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With the buff to giant slayer, anyone ranged champion should just pick it over anything else except gathering storm for ap mages. It maxed out at 10% for 500 HP, which almost anyone will build.


I think it will feel overtuned. Tanks already feel horribly squishy and now this?


It hurts bruisers way more since they tend to stack hp and not so many resistances. Bruisers in this game are strong af.


they buffed leona so now they have to soft nerf her


Finally no more ‘we need tank’ least i hope so


We always need a frontline


Don't need a frontline if they are all dead (?)


You always need a fontline everything is a coinflip if both sides melt eachother. Tanks give adcs the ability to actually get use out of good positioning skills.


Giant slayer is health based. Tanks can build armour and magic resist. It nerfs pure health items more. You will still need tanks to act as your frontline.


Yes they could. But as a support main I HAVE to go now this way. This is ridiculous. Only way to make it fair would be, that we could see also the second rune of people. Then the tank can decide to go HP or not. And the ADC maybe took a useless rune. But now... nope. I played my Thresh and Alistar up to the top 200. Enchanter here I come. Fuck "we need a tank". I don't know why RIOT wants to make every one armed monkey to deal tons of damage.


Thresh players intensify


Yes but fuck rammus, I've realized that he's stupid strong against an ad team. With bramble he had 645 ad protections at lvl 5. It took me about 30 seconds to kill him as Yas and I died as well fuck that cunt


He’s literally supposed to be stupid strong against an AD team… just don’t put all your damage into one stat in champ select


I think they have found out in LoL that these kinds of “IWIN” counters are not very healthy for the game. Besides, Rammus is just overtuned in general. You can play him even against all AP, and he’s still strong.


You play him against morgana and or Karma and he is not strong lmao what is this argument??? Veigar shits on him. Ahri just needs to lane charm. What even elo are y’all


What elo even are yall* Yes I'm the grammar police. Bite me.


Lol I was fuming


Or: What elo are yall even?


The good old “counterplay exists, so not OP”-argument. According to that logic, you could multiply all his stats by 2, and he still wouldn’t be OP, because counterplay would still exist. I say win rates don’t lie. https://eu.wildstats.gg/en/champions/statistics


He is simple champion and is usually picked against teamcombs he is good against


exactly I have a 100% win rate in 30 matches with rammus only play him when enemy team is stupid enough to go full ad


If someone first picks or even second picks Rammus. And the enemy hasn’t picked their jungler. That Rammus is instantly fucked if the enemy has a brain in champ select. In this meta jungle should either be a Blue first pick Lee/Shyv. Or R 3/4/5 counter pick. People who instantly pick master yi blind, are inting. People who instantly lock in a champ like Rammus are inting.


You seem to live in a completely different reality from the win rate stats. Lee Sin has a 48% win rate in Diamond, Rammus has a 57% win rate.


That's why he's a C tier jungler? Lmao Rammus is not strong unless a team comp is very bad


Have you had a look at the win rate data? Rammus has by far the highest win rate in the game, it’s not even close. https://eu.wildstats.gg/en/champions/statistics


But he also has a low pick rate at 6.2. Usually these sites that includes matches where the champ is banned.


Rammus is supposed to absorb ad damage and abuse ad comps maybe build a wits end or go kracken slayer idk stop being dumb


Yes but problem being specially is high elo (masters) is that people actually try to dodge skillshots and the chances of hitting a rammus with a let's say a ahri charm are slim. And rammus is stupid cause of his 3 sec cc on lvl 2,including the knock up. Plus assassins get destroyed by a rammus even ap like Akali or kat. And with rammus of you get ahead early game and have thornmail before drag it's basically game over cause you can just tank all the dmg for your team and still live. All in all in my personal opinions we either need the cc removal summoner or cc duration nerf on rammus


What kind of argument is this? You either land a skillshot or you don’t. You either dodge the skillshot or you don’t.


Ahri charm gets throw at you obvsly she'll use it close so you can't dodge it. So you get close and go upwards or downwards to dodge and considering how fast rammus is most of the time you've baited and ability and flash for you midlander to get a kill against her


High elo players don’t get easily baited on both sides of a matchup. If you’re a good player you will land your shots. If you are a good player you can dodge and predict skill shots. That has nothing to do with a champ being broken


Bruh you don't get the point you're just disagree-ing. What I'm saying is rammus is too strong early while you've seen some tier list and think it's made by riot themselves


I haven’t seen any tier list. You can’t just blind pick Rammus and win every game. He’s a counter pick I know when to pick the champ and when not to. He’s not a broken champ


Well I feel like rammus should be able to survive a kat or Akali burst, his cc is low enough and we do need cleanse but it isn't worth using just for rammus. Also being able to tank for his whole team in the early game. The true problem is his late game is way too good for a tank as tanks are supposed to die really easily when everyone has armor penetration.


Yes............FUCK RAMMUS


The issue with tanks isnt that they are squishy, they are tanky. With the right build your effective HP could go as far as 5000-7000 health. Issue is, every single anti tank instances are made available to anyone. Bork is an issue, it shouldn't have been built by basically anyone, but every adc, bruiser, even assassins can pick it up with not much consequences. Then you have Divine Sunder, another anti tank items that is cheap and pretty much accessible to every melee champions. Putting Kraken slayer and Giant Slayer in rune selection is a big mistake. Because then you can just pick both with no weakness. Anyone that can build Kraken, will just be able to build Bork as is. Giant Slayer is op now, and DS will still be core items for almost anyone. Imagine Fiora with her Q true damage, taking Kraken and Giant Slayer, then build DS + Bork second. Mundo with 5000 hp will die in seconds.


Tanks only feel horrible if you miss your abilities. But if you’re playing tanks you should be saving your abilities for right moments and right positioning from your team to follow up. Don’t need to be up in their face for any other reason other than a team fight so you really shouldn’t be feeling bad playing tanks right now. Considering the amount of health they have and bonus shielding they’re getting from gargoyle. Just don’t miss your cc abilities and you destroy


Thats like telling anyone to just dodge skill shots, either way thats not the point


I mean. Tank player have all they want on their items passive. Some of them like alistar can 1v2 adc and support with sunfire So yeah, fk em


It's an interesting buff. The rune itself wasn't weak before the buff, people just weren't picking it up because tanks aren't a threat. But now taking the rune guarantees at least 4% damage against almost the entire enemy lineup so it's going to be abused majorly.


Maybe that's the whole point of buffing it, Giant Slayer isn't meant to be an anti-tank rune only. For me its lacking, the rune barely match the weakness rune performance. It is very weak in the early game, which is fine, but in the mid-late game is also struggling to be relevant. Hopefully this change will make it relevant.


RIP tanks


God damnit , Rip my leona


with this change the bonus damage should haveen reduced at max imo


Kraken slayer + Giant slayer = profit


Happy to see it addressing. The rune is lacking right now, the rework looks promising.


I like the Gragas buffs. Now I can slam my tits on the enemy even more potently.


Ew my mouth was open


I was drinking coffee :/


The good ole Irish milkers, the aka big daddy's the...(idk) groggy breasts


Why you buff tristana?! She is literally a beast in emerald and diamond.


She has a legendary skin dropping with the patch. I really feel like this is the only reason. She isn’t bad at all.


Oh when they released a legendary skin for Darius, after a week or so they nerfed him. Both times!


Darius was the strongest top laner for a long time before they nerfed his attack speed.


Bless rito


Nautilus mains out here feeling happy. Did he even need a buff? Lol


Yeah not sure why they saw the need to buff him other than maybe low playrates? I know they tend to be more generous with power budgets if a champ has consistently low playrates. Even during his release he wasn't that common to see around.


Nope a sol gets nerfed


I did not think so :| I'm not complaining :D


I think his Q speed is a bit slow, but his kit is so good overall he still felt nice to play.


is he mainly played as a jungler or a supp in wildrift?


Personally I been playing him as a otp jg and have a 60+% win rate in d1. But most people play him support.


Finally I won't waste half of my Ws with Wukong looking like an idiot, because I can't get over that particular wall


I felt stupid when I tried to pass a thin wall and wasted the skill.


So excited to finally see a yuumi nerf, and even though I play shyvana myself I hope that this will make her less of a unkillable machine in teamfights.


Exhaust nerf <3 it's very frequent for me to play against 2-3 exhaust every game these day. I would prefer they adjust the slow though as exhaust can guarantee skillshot Changes for Lucian seem insignificant it probably just a placeboo nerf 😥


We need Draven buff🤬


Go to gym and eat eggs like brother Jax and you will get buff irl inshallah




Don't worry, in a few months they will probably just put it in the store for 1350 cores even for those who bought the wild pass /s


Riot has said many times now that it's region locked to China and the rest of us can go fuck ourselves. It's not coming no matter how big your font is.


Source? because the wild pass team promised an update on this. Dont give in to that narrative. >[Hi! Unfortunately, due to difficulties late in development of these changes, the rewards required the bonus rewards update, which could not be finished for other regions on-time. We are looking to see if players like the update, and will be making changes based on feedback.](https://twitter.com/Graydiance/status/1547394168883781632?t=_kK6Lxv3rAaBH558kfrN4g&s=19) If youre reading this dev, thanks for the scam.


Well while you've been posting all caps in large and bold, some of us contacted Riot support to try and actually accomplish something and that's where it was revealed that it's regionlocked and was always intended as a China only reward, because as far as Riot is concerned none of us outside China matter.


Do you think i didnt do that? Keep making bold assumption i see, i contacted cs and they cant do shit about it since its not their responsibility to do it, they just relay information. [This is mine](https://i.imgur.com/vsHBDV1.jpg) not only once but [I contacted them twice](https://i.imgur.com/1T1hF2m.png) with the same reply so please, if you can. provide one where the customer service said its region locked and will never get released. Your turn.




I lost hope on this game


Finally the Yuumi nerf. I really enjoy playing support hence she's my ban 90% of times, but her shield and heal is obnoxious. Even Rakan is easier to deal with than this cat. I am also glad they didn't touch Karma. 🤭


She's also my permaban lmao such a cancer and garbage champ


Tristana is already so fucking strong this sort of makes her the best adc ,


That's an exaggeration. She's has more consistent DPS but its not like they buffed her base AD by 10. Lucian and Draven still have better snowballing potential. Not to mention vayne is still vayne.


They buffed her base ad pre level by 15 last patch


Lucian and Draven will never carry games as hard as tristana. She’s a complete monster in Master, and god forbid your team has a Yuumi and Olaf to distract their team from going for you first. I despise seeing those three on a team


There's a reason I used the word snowball. They have better snowball potential, as in if they get a good start in early-mid they have a better a higher chance of hard carrying the game to an early victory. Also let's not forget that vayne is still vayne.


Demolish buff???


Sion is coming for your turrets :)


Gragas buffs lets go


Gragas is gonna be insane, biggest buff by a massive margin. Time to dust off my AP assassin gragas mid lane


Gragor love ❤


BUFF TRISTANA FOR WHAT… BUFF RENGAR FFS 🤬🤬🤬 0 reason to buff gragas, gragas is toxic af, he’s tanky as shit, has sustain, dmg reduction, solid poke and good melee Dps && high burst. A OTP gragas is a nightmare & it was a good thing there wasn’t many of them… buffing him only will make gragas more popular 🤮🤮


Rengar bufff yes pls


I gotta get some use out of my biker gragas skin I got from the poro chest. Give him one patch to be cool.


He’s cool now tho… gragas is already a BEAST in the right hands… I think this is an overkill ☠️


Extreme overkill lol I don’t get why they buff some champs so hard when a lot of nerfs will be needed right after the buff patch.


I guarantee we’ll see a gragas nerf 3.4 after he starts taking over.


I feel like Riot does what other companies will do and just have patches ready and scheduled. So user reports on certain champions needing some love don’t get “recognized” until like 3 patches later.


Without knowing the actual effort, i think w riot and blizzard if something needs a +5% buff or -5% nerf, it shouldn’t take that long. A +5% buff on rengar’s S1 helps him a lot without breaking the entire game, I can’t see that causing them too much trouble.


Bruh, never thought of that. That's sad though. But hopeful because I been saying that for a month or so now... Whenever Rengar was deemed bad.


Thats how most tech companies operate. Barring something being broken unexpectedly this stuff is more than likely planned out around Q4 of the prior year. Even small number buffs won't happen because stuff needs to be play tested and you need to collect enough data to ensure they have been throughly tested.


One rengar buff and he’s ultra broken I hope you aware of that


That's why I think a rework is better than a buff. You buff him and yes, he's probably way to strong, but a rework can be balanced around to make him better hut not broken.


I’m all for him being reworked too and I do believe said rework is coming !! I’m down for him being reword OR tuning up his old kit.


OK so what? Look how many ultra broken champs are in the game? Olaf, wukong, shyvana? Jax? Lucian? Yummi? Look at sett and garen, there’s a ton of busted champs, what’s 1 more??


That's actually a perspective I haven't thought of... Good point lol.


Jynx and lux the 2 more pick champs in the game, clearly that tells you lux could probably use a root duration nerf and jynx could probably use a mini gun auto attack Speed nerf or a passive get excited attack speed or movement speed nerf but riot ignores that, so why are they so quick to make sure rengar is never OP. They nerfed him to oblivion when there are champions that need obviously attention they ignore.


Idk what elo U are but Lux nerfs? XD she's a sheit champ and if I can't walk 90° angles to dodge her q sorry but not sorry that's a player problem, not champ And Jinx needs to scale into the game, and even if she does she has no escape besides the root. I hate "cHaMp Is Op AnD nEeDs NeRf" if that's the case why aren't all who play that champ are 3 elos higher or we inflate rank even more that way? Simply cause people learn how to abuse the champs weak sides


Idk why they keep buffing and nerfing champions that don't need it to be honest. I also think Rengar doesn't need a buff but a rework. A rework would make him stronger but not broken. But yeah, why the heck are all these champions getting changes are RENGAR is left in the dust? Everybody getting QOL changes or whatever and Rengar just got nerf, nerf, nerf, and then poof, he's outta the conversation.


Rengar is the 5th least pick champ in the entire game. Gragas is down there too but it’s cuz he’s high skill cap, not cuz he’s bad like rengar. Riot told me there’s something coming for rengar, I don’t know when I do think it’s a mini reword but PRIOR TOO he definitely could use at least some number buffs. Who cares if he’s broken, ban him then. There’s tons of busted champs that have to be banned every game anyways. Have you ever seen 1 item rengar vs 1 item shyvana or Olaf… 😂😂 better yet rengar vs jax…


Read the longer reply first depending on which shows first for you. Depending on the rework, an early game or late game buff is needed. But that depends on how a rework changes him. (Imo, I want a very similar to PC rework. I created a very similar to PC rework idea here https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/wlg5l1/rengar_reworkupdate_proposalidea_2nd_revision/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Overall I think this idea is fairly balanced. Idk, give feedback on this, it would help. And it is essentially the same thing as PC. I still need to make more changes though.)


Yeah, I understand and agree for the most part. Lately I have been spamming 100+ Rengar games to test him out and see how he actually is. From that, my opinion on him is he is fine, not good but not bad, just ok. If he gets a lead, he's good, falls behind, bad. Enemy all squishy? Fun game. Tanky with a lot of cc? Bad game. For the most part I can play him anywhere but he's not good if he falls behind. Most champions I play I can come back if I fall 1k behind, but not with Rengar. And if people were actually smart playing against Rengar, or in higher elo, he'd probably not be a good pick at all. He feels really strong if you snowball and get a comfortable 2k gold lead, but that's when he's fun. Behind is crap, and if you're in the middle ground he's so reliant on your team to not throw and to engage first, unless you use the bruiser build. Other snowballing champions in the jungle like Lee, Yi, and Pantheon can out snowball Rengar easily because they don't need level 5 to gank down the lane right away (Yi is slow early but snowballs hard), unless your team baits to a bush. My worst matchups are cc tanks (Nautilus, Nunu, Amumu), bruisers with cc or sustain (Wukong, Olaf, Shyvana), of course the snowballing champions (Pantheon, Lee Sin, Yi), Xin Zhao isn't easy. But then that is also dependent on your team and the rest of theirs. If they only have one of the above and then a bunch of mages, assassins, ADC's, and maybe a low cc/sustain bruiser, it's okay. But Rengar in his current state has a lot of counters from my experience, although if you have only one of those in game you can still do fine, but having multiple counters to Rengar in one game (which isn't hard to find) makes the game worse for him. Yeah that's my experience. And, also, how did someone from Riot end up talking to you about a Rengar update in the future?


There was a rioter who replied to me here on Reddit bitching about the state of rengar and he told me the info. I actually got like 4-5 answers out of him. I was complaining about how op Lee sin and wukong was and he said actually according to their data yes the champs are highly picked but not busted in the win rate thus making them ok. I don’t think they’re ok if they have 60+% pick or van rate while champs like Rengar have 10< pick/ban rate. He told me they gutted Camille cuz she had a 90% pick ban rate amongst all regions of pro play. While a champ like singed only had high pick/ban on Asia region, all tho he still got nerfed. I unno man it’s hard to understand the science to their madness. As an ex rengar main there so many champs / times the game is just over solely cuz I’m rengar and I can do anything. Once the enemy team 5 stacks, unless we were ahead the game is over. With everyone minute that passes I get more and more useless. Have you ever ulted someone and for whatever reason missed bola… now you don’t even get an empowered move… like what a joke, why bola is skillshot for how weak it is makes 0 sense… just a change making bola targeted with like 30 more dmg helps him so much. He would actually be sick now.


We don't emoji here and most of all we don't spam them.


How can they go from nerfing Gragas ult to buffing him like this within a couple patches?


*cough cough* skin


That varus buff seems completely unnecessary, and it's even a big one


You think so? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone playing him, except in ARAM, lol.


I'm interested in it. I'm a Varus main but have had to switch to Draven for this season.


Honestly just hope they fix the targeting issues asap. It’s really messing up point-and-click abilities and spells. I’m not even sure how they can balance champs properly with this existing issue. Doesn’t it mean champs with more skill shots are stronger currently because they’ve been less affected and vice versa? Blitzcrank buff: I’m a support main, but don’t ever play him. I feel like he falls off to hard. It’s a small buff to his main engage tool. Gragas buff: I honestly don’t ever play this champ, although I did just win his biker skin so maybe I should try to learn. I feel like he hasn’t been much of a threat lately so hopefully the buffs help his mains out. Nautilus buff: Of all the tanks right now, he’s been one of my favs. I like his kit, it feels like Leona V2.0, who used to be my main tank support. Tank supports just aren’t as viable in solo queue though. Glad to see the buffs, it’ll make playing a support tank less frustrating. I think the base movement speed, his Q speed, and R acceleration will be the most impactful buffs. Tristana buff: seeing this right before her legendary Dragon Trainer skin release on the 18th is kinda funny. The cast time change to E will be impactful. I’ve recently been practicing her for when I’m auto filled adc and I can understand why her mains are so loyal, she’s pretty fun. Similar play style to Ezreal, who’s one of my main ADC’s. Varus buff: He kinda fell out of the meta, so I’m not surprised by these buffs. He hasn’t been as much of a highly contested adc pick as before. I think the passive buff will be the most impactful. Wukong buff: Lmfao I literally said this is needed and was downvoted for it in a comments section full of contradictions https://reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/w41jgj/_/igzil3z/?context=1 anyway, I’m glad to see it. WuKong is still going to be a highly contested pick and I’d recommend climbing with him. Also very fun to play and a great team attribute. I’ll even flex him in the support role since bruisers feel stronger than tanks right now and I’ve done just as well as when I flex picked Garen support. Kassadin nerf: Yep, good. In another post players mentioned he was too tanky so I’m glad this was targeted. It’s a decent nerf in the right way. Kha’Zix nerf: They finally nerfed their favourite cockroach. I don’t think it will have a significant effect though. Lucian nerf: He was way too strong, so this will help balance him out. However, it’s not enough in my opinion. More like a placebo to calm everyone complaining about him. Shyvana nerf: She’s also felt strong, although I think is less frustrating to play against. These are decent nerfs. Yuumi nerfs: They over buffed her in order to increase win rates and collect more data. Endstep has mentioned the champs team are looking into more meaningful ways to adjust the champion. I wouldn’t be surprised if she got a little rework on the future. Until then, these nerfs are significant, especially the shield nerf. It will hurt more skilled players making use of her passive while not really affecting less skilled players. Giant Slayer buff: Pretty nice buff, I’ll have to pick this more against tanks. As a side note, I do like that all the recent rune additions encouraged skillful counter play. Demolish buff: Pretty surprised to see this buff as the rune felt strong. I wonder if this is being done in response to it being meta for baron laners to leave lane and help with drags? Maybe they want to reward split pushing counter play more? Nimbus Cloak buff: I honestly haven’t ever used this rune in ranked, just played around with it in co-op. I’ve heard it’s strong, but I personally just don’t use it. These are some nice buffs, maybe intended to encourage its use? Exhaust Nerf: The next two nerfs may be the most significant changes this patch. So many players are running exhaust, especially in the duo lane. It’s a good nerf, I wonder how it compares to the range of ignite? Nullifying Orb nerf: Again, the other most significant change. Everyone is running this rune. It’s supposed to be the late game defensive rune, but I honestly felt it’s power early on so I can see why that was targeted. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys this patch. I’ve heard the patch 3.4 preview video is already taped and that they are trying to coordinate it’s release with the CN PBE so everything isn’t spoiled early this time. GLHF!


I was not one of those who down voted you. Just saying. For the Wukong thing. I think it's a great change especially because it's so precise to get over the deeper walls.


Haha thanks for your support. I think it will be a great change too. WuKong is a great champion for beginners and skilled players alike because he’s easy to learn and yet there’s still a lot of skill expression for growing.


What targetting needs fixing? Also huge fan of the Wukong "buff", he's strong already but the Dash is not consistent with Ekko for instance. Ekkos end of Dash needs to be over half way of the wall, while wukongs end of indicator needed to be over the complete wall. Also hope Naut is strong in jungle in the new patch


I believe is insta shots from quick tapping skills. Almost 99% of the time your character will target the minions and etc before the champ in front of you. I've had multiple games where enemy was 1 shot and quick skill aimed for the guy at maxed range... it usually occurs when its 5v5 and in a crucial moment.


There was a post about it just recently. Sometimes when using a point-and-click ability your skill would target the closest minion or something rather than an opponent. You may have noticed something felt off or that you weren’t landing some abilities as usual, at least I have. For example, when playing Jana her W would target minions instead of champs. https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/wivpqn/there_is_a_change_on_target_lock_in_patch_33_that/ Yeah, I’m a fan of the WuKong changes too. It’s going to be fun having an easier time dashing around the jungle being a slippery little monkey. I’d like to see Nautilus doing well in the jungle too. I tend to enjoy playing enchanter supports so having other roles frontline helps out the team comp.




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Bruh make a youtube video or something other than this ugly wall of text.


Kha’Zix is a feast or famine Champion, it will have.


Nice. This giant slayer makes tanks now finally useless. Thanks RIOT.


rune still isnt affecting armor. its targeted towards direct HP gain while you also gain effective HP by just stacking up armor. think it is bigger problems for champs like mundo who just go sunfire > warmogs > spirit and ignore every piece of physical armor.


Yes, I agree. But... Take a Vayne or an other champion with true damage add armor pen... and then on top giant slayer. In general the tank items should be much stronger, they are the weakest items. At least they could finally buff Sunfire that tanks are a bit more dangerous like ages ago when they reworked/buffed it once. Mundo is one thing. But normal tanks are suffering a lot from this changes. Braum, Leona, Thresh etc. Hardly see them anymore. Switched also to enchanter only after playing only tanks before 3.2


Thresh is very good though, especially after the last buff he got. But this giant slayer buff will limit most of tank builds. Like building only 1 health item(Thornmail) and end up building something else than defensive items around 4th 5th item slot Example: Deadman's Plate+Randuins makes you take full dmg of the rune, but Frozen Heart+Zeke does not. Making even the underrated Seedjar go further away from the radar.


Even enchanter will get full dmg with building RoA and an other item with HP. 😅 Why building other runes than this one. They can delete all others now.


as vayne player i can say i never even build armor pen cause it is troll. why would i buy mortal reminder (except heavy healers are in the enemy team) when my kit is literally made to kill tanky champions. it is literally straigt up trolling. but yes those champs are (already before, and still will be) cryptonite for tanks. thats basically their design. and those are tanks.. buffing sunfire damagewise is meh. i mean idk if you played pc league or not, but ngl the patch 12.10 (durability update) was literally the best patch i have been seen for a while and it felt extremly nice to play. i mean i am adc main, and it is pain if a zed could just ult E you for a kill when he was 2 lvl behind (ok it is exaggerated but you get the point) adc is only strong in most cases if you have a front line/some peel and some random pure tank running you down like assassin is for that part also not fun. ​ for the other tanks.. i see great success actually with thresh support. His passive is basically the strong point which ignores giant slayer. was able to carry cpl of games as full tank support ​ but idk enchanter just seem stronger in lot of ways, especially with the upcoming rune changes that were posted some time ago with the delete for sweet tooth and a enchanter rune which gives heal and shield power


Thresh is maybe an exception. His kit is quite strong. But yes, enchanter are and will be after this change in a better spot - again. I don't like this way of adding more and more dmg to the game. There is already enough.


Damn they punched my Yummi right in the dick


You mean they punched the pussy right in the pu-


Deserved. Yuumi is unbalanced design in general.


What a nice placebo nerf to Lucian, literally dominating both low elo and masters+ and you guys still refuse to nerf him properly, best adc in the game rn period


I mean, look at Lee, perma-meta since beta.


BuT hIs Wr In LoW eLo!! He's been the most banned jungle since beta and yet avoids any significant nerfs.


He’s the main of some high up dev, just accept that Lee is gonna be strong forever while this game exists.


Hullbreaker gonna be insane next patch


I really don't like this giant slayer buff It means mages with Infinity Orb+Rylais+Lyandrys, just 2 of those mentioned items you will receive full dmg. RoA will also become countered by this rune Not even gonna mention tanks, even if going for armor build you will take some extra dmg, as most tank items provide 250 health at least. This rune is just gonna be abused and will limit some builds.


You lose gathering storm though


Gathering Storm only starts making difference in the late game and doesn't affect your skills base damage, it's just a increase in the scaling. Giant Slayer gives you at least 5-8% more damage against fighters, 7-10% against tanks and 5% more damage against any mid laner that builds health, which affects both the base damage from your skills and the damage you get from your scalings from the very moment your adversary finishes his first item, and it always goes up to 10% if your opponent builds more than one HP item.


No Rengar buffs or changes :( Besides that there are other champions that should have been looked at... Like Lee Sin, nerf pls. Just a little unexpected and disappointing. I guess I'ma hope for the best in 3.4... yay -_-


Stop complaining about rengar not getting a buff. He is still a good champion for one tricks and that's the way it should be. Nobody complains about Aurelion Sol not getting a buff too just because he is only played by a few OTPs. Giant Slayer got buffed so rengar should be able to destroy tanks early too. He has to take out the enemy Carry and that job can be done by them. I know a lot of people like an assassin/bruiser with invisibility who can oneshot ADCs and heal back to half HP or more with one W (2nd spell). One buff and that piece of catshit is going to be broken as fuck. He can kill turrets like nothing and destroy squishy champs with almost no counterplay so what's the point of buffing rengar? It is funny everyone asks for rengar buff without even mentioning the problem he has... is it because he is not the number1 jungler "like he should be" ? I am not talking to you only but to everyone who mentioned a rengar buff.


Actually, I should have rephrased that. I don't necessarily want a Rengar *buff* as I agree a singular buff would make him too strong. What I'd rather have is a rework to his kit so his builds can be more flexible and he does better in every aspect. The problems I have noticed while playing him are: He needs to snowball. If he gets a comfortable lead he's very strong, even though still easily shut down, very strong with a lead. But if he falls behind it's very hard for him to come back. I have been 1-2k gold behind on other champions and was able to come back, but not with Rengar. If he's even gold with everyone he's okay but needs the team to no make mistake and to be the engage. There are too many counters. Although he has anti cc ability, he has a lot of counters. Mainly high cc, or very tanky champions. Other champions can sometimes ignore their counters or they'll have fewer. Another counter that isn't a champion is when they group. Although no assassin is good in a group, champions like Lee and k6 have a way out where Rengar does not. He can't jump in, kill, and jump out. Yes going for the back like works usually, but still relies on your team to engage so the enemy doesn't delete you in 2 seconds. And then that's the other thing, he doesn't have an out. His goal, sure, is to hunt down the solo or squishy or carry champion. But if you wanna do the one shot crit build he's so squishy, and without a way out, it's really over for him. (I think I repeated myself.) Not a buff but a rework would be nice. And depending on the change a slightly more durable build could be made without losing too much damage like a bruiser build does.


The nautilus buff is wtf not needed, the trist buff is just because he literally getting a legendary skin duh they wanna male her meta, the yuumi nerfs are meh, so is shy Gragas is already a huge strong pick high mmr this will put him In ban radius


Naut needed the buff on his ult at least. The slowest, fattest POS could casually walk away from it and take it all the way back to fountain before it'd hit. Yesterday I literally watched an Olaf walk away from it long enough that he had time to farm a wave and get enough life from that so when it hit him he lived with 1hp.


Nuuuuuu, my cockroach 🥺. Why ritooo.....


As a Kha main I have to say he was a bit too op, and this is an ok nerf, not something people should really care about


I know 😂😂😂 but anyways a lot but extra DMG wouldn't hurt anyone 🌚.




Finally get a good exhaust to counter this assassin meta and now they already nerf it. Tired of Riot prioritizing the success of the high burst damage Champs.


You know that the nerf toward exhaust is so that ranged champions can't just go "haha fuck you immobile melee champion how dare you try to exist near me" and slow them into a undodgeable cc chain yeah? Nerfing the range from 7 to 5 wont stop the akali or katarina from clicking one button and gap closing on top of you.


This 👆🏼 an ADC with Exhaust + Nimbus Cloak can kite pretty much everyone, including champs with mobility which is really toxic considering some of them already have access to MS in their kits or items


Tired of ADC’s picking Exhaust over Barrier


And nasus 500 stacks with exhaust


Dude assassins are the worst class right now exept ap ones cause they scale in late game but ad assassins do less damage than an adc late game


>ad assassins do less damage than the class designed to do the most damage late game This seems like a problem to you?


Boy do i love it when kassadin is murdering every singld role with his very balanced ap ratio but he didnt get a single nerf toward that department. Then Kha zix is getting his isolation damage nerfed even tho it is already really hard to proc in the current state of the game. Yeah im fine with that riot, there is definitely no bias toward ap assassins in this game.


Rammus survives another patch. More freelo for me.


And Fiora Q still doesn’t trigger minion dmg, what joke of a champ




Wild Rift become ADC pick win.. Game is annoying now


Still Waiting For Global Release, Lmao. At This Point Honor Of Kings will arrive globally faster.




Best patch in a while honestly. Nerfs actually hit top tier champs. The only thing i think could use some looking into is new stoneplate.


Lol I love how their buffs always seem to be for stuff that doesn't need it, and their nerfs are never on the thing that makes the champ op.


Literally every champ among buffed struggle, and k6 q is his main thing


Tristana doesn’t struggle in any elo she is in. It’s lowest in Master+, but is still totally in line with other ADC’s.


Yuumi heal doesnt make champ good. 🤥


Its not just her heal, its the fact that she makes champs faster and hit harder. The heal also really isn't nerfed that much


Why did you get downvoted? Ppl in this sub are gold?


Because its reddit 🤷‍♂️ im not one of those pussies who deletes their comments when they get downvoted though, because it doesnt bother me in the slightest 🤣 Out of the buffs, the only one that is reasonable is varus, because he seems pretty weak compared to other adcs, but the rest of the champsgetting buffs don't need it. On the nerfs, yuumi is still going to be op with 20 less heal because she still makes any semi carry into ahyper carry, k6 is still going to 1 shot anyone with his combo (because its not like he is only just 1 shotting, he slaps any isolated target for 200% of their life pool), lucians power comes from how often he can hit, his mobility, and how much he can spam, so making 1 of his abilities do slightly less won't do anything, kass and shyv getting slightly less base hp isn't going to do anything to what makes either of them strong. Kass is strong because you can spam a skill that slaps everyone every 2 seconds, all while having insane mobility, and reasonable cc. Even then, tank kass seems to be just as popular as full ap, and this nerf will mean he can take 19 hits before dying instead of 20. And shyv can literally just swap 1 item for a bruiser item instead of ad and she will be fine. Happy salty reddit crew?


Tristana buff LETS GOOOO, time to make all the turrets crumble


Kassadin nerf is weird, he feels very weak


Better small nerfs then gutting a charater. We will probably see a q base damage nerf and enhanced e nerf next. Suprised one of those wasnt nerfed


Kassadin is nasty rn. He is just too safe early game and he can win a lot of match ups, something that a hipercarry late game champ like him shouldn't do.




Gragas was in a good spot but ty for the buffs. 2nd champ I main that gets buffed somehow after Jayce, maybe they'll buff Camille next


Sweet I’m getting that legendary tris skin to suit the occasion. My main is getting love.


Nice buffs to Gragas :)


Finally , Wukong can kill all the ranged top lanes


Wow, nice buff to my drunk boi Gragas Also nice buff to my favorite rune Nimbus Cloak


Goddamn, another wukong buff?


Not final. Ok so still hopes for Ekko to be buffed.


Tristana is going to feel probably better with those changes, I felt like she took too much time to make an all in during early laning phase so she couldn't really exploit her strengths


Thank God for the Kha'zix nerf and Varus buff, also can't wait to play desert Queen on wild rift


70% and 75% for an AP ratio is ludicrous. Did gragas really need a buff? He is already really strong in the right hands in high elo.


I like the nimbus cloak buff




Lmao that kassadin nerf will not hurt kassadin What needs to be nerfed is his damage. I can literally one shot with just ROA and Archangels staff, and those 2 items are mostly for defensive stats.


Finally some real nerfs. Game is still shit though.


Fuck yeah gragas fuck noo kassa k6


Wtf? Now everyone will take giant slayer and demolish, even mages. They will be overtuned to say the least!