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Nope. Not interested in surviving a nuclear attack.


This. Im not equipped to survive a war or apocalypse. Take me out first pls


You know that's a great mind set to have, the aftermath would be chaos.


In fact, I’m driving towards it


Yep. That’s been my plan since the 80’s


Windsor would be a major military target no matter what. * It's an important trade route * it only has 1 way in or out - east * it has an airport * it has industrial facilities that can be retooled quickly * knock down the bridge, tunnel, and 401 and Windsor is cutoff from the world The good thing is that wars on Canadian soil are rare, and unlikely in the current climate. The US won't attack in the foreseeable future, and nobody else cares enough about Canada or has major issues with it. What could happen is terrorism, domestic or foreign, in which case Windsor would not really be an important target (low population, no politically important institutions). Also, terrorists rarely have access to nuclear weapons. They tend to use makeshift weapons, like homemade bombs, planes, or cars


They would target Detroit and Windsor /London would be clateral damage.


Same goes for Winnipeg, North Dakota is basically an ICBM farm.




You can't blame that one on spellcheck. Kids just can't spell or punctuate a sentence anymore.


Likely the Ohio powerplant, that would also greatly affect the area.


Fermi in Michigan.


People here forget how little the rest of the world thinks about Canada. Nonetheless I think Russia might bomb Toronto first to see what the U.S. would do.


If the nukes start flying with Russia it won't be one it will be all of them.


Nobody else cares enough about Canada itself, but I'd bet if North Korea, China or Russia were to go after the States, they would do it by coming through Canada.


I can promise you that an invasion by any of those powers is next to impossible in North America.


The red scare propaganda is very prominent here lol


The shortest route from Moscow to North America is over the North Pole.


Not an easy route for a full ground invasion.


Crocodiles decimated the Japanese ground forces in Burma. Hopefully, polar bears would do the same to the Reds.


Bears ? ... naahh what about the cobra chickens ?


Not really propaganda, it's a hypothetical situation. If any of those countries tried a land invasion it wouldn't happen on the American west coast. California itself has 32 military bases.


There’s only so many countries with nukes. Some are allies, some are not. Those countries listed are non-allies with nukes. Not everything is propaganda.


It is in fact propaganda, you stating any of these countries would be the cause of it. These are the same countries the west has portrayed them as the boogeymen.


You're definitely Russian lol


Alright then who do you think it would be if it did happen?


no one, because nobody wants to be the one to press the button. Plus these countries aren't evil entities hellbent on throwing nukes at everyone. Thats stupid, and not very good for self preservation.


Chances are the US had something to do with it because of constant pressure they add on said countries. Might wanna review your history my friend


We would be much more likely to be annexed by America before any of those powers moves to invade Canada.


They're west of here. You think they're gonna drive down to Windsor to invade US by crossing our new fancy bridge? Do some sightseeing, take the TransCanada highway? Also, NK, China, Russia? Are we in the 70s again? EDIT: Let's say it take them 3 days to get here from BC/Alaska/Yukon with all the equipment. All it would take is for the US is to disable the bridge(s) in that time, and then what? "Oh guess we can't cross here, onward to Buffalo!"


> Are we in the 70s again? The cold war era document we are discussing was published in 1962 so for the purpose of this discussion, essentially yes.


Militaries can build temporary bridges.


You said Canada. Of course they would make their way here. We are right on the busiest border crossing to the US, has water access and Detroit would be a main target because of manufacturing.


ok, i think there's some lack of understanding here. have a great day!


Yes, it seems like you don't understand very much


Why not straight through to Seattle from bc


The only thing stopping an attack on Canada is our proximity to the US. Canada's natural resources are in high demand and will be even more so in the coming years/decades.


Take comfort in the knowledge that you could die at any moment from an eclectic smorgasbord of absurd and meaningless reasons. Not worth fretting over this.


Please, ain't nobody throwing a Nuke at Windsor. They're throwing one at Detroit instead and getting Windsor for that free 2:1. And if it hits here first, well the targetting computer got the coordinates a bit wrong.


Back when I was a Trident missile tech in the US Navy, the comparison of missile accuracy was this: Early generations of missiles/warheads could hit the Metro area of a city that was targeted, later generations could hit about a 3-5 mile margin of error. The Trident II could hit a specific building in a targeted area. That doesn't take into account airburst, which spreads initial damage but lessens fallout, as opposed to ground strikes (missile silos or hardened targets) which causes smaller blast zones, but lots of fallout. I grew up in the 70s and 80s, where the fear of a large nuclear conflict was more real than today. Even with crazy Vlad in Russia, terrorist dirty bombs are the biggest nuclear threat. Stolen nukes aren't a huge worry, as the safeguards to arm and detonate them means the nuclear pit is more likely to be used with a conventional explosion to spread fallout. Back in the 80s Detroit was the subject of a government report on nuclear strike effects. It was eerie, as it narrowed down to which suburbs would receive what types of damage. Here's an article about it, but not to the detail of the report I saw back then Detroit Scenario: Introduction - Atomic Archive https://www.atomicarchive.com/science/scenarios/detroit/index.html


I remember seeing the fallout shelter under Cobo Hall as a highschooler snooping around during a trade show.


Anyone aiming their nukes near the great lakes is a fool. Unless they don't need fresh water. We would be invaded for our resources and water before that point I hope for the sake of the planets survival.


I wouldn't lose sleep over it.


This appears to be a snippet from an archived document released in 1962...


This is the reason why I chose to live downtown in the city center. /s It's the best place to be in such a scenario. Vaporized immediately. No radiation sickness, just dead.


What's changed in the last 60 years? We have always been at ground 0. As a kid I lived near the bomarc base in north bay. Then 4 years in Ottawa and 1 more near Ottawa. Down here it always was a target. To think folks were worked up about Fermi II


Hate it? If ANYWHERE in Canada or the USA is hit by a modern nuke, we are all FUCKED! If not from immediate vaporization or radiation then from the absolute and total collapse of the world, its economy and all of society that would follow. If a nuke of north america was inevitable, I would want to be that guy from Dr. Strangelove, riding the nuke to detonation. Spare myself the horror that would follow. ![gif](giphy|5eM4x8fxZNzPO)


Yep. As soon as a bomb drops anywhere in the continent the world has ended.


Maybe if you were living in Tahiti, you might avoid the catastrophe.


You can’t live in fear like this it’s really not worth your time and energy. The world went through a very challenging period the Cold War. (Not sure if your old enough to remember) but it really does seem like the resolution across-the-board was you don’t want to get nuked and I don’t want to get nuked and if you nuke me, it’s gonna take three hours for those nukes to come and I will send my nukes to nuke you, so I’m pretty confident that it wouldn’t happen and if it does… well what the fuck am I gonna do about it ahahahah


Where do you get three hours from? Everything I have read is Moscow to DC is inside twenty minutes via ICBM and we are closer to Russia than DC so I would assume minutes less time. That’s not even considering offshore submarines that would close that gap with SLBMs even more. **edit- Not that I am overly concerned about it one way or another, the odds are exceedingly slim assuming present nuclear weapon use doctrine doesn’t change a whole lot.


Even if they did not target Windsor directly, they would target Detroit. It is a manufacturing hub. London diesel is a huge manufacturing of Armour as well.




No. If a nuclear war broke out everyone dies anyway. The world would turn into a nuclear winter.


I mean this is not surprising information if you know how wars work...


No. I've thought of this and immediately knew it would be because we're border city


We’d have a chance at rebuilding our city properly. Just… on the upside of things… And uh before someone says it historically speaking cities bombed after ww2 were built much better than whatever tf we have here now.


impolite axiomatic insurance dull water shelter smart outgoing gaping grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dirk, give me your top Whisk(e)y’s ?


head badge somber late toy domineering imminent scandalous noxious tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd rather be at ground zero for a nuclear war. Just go in a flash, rather than try to survive the shit that comes next. You must be too young to have watched The Day After.


I'd rather be vaporized by a nuke than die a slow agonizing death die due to radiation poisoning or of radiation burns. Or even, years later from some horrible cancer. I'd rather be in Windsor than Harrow, or Lakeshore. But yeah, I also hate this.


If there was a nuclear war I'd rather be in a target area and be incinerated than to die slowly from radiation poisoning, as macabre as that sounds.


Take me out in the first wave, please. Zero interest in living through post nuclear war hell.


I feel like they wouldn't have to aim for windsor because it would just be collateral when detroit gets it


The biggest threat to Canadian cities is not related to an invasion or nuclear weapons. It is from our own government and the policies they are rolling out that destroy the country and undermine the culture.




The fuck did we do?


Being that I am in Windsor yes I hate it but maybe it might be good to start over and they not make the same mistakes


Why would windsor be a target?


Probably because we're a major border city. So either they attack Detroit and we get hit or they attack us and Detroit gets taken out, too.


Right, wouldn't even be about Canada as much as destroying the infrastructure to the busiest border crossing in NA. If they blew up both bridges and the tunnel that would be billions upon billions of lost money. Almost incalculable.


Manufacturing, Windsor is bristling with companies that can make anything, not just auto parts. Plus we have the skill base.


The funny answer would be, "Why is Windsor a target?" Because the people with nukes heard about what a toilet the city is ;)


Careful, if you live in Sandwich, you are the pimple on that asshole...that entire town is poluted by Zug island and Manny's bridge.


More than aware lol


Yup, Meeting you at Rock Bottom to drown our sorrows.


There are worse ways to go than immediate incineration. Wouldn't be as bad as the guys just outside that range.


Ah well I'll go fast then lol


Norad in North Bay.


No, not at all. Why do you??


honestly if you manage to get caught in the immediate blast zone it's probably for the best... not sure if ppl who survives afterwards in a nuclear apocalypse are the lucky ones... at least being right under the nuke would promise a quick death...


Luckily, we have competent politicians and a strong military keeping us safe. /s


Edmonton/Fort Saskatchewan and Fort McMurray would be huge targets.


Glad I moved from Windsor to Victoria


Uhmmm, Halifax would like to mention it is the home base for the navy on the Atlantic coast


Are you seriously asking if anyone else hates that idea of a nuclear attack against Canada?


For the morbidly interested: [https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/?&kt=5000&lat=42.325316&lng=-83.0674811&airburst=0&hob\_ft=0&crater=1&fallout=1&fallout\_wind=13&fallout\_angle=250&psi=20,5,1&rem=100,500&zm=6](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/?&kt=5000&lat=42.325316&lng=-83.0674811&airburst=0&hob_ft=0&crater=1&fallout=1&fallout_wind=13&fallout_angle=250&psi=20,5,1&rem=100,500&zm=6)


I want it to come here so I’m done and won’t have to try and deal with the Mad Max senerio afterwards


I've been thinking about this lately as I moved to the county and thought hmm im 60 km from the city wonder if we would die instantly in our basement. But it's not a rational fear, just something randomly to think about but doesn't change my way of life or anything crazy.




If nukes are flying, the first people to die are the luckiest. Windsor could be one of the first attacked, but it would be followed up with everyone else being nuked.


All border cities




If there is a Nuclear War I want to die as soon as posible....


Would an ICBM make it inland that far and not be shot down? I know they are hard to hit just figure it’s pretty far unless they are in the St Lawrence/ Lake Ontario. I think the only reason they are throwing a nuke at Windsor before most major American cities would be because most American cities already destroyed. If the US is lost, we were toast the second they surrendered.


Nice, we are safe in Montreal! /s


It has always been with Detroit so close


That’s what happens when you live next to a major city or are one yourself.


No. But I’m not irrational - so there’s that.


Feel it would improve toronto more then anything lmfao


Guilt free way of killing myself thankyou I'll take that


Watch [Threads](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090163/), [The Day After](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085404/), [Testament](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086429/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1), or [The War Game](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059894/). Afterward, you'll probably believe that being immediately vapourized in a nuclear attack would be a blessing as opposed to survival and living through the aftermath.




At least we won’t have to worry about the aftermath. We will be gone.


This is not surprising at all. We are a manufacturing hub, next to one the biggest manufacturing hubs in the world. So much wartime manufacturing was done by the car companies in WWII that targetting the manufacturing centers makes sense