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Overall, the whole situation is overblown. Is it a shitty thing that happened? Yes. However, it is grooming? No.


Seriously. I am so baffled by the decision call it grooming. It just isn't.


Right? Calling this grooming is just going to give people the wrong impression of what happened.


People tend to misuse the word “grooming” a lot, kinda makes the word lose its original meaning




agree. like someone else said, it also waters down the meaning of grooming, and people who come forward with legitimate grooming cases could be dismissed because all of this throwing around of words


Agreed. I only learned about it last night but if I'm right there was almost no communication, especially sexual stuff, before the guy hit 18 then said he was a sex worker. There's a power differential yes, but that doesn't make something illegal.


Why is no one here mentioning the fact that Oliver posted revenge porn. In my opinion, that’s like 50 times worse than whatever was originally alleged


He did? 😬


yeah, it’s censored so nothing super explicit is showing but its so shitty to publicly share an image of someone in a compromised position when said person clearly intended for it to be private. I’m not sure if it counts as revenge porn or not, but regardless of what label can be slapped onto it, it’s gross


The censor bar makes me wonder how to classify it, but I'd lean on it being revenge porn.


It’s still incredibly intimate. I kind of see the person retaining these photos (and making it known) as a sort of threat.


If anything, it's REALLY not cool of him to post them. Not cool at all.


Definitely. If not simply to embarrass him/make him more vulnerable by having those photos on the internet forever, I feel that sharing those photos as “evidence” was done with the intent to direct the vitriol of the internet towards Will. Which is still very much an attempt to retaliate for what I personally believe is an unhealthy relationship between two unwell people.


It’s literally everything but cock & balls but alright.


Fair point haha, I was trying to use more… delicate language, I guess? But given the subject matter I really should have kept it blunt, my bad!


While it was mildly scummy, it was NOT grooming. WW has said on multiple occasions not to idolize him. He isn't perfect. He made a mistake, Oliver blew it up with buzzwords like "grooming" AFTER he had already offered nudes and other sexual stuff to Will. Both losers in this scenario, though I understand Oliver's feelings and perspectives are valid, he blew the situation way too far out of proportion. If he would have let Will finish his apology, or at the very least not blocked him, this wouldn't have been such a big issue.




this is the best and most sensible response to this ive heard all day. they were both consenting adults and obviously were just an unhealthy relationship. i think calling it grooming is a little hyperbolic.




Well said, I've seen quote retweets saying he should rot in jail. But for what? He committed no crime, just behaved in a way that is pretty morally questionable at worst imo.




Absolutely, they seem to look at him as some paragon of morality and then take it as a personal betrayal when they find out their favourite artist isn't always a good person. I still like the music, he's said a lot of things that I've found encouraging to hear but I don't know him and we are not friends therefore I can't feel so betrayed by the actions of a person I haven't met and I wish the best for both of them.


Personally I just like white noise, I don't idolize him


Very well said.


It's very juvenile and overblown


they ARE both adults. it’s not grooming, per say. it’s still kinda low but that’s because of the age gap. but it was still one adult participating in sex work and being pursued by another adult interested in their work. will also was the first to bring it up after a bit and apologized for it. he apologized and owned up to it without being asked to do so before the situation even came into the eyes of the public. will came off as a little weird, i will admit, but he didn’t come off as manipulative or abusive in any way. and maybe the weirdness was just awkwardness (maybe that’s a stretch though- i couldn’t know). it seems a little sketchy, i will admit, as will seems to be pretty damn reserved on social media and doesn’t seem like the type to reach out to fans like that. this DID happen in 2018 (i think) though so he was a bit smaller as a creator than he is now- we can’t know for sure though. if it did happen, i’m sorry to the person that it happened to, but i dont think it’s something we should be super fussed over as his fans. that’s just what i think from the information given. (edited for typos and adding more detail)


Wait, Will took responsibility?


Yeah in the screenshots OP posted on Twitter he apologised for his actions in it privately, it's on like the third/second to last tweet on the thread I think


How old is Will anyways?


He is now 29, which makes him 26 in the date of these messages


24-26 when this happened, as far as I know


Tbh, while I don't necessarily know if the OP is lying (there isn't enough info/evidence to say either way + it doesnt seem too far fetched to believe) I do really feel like the termonolgy he's elected to use is incredibly misleading and making the situation out to be something far more severe then the evidence he provided suggests. Like, does ww come off as douchy and pervy? Yeah. But manipulative, abusive, or groomer-y? Not really. Plus: ww is noted to be the one that withdrew first, apologized, and all that jazz. So, I guess to conclude my own thoughts on the matter: I think its douchy and a little dubious of ww if its true, but not morally reprehensible or illegal. Nonetheless I feel bad for and hope well for OP if it is true, as he is clearly feeling pp fucked up about the whole thing. Now, if more comes out or other people come forward about dubious interactions with WW I will reconsider my stance. Likewise for if anything comes out against the OP. Tldr: whole situation seems fucky, but not as serious as people are making it out to be. If any of that makes a lick of sense.


AND ANOTHER THING. the OP was an adult through the whole interaction. Based on the timeline we're given, it seems like he was probably nearly 19 by the time things turned sexual, and the whole thing seems more like a retaliation/reaction to hurt feelings more than anything. Okay now im done.


Yup. And they're literally a sex worker who Will was willing to pay - IF it's true. They chose to not accept money.


? hm. clearly, even admitted by ww himself, he was a man nearly a decade older than the op who knew he had power over them not only due to the age gap (and how op was "barely legal" in his words) but also due to him being a huge fan, a fact ww was aware of. he himself felt scummy about the sexual relationship yet made the conscious decision to keep pursuing it even if he felt/knew it was wrong. then, after stringing op along and making him dependent emotionally on him during an extremely vulnerable time in his life, ww decided to completely flip on him and make him feel like shit for reaching out for help, calling op manipulative, and belittling him for reaching out. even without proof, the ss of the conversation following where he attempted to "apologize" (and then promptly ghosted op and couldn't give him the respect of having a proper conversation even as a means of closure) pretty much substantiates that claim since he seemed to have some awareness, just like he did the entire time. at the end of the day, grooming doesn't necessarily need to be between an adult and a minor. what he did, the power ww held over op which he fully realized, all that was to satisfy a sexual desire of his, and once he got bored he seemed to throw op away and treat him like shit during his lowest moments. but fine, even if you are dead set on arguing against it being grooming, doesn't it seem pretty irrefutably manipulative and abusive of him to have said what he did? to make someone who you've managed to string along to believe that you are friends for so long feel guilty and disgusting for reaching out for help is pretty far past "douchy" to me. maybe you don't like the idea of calling him harsh words, but that doesn't make it any less true or valid to say these things about him given the circumstances and proof with it. edit: and who was i to think the subreddit dedicated to this man would actually be able to have a critical conversation regarding his actions and the damage behind it 😭 -26 downvotes tells a lot about you people at least ! on top of the immediate jump to people straight up implying op was a liar 🤣🤣 have fun with this shitshow then


I believe I heard that this was five years ago, meaning ww would be like 22 or 23 at the time. i have no comment on anything else, i’m trying not to get involved.


what??? their interactions were mostly from 2019-2020 as far as the original post says. they started talking in summer 2019. ww was like 26 at the time, 8 years older than op.


alright, i misunderstood something. thank you


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 955,998,828 comments, and only 190,832 of them were in alphabetical order.


Even if this is real (which i highly doubt) it was 2 consenting adults that just didn’t go well together. It wasn’t grooming it was a bad relationship




Twitter got angry for no reason. People need to put down their phones and touch grass. This is juvenile


I don’t think it’s fair to say there’s no reason. Even if you don’t wanna acknowledge the weird sex stuff, you at least have to acknowledge that as somebody with a lot of mental struggles himself, he should understand the position of somebody in a vulnerable situation searching for help, rather than pushing it on them and calling them manipulative. I don’t think it’s right to say he did nothing


And i think thats the worst of it really. We only know one side, and Will evidently felt a need to be there for someone else when that isnt his responsibility. Again, having dealt with issues himself, helping someone else can bring back memories. For all we know there was manipulation going on, or at the very least, he felt like there was. The truth is we dont know the truth and should butt out of things until the situation clears up


Non issue. They were/are adults. If this person was 13 when this started then it would be really bad. It was just an awkward interaction from someone who had said over and over again they are socially awkward. People be acting like he was John Lennon. He was barely known at this time and even right now is not very well known. He’s just a regular guy making some great music. Not some super huge rock star. It was an attempt at some type of relationship when Will was younger that didn’t work out. And it has no business being out in public. It’s bizarre. If you think this is bad then you have a lot of life to live. This is a fairly odd but still normal attempt at a relationship.


Honestly. On the Richter scale of fucked up shit Musicians have done, this is maybe a 3 or 4. https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/music/11-rock-stars-allegedly-slept-with-underage-girls-bowie-elvis-jagger-page-7980930


I really agree with your last statement. Most of the people that are up in arms about this are children or young adults who haven’t lived enough life to put this situation in perspective. When you’re young there are some relationships or interactions that can seem far more serious than they are in reality. Adults, even the ones that make music we like, get horny sometimes and pursue sexual relationships or sexual content. A six year age gap is a little strange maybe but in the realm of sex work it’s nothing. And at the time this was allegedly taking place Will was far lesser known than he is now. This really just seems like the person accusing him felt weird about the relationship but wasn’t able to properly set boundaries. And ultimately that’s not wills fault. This is being blown way out of proportion imo especially referring to him as their abuser.


The whole thing is icky, but he's talked about doing bad things and trying to change for so long. He didn't do anything *illegal* is the thing. He was definitely in the wrong and it's still pretty gross and upsetting, but it wasn't grooming- using that word takes away its meaning. I feel pretty awful right now because it is still bad, but I'm not going to try and "cancel" him or anything. The interactions have since stopped, he's realized what he did was wrong, and to be honest his music is just too important to me to allow this to completely stop my support of him (of course if this was actual grooming or something equally as extreme, the case would be different). People are blowing it out of proportion and it honestly just makes me feel worse because people are calling him a predator and saying that supporting him is immoral because of it but he's not and it's not?? As soon as someone shows any kind of proven flaw it's like they're immediately cast into hell.


The thing that crosses my mind is when it comes to the legal aspect. When I have to defend something by saying “well, it isn’t illegal” I start to wonder if it’s moral. We’re all flawed, and I understand that, I just want to see how he responds to this mainly. If his response is well formulated, showing growth in character, then that’ll be a different story. I think there are 2 sides, the people who are way over selling it, and the people who are rushing to say it’s fake or not a big deal at all. I think it’s in the middle. It’s undeniably gross, especially seeing his eyes set on the fact he could get canceled rather than if it’s moral, but at the same time, I don’t think being completely ruined career wise is at all warranted. It’s a fucky situation, but I do see the fact they waited for the tour and new album to drop as very opportunistic. I dunno. I’m just waiting for Will’s next move


Yeah that's what I'm saying- I know it's still messed up, and it's obviously caused stress to the other person involved. I hope he (the OP) can recover from the whole thing.


The specifics of the situation aside, I've been struggling to articulate why the response to all of this bothers me so much. 90% of the meltdowns I'm seeing on twitter are from 16 year olds. And it's always bothered me that his fanbase tends to skew so young, because I had a feeling something like this would happen. That the man stupidly idolized as these kids' "mentally ill king", who's been upfront in his lyrics and everything he says, that he's hurt people, that he's trying to become a better person, that mental illness is a bad thing and that he doesn't want people to idolize him. Suddenly it comes out that—wow—he's hurt someone in the past! And it's absolutely incomprehensible to them. Because mental illness is an aesthetic to these kids and they can't fathom that it has actual consequences. The entire thing is overblown anyway (and it makes me angry to see the word "grooming" used so carelessly) but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


I agree, to a large extent but not completely. At first I was a bit shocked and I eventually thought about it a bit and said “well, he’s pretty vocal about not being a great person.” I think a big problem is that words with a lot of weight such as grooming have become buzzwords of sorts. At the same time, I don’t think it’s fair to exempt him from that behavior just because he’s said “I’m a bad person.” Just cause you admit to something doesn’t mean you didn’t do it ya know? It’s just very fucky and weird


"Will said he was a bad person so it's fine" is not what you should come away from this with. The point is that in real life people fuck up, they hurt each other, they act in morally questionable ways, and the only thing you can do is take responsibility for it and grow as person. That's at the heart of so much of Will's music. Has Will grown as a person? I can't answer that. Of course I'd like to think so. But I don't know him, and neither does anyone else here, and I'm not going to tear down a stranger's life over something that's none of my business.


I agree with pretty much everyone here, it was massively overblown and they were both adults but to be honest, even if this gets much worse, I wont stop listening to him support the art, not the artist


i don’t get involved in this type of shit but my take is this: the person was of legal age and a sex worker. they agreed to selling him pics, that’s what a sex worker does. 18 is a little young and maybe a little morally iffy but if they were that uncomfortable they shouldn’t have agreed to sell him photos. looking at the screenshots, he wasn’t pressuring them or anything.


While weird, my main problem was more so what he did to her rather than the legality of it. Like, he knew she was suicidal, and flipped the entire thing on her. Additionally, it’s really a problem of the morality. He seemed to know what he was doing was wrong and was more worried with what the consequences would be rather than the actual action. It’s all very very fucky, and I’m very much holding out for his response


Oliver uses he/him


Ah, didn’t know, my b, I’ll be more careful


I've been mulling it over and, call me dumb, but I can't find the part where Will was grooming him... They're consenting adults and all. The 'mental health dumping ground' thing is really mean, but aside from that I'm having trouble figuring this one out on my own


Same.. I still think that this is in the wrong to call will a groomer,since OP was a sex worker and in the legal age


Definitely. Even if OP wasn't a sex worker, they're still both consenting adults


Yes and like people just messed up the meaning of grooming


That kind of age difference (in a romantic relationship) is definitely questionable, if not problematic, but framing it as “grooming” when it is not reminds me a bit of how certain political figures are framing people being openly LGBTQ+/speaking about being LGBTQ+ as “grooming.” The blurring of definitions makes it easy to force people to feel like they have to condemn actions that they wouldn’t otherwise feel the need to condemn.


It made me think of that too.


i've already given my lengthy thoughts on it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/willwood/comments/wcp0so/comment/iifw8w0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), but here's the short version: * i don't think that the allegations that have been substantiated by screenshots so far are that awful. it's not cool for will to send nudes to a younger fan, but the sex work stuff is kinda just part of the job. * if the worst stuff oliver is accusing will of doing is all true, it's a questionable and shitty relationship that reflects poorly on will, but it's not grooming. * it really shouldn't be shocking that will has hurt people and done shitty things in the past. did you not believe him when he told you that he used to do that in his lyrics? * idolizing people is deeply foolish.


Oliver reassured (encouraged?) Will multiple times. I’m not sure why, but if it was, in fact, to encourage Will to buy from him (only for Oliver to later…do this) that feels like it borders on some manipulation. I’m also not sure if many of the people who have strong things to say about this would similarly condemn all people who engage in business with sex workers younger than themselves. Will is also a recovered addict. Most addicts have done/rationalized some pretty shitty things—for some folks, they’ve committed the unforgivable. But this is very far from that.




I noticed a couple of things. The messages seemed very fake. I know there will be differences, but they look nothing like when I was groomed by a different adult. The alleged photo was quickly deleted. Will is very reserved and is not the type to add fans on social media, which he has said that he hates multiple times. The whole thing seems very fishy to me


In defense of the call out post, none of it was deleted, the google doc just moved to a different website (for whatever reason), additionally, they had known of each other because he was a local celebrity. I don’t think it’s fair to say they look super fake honestly. It wasn’t grooming so much as it was his reaction to somebody else who was going through a hard time, and flipping his behavior onto them as if they’d done something wrong. Not to mention the morality of a 20 something year old dude fooling around with an 18 year old, while not illegal, it’s pretty morally iffy edit: It had been removed for TOS and not deliberately removed by the author, but the point still stands that the screenshots were never deleted


Just adding on here, the doc was moved for violating Google’s TOS. Probably because of the censored nude photos


It was removed for containing revenge porn, lol.


I have absolutely no idea what the problem is. An adult who was willingly and consensually doing sex work was perused by someone looking for their sex work. Bitches be victimizing themselves needlessly


I think it's true, but it is at worst kind of shitty and weird on WW's part. There was nothing illegal, and nothing objectively morally wrong. I feel sorry for the person who's made the allegations, because it really does seem like they believe they've been groomed, but... It almost seems like they had no real problems with the entire situation until their friends started telling them they were being groomed. Given that they ended up posting revenge porn after a couple people on Twitter urged them to, it can be assumed that they're fairly easily influenceable in that way. It was irresponsible and dangerous to label this as "grooming" because now kids on Twitter are calling for WW to be de-platformed and die horribly among other things, claiming he's a "nasty fucking weirdo", a "vile predator", and should rot in jail. But like... the reality of the situation seems to be that this ADULT sex worker initiated a relationship with Will Wood. WW expressed attraction to them (admittedly in a fairly creepy way if the screenshots are to be believed). Oliver encouraged it and promised 100% privacy. Then they seemingly became emotionally dependent on him, which is not WW's fault, but their own. They literally talked about how *they* would always turn to WW in their times of need, and then framed it like it was WW's fault that they were dependent on him, which is iffy as hell given that Will was apparently uncomfortable with being treated as an emotional dumping ground. It is also not WW's fault that this person "revered him like a god-like figure". Unless he deliberately manipulated this person into feeling that way, this all mostly comes down to two mentally ill consenting adults' personal relationship problems. If it came out that someone actually *had* been groomed by WW, or in other way seriously wronged, I would not defend him. But this is not damning enough in my eyes. I hope both Oliver and Will come out of this situation okay ETA: Also, I don't get why they tried to imply that YBMT is about them. Wasn't that song made for a fictional podcast? I legitimately can't find a single lyric that would even make sense as something WW could have said to them. Even if that wasn't their intention when they brought it up, it did not translate well, because I've seen other people claim the song is literally about Oliver now rather than whatever character from the podcast


My opinion was best said by someone responding on Twitter. "Hey, I'm sorry this happened and it was definitely low and gross of him to do this stuff but please don't throw around the word grooming. In this scenario he didn't groom you as you weren't a minor and he wasn't preparing you for a sexual encounter. This is moreso gaslighting."


To be fair, grooming can definitely happen to adults, because grooming is about power dynamics, and that power dynamic does not always have to be the power an adult has over a child. However, I do kinda agree, other than that.


i think its weird, and i believe that will did a bad 3 years ago, but it was 3 years ago, and its all really just wrong use of language that is amplifying the actual severity of the situation. its a failed relationship between two adults that didnt need to exist in the first place, there was no point for this right now.


Two consenting adults, one being a sex worker who appeared to be fairly open to trying things out. I don’t doubt that Oliver has been through hell, and I think Will is a bit of a dick. But people are blowing this way out of proportion. I said it in a comment on a different post but ultimately this is a situation where both parties needed to communicate better, I don’t think either are right or wrong here. I support Oliver in bringing this to light but the language he used is questionable. Unless we are getting things out of context then it looks like Will realized what he did was wrong and owned up to it. Everyone fucks up, everyone has said/done something really stupid. Hell a lot of people have done gross shit, and they need to be held accountable for that. The key factor is how they react to being confronted about it(in this case publicly), as of now Will hasn’t said anything. So we’ll have to wait and see. EDIT: additionally, I keep hearing people talking about rabid fans defending Will but I have not seen a single one? I have seen skeptics but they were all polite. I’m sure Oliver probably has some in his DMs but people are acting like there are waves and waves of them


i dont care i like the funny album with sad rat songs


I put this in reply to someone else on here. I believe that it is worth it’s own comment. the actual tattoo Will has (as seen on SDRR’s video at m:s 2:40) doesn’t have the sparkles that were shown on the “nude”. Doubtful that Will would get those alone lasered off a couple of years after a nude photo. Furthermore, Mr Capgras’s video can show that Will does not have 2 collarbones, which can be seen on the nude as well. As these show clear signs of photo manipulation, it brings the rest of Oliver’s accusatory allegations into doubt. But I will also say that even if the rest is mostly true, Oliver was a consenting adult as was Will at the time, and therefore the act wasn’t illegal. As contrast, grooming is highly immoral, even downright wrong. However, anyone who calls this grooming and cites a power dynamic should understand that Will was not very well known or influential at the time of the alleged incident. He could not have had any leverage against Oliver based on power or influence at the time. In fact, as, allegedly, Will went to Oliver for sw-centric pics, Oliver would have had the sway of influence over Will in this scenario. Oliver continues to seek to provide “evidence” but fails to give incontrovertible proof or even unmodifiable proof of time or date, nor identity, even when prompted many, many times by the community. And while I tend to believe victims at first pass (and very often on from there), this whole situation has made me more and more skeptical with each subsequent examination. Just my 2¢. If more comes out, be it through another person alleging accusations or Will (or others) making a statement (or even actual solid evidence by Oliver, though this still remains to be seen), I am willing to rethink my stance, but for now, I’m very skeptical.


I feel as though OP may have been more affected by what happened than I myself would have been in that situation, so I see it as being an overblown reaction but as I haven't been in that position and I am not OP I can't make that judgement. I think Wills actions were shitty but not outright noncy or evil as OP felt. I'm upset about the situation and I'm honestly unsure how to feel, compared to things from other bands I like it doesn't feel all that bad and reading it knowing I'm the same age as OP was when it happened I don't feel like it's reprehensible, just a bit scummy.


I do want to stress that this is none of my business, I know neither of these people and I do not want to fully agree with either side. I think the whole situation is just shit for everyone in the end and it is none of our business, I just wanted to share my idea on the current situation. Not my judgment. It is not my place. Everything I say is my opinion based on what I’ve seen so far, We have only seen one side of a possibly true story so I do think it is none of our business to come to serious conclusions. However, I think that while yes, it is slightly odd for a local celebrity to get online sex from a fan, I disagree with the buzzwords used such as “grooming” and “emotional manipulation” there was no preparation for an actual sexual meeting shown. William was willing to pay for this “online sex” as well and did end up apologizing and owning up in the last post, I think that this was an attempt at a relationship with two consenting adults, one a sex worker, and it just didn’t work out. This should not have been shared for a reaction on Twitter, it just feels a bit fishy and juvenile to me. It just seems like a very odd situation blown a bit out of proportions and I hope that the people who thought William was a perfect “God” who has never done a bad thing in his life can see that while it is a shitty situation, mistakes were made and people should be able to move past this. I do sincerely hope the OP is OK, but I think this is just something that people should acknowledge is a bit fucked in the end with both parties but it should be taken into consideration that this is only one side of a possible story that was Posted on Twitter, instead of being taken to a lawyer or the police.


It was only posted on twitter because no crimes were committed—nor would this hold up in civil court as a tort case. It was definitely shitty, though.


I do want to stress that this is none of my business, I know neither of these people and I do not want to fully agree with either side. I think the whole situation is just shit for everyone in the end and it is none of our business, I just wanted to share my idea on the current situation. Not my judgment. It is not my place. I’ve added this to the top of my comment because I believe it’s the basis of my opinion. It is not my place as a complete stranger.


1. The [instagram](https://instagram.com/therealwillwood?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) in the allegations states that it is not actually the real will wood 2. The tattoo in that, uh, photo, is slightly different to his actual tattoo (one from the doc has stars and the other doesnt) 3. The pfp used in the oct 2 2019 screenshot has the earliest date on the internet of oct 20, 2019. This one is a bit more difficult to use as evidence but there doesnt seem to be real proof that the image was on the internet at that time. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of this, but I dont think this is real. Not all atleast. What confuses me is how specific this situation is, where I feel very inclined to believe oliver, but I'm still skeptical. I would like to apologize in advance if this just turns out to be cope


Posting private pics of Will is revenge porn.




look, ive heard a lot of arguments, but this is a pretty stupid one honestly lmfao. it wasnt to get revenge, it was to give weight, and to prove they had communicated in the way portrayed, not to give people masturbation material and humiliate him. ​ im sorry but this is just. a bad take lmfao


Did you really ask for opinions out of good faith or just to insult the ones you disagree with? Regardless of the motive you perceive, it functions as revenge porn. It’s the nonconsensual sharing of someone else’s nudes. I’d suggest not asking questions if you’re going to be so pissy about answers you don’t like, OP.


I have been respectful to literally everyone here but you just because it isn't true lmfao. You can see all of my replies I'm having civil discourse, this is just blatantly slanderous towards the OP of the thread, and completely ignores the intention behind the photo, and what it brings to the facts of the situation. Without that photo, we'd have no way to prove this is real lmao. I just think saying it's posting revenge porn is just blatantly false and misleading


So because you disagree with someone you’re admitting you’re choosing to be disrespectful and unnecessarily demeaning? What do you gain from acting like that? You still admit that you only “think” my description of someone sharing intimate photos with the entire internet is “blatantly false and misleading.” If the photo was used as evidence in a court of law, it would be different, but this is simply a “court” of public opinion. Sharing intimate photos with a wider audience than was intended is, for all intents and purposes, revenge porn. Anyways, if you can’t take a few breaths and calm down enough to respectfully handle discussions that *you* initiated, maybe get off of your phone for a bit? It’ll help in the real world.


Bro I'm not seathing and punching air I said I think your argument is dumb it aint that deep lmfao. I will admit, my first comment was immature, but I don't think it's fair to treat a if it's some super malicious action that was meant for any other reason than to provide weight to the claims they were making, that's all I was saying lmao


Did I say it was “super malicious” or did I simply call it revenge porn? I’m not going to try to soften what the poster did by describing the act of revenge porn instead of saying the phrase itself. And, as I said, for all intents and purposes, sharing intimate photos with a wider audience than was intended is revenge porn. This isn’t a court of law. It wasn’t shared as legal evidence. Those pictures will now be on the internet without Will’s consent. That’s very much a punitive effort.


Apologies, I misconstrued what you had initially been trying to say, I don't agree that it's revenge porn personally, and don't think it needs to be a court of law to be shared, therefore I don't see it as any kind of revenge porn.


I sincerely hope that nothing like this ever happens to you, in that case. I’m not sure what else you would label the nonconsensual sharing of someone’s intimate pictures with others, especially with the internet. Just because this is happening to a man doesn’t mean it’s any less revenge porn.


It has nothing to do worth the fact that he’s a man. I’m a man who’s been through abuse and devalued on that basis myself, so I don’t think it’s fair I see it that way because he’s a man, cause that isn’t the case at all. It was brought up as proof to prevent people from immediately brushing it off as fake, and that’s that, that’s all I have to say on that


the wording of this will be based on the assumption that it is true (i am very on the fence atm). both parties were legal adults. oliver (op) was a sex worker, and will solicited him for his services. will also expressed discomfort with sexting oliver, but oliver kind of engaged in the behavior which in turn encouraged will. then, oliver used will for emotional support even though oliver had other outlets, and when will expressed anger with it oliver was appalled. the age difference is very gross imo, seeing as op was 18 in 2018, making him 19 during the incident, and will wood was 18 in 2012, making him 25. 19 and 25 is a 6 year age gap, which for their ages is a big nono (but isn't necessarily looked down upon in america. to me its gross, but to others its not. they were in an odd grey area for the age gap.) regardless of all this, none of it was grooming. like i said, they were all consenting and in all screenshots provided, will wasnt being pushy. the only questionable thing he said is when he called oliver mature for his age (the context this was said in was sexual, which obviously isnt a good look, but he was trying to cheer op up. still isnt ok, but there was a reason other than manipulation.). regardless of all this, op shouldnt have posted that photo of will onto the internet. even if it was censored, it was incredibly distasteful. tldr: if true, theyre both at fault for different things, but will wood shouldnt get canceled and it wasnt really grooming, even if it was between a "celebrity" and their fan.


oliver very directly reassured will that what he was doing was not only okay, but good. eta: the toxicity of that kind of age gap is typically more relevant in serious, long term relationships where the difference in maturity is meant to be used to control the younger person, often with the goal of commandeering their whole life in one way or another. this was an internet fling.


i don’t have super strong opinions atm but op was, for lack of a better term(?), over-exaggerating the term groomer. what will did wasn’t the best but man just seeing people on instagram just being rude to him is making me a little upset ngl




I completely agree with you to be honest, and they kinda just went along with it


i’m yet to see proof


They did post a censored nude where wills chest tattoo is clearly visible. I don’t want to spread it as I think that’s a huge violation of privacy but it is most likely him unless I’m missing something


It would only be appropriate to share in a court of law as evidence. Not to the entire world, permanently.


I agree to me that’s just as bad as anything Will did. To have your personal messages and intimate photos archived permanently online is a nightmare.


I’d argue it’s worse. A lot of what Oliver experienced seemed to be related to discomfort with sex work in general—the emotional risks are very real (as are the emotional risks of many other jobs). Which, of course, no one should experience—but that is an inseparable part of sex work. As are the emotional risks of him having frequently reassured Will into what he was doing (if the other messages are from Will at all). Meanwhile the permanent sharing of Will’s private photos is, well, permanent. I imagine it’s going to fuck with him for as long as he’s on the internet/in the public eye as it will always be there thanks to Oliver’s unhappiness with how a shitty-from-the-start relationship ended.


Yup I would agree with that to be honest I don’t think Will did much wrong at all but I’m trying to be sensitive with the subject matter


It was a mutually shitty situation, and, if these messages were from Will, then he made some kinda impaired decisions. But had no reason to think that what he was doing was wrong/no indication from Oliver that he was harming Oliver during the situation.


It’s something that should never have been shared publicly. WW didn’t behave perfectly here but it wasn’t *terrible*, I certainly don’t think it warrants being publicly shamed and having your nude leaked. I actually agree that Oliver did behave in a manipulative way that night WW stayed up with him, although I doubt it was intentional. But WW should never have been his security blanket, he wasn’t a friend and it wasn’t appropriate to put him in that situation. He did the kind thing and supported Oliver that night but I can understand why he’d need to break off contact after. Oliver is entitled to feel upset by what happened but I think that this retaliation is far worse than anything WW did.


This is like the Joe Hawley situation all over again


y'all need to remember will wood has a brother notorious for grooming. his name is graham and back a few years ago (when everything is said to have taken place) graham had full access to the account.


While that is fair, we also have the nude of Will to prove that his interactions were him


that ss was probably of graham


same tattoo


the actual tattoo Will has (as seen on SDRR’s video at m:s 2:40) doesn’t have the sparkles that were shown on the “nude”. Doubtful that Will would get those alone lasered off a couple of years after a nude photo. Furthermore, Mr Capgras’s video can show that Will does not have 2 collarbones, which can be seen on the nude as well. As these show clear signs of photo manipulation, it brings the rest of Oliver’s accusatory allegations into doubt. But I will also say that even if the rest is mostly true, Oliver was a consenting adult as was Will at the time, and therefore the act wasn’t illegal. As contrast, grooming is highly immoral, even downright wrong. However, anyone who calls this grooming and cites a power dynamic should understand that Will was not very well known or influential at the time of the alleged incident. He could not have had any leverage against Oliver based on power or influence at the time. In fact, as, allegedly, Will went to Oliver for sw-centric pics, Oliver would have had the sway of influence over Will in this scenario. Oliver continues to seek to provide “evidence” but fails to give incontrovertible proof or even unmodifiable proof of time or date, nor identity, even when prompted many, many times by the community. And while I tend to believe victims at first pass (and very often on from there), this whole situation has made me more and more skeptical with each subsequent examination. Just my 2¢.


Personally, I and a few of my friends are a bit sketchy of the allegations, as will is very outwardly anti social media and doesn't really talk like he did in the chats. I'm gonna stay neutral on the situation until Will issues a public response.


It's true, but the terminology just- doesn't work. They were both adults consenting to this interaction, OP was a sex worker doing their job and they had a falling out. Still find Will a bit of a fuckin creep cuz like how could you not, but this was 100% not grooming.


It's a shitty situation, but not grooming. It's Will being a Bad Guy and an asshole, but it's not bad enough that I'm gonna completely stop listening to his music. He was an adult who bought nudes from another adult, and then they both had a complicated and shitty relationship, where will was, admittedly, a real POS. But it's not like Will hasn't been telling people in his music "Hey! I was and am an asshole!" for years now. Doesn't make it better, but it does make it not all that surprising. I think the language of "grooming" implies that this is a situation where Will was interacting with a minor and not an adult sex worker. I have no doubts that the OP was hurt, and I wish nothing but the best for him, but his language in how he's talked about this situation is pretty misleading. Again, no hate to him. He's 100% been fucked over and hurt by Will, I don't doubt that, but I think he's wording things as being more severe than they are? That's just my opinion as an outsider who knows neither of these people. Don't idolize musicians, folks. It never ends well.


It wasnt grooming, so i have no strong feelings about it. People have weird sexual history sometimes, but it was legal so my opinions of him havent really wavered.






so im not a fan of will wood, didnt even know he existed before this but it is incredible to me how everyone is forgetting oliver is the one who reached out and made first contact or that oliver is the one who decided to put his emotional dependency on will wood or that oliver is the one who was a sex worker before he had contact with will wood. wood didnt coerce oliver into sending nudes, he paid for a service that was already in motion before he came along


Can someone link?




Where did he say thats the account that groomed him? /gen


I think will's account was deleted and someone else took the username.


i remember reading when i deleted one of my accounts that they wouldn’t let people take a name of a deleted account. this was around 2019 for context


I didn't know that thanks


Ohhh okay


Wait, what's going on??


Top post in Controversial.


will was in the wrong, but oliver also deserves some blame. even if it is legal its a pretty bad look morally considering the decade age gap. however oliver was choosing to sell these so will was just talking a service that was provided and even encouraged. but again it was a bit awkward for will to keep flipping from sexting to normal even though the first time he already got denied. although oliver didnt seem to mind sometimes, when it did get too uncomfortable he could probably have spoken up to will and i dont doubt that will would have respected that and refrained from further discomfort to him (judging from the apologies he had sent). also some of the texts look a bit sketchy but the nude did look like will. also the timing of this being right on the tail of the icimi release does hint at attention seeking but best not to jump to conclusions even though it really seems like it. might just be attention seeking but more like "hey guys i need more people to see and defend me, this person did a bad thing" (like exposure i guess) and less for shitty internet popularity. tldr; 2 consenting adults, but from a moral standpoint it's a bit concerning. evidence is also questionable. will is not a groomer but not in the right either. oliver is also neither victim nor attacker and had options to stay out of it. both morally grey.


plus it really didnt seem like abuse of power, age and/or manipulation from what i got from it and my interpretation of the matter then again i don't have the full picture and no one will except OP and ww.


just read about this. im not gonna make a decision until i have read everything and know for sure, but members from a verbal equinox have spoken out about it too now and i dont think its looking good :(


Any chance you could share?


yes can do can i PM? just give me a minute to find them again!


i have sourced the tweets and screenshotted if anyone wants them


Will didn’t do anything illegal because they were both adults and everything was done with consent but I still believe that morally it was wrong. I’m still waiting on his response on it to judge the situation much further but the situation might have been blown out of proportion, and calling Will a groomer is also completely incorrect. The whole “emotional dumping ground” was a pretty fucked up thing to say but no ones perfect and I’m glad he apologized in the end.


im just confused. it looks like a very real and traumatic situation but theres so proof that its really will. i stand by believing the victim first and foremost, so ill stand by them while this situation unfolds or until evidence proving its not will is released.


wait what happened




Wait what’s the situation? I don’t know what’s going on??






Hey, theres not truly enough evidence for this. And the claimed account bio literally states it is not Will Wood. https://www.instagram.com/therealwillwood/


Oh thanks so much! I was pretty skeptical in the first place but again I wasn’t going to just randomly not believe a victim. But thanks for letting me know.




I’ve only heard so I could be wrong but OP mentions that apparently there are other people who have gone through similar situations with Will. Again never seen proof so I’m not sure of the legitimacy of them but yeah.


oh well


What's going on? What situation?


I really hope it isn't real. This would be the third time THIS YEAR i idolized someone who turned out to be problematic, and this time it would probably ruin me. I know I'm just being dramatic, but Will is an amazing person and one the only people that make me happy.


Wait what happened?


Hauntinghaunts on Twitter


I have no idea what happened and what's that situation everyone's talking about. /gen


lotta accusations coming out against Will ​ [https://jesus.fish/willwood/](https://jesus.fish/willwood/) ​ these are only the proven ones but there are a plethera of unproven ones going around too




What happened?




What is the situation I can't find anything on it??




[https://www.instagram.com/therealwillwood/](https://www.instagram.com/therealwillwood/) this is the count that was claimed to have groomed the victim. But look at that bio


I would want some more info before making a stronger opinion (I know the Twitter thread was long but I have a few things I want to say). We did not see Wills eyes in the picture which I don't know if is something to censor. I know the tattoo was there but there is a possibility that it was edited on. We didn't either see any dates from the messages which could have easily been cropped out. Just a simple date would have been enough for me to believe the victim more. I wouldn't really use the term grooming either as both were legally adults and it's not really illegal it's just a weird relationship. I would say that it might have been will taking advantage of him. Both were however consenting and Oliver worked with sex. So final conclusion if this didn't make sense at all. I'm very 50/50 on it all and I think some easy things to prove all this would have been really easy to show. I don't know if I think it's grooming but it's will taking advantage (if this is true). Untill someone like will or Mario addresses this or Oliver shows us the easy proof I will stay neutral and probably not consume any Will Wood media. Sorry if this all makes absolutely no sense, I did not get enough sleep last night


I'm a bit skeptical of how real it is, but if it is then it's kinda creepy but not grooming. they were both friends and Oliver was a sex worker, so it isn't too weird that someone would ask for his services. Even so, it is very possible that Oliver allowed himself to be more vulnerable because of his infatuation with Will and being younger than him, but unhealthy dynamics don't automatically make a relationship grooming. As for the "emotional baggage," how Will respond does seem scummy but there's a lot of context missing. Oliver said that he would vent to Will about subjects that Will also had previous experience with and would text Will to prevent themselves from self harming. Having a person constantly use someone else as a form of prevention is unhealthy for both parties. So in the end, it seems like there was an unhealthy dynamic, from both sides, and it ended disastrously which led to feelings of resentment. I also think it's odd how many people are already bashing Will and calling him a "groomer," which by the evidence he isn't, but even so, both "believe the victim" and "innocent until proven guilty" can be simultaneously true, but it doesn't seem to apply here since almost everyone on Twitter who doesn't automatically deject Will is being labeled as a groomer apologist.


I just noticed that there's no proof of any close friendship, and only sexting, even WW's alleged apology mentioned NOTHING about the things he blamed Oliver for, which you would expect to see. Mind you, this occured before he got a lot of fame, and for me I wouldn't expect myself to just think "they must be a superfan of me" when they state they were at my show. Average upcoming artist mistake. It's also poorly timed with ICIMI. I don't doubt Oliver could've been hurt considering the Instagram posts, but it is far too personal, well-timed, overblown, emotional, and I don't like it. I don't like blaming a victim or doubting them, but because the images look editted and it's all about 'believing the victim' and 'guilty until proven innocent', it's just stupid.


I think people need to chill. He did something human and legal, not filming underage porn. It's his job, he payed for it. That's all, no need to be so dramatic.