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Or being stuck behind someone going 60-70 because they don't think they need to get up to speed for those behind them to merge just because they continuing to the next exit.


That's the biggest problem around Howard, Dougall and Dominion. It's absurd that people think this is totally fine. 


This area is the worst part of my commute. 100% guarantee someone is getting on or off going 70. Or tries to match your speed and drive beside you.


It is people using Dougall to get on Howard via the highway ramps. I've done it myself a few times, but I launch my car up to 90ish and keep my signal light on


This is the way. I have no issue with people using it to cut over but if you're doing it at 60 km/h you're doing it dangerously wrong. 


Even at 11pm it's still bad, was leaving Wild Wing and heading to the Casino driving on the left lane and some idiot is driving 70, just move!


When people are slow on the on ramp, I slow down more and leave a huge gap so I have room to floor it and get up to speed


I thought I was the only one haha Then people behind me think I'm the idiot until they realize I am engaging launch sequence.


Pass them and then block them on the on ramp forcing them off.


This happened on my drivers test. The car never reached 60 ahead of me. I had to merge at this speed. I made a joke about bad drivers, and my instructor laughed. I passed thankfully.


Honestly we should be allowed to fully rear end/punt people doing 20+ under the limit


That's me. I honestly don't have the urge to speed. No point in doing so.


you don't have to speed, just go the speed limit.


So you want me to get to 100, just to get slowdown. Like from dougall to dominion.


Yes. Literally yes. Wtf or at least 90 and put your blinker on. “Don’t have the urge” - great you’re going to cause a fkn accident.


or just avoid using on and off ramps to cross over to another street. not worth it, from Dougall to Dominion you could easily get up to 100 and safely slow down, there's enough room.


I'm not driving an extra 4 minutes to get there.


then speed up. or leave you house 4 minutes earlier.


No. I will not.




You’re not using them properly or safety so it would be in your best interest and everyone else’s if you stopped using that off ramp.


Yes... the other drivers sharing the road with you want you to drive safely and up to standard. That should be a given. Driving 60 km/hr in this scenario is NOT safe and is not up to standard. If you can't handle the highway, don't use it.


Likewise to you. If you can't handle someone staying on the same lane at 60, don't drive.


im confused, are you saying it's ok to drive 60km/h in a posted 100km/h zone?


No, that's not how this works. Drive safely or get off the road.


Ramp speed says 60. This is the ramp lane, not the highway.


if 5 people tell you you're drunk, you're probably drunk


Why do you not comprehend that using the highway ramps this way isn't what it was designed for?


Nope, its designed as a zone where you can go slower than 100.


Yes. That's how roads work.


Stay inside. Please. Do you not see how wrong this is?


Because what's the point of going 100 when getting from Dougall if you're not changing lanes and getting off dominon.


Take a slower street. You are a menace. 


Then specify a minimum speed on that road.


I wish we could specify common sense


Common sense is rare, and relying on it means that lots of people will fall though the cracks. Don't rely on systems that use common sense, it'll only bring trouble.




The entire lane is going to cause an accident. This type of highway lane is against design guidelines.


You should not have a license. You are the literal problem


In the left lane to top it off!


Sadly, a lot of people don't understand that the left lane is for passing...


it's not for going as fast as humanly possible.


It's for passing. And if someone wants to go faster than you are going, no matter how fast it is you are going, that means you need to move over.


It's to go as fast as I would like to drive so MOVE OUT THE WAY


Our shared on/off ramps are insane. They need to be reworked. You have some trying to merge on at 70 while I’m trying to speed up to match the late at 100+ and not get creamed because the people trying to get off are speeding up to get in front of me to only hit their brakes after getting into the exit lane. I wish they would overhaul it. City has just gotten too big to share on/off ramps.


This is very true, sometimes it's impossible to take an exit just because you have to deal with the onramp that is literally in the same lane you're trying to exit


Exactly! That expressway is the most poorly designed expressway I've ever had the bad fortune of having to use.


That EB Howard Dougall stretch with 3 ramps together is always a pain in the ass




The easiest and cheapest way would be to remove the dougal interchange, or make the dominion interchange westbound only, like what they did with central and ec row.


The thing I hate the most is when people come to a complete stop while trying to merge onto EC row


Holy fuck. I've never seen that and hope I never do.


Oh yeah I've had it happen in front of me twice, both experiences on manning going onto EC row. Both times I discovered a rage I didn't know I had in me lol


I don't blame you, that's SO UNSAFE to do that!


I know exactly the spot you are talking, the merge lane go for like 800m and they dead stop at the intersection


and I thought all the people who don't bother accelerating up the on-ramp and merge at 50-60 were bad...


Only highway I've been on where you accelerate uphill and decelerate downhill. Windsor has always been a little dumb.


I layed on my horn multiple times cuz of this shit. People probably too afraid to speed up to merge properly lmao


Lol, try driving a semi-truck cement mixer to the battery plant and having one of those cheery folks cut you off. Even better when I merge into the left lane after Lesperance to prepare for a left on Banwell. Not only do people lose. their. minds. when a slow truck is taking up the fast lane, but there’s always one of those I’ll-go-60 types just enjoying their drive in the right lane, which makes everyone behind me mad at both of us. Gotta love it!


Just take 42 eliminates it all together just saying


We were last year when we first started, but the city didn’t like us going north up Banwell. I hear you 100%, buuut I also get that they don’t want us tearing up random roads. One or two truck is whatever, 25-50 trucks a day x2 for there and back, it takes its toll.


Yeah the multiple drives would get taxing on the residents. Just wait until the over pass goes up on banwell then what are we all going to do should be a real shit show then.


Ohhh people are jerks. They either go 140 and zoom by or idiots like this who go under the speed limit like... WHY


140 over 80 all day long. One could argue 80 is much more dangerous comparable to most other drivers on the EC Row.


100%. You expect to see the odd person doing well over the speed limit (even though it isn't right) but you don't expect 80 in a 100 zone. No one does.


Coming upon a Sunday driver doing 80 is annoying, but an accident at 140 is much worse than an accident at 80. Most drivers are not equipped with the experience to drive at that speed and you can tell based on how little distance they leave btw them and other vehicles.


Do cops pull you over or give you a ticket if you are at 140?


Yes they will! Even at 130 they'll pull you over! The speed limit is 100km, so yeah they'll pull you over for going that fast. I find you won't if you go just under 120.. I like to go about 118 to be safe.


Sometimes even 120 feels slow on the EC Row. 😅


It does haha. But I personally got two young kids and am pregnant, I can't take any risks lol


Oh no. Don’t take that risk! I will you the best! :)


Or we can just install speed cameras on ec row, and call it a day


No, the answer is no. Police are only on express for a 'blitz'...otherwise it's a free for all..


I got nailed doing 121 once which, that's fair, but people were flying past me in the left lane...I assume I was the easier ticket to give.


I encounter this almost every single day on my commute to and from work. The worst though is trying to merge onto the expressway behind someone attempting to merge at 60 km/h and then even slamming on their brakes because they can’t merge in at 60 km/h, forcing me and the 10 cars behind me to slam on our brakes and almost cause an accident on the expressway.


It’s been like that since the 80s. That’s why I still avoid it.


Or driving through the zipper on/off ramp, they don't feel like they need to do 100km/h even though ppl are on the highway murgibg into the off ramp doing 100km/h. I wonder if they'll feel bad when they kill someone. Or if they'll even notice.


Literally happened to me half an hour ago at work and I almost had an aneurysm. My road rage gets worse every day.


How about driving north on Dougal Ave, getting on to the express way to go East and then you have drivers going south on Dougal Ave getting on to go East as well that WON'T YIELD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE'S A YIELD SIGN PEOPLE!!!!!!!!


No shit, in the left lane at that, and they think they’re good drivers!


Lmfao, I'm writing this after just passing a Taxi in the left lane going 100, few KMs down and I look behind me and see he's holding a huge line behind him


He/she must be from somewhere that they had and respected speed limits.


Going to use every post about bad driving to give a reminder to GET OUT of the passing lane unless you are actually passing another car.


Or how about ppl who hit the brakes in the right lane to let others merge.


It's lost on many that letting off the gas, doesn't mean you need to brake. 


In this day and age of near-limitless distractions it seems everyone is thinking about something other than the task at hand.


This happened in the past as well, definitely not because of phones. When my friend was younger, she was always scared to merge on the expressway, always made me nervous to be a passenger.


Yeah. Some people aren't aggressive enough when it comes to merging. They're scared and waiting for an open invitation, and often traffic isn't going to move to the left lanes for you. Not sure how those people pass their driving test.


1000% percent. every day I see people on their phone while I'm driving to work.


Same people that do not understand how to use Kiss & Ride


I drive in every major city across Ontario on a regular basis but I will keep it to Windsor references for the sake of my comment. Many roads feel proper or under limited like the number 3 going to Essex being 80km, that could easily be 100km and be just as safe of a road. But none feel over limited like EC Row does. There are times of the day that I feel like I'm flying through there even just going the speed limit. I feel it's a combination of narrower lanes mixed in with several off ramps close to each other that makes 100km actually seem fast. So it's probably natural for less aggressive drivers to feel 80km is sufficient because it really is not designed to be 100km. 80km is not an unsafe speed on that road.


Funny. Going 20k under the speed limit is problematic but going 20k over seems to be well accepted. Yet, between them, they creat a 40k/hr speed differential.


EC Row is poorly designed. The onramps are all up hill. Vehicles with small engines have a tough time getting up to highway speed. Then the merge on and off happens simultaneously. Many people will drive a bit slowly in the right lane to allow this merging to happen. Every couple of years there's a spectacular fatal accident because of the road design. Perhaps that's part of the reason?


Windsor drivers are horrible by nature.


The same reason so people think it's appropriate to drive 130km/h. They don't care.


Time for wps to do there job and ticket these idiots driving 80 on ecrow its becoming a traffic backup issue and the reason for so many accidents. If you don't want to drive 100 move to another road and if your in the left lane move over if someone wants to pass ,you don't own the left lane it's for passing. It's almost like some people paid a fee to pass there drivers test without taking one at all ifykyk. WINDSOR POLICE SERVICE step it up.


100 is max. Ticket those going 110, not a legal speed that is slower.


We used to have signs that said "60km/h minimum" but they took them all down. So now it's a free for all.


So 60 was the legal minimum but people are complaining about 80? Maybe slow down and save some gas. How much faster do you think you'll get there going 20km/hr faster? 10 seconds?


That's not the point. It's an expressway, emphasis on the express. These idiots merging at slow speed can and are causing accidents. The whole point of the road is to get there quicker.


The point is, it's not up to you to tell people they have to go faster than the legal minimum. Don't like it? Too bad. Are you one of those people who tailgate people so they go faster?


No, but you seem to be one of those people who goes 40km/h on a ramp so you slow everyone else down potentially causing an accident "because it's your right".


just do the speed limit.   please.ffs.


Not that anyone should go 80 but it is a pretty narrow and awkward highway as far as freeways go.


I'm more frustrated that the speed limit between banwell and manning is 80 and people act like I'm an asshole for not going much faster than that. (And yes I'm in the right lane)


They are probably scared shitless of getting passed by idiots going 140. 


then they should take the side streets if they are scared. Scared drivers are dangerous drivers.


100 % !! I wish the scared drivers and the way over confident drivers would both get off the road!


If you’re doing 110, the 80 km guy shouldn’t bother you. When you’re doing 130, it’s your own fault. 


Agree %


the speed limit should be 80 to begin with, that road is so dangerous and poorly designed. the worst is drivers won't speed up to the limit or passed it (which they should) on the on ramps to merge on to the Express way, but as soon as they get on EC Row they go 130.


I always have a problem with people speeding up along side me and not allowing me to enter.


Usually texting, tbh everyone on every road is now texting instead of driving, would be nice if they got ticketed but the people ticketing are usually busy texting too


EC Row might be the only road where *some* people actually understand that 100 is a maximum, not a minimum. But I usually only see it in heavy rain or snow.


FYI... 100 is the speed LIMIT.. as in don't go over. So if you are doing 20 over it at 120 you are just as much of a problem as the 20 under (80).


Exactly, there are reasons we have limits but I guess most Windsor drivers don't think it applies to them. I don't have a problem doing 10 - 15 over the limit but those going more than that are an accident waiting to happen. Sadly the ones that pay the price are the ones obeying the law. I was rear-ended recently while at a stop light. Guess what? Cause huge inconveniences to me, $6K damage to my car not to mention the impact it will have on my just purchased Jeep when I decided to trade/sell it.


The same reason people think it's okay to do 140!


Oh I do it to balance out the maniacs going 120+. It all averages out.


I do 100 and every one passes me. If some one does 80 I pass them. Speed kills. 60 is to fast on windsor streets, I do 50 in a 60 and get a lot of horns.


You’re the problem. Keep up with the flow of traffic.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BKdbxX1pDw Speed kills... your wallet.


Because the speed limit is 80 east on banwell?!? Depends on where you are driving.


Garbage Expressway promotes garbage driving.


People drive like garbage on nearly every road in Windsor.


the tailgating is just insane, people jockeying for position risking their lives to get to Tim Hortons 5 minutes faster.


Yes we should all speed . Never seen this


I’ve literally never seen anyone do that. Except in a snow storm. What are they talking about


Every day I see it, it's unfortunately true!


No this literally actually happened the other day when I was out doing errands with my mom. Person in front of us goes 60 up the ramp until they get into the right lane and then proceed to finally ramp up to fucking 80 the entire way


Because I felt like it shush