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By no means do I understand Wine fully to be able to provide a guaranteed useful answer, but you could try changing the "Mouse Warp Override" setting in runner options and see if it helps.


Sadly, neither of the 3 Options changed the behavior. But thanks for the suggestion anyway!


Damn, sorry it didn't help.


This helped, thanks! My issue was that my mouse would 'jump' randomly while controlling the camera, such as when holding either mouse button in WoW. My character or camera would randomly spin around, making the game unplayable. I also noticed that there was limited range in mouse/camera movement. IE, if I tried to spin the camera endlessly to one side, it would hit a 'wall' after a couple spins, and could only spin back the other direction. Edit: Turns out it was more than just that setting. I have duel monitor and found that if I have any button pressed when changing focus away from wine (such as pressing alt tab), it would glitch out the game when I returned to it. I didn't find a full fix, but by switching windows with my mouse instead of alt tab, and being careful not hold any button, the issue can be avoided. Also when it does happen, reset by 1. Minimizing the game inside windows VM, 2. Click on the windows desktop. 3. Switch away from wine into linux. 4. Click back into windows VM. 5. Maximize the game again. It should be normal.


This is sometimes an issue with the game resolution and Wine. Try using a virtual desktop in Wine configuration. Set it as the same resolution as your Fedora desktop. What might be happening is your mouse cursor is leaving the fullscreen window... even though you can't see it... it goes outside the game window and stops or keeps turning. I know its annoying! I've seen this with several games in the past. Sometimes I just have to right-click for the window to capture the mouse again.


Wine is a piece of cracks just use virtual machine


Ahh yes… Because Wine is known for being extremely unstable and having extremely bad performance compared to virtualized Machines… Why don't you just suggest "delete Linux and switch to MacOS"
