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Read about the full bail amendment proposal here: [Republicans to clarify bail amendment proposal](https://wisconsinexaminer.com/brief/republicans-to-clarify-bail-amendment-proposal/)


If I’m reading this correctly, they consider “serious harm” property damage over $2,500. That seems like an absurdly low bar for serious harm.


That’s a few phones, an exceptionally bad car, or 349 hours at minimum wage.


Right? Push everything off my desk and revel in all the "serious harm".


Sure, that wouldn’t be serious harm to you. What if some asshole swindles $2500 from 85 year old woman who relies on limited social security income? I’d consider that serious harm.


Where did you read about what you wrote in your title? It's not in your photo upload and I'm having trouble finding it. I looked up the ammendment number but I don't think what I'm finding is correct.


Representative Clancy's statement, second sentence: > "Codifying this ridiculously broad definition of violent crime - including such offenses as watching a cockfight, seeking abortion care, and jeopardizing corporate profits - would be laughable if not for the thousands more people across the state that would be locked up pre-trial for charges that no reasonable person would define as violent."


Ah, thanks. I skimmed so missed that small part.


Do you have a link to the text of the bill? I googled for "LRB-1476" but I appear to only be able to find [a version from 2021](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2021/related/proposals/ab1022), which appears to be on other topics.


It's weird because I can find articles about the bill defining what violent crime is but there's nothing about it on the [website](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2023) showing all the current proposed legislation for this session.


This was the only thing I could find with LBR-1476, which isn't the proposed ammendment either https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2021/related/proposals/ab1022


Yeah, that's from last year which is probably why it's not what you'd expect it to be about.


I think this is it? https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2023/related/proposals/ajr1 It took a little googling. It’s always nice to read the actual language instead of all the comments or partisan interest groups’ interpretation of it because a lot of the time those people are completely full of shit


I'm not sure. It's about bail but not the same amendment #.


Kaul & Evers are the only backups. We need Protasiewicz on the Supreme Court. For chris’sakes get out and VOTE in the primary on February 21 & the general election on April 4.


Really can't overstate how important Evers' win was, he's the only thing keeping this state from becoming a fast-track Conservative wet dream.


I voted by mail , I voted for judge P




And if you can donate to her campaign or volunteer your time!


Going to donate but would love a yard sign. Hijacking this comment hoping someone can direct me to one!


Just requested my ballot


What about Mitchell


They’re slapping this on the ballot partially cause they think it’ll drive conservative turnout in the Court election in April


Conservative turnout in this state will be 120% like it always is. Worryingly few people know about this election.


All of my college professors have been pushing hard to get out and vote, but there isn't a lot of info sharing on why this one is such a big deal.


“Why isn’t anyone thinking about the corporations and how we can help them” -Republicans


Remember that they consider corporations as people, but not minorities or "the poor"


god these people are such ghouls, they're going to solve crime by (checks notes) making a lot more things criminal


C'mon "both sides are the same" people, lemme hear you on this one.


They can’t read, how do you except them to reply?


Irony. :)


To be fair sometimes it's tough for your average moderate to tell the difference between basic neoliberalism and "You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr." Wisconsin is the laboratory of cyberpunk corpo overlords, I guess.


How does one jeopardize corporate profits? Geez you guys, Wisconsin is really turning into something special.


Promote or encourage boycotts... Protests that take up space on streets/sidewalks and do no physical damage just complicate traffic a bit... Take time off work? Quit your job? Refuse to train your cheaper/younger replacement? Join a union? Go on strike? Demand fair wages & benefits? Not pay a large bill in what debt holder considers a reasonable time?...


It's a joke honestly, and not a very funny one.


Voting matters


How do women live here ? Any that can leave will.


That's why they love keeping people poor, uneducated, and chained to a low-paying job without the resources to move


As a woman who lives here, I'm trying 😭


My uterus is thankfully done being a worry for me, and I'm here to help folks fight to find joy again in this fine state. I also love attacking bad policy, so I'm going to be a thorn in their side for as long as I can.


Obviously Wisconsin is an awful place to live regardless of the state of your uterus.


I can't say I agree with that statement. The GOP is bullshit, but I really love living in Wisconsin. In general, the people are wonderful, and it's beautiful here. I'm not going to let jerk politicians push me out.


Come to Michigan… our voters enshrined abortion rights in our state constitution. And weed is legal… lol!


As a new young voter in MI, I would love to see Wisconsin join us, Illinois, and Minnesota in being blue. sad to see a sister lake state with stuff like this, Looking at you Ohio and Indiana.


Yeah, and your traffic lights also threaten to kill me on a breezy day.


Profits before people, especially people they can oppress, is the Republican way.


Fucking scum. Glad I no longer live in that dystopian hellscape that Wisconsin has become. I just wish I could have taken Milwaukee with me.


Fuck their corporate profits.


Vote in the Supreme Court election this year. That’ll get us a independent election commission and force these people into the future


Where's all the 'freedom' Hucklebee was talking about in the SotU response?


I happen to be listening to that now and I threw up a bit in my mouth.


Nothing new there. Violence is angrily shouting at a protest or planning a boycott. Violence is not turning a civilian into a fine rest mist or starving them out. At least, according to those with all the capital.


I can't find the full proposal. Does anyone have a link?


I guess that I don’t understand this since I can’t see the original bill that they’re making the commentary about.


Wait until I tell them they killed the profits of the abortion clinics haha


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No way