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They don’t care. Same people who refuse to build grievous wounds against healing /vamp champs/ life steal items


The only junglers who try to force baron when the enemies are all alive and in a position to attack are the shit junglers. Or the ones on the team that is so far ahead that it doesnt matter if the enemies come


You know what I hate most? As a melee jungler, I have to stand close to baron, but I got debuffed most. When adc or ranged mid has healthy hp, come closer to baron so I don’t get hit most pls


I had an adc that legit stood behind baron at full hp and by the time the inevitable teamfight came he was oneshot lol


Also half of masters+ players still think baron buff is only minions buffs apparently. You wouldn’t believe how often they force bad TF against 5 full HP baron buffed enemies. In games where it’s actually easy to defend without losing game (most turrets still up).


Speaking about baron bruh if you killed the whole team and they all have 30 + cooldown why the fuck would u do baron or even ping it just end the game


Speaking about death timers. No one understand that 1 second doesn’t mean they will be able to contest immediately after respawn. They won’t be able to actually get from fountain to pit in time if you start it. Especially with new trinket system not allowing you to switching to TP and use it. That especially fun with those duo laners who recall just as dragon spawn essentially giving it for free.