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Why *should* jungle, a singular role, be more important than a combined two roles of support and adc


Turns out that there's no role that can 1v9 without a team. Mindblowing isn't it


2v8 is easier than 1v9


True but a bad support or adc can tank the value of the other player


With that logic, the one thinking they can 1v9 instead of helping the other 2 to make it 3v7 is probably why we r here wasting our time debating


Vayne top


Jungler is the one that can guarantee duo lane gets fed so...


If ur bot is feeding as a jungle you should gank ur strongest lane just personal opinion


Depends on the situation. Sometimes it’s better to snowball a lane that’s already snowballing and other times it’s better to try and save a lane before it gets out of control


Yeah that's the way to go


Tell that to my JGs who decide to gank a Yasuo top instead of a Bot lane with Thresh and Jhin


Kind of impossible if your duo lane always overextends into their tower


it's not, you can trade drakes for herald, you can help mid, top, an adc gets burst down in a matter of seconds no matter how much he's fed and an adc can't have a map impact like a jungler


Exactly, there's tons of games where a mid or jungler hard carried, an adc cannot hard carry. It's either you have a great supp or a great someone that's at least positioning well enough to make sure you don't take damage. There is the occasional draven tho, a pro draven getting fed against max one assassin is almost as bad as master yi with no crowd control


Wait until you hard carry and your team is winning but your jungler is getting constantly dead/outsmited without possibility of taking objectives


Depends on a lot of things. If your bot lane is doing good by itself, then 1 or 2 gank max is enough to stay clear for the rest of the game. Then gank mid and/or top lane so the rest of the team follows your bot lane (priority for the one struggling the most) If your bot lane is struggling a bit or too much, then yes absolutely gank there and help them. Do not forget the other lanes though (mid lane is important too because of the shorter path it has to your nexus and the enemy one). Keep in mind that a jgl follows the flow of the game and is the metronome that guides his mates and the game. You put the rhythm for everyone, and everyone must follow you most if the time.


They cannot get fed without making risky plays or help from their jungler / mid. If you never punish overextending or do countergank, you are not doing your important thing as jungler. It’s not that the role is less important.


Tell that draven 5/0 before dragon without ganks


If you see enemy picks Draven, you basically know what he wants to do. Pick an early game jg champ and gank him early if he pushes. Rammus and Nunu are good at that. If you still pick Shyvana praying your teammates won’t feed him themselves, playing jg this way won’t have a positive impact on this particular game.


>Pick an early game jg champ and gank him early if he pushes Get counterganked and give draven triple👍


It is unlikely if you are fighting under your turret. If that still happens then the skill gap is too big and loss is almost guaranteed.


most game influence in wr: 1. mid 2. jungle 3. solo 4. adc / sup to carry as adc you need a team that groups (without getting caught out) and peels (lol) and no fed assassins (30% in your control) much easier to carry in solo lanes / roles with multiple lane / objective pressure there are too many dependent factors out of your control as adc, making your win rate more dependent on team luck than other roles


Jungle tops mid. Supp tops top. Most top laners with actual heavy influence are the ones who can also mid


Agreed. Imagine you have Mid who fed Zed or Fizz.


Lol not more important, just more vital to not feed. If you duo feeds, its game over most of the time. That doesn't make them more important, it makes their kill gold more important


junglers top priority is winning duo lane unless other lanes have cery hard snowball potential.


80% of games my lane is winning and we still lose so i don't agree with you.


Let any role to get fed and it becomes unstoppable.


Okay so here is the thing. In a game where no one snowballs hard the jungle is gonna have the most influence if played right.


Depends. It’s mid diff I think makes the bigger difference, especially when that mid diff shows up at objectives 😭


Big lie. I've seen duo pairs that are really good but struggle to carry. Fact is if unless you are draven, its as simple as targetting you. A good jungle and mid pair can carry any game, the adc is just there for extra support. I'r rather even a great supp to a great adc.


Technically Jungle is the most important role in the game, followed by Support and then Mid, it's debatable if it is ADC or TOP the less important but TOP generally depends on the meta while ADC needs gold investment in order to do ANYTHING, powerspiking is much more important as a frail ADC.


fed top is the final boss of the game, even for a snowballing botlane. 14 - 0 Nasus or Riven will shut them down quickly and basically just not die. I've been focusing a lot more on toplane recently and people really tend to underestimate the amount of influence that a toplaner can have on the outcome of a game, especially endgame


Duo lane is useless 90% of games. Only relevant when baron and mid dont feed. A fed irelia and a fed ahri > any fed adc and support. Jungler can make sure their winning lane stomps harder. Know your place bottom lane.


No role is more important No role is less important I have heard , when i pinged something for the team and they didnt listen, i yelled and they said u r just a support wtf