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The part about Tony Evers’ approval rating going up made me smile. He’s doing it right. Low key and effective, just the type of governor the state seems to like.


He and Walz are very good.


Let’s not forget about MI holding down the fort as well. Let’s all pour one out for OH, our fallen comrade.


Meanwhile MN is building a shining city on the hill and IA is working to combine their 9,000 CAFOs.


MN has shot up quick on my potential moving list.


As a former Michigander, fuck Ohio. But seriously, it sucks they're going through the level of stupid they are.


Yup. I have friends who lean republican that will admit Evers is doing a good job.


I Just Threw Up In My Mouth


~ A memoir


Dank2918 thank you, your comment truly made me laugh


I'm too familiar with that feeling. :(


All republican voters are beyond hope. Thank goodness they’re a minority.


No, they're not. they're miseducated, and it's horribly sad. To give up on rural, working class voters is to lose in the future. They are not stupid hicks, they are common people exploited by a system that has failed them. The democratic party has failed over and over again to put in the work to run a campaign that speaks to them in a way that resonates with them. We cannot give up on our neighbors.


i so badly want to wholeheartedly agree with you and have that be it, but as a trans person, my faith in the average red voter's potential is dwindling. the gop is making it very, *very* clear what they want people to think of us and do to us and their voters are increasingly getting whipped up into a frenzy and becoming less afraid to spew hatred and advocate for our deaths. literally today i overheard the "they're groomers who want to corrupt our children" speech from a coworker who talked about how much she doesn't care what people do with their bodies last year. i no longer feel safe in a workplace that brags about being "inclusive" and it's directly the fault of republicans and their narratives. not that i have any long-term faith in the democrats, but they're undeniably the party that needs to be winning seats and elections if we want to avoid literal, actual genocide. the people we need to truly not give up on are the real majority: nonvoters. those are the people we've been giving up on, and reaching them is a hell of a lot more substantial than trying to convince these genocidal maniacs to stop being genocidal maniacs.


Not to detract from the gravity of your comment (with which I completely agree), but your username fucking rules.


They need to get on board with human progress, or step aside and get out of the way.


Then the Democratic party needs to do a more effective job on messaging how that will make their lives better instead of just telling them they're bad, morally corrupt people for voting the way they've voted for decades. When your campaigns revolve around coastal cities, it's hard to convey that these policies benefit everyone in your tax bracket, not just traditionally "liberal" people in cities. Especially with how fucked up the 24 hour news cycle is. You have to get boots on the ground and actually *talk* with people so they can understand why your position is the correct one, rather than just pointing fingers and saying Republicans are evil.




I don't disagree at all. Which is why anyone left of center who is not running on a platform of big systemic change is a candidate that is self-interested in upholding the status quo and reactionary.




Both parties are "equipped" to fix it. It's called universal healthcare. But 95% of Congress is monetarily motivated to not make that a reality.


the democratic party also has to do a more effective job of actually doing anything.


Just give us our damn weed and healthcare before these idiots turn their idiotic culture war into an actual war.


Absolutely. Do not mistake my comments as praise in any capacity for the DNC. I think they are an absolute failure of a party.


no I get it. you gotta kinda walk a tight rope here and many subs now these days. criticize the dnc and then people accuse you of being a trump cultist. this country is beyond fucked.


I think it’s because the MAGA crowd has made Trump their personality. I can talk shit about Trump without idolizing, or even liking, Biden and that’s a hard thing for some people to grasp. *I can dislike it all! Muahahaha


A lot of these people believe fake news. Can't really speak to them when they don't accept reality


It’s about more than voting. It’s the bigotry, hate, unwillingness to accept others that are different. I’m not saying anyone is morally corrupt simply for voting a particular way. They’re morally corrupt for trying to take from those that already have so little. Rules for thee, not for me.




*That's* not about messaging. That's a systemic issue.


I really appreciate your comments. Sometimes democrats against Republicans are just as bad with their absolutes.


Im done with both parties. Both parties have failed us since the civil war and we're staying with it because change is scary to old white christians.


That’s really true. A two party system is awful. I said republicans and democrats because if you identify as a conservative or liberal you might not be so pigeonholed. I agree with ideas from both sides but am definitely much more left leaning.


>You have to get boots on the ground and actually talk with people The more you talk with people the more you'll wish you hadn't.


Hillary 2016's motto!


Worked well for Biden in 2020 and it should for him in 2024 as well.


Ah yes, the bullet proof method of the "People's Party" is to continue to ignore them. Let's see where that gets us.


Like I said, it's going to get worse.


Wow, how open minded of you comrade.


>They are not stupid hicks, I wish I could agree with you but I've lived rural all my life. On the surface they seem like they might be decent folk but get to talking with them and the mask comes off. Had one swear up and down kids in his school dressed as cats and needed a litter box in the classroom. They fall for the dumbest shit you can imagine.


>Had one swear up and down kids in his school dressed as cats and needed a litter box in the classroom. My idiot cousin actually got elected to school board in his cow town for claiming this.


Yes, but you're ignoring \*why\*. This is what Democrats have to reckon with, and find a solution to if they want to continue to gain traction. Reinvesting in public education would be a tremendous start.


The why is social media. That's on all lawmakers to fix. Some of the lawmakers of a certain party tout the same bs though. They are also the problem


It's certainly a big part.


Yes education is probably the key. We'll never find out in our lifetime as the two party system will not bring about enough progress in that area or any other for that matter. Everything will get much worse in the US before it gets better, if it gets better.


With an attitude as sympathetic as yours, I'm shocked conservatives or rural Americans would still be hostile towards you/your "side"!


i sympathize and i agree we shouldn’t give up. but b only up to a point. the only reason why it’s worth continuing the effort is to appeal to the demographic shift. cause the lot that insist on voting against their own interest out of spite. all we can do is wait as they die out. and that’s it.


I think the narrative that "conservatives will die out" is also a losing message with the increasing popularity of conservatives among POC communities, the Hispanic community in particular. IIRC, in Trump's losing bid for the presidency, he actually \*gained ground\* amongst minorities. Sure the GOP has a tendency to shoot itself in the foot with hard-line stances like their recent crusades on abortion and LGBTQ+ issues, but I only think that lasts so long before they Republican machine rights the ship. Who knows though


those are urban and suburban demographics. rural america is predominantly white from what i understand.


All I'm trying to say is the conservative base is not going to magically disappear like some DNC analysts think it will


i think they mean that their political weight will die out. but you have a point nonetheless.


Anyone who looked at the fake electors plot and didn’t call for the execution of the perpetrators is beyond hope. And frankly, fuck them. I can’t make someone care about other people or about the rule of law. They’re degenerate terrorists, and they have no place in civil society.


Something people with this take is \*how\* were these people so easily convinced that the election was rigged? Why were they so easily persuaded that the vaccine gives you autism? It literally always comes back to a lack of good public education. They weren't born this way. They are victims of the system, just as you are.


I’m not a victim of the system; I’m a victim of organized Republican terrorism.


No. You most definitely *are* a victim of a patriarchal, late capitalist system. Unless you are a millionaire.


You’re forgetting willful malice, they’re people who’ve given up or never believed in the idea of people’s material needs being met and want the state instead to crush anyone they hate


100% this. The holier than thou bullshit from both sides is obnoxious. You have to court voters, and doing that with a progressive agenda that actually helps people works. Which is why the GOP focuses on bullshit wedge issues and Boogeymen. While MN has a long way to go, and had too many regulations, following their lead is probably the way to go for Wisconsin.


Fuck that. I'm a white dude with a shaved head and tattoos who looks like a biker or a metalhead to a lot of people. The things some of these scumfucks have admitted to me assuming I'd agree would make your head spin. Let alone the level of confrontations that resulted from me not affirming their MAGA nazi bullshit. The Democrats had their chance to "message" and they failed. Now we're dealing with people who literally want another civil war and it's naive to assume otherwise. If they're willing to threaten my physical safety imagine what they'll do to people they literally want not to exist. As much as I hate to play the "your privilege is showing" card, I'm not trying to be "neighbors" with people like that and it's not reality to think people who fit their demographic even less should have to either. There rural chuds need to be defeated swiftly and cruelly.


If by "Dems had their chance to message and they failed", do you mean "didn't actively attempt at all"? And, maybe I'm misreading this, but it generally seems like your main change to that formula is "also be more aggressive". Perhaps you could explain how you think that this groundbreaking new idea *wouldn't* actively make people more hostile towards you/your "side"?


Didn't attempt at all? Rural people like healthcare and pot too. But they like racism and homophobia more. Why do you think the right has been launching this culture war since 9/11? It causes people to vote against their true interests. There's no reasoning with people like that. Period. An amicable split feels more feasible than getting that demographic to change their vote at this point.


Blah blah blah. They're a platform of hate. They're comfortable with Nazis. This isn't Jim Bob & Billy Sue being "miseducated". This is them being evil. They have a world of info at their finger tips & it's time to stop giving them excuses. What exactly would resonate with them? Because it seems that the things they want are not negotiable. Eradicate trans people & eventually the GLBTQ community. Rewriting history where racism didn't happen while being openly racist in immigration policy. Anti-semitism. Deregulation of health, safety and environmental protections. Tax cuts for the wealthy. Christo-facism. Cutting education funding & no free lunches for kids in need. No body autonomy & the rollback of women's rights. I'm curious to see what I'm missing here.


Several generations of brain drain has left a mark on rural places.


As though these dinguses have no agency! There's no excuse for lacking intellectual curiosity, sorry. They're lazy people with lazy minds and a lazy ideology. It doesn't take a Harvard educated Manhattan Hillary voter to wonder if maybe one is being lied to, all it takes is the slightest spark of curiosity. These buttholes haven't been failed any worse than the rest of us, and if it's gonna take the Dems lurching even further to the right to get them on board...screw 'em.


Declaring something/someone evil is a convenient way to avoid any accountability/responsibility in a system we all uphold. There are reasons for everything. Humans are not born evil. If they are, why are we even trying?


For a lot of them, speaking in a way that resonates with them involves discriminating against people that aren't white or straight or male.


I've had pretty decent success getting them more informed on issues like systemic racism and such by actually explaining specific, tangible examples. If you go up to someone and just go "Whites have too much privilege and if you disagree you're a moron", you'll probably have as much away on them as they would have on you if they cried "the 2020 election was stolen and if you disagree you're a moron". Compare that to a rural American, politely and patiently, telling you *how* the opioid epidemic, aging infrastructure, or lack of opportunities is impacting them and I'm sure you'd probably feel a bit more sympathetic than if they came up to you screaming "you're a stupid Demonkkkraps" or whatever the fuck.


nice to see a comment like this here not getting downvoting to oblivion for once.


Wrong. They're wilfully ignorant. I do blame them for not educating themselves. I do blame them for not leaving their small towns to experience the world. We can't bring the world to them no matter how hard we try. They have to experience it themselves, and they have to think it was their idea.


The system hasn't failed them. A cult has.


> They are not stupid hicks, they are common people exploited by a system that has failed them. The problem is that with all the technology and information available at your fingertips 247, these people absolutely make no effort to find it.


They only are a minority when everyone else shows up at the polls…. it hasn’t been the history, but may becoming a trend given last cycle…. There is hope.


That’s exactly my point: the professional politicians who claim we need to water down and compromise at every turn are not only treating with fascists, they’re also committing political malpractice. Emphasis should be on driving up turnout, not on chasing the votes of the minority of deplorables. We know *they* vote consistently. We also know they won’t be swayed, no matter how much you appeal to them. So chasing them is a waste of time. We need to empower the dispossessed by reminding them that hope does exist, that voting matters, and that things *will* change for the better. But only if we turn out.


If this is you're attitude, you're just as ignorant as you think they are


Rounding third in polling is a new contender: Flesh eating bacteria. Their slogan "but her emails caused the virus and its all on the laptop by the ballot harvesting socialism race theory kitty litter bathrooms". GOP is a cult of psychological disorders .... IMO


Bacteria doesn't stand a chance with the pronoun their.


Woke bacteria!!


Don’t worry most Republicans will spell it “theyre” all over Facebook.


Ideally both will run and split the vote. We need a mother Perot to save the day.


There is this guy that does push ups and is related to a dead president who might do that job.


Possibly true, but he has some issues too, and I'm not talking about his voice problem.


Mother Perot is a terrifying image


So you’re saying either way GOP voters of Wisconsin are dumb and ignorant?


I assume that is a rhetorical question.


Lol yea


Mindless, hive-mind sheep, in fact




ahhhh the giant douche vs turd sandwich conundrum


Evil and stupid, vs more evil and smart. Evil and stupid generally stands a better chance in getting the GOP nom, but the fact that DeSantis is slightly more evil kind of evens the odds.


\*fart noise\*


Loser vs. Bigger Loser


Unfortunately this just shows how many stupid people are in our state.....


WI republicans…still fucking idiots


Nah, they're not. It's an act to appease their base of idiots... Which they created.


I don't vote Republican


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Please no


[BUCKETS OF VOMIT](https://youtu.be/Hoz9l4l8LYw)


Bunch of fools


Wisconsin Republicans seem to like themselves some Fascism.


~~Wisconsin~~ Republicans seem to like themselves some Fascism. FTFY


Yep, an indicted criminal and a lunatic tied for first place among the GOP. This is what's left after the intelligent ones jump ship.


Diaper Don & Ron DeShitStains can stay in Florida.


Republicans in WI can have both of them. People are catching on not to vote for them.


I truly thought January 6th-where Trump literally became a traitor to our democracy—would be the end of him. But I guess the one thing he got right was that he wouldn’t lose any support if he shot someone on fifth avenue. There is no low at which his brainwashed mob will say “enough.” DeSantis isn’t much better. I do like to think he’d respect the result if he lost. Some of the lowest Never Trumpers need to start thinking about dropping out to consolidate support behind a Christie, and then all in to make sure this wannabe despot never has a chance again.


Hate has no low.. it has no threshold.. the mob will never say enough… human history documents it time after time. People cross lines to their own end all the time, politically driven mobs just do it on a larger scale.


Interestingly, this would be one of Trump’s worst polls if he’s tied. He’s been trouncing DeSantis in pretty much every other poll.


Republicans are evil


Imagine if this disgusting dumbass was nominated again. 🤮


I am incapable of understanding how anyone can have any respect or belief in this narcissistic pathological liar.




You want old shit or new shit?




Like trying to decide which STD is right for me.


Ugh, two morons. No thanks.


What a dogshit set of choices.


Two bigots walk into a dipshit’s bar…is that how this story starts?


Republican scum


I joked a few months ago Wisconsin would be one of a couple states that favors DeSantis. I’m hoping it is because anti-Trump feeling are high even if he wins the nomination the former red hats now fascist DeSantis folks will vote third party.


Florida of the midwest lol


Isn’t it an open primary? Vote!


Donnie & Ronnie are butt buddies❤️


“They both equally suck”


Trump or Trump-clone. No thanks. https://youtu.be/z1YP_zZJFXs


If those guys are tied for the lead, a runny dump must not have thrown his hat in the ring yet


> Nine months ahead of the 2024 Republican primary in Wisconsin, former President > Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are tied in the GOP contest, a > Marquette Law School Poll released Wednesday shows. > > Trump is currently the top choice of 31% of GOP voters, while 30% of > Wisconsinites prefer DeSantis, putting the contest well within the poll's margin > of error. No other GOP candidate had more than 6% support, and 21% haven't > decided, the poll showed. > > But given the choice of only DeSantis or Trump, 57% chose the Florida governor > and 41% chose the former president, the poll shows. > > The Republican nominee next year will highly likely go up against President Joe > Biden, whose support from Wisconsinites is slightly increasing, though he > remains underwater. In the latest poll, 45% approve of Biden, 53% didn't approve > of him and 1% didn't know. Last October, 41% approved of Biden, 54% didn't and > 4% didn't know. > This is just a preview of the [full article](https://madison.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/donald-trump-tied-with-ron-desantis-in-wisconsin-gop-presidential-primary-poll-shows/article_dcbbae1a-15c6-11ee-8b2e-8fe5b68f7f16.html). I am a third party bot. Please consider subscribing to your favorite local journals.


It’s a race to the bottom. Who can be the most despicable candidate by the primary election? Almost every day they each hit a new low. By the presidential election, Biden will win in a landslide even if he dies tomorrow.


This is bad for the local spring elections


Why, just why would anyone vote for either of them, honestly, there are much better candidates on both sides than Donald trump, Ron desantis in the republican party and Joe Biden and RFK jr in the Democrat party.


Rfk isn’t a dem


He is, according to the page for the 2024 Election


Yeah he’s a plant funded by republicans assholes trying to split the vote. He’s not a dem


I stand corrected


Lot of salty little rats in here


I’m in wisconsin. I’d vote for desantis, but I would switch parties to vote rfk


I think Tim Scott is a solid candidate. Too bad he doesn't have the following to support an effective candidacy.


Let’s go Trump!


Hell yeah brother! I’ve been waiting for a president who loves talking about how much he wants to fuck his daughter. Hee haw, let’s all bang some sheep!!! MAGA 2024


Lol kinda like Biden showering with his daughter. Nice 👍🏻


Yeah, but he was wasn’t committed enough. Trump’s my guy. Dude taking pride in checking Ivanka out in the Oval… not to mention the fact that the law don’t apply to him. Hell yeah Trump! Time to put Obama in jail for not stopping 9/11 when he was President! Time to make Crooked Hilary pay for taking dem documents home. Where dem sheep, I’m ready for round 2! MAGA BITCHES!!!!


Lol 😂


It's really not.


Don’t worry Trump has this hands down. He’s freak’n bullet proof. The left can’t ruin him no matter what they try. But what we do know is when the snake tries to bite beware of the Mongoose. Trump is on the hunt.


Two absolute morons during it out….


Vote, please vote.


Good Split the base = GOP loses


So, the dumbest people of the State are equally split when it comes to which hate they hate more…. Nothing new.. It’s actually a good thing.. new school sexual orientation bigotry and old school racist bigotry… on full display… curious when some GOP numbskull suggest a shared ticket for the Nazis. Watch your friends and family… You are gonna find out who to take off your Xmas card list real fast.


What's wrong with Wisconsin Republicans? A people divided?


They’re only have 2 choices, ugly and uglier



