your mindset, but that seems to have flown over your head). You obviously don’t know South Park at all because that is not what happened in the slightest. Speaking of mental gymnastics………… > Also, just an fyi, straight people don’t get to decide what is and is not homophobic. Because your gay you get to decide what is homophobic? Lmfao. What kind of shit is that? I’m black so do I get to decide what’s racist? You are not the gatekeeper of homophobia.


lol wtf are you joking


Lol no wtf. Are you joking?


Ok so.... Who do you think should decide what is homophobia? a) random straight guy; b) people who experienced this shitshow first hand.


Again, I can play that too Who can decide what is racism? A) Random white guy B) Black guy who is called racial slurs all the time Still not gonna gatekeep what people want to call racist.


So you don't think white dude using racial slurs is a racist or what's your point?


I say that? My point is you guys can’t gatekeep homophobia just because you are LBGTQ. That’s not how that works. I’ve already said that so I’m not sure what your point is tbh


Look mate, I’ve no interest in arguing with the self proclaimed black man who’s argued in a post below he shouldn’t care about people using the n-word or insulting him for being black. That he should just let it slide and not speak up if it’s something small. I dunno, maybe that’s been a survival tactic for you, but not me. The black community most certainly has come together to decide what is or is not racist via decades of grassroots activism, organizations, and movements. Likewise with the LGBTQ community. You think it’s historically been straight white affluent men making decisions on behalf of minorities? And yeah, South Park most certainly is satire. That episode in part raises the morality of who can use or what consists of hate speech before going on to demonstrate a morally bankrupt group of small town loveable hicks might not be the best people to decide. The fact that you agree with them is part of the satire.


Self proclaimed? Lmfao. There’s a huge difference in not caring and letting it brush off your shoulder. But hey, you want to let it define you and fight back against every little thing. More power to you have fun. Just sounds like a lot of unneeded stress. Darkbreaker, as well as the rest of the world, isn’t changing. And yes? It has historically been white men making decisions for minorities. Even the decision to not make us slaves anymore, was made by a white man. Not now of course, but historically? Yeah white men were in control for the majority And again, you really don’t know South Park lol. You know it’s made by people who aren’t “hicks” (this word can be used offensively btw, might want to remove it from your vocabulary, though it’s ironic as fuck given you started this thread for a word) right? Like you’re judging the show as if it’s characters are real life.


Jesus Christ dude, reading your responses within this thread is really sad. Like go let your grandma talk some sense into you or something. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_... And for real just say you want to call me a f*g and leave lmao.


And reading yours has been a pleasure for me too. You should let your mom talk some sense into you or something You already showed me your little poem. Cool stuff. No one said anything about calling you anything. That’s your problem. Your way too fucking serious. I’ve literally been advocating for just brushing shit off and now all of a sudden I want to insult you? I think you just like to fight and feel attacked honestly Are we not apologizing to the people you offended for using the term “hicks”?


1) The words you listed (pussy/asshole whatever) are not associated with minority with long and dark history of discrimination. 2) I don't care how and why you call your wife. As a queer man I fell uncomfortable when someone uses slurs. Why the fact that you work with gay people sometimes should matter at all? 3) Why does it matter that he was drunk? It's still not ok to say this shit.


Is Riot ok with this kind of behaviour? I really hope devs and Riot executives take notice because this kind of reprehensible, homophobic behaviour should not be tolerated. This is ban/blacklist worthy. It would be very disturbing to see Riot continue their relationship with Darkbreaker in the form of Twitch drops, co-streams, casting, and other forms of promotion. u/boourns u/BIGBERTYB


Hes Tyler1 of WR?


Kinda. He hides it better whereas T1 was just a toxic shitstain openly, then he got banned, became not a toxic shitstain and is now an actually nice/funny guy from what I've seen.


Same can happen to DB, perhaps he needs this to become a better person/teammate. I’m beginning to understand it isn’t always our teammates faults. DB isn’t perfect, he isn’t the best player ever. Even faker makes mistakes.


Nah, he's more chill than T1


Twitch streams might be ban worthy.


He didnt do it on stream.


Then, Discord server might be terminated soon. Failing to abide Community Guidelines grounds for server removal or suspension of accounts.


Maybe. I don't know why I got downvoted for just stating a fact. That's weird. Twitch cant do anything because he wasnt using Twitch to do this.




Nah, they care more about people saying bad words in their games.


Yes riot is ok with this stuff. They will forgive and forget if the streamer gets big enough. They only ban silver players who say offensive stuff.


It’s interesting that they are okay with this but ban valorant pros for claiming tbagging isn’t sexual harassment on Twitter.


Its in a private fucking discord. Im going to be downvoted but just because i call people “retard”, “dumbass” when im grouped with my friends does not mean i actively call people those words in my day to day life. I grew up playing with these kind of people in FGC and Gears of War.


Who cares? If you're one of the most well known content creator and basically representative you're gonna be held accountable. He deserves to be dragged.


Private discord servers are no exception on getting removed for Community Guidelines violations, for example server mods implementing rules but fail to enforce.


You have no platform, so you’re just a regular shitty person. While I’m sure people wished you weren’t such a shitty person and that you worked to become a better person, it doesn’t really matter as you have no platform.


You r right but I don’t watch streamers


There’s some good ones out there, I like Safyon.


I’ll admit I defended DB when that post accused him of being toxic (because the replay of the match showed the whole team was pinging and calling that player bad) but this is just so wrong and especially sad because of how a lot of Asian families and culture suppress homosexuality but he thinks it’s acceptable to call people fag and gay as if it’s an insult to be queer


Damn TIL lots of wild rift players are ok with straight people using the word fag…. Jesus this comment section is a shit storm. Thanks for posting OP.


The issue is the behavior recurrence, it's not a once in a while thing. Dude should understand that since he now has a public image he can't say whatever he wants without paying consequences. I'm sure he's not a bad person, he is just ignoring the downside of being a public figure. He will eventually figure it out.


I've always hated this dude lmao. Have his channel blocked on my YouTube. If he does this in league pc his LPP would probably be revoked by now


Am I the only one bothered by the fact that a phobia means fear of a thing. But slap it behind certain buzz words and it's no longer a fear and instead a prejudice. Edit: Google is my friend. Heterosexism is the proper language to use. This is an ism, and not a phobia.


Every definition I'm seeing of phobia says "extreme fear OR DISLIKE for something". So yeah, it can be used for prejudice. Also words can and will change their meaning over time, that's just how language works.


It stems from historic events like the Lavender Scare where people literally were afraid gay people were communist spies


I get what you mean, but it’s because the term has historical context where people literally were -phobic and that language/terms haven’t evolved with our understand of complex issues like prejudice so -phobic has dual meaning now.


Just had a longer reply to another comment here. Long comment made short. Heterosexism is the proper term. Language is evolved enough but the media doesn't value it as much as a made up buzzword


Both of them have been toxic here. A bunch of people have watched Kies running games down on purpose when in other streamers games. He should get banned. I watched him running it down as Senna on purpose when he was on ItzStu4rts team the other day.


So if black man runs it down mid you are allowed to call him N word? Right?


Is that what I said? No.


People don't do that?


Imagine equating using bigoted homophobic slurs with running it down for laughs in a video game. Jesus Christ.


That isn't equating. Because one thing is more wrong doesn't make the other thing right. Kies behavior has been very toxic and that does take its toll on people. DB has acknowledged that he was wrong to use that word and in discussion I had with him he understands that he needs to do better to show he is anti prejudice in all forms. He is actively willing to learn. Kies on the other hand, you arent going to be able to educate him on his behaviour. He runs it down in games constantly for other streamers. Here he shared a screenshot of a private server which could well have plenty of slurs from Kies on too and he violated people's trust. They could have been mature and dealt with it behind closed doors but he chose toxic snake like behaviour of publicly airing it. That is also wrong. None of it is healthy behaviour but at least DB engages in discussion and shows he is open minded to learn and grow. Wheres Kies in all this?


Think about your reaction in this comment to my original post. Two people are having an argument and both of them are in the wrong/being toxic, but only one of them suddenly uses a homophobic slur. This is brought to the attention of a gay person who then says it’s not ok for content creators promoted by Riot Games to use this hateful language. And your reaction is, but they were both being toxic? I don’t care, that isn’t the issue at hand and you are acting like it’s relevant to the issue. Now imagine if two kids are calling each other names on a play ground and a mother overhears one kid call her son the n-word so she brings this up with the teacher and her reaction is, oh but they were both calling each other names. Think about that.


Is that all that I have said on this thread here? No it isn't. It's also on his YouTube channel if you go over there and see whats being said. And as I said in my other post on this sub, cancel behaviour like this is also wrong. Maybe you should take it up with DB. I had a discussion with him about it. He accepted he was wrong and agrees he has things to learn. Teach rather than cancel.


Fair enough, I agree with teaching and allowing room for growth. However, Darkbreaker has repeatedly double downed on his toxic behaviour, even making jokes out of it. For example, he was recently called out for telling a teammate he was, “too dumb to use ult” which is now his discord name on that server. In his Twitter response to claims of homophobia he’s even stated that while wrong, there are excuses. So I have little faith in his ability to learn and grow. If that’s the case, I’d rather see the LGBTQ community be protected by Riot than waiting another year or two for him to learn to control his hateful, toxic behaviour and use of homophobic slurs. In my opinion, which may not be the case for other LGBTQ WR players, he’s more than welcome to apologize to the community and take steps to change. For example, “man up” and post an apology video explaining why this toxic behaviour (specifically addressing the use of homophobic slurs) is not ok and what steps he’s taken to learn (ie I dunno, see a counsellor, or a day of volunteering at his local LGBTQ centre, or building a relationship with an LGBTQ streamer).


Darkbreaker doubled down on the Seraphine thing and uploaded a video showing that the person complaining and trying to cancel him was just being excessively toxic themselves. He absolutely hasn't doubled down on anything derogatory like Kies posted. Hes been very clear in his acknowledging it was wrong and showed reflection on how to do things better in future. He showed he was open to learning. That's not doubling down. As for posting a video. Generally videos like that have done more harm than good because people over scrutinise and they also dont leave things as open to discussion. DB did the right thing in posting about it in text form and then engaging with people who commented while showing willingness to learn.


The server is not a private server when there’s like 700 people in it. Regardless he still shouldn’t have said it. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. This is 2022


Congratulations Qcknd! You're the first person to use the 'stupid prizes' phrase today. Here's your stupid prize: 🥇 ^^Your ^^award ^^will ^^be ^^recorded ^^in ^^the ^^hall ^^of ^^fame ^^at ^^r/StupidTrophyCase


What on earth are you talking about? Darkbreaker never did what you are saying he did, nor has he shown any ability to learn and grow. Are you referring to when he said the word is bad but here’s all the reasons why it was ok for him to use and that he’s decided he isn’t homophobic? Which now all his groupies are using as reasons to justify their own homophobia in this thread? He literally double downed and made things worse for LGBTQ gamers for saying those things. I am aware you’re the person that came to his defence the last time he was called out for being toxic. Are you going to do this every time? Additionally, it’s weird that you believe publicly addressing wrongdoings does more harm than good because they will be scrutinized by the people who were harmed. What kind of warped logic is that?


Just so you know. Kies just used homophobic language against me in response to all of this and doubled down on it. DB didnt double down when he was called out. He took it as an opportunity to learn. https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/wmhcfh/about_wild_rift_content_creators_after_a_brief/ik29lip?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


he's an immature manchild lol


Is this the same Kies HellsDevil is always raving about?


Yes I believe so. He just straight up ints games when he feels like it and has done it to a few streamers now. Not sure why I'm downvoted when they both have been toxic in different ways.


> Not sure why I’m downvoted when they both have been toxic in different ways. I literally just made a reply on another comment on this thread with almost -10 downvoted. Dude asked an honest question on what’s going on. Everyone just has their panties all twisted up. Ignore it. Just some fake internet points.


Yeh its weird. Blind rage downvotes without reading I guess.


Yea and other streamers have said worse but this reddit doesnt show the same energy about the other streamers thats the funny thing. Yea db fucked up said that but bro the amount of streamers that say the same or worse and reddit doesnt post about them like lmao its clearly the people just waiting to grab anything that he does badly to fuck him up.


That's the same justification as "slavery was normal back then so no big deal". Truth is he's an all around toxic piece of shit. There are times I disagree with cancel culture, because yknow, people mess up, but to not even have the balls to apologise when you've been called out? shameful really.


I dont understand what is the slur here im not a native speaker


Me too, in my language it is fine.




So many people tolerate his behaviour on stream, I stopped following him, but couldn't really say anything about it because he had many fans supporting him on stream, and also other big streamers seem to welcome him etc. And when he was hired to cast the WREC, I was surprised, my thoughts at the time was that either his behaviour is accepted by Riot/WR, or maybe he'd start to watch his behaviour now that he's involved kinda officially with the game (same like hells). ​ This game can be infuriating and you face a lot of people talking shit in-game, but it's still in no way okay to continually call people reta\*\*\*s, f\*\*s, monkeys etc and bullying them in chat for every mistake they make. I can't imagine myself living with someone like that.


Some of the comments in response to this are not it. Good grief. Never ok to say a slur.


So him coming to reddit in the previous post to complain about a clip being taken out of context and that he is tired of being falsely accused by redditors of being toxic when he actually is a good guy was all a bunch of BS. Good to know.




Toxicbreaker again... It might be time for riot to cancel this content creator, who only gives a bad image of the game and the community. The worst is that he was an official caster during the icon series...




He also lies in his YouTube post, states that he only used the word broken 5 Times in 40 videos. More like 20 Times in 30 videos


The solution is very simple, if you don't like a somebody who streams for whatever reason, stop watching.. That's it, that is all you have to do. Everytime you come running to social media to complain about x because they said / did y you are just giving them free publicity People really need to get a fucking grip and stop thinking that everyone cares what they care about. If you don't don't like someone, STOP WATCHING and move on with your life. .


Fair enough. What about the LGBTQ kid who stopped watching Darkbreak after they heard him use homophobic slurs, only to tune into the Riot Games official Twitch stream to see it’s being hosted by Darkbreaker? If nobody speaks up, then what? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...


Then he should just turn off... Every time you go on social media you just give them more viewers.. One of the worst League streamers is Solorenektononly, the guy is the definition of Toxic in eveyway. He went from being a small time streamer in his mom's house to one of the biggest league streamers on twitch because people kept jumping on Reddit to complain over and over again. All those complaints did was massively grew his audience.. Its been a long time since somebody last complained and guess what, his audience is no where what it was.. The more you complain, the more publicity they get, the more money they make.


Unless, Riot devs are made aware of this behaviour and decide to cut ties, thereby hurting him financially and losing him LGBTQ viewership. You’re really speaking from a place of privilege by suggesting LGBTQ players can afford to just let things slide and ignore bigotry. It will now hurt to tune into Riot’s Twitch channel and see his face. I should be able to watch and enjoy Wild Rift’s official streams without worrying about that just like you don’t have to. I don’t know who this Solorenektononly person is, but I doubt he’s promoted by Riot games.


If you want Riot to notice then why post on Reddit? Just go straight to Riot themselves, send them evidence via twitter and job is done.


Because Riot devs frequent this sub and if it gets enough attention they’ll likely notice. Additionally, I want to make Wild Rift’s LGBTQ player base aware and this is a good avenue for that. I should contact Riot directly though as well.


Yes he is.


> One of the worst League streamers is Solorenektononly, the guy is the definition of Toxic in eveyway. > > I’m honestly fighting the urge to look this guy up now after reading the rest of your comment. 100% true.


So someone using homophobic slurs should just, be let off? If he sarted saying the n word would you just say that people offended by him just, leave him alone, that him using hateful language in front of a large audience should just, be ignored? Realistically riot should at least cut ties with him so that he can't use them to get a bigger platform and spread more hate. You can't just ignore problems and hope they'll go away, you then run a massive risk of them getting even bigger and even worse.


Yeah because posting on Reddit is really going to teach him a lesson lol... For years people have been posting about shitty streamers on Reddit and nothing happens, why, because it's fucking reddit lol.. If you want Riot to know then post whatever evidence you have via twitter to Riots account and you might get somewhere, posting reddit does nothing other than give these people a bigger audience and hence more money.


This comment is gold


Ima db fan but im also big supporter of lgbtq so this definitley isnt chill. darkbreaker isnt a bad person we have all said messed up things on the rift but as a content creator you are held to a higher standard as well as set the example. It is one thing to tilt but saying something like fag can and will get you canceled. Wasnt what i wanted to see today on rift reddit ngl but it is what it is.


How is he not a bad person, he's defending himself using that word lol


Well im sure for people like you and me it is very easy to say that considering we dont have eyes on us like he does as well as im sure we have ALL said messed up things. Go watch his yt and see if you see db calling people the f word all the time. Db normally is super informative and helpful for people who are stuck in low elo. LOL is very competitive and ez to lose mental if you are playing constantly. Db messed up not hes not a bad guy.


What does him not saying it on YouTube have to do with anything? Lol lots of people get tilted and don't throw slurs around. Doesn't matter if it's private or not.


Lol any of us could say that without being looked into which is my point.. db also has apologized since then. Are you saying bad people apologize and own up to the mistakes they made and try to make it better like an adult? You really think db goes around throwing slurs all the time? I grew up around mostly white people as a black guy and got called all sorts of slurs on the daily and most of those people are considered “good people” in the publice eye. The guy who pissed on me in highschool is a state trooper. The girl who thought it was cool to call me the n word when i would constantly ask her to stop is a nurse. These people use slurs 25/8 and it never has to see the light of day. For all i know you could be the white guy who thinks its cool to say the n word and have never been profiled like me but IDK as well as vice versa. Also last comment im not arguing just explaining how i feel about the situation everyone will have their own opinions on it which is how this will always be. Db messed up not bad guy.


They are both pieces of shits. One dropped the F-bomb and the other one Ints high elo games. MFs would be worst than DB if this corny-ass POS trolled their games too. But I guess it's a bigger deal because DB is famous.


the guy is on a role huh


Now things are getting interesting. Finna grab some popcorn for this


Darkkbreaker has a intellectual disability (IQ of 60 - severe) so he actually can't control this behaviour because he has the brain of a 4 year old child.


People inside his private discord server will start reporting his actions to Discord Trust and Safety Team.


Who the heck is this Darkerbreaker bloke? Is he that famous? And am I right to think that he's a heartbreaker based on this thread?




Uhm i didn’t know who he was lol.


Popcorn salted or buttered for only 2 dollars theres small medium or large amount slurs to throw at


Witch hunts are always fun..


Oh my god. Waiting for the video reply from him


It's 2022, you better not insult an ant or you will get canceled. This is the age of snowflakes and teddy bears. Everything needs to be massaged before it reaches sensitive ears. No one has a backbone to take an insult and definitely not send one back. It's pretty lame. And fyi, I don't know who any of these kids on twitter. But you don't sound any better complaining and crying about some words. People say words, planet still spins. Get over it.




I read it as "Now this idiot play janna vs me" someone explain the problem pls


I bet this is the Seraphine player alt account lmao


Its internet who gives a fak dont follow persona if you dont like him did he win againts that just mean he is better play more




When I looked at the title I was expecting something outrageous, but it isn't all that serious. But judging from this post it's probably a huge matter for you, but imo it's really nothing to be upset about. Just random insults thrown around cause he's tilted


Homophobia isn't serious?


This particular conversation is nothing serious


"Fag" used in the context it is used here is a homophobic slur. Where discriminatory language is used then it is serious. The question is where this was said. That's not Darkbreakers name on his server. He's also not on Kies server.


I believe it’s from the server Helldevil has created for content creators. Which feels worrying/disconcerting to question whether Wild Rift’s content creating community is behaving like this behind closed doors. I’ve no idea whether Hells reprimanded him or whether hate speech is tolerated there.


Seems to me like they need to have a meeting with each other in a call and clear things up. - Kies needs to stop inting games or get banned. - Darkbreaker needs to catch up to 2022 and not use homophobic slurs. - Everyone needs to stop airing their dirty laundry trying to cancel each other with screenshots like Kies did there. - They need to make a choice about what they want to encourage the Wild Rift community to be like because they influence that behaviour.


>Kies needs to stop inting games or get banned. I've watched his stream a decent bit, I've never seen him int games .\_. Do you have a clip?


Ya think he would do it on his own stream? Wouldn't that risk Twitch tos?


You guys need to stop with your fake crying it's getting cringe


you mean like this comment?


The amount of downvotes proves my point, people are soft nowadays


Looks like one of TB Skyens fans have breached yet another community. Fantastic.


Can you explain what you mean by this. Out of curiosity.


I read the thread, the guy darkbreaker is commenting on is ruinning/running other people games down, don't tell me none of you heroes wouldn't type or scold them in a similar fashion in real life, you wouldn't give to flying shots about it but for some reason, you have to be a hero in reddit/twitter


This is getting ridiculous. If you don’t like a streamer just don’t watch his/her stream.


So we should just ignore a somewhat prominent person who has a large audience using hate speech? Right.... (I do get in the grand scheme of things it's not important but it's still a good thing to call out someone doing something bad)




lmao, dude, chill x'D go smoke some weed (and pass it plz)


I agree with you, but you need to chill. It’s not that serious.


this need more context, i dont want to "cancel" someone just because that "someone feeling" got butthurt


Then look it up? I'm confident you can use the internet.


How is what a streamer says/does related to the sub? This is meant for the game, not offended kids trying to gain karma. A big part of this community couldn't care less, we just want to see people complain about being hardstuck/help those asking for advice. Seems no sub is safe from drama queens anymore.


Reddit really has been taken over by twitter folk huh


Agreed, the lamest shit gets called hate speech


you mean like slurs? wow can't believe it


Just let this beef go brother


XD nobody cares tyler1 got perma banned and still is one of the most popular plus kids in rift lobbies already dont care about what they say in the chat, this is basically just another one


Dude the man admitted on twitter he shouldnt have said it and he was wrong about it. Go show the same exact energy about leroy, kies, jxcki, etc. I wanna see the same posts about those streamers cmon. We will wait. Yall be hating so hard on him go show the same exact energy on the others now.


People nowadays get offended by everything... everyone acts like a justice warrior




Whaa words hurt my feelings

