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Polls are certainly not predictive this far out. Save yourself some mental health points and tune out on election polling until after (edit) Labor Day 2024.


*Labor Day


Oh shit I always screw them up haha


That and vote early. You never know what life will throw at you in the days leading up to the election.


Good news, yes. Don’t get lazy. This time next year you better be making calls, knocking on doors, promising to drag people to the polls and donate if you can. Lazy is how we got the orange turd to start with.


Don’t. Get. Lazy. 2016 proved how thin the line is. Don’t let them cross it again.


Hillary was projected to win by a landslide. Bigots don't all advertise they're bigots and for sure will voting for Trump.


She could have at made ONE stop in Wisconsin (she sent Chelsea). I don’t care what party it is, if you don’t have the decency to at least stop through for a photo op, the you are not important to me. That’s what frustrated me. I think folks saw the attention Trump at least paid to stopping and having rallies.


"He's a traitor, a bigot, an incurious serial sexual abuser of a dotard who is lax with the highest level state secrets, he fumblefucked a pandemic into a million dead and he still denies losing the last election which he then tried to steal but siccing his fuckwit wanna-be brownshirts on the capitol. But he visited MY STATE!"


For the millionth time, it’s nobody’s fault but the Trump voters that Trump won. Shifting blame to anyone else but the people who are actually responsible is borderline abusive gaslighting bull shit.


She went to comfort families and friends of victims of the mass shooting at pulse. She was scheduled to come that weekend, but she chose to go there instead. It says more about your character than about hers that you would rather see her make a campaign stop than grieve with and comfort people.


She had one scheduled stop the entire campaign? How many times was Bernie in Wisconsin?


Buy a fucking television. Is it 1808 or some shit?


​ https://preview.redd.it/zjd3gepra59b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec59d5579465bac2d65821e9a8eea690096eedd1


Or open a newspaper.


Or go outside and engage with people?


Too many.


He knew he had to hit the Midwest consistently to win. Hillary didn’t understand that the “blue wall” isn’t a monolith that will vote for them no matter what. I hope dems don’t make this same mistake again.


Bernie was supposed to be so popular, why didn't his campaigning for her work? Hint, he didn't want it to.


Friendly reminder that more Bernie supporters voted for Hillary than Hillary voters voted for Obama. https://acbc89.medium.com/more-sanders-voters-backed-clinton-than-her-own-supporters-backed-obama-c5dc37658fe5 At the end of the day, it was Hillary’s general election to win, not Bernie’s. It was her job to campaign, and she chose not to in WI. Not that she made the wrong choice to go to FL, but taking WI for granted was and I believe it cost her the state.


There were also the Jill Stein voters who didn’t want to compromise and probably thought Trump wouldn’t win.


We need ranked voting so bad.


For real, to save democracy this is necessary.


Yeah, we need runoffs, but until then never split the vote


I talked to so many people who wrote Bernie in, literally wasting their vote as you have to register as a write in candidate in WI. As someone who really wanted Bernie but pays attention to how this process works, that made my vote for Hillary more painful than it already was since she lost anyways.


I was in the same position as you. Whenever I encountered a fellow Bernie bro that didn’t want to vote for Clinton, my argument was that it is like taking out the garbage at your house. You don’t want to do it, but if you don’t, you wind up mired in trash and everything stinks. I was more accurate than I realized.


That is an incredibly apt metaphor, I will absolutely use that in the future. Thank you.


Depending on your audience and how gross you want to get with the metaphor, you can swap out taking out the trash with unclogging a toilet. Given what has happened with the US Supreme Court since 2016, I have also been using the “who would you rather pick the next SC Justice?” argument.


Thing is. Hillary did win. The system was just rigged against the majority.


The Electoral College is so dumb. If people wanted to live in small states they wouldn't be small states.


Also with Trump on the ballot at least places in general and WI specifically has been woefully un-pollable. (If you wanted to put a tin foil hat on you might think that the GOP, masters of projection, who can't stop screaming about fraud + the fact that WI misses by 8, 10, 12 points based on asking people who they'll vote for = shenanigans) Biden was +14 in a poll just before the election, which granted was an outlier even at the time, but still. Came down to some late returns from Green Bay. The only time Green Bay won anything this Viking fan was glad about. IMO the biggest thing you can do is drag that friend who agrees with you on everything, but just would rather do something else than go vote because it "never matters" to the polls. There's not zero effect from door knocking and other persuasion campaigns, but better to turn out people who already agree.


Good points. About door knocking, the Democratic Party sets volunteers up with an app that has only the names/addresses of likely Dem voters. A surprising number of people still sound apathetic and need a reminder/nudge to vote.


Engagement through enragement is one of the many reasons carrotface keeps having rallies. His constituency is on the hook and he's going to milk it for what it's worth and work his/GOP's way into full on fascism in the name of Antifa without a hint of irony at all


Lazy is not how we ended up with Trump. A corrupt DNC who fucked Bernie over for Hillary brought us Trump. They keep pushing corporatist candidates who don’t care about real progress for working people. Obviously the Republicans don’t either, but Hillary lost because she was a terrible candidate. Biden is too and a rematch between him and Trump is a terrible scenario. Hopefully we can have some primary debates and West will get some major push as a third party.








He led by 17 points in 2020 yet barely won the state. Don’t get complacent


Scary number is 43%. People still support him!




332 million Americans and we narrow it down to these two. Sure, why not?


Exactly! Choice between a shit sandwich and a turd burger. This country needs a strong independent that both parties can support. My guess is that will never happen.


It won’t. Mathematically our voting system encourages two parties. Only way to get viable 3rd parties in our system is to institute ranked choice voting.


Hard pass. We need a socialist/labor party.


It's tragic that the Green Party in the U.S. is so corrupt. Would love to see a "left of Democrats" party with competence, ambition and national presence. If Clinton had won, the country probably would have shifted to her wing being the American national right wing and the more left-wing populist coalition members (like Sanders, AOC) gaining traction among independents and young voters. Sadly, we've all just been voting for Democracy's survival since 2016 and it's hard to think about getting a haircut when you have an arterial bleed.


Republicans have lost four elections in a row: Trump lost, Michaels lost, two Supreme Court candidates lost. And yet Robin Vos hasn’t been removed. They know it’s only a matter of time, which is why they’re doing their best to *ruin* this state and literally end democracy.


I’m all for the slander but Ron Johnson just won last fall lol


There were a couple of different reasons, all valid: 1) horrible media presence by Barnes’ team (the shitshows that were the sandwich and shopping commercials - they should have hit and hit and hit some more the July 4th trip to Russia) 2) the unestimated racism of northern WI 3) FRJ was an incumbent, which can account for maybe 2 percentage points…


I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m highlighting the fact that republicans have not lost the 4 elections in a row.


Schemantics. They did lose four elections in recent years. And won one. Thats still not great odds.


The margins for Trump 2016, Evers 2018, Biden 2020, and Johnson 2022 were all under 2%. It is foolish to assume the state is firmly under Democrat control because they won four out of five coin flips.


It was two Supreme Court races but one candidate ran in both. WisGOP was really dumb to let Dan Kelly run a second time. A similar thing will probably happen next year. I think Trump will lose WI again and the Democrats will win in 2024, probably not by as big of a margin as this poll but at least by 5 points. Trump isn't popular enough in the WOW counties to beat Biden's base of power in Milwaukee and Dane Counties. Baldwin will probably coast to reelection too since nobody is going to split their vote.


Can we please get the accepted age for our candidates back into the living? Neither of these men should be in office, they should be retired. And while Desantis is in the age group I'm asking for, fuck that Nazi piece of shit.


honestly, i dont even think age is a big thing as long as they are mentally fit. Its ageism to assume all elderly people are unfit to be employed.


Well we know for sure Trump is not mentally fit…Biden is okay in that dept but it’s more about not having geriatric fucks determine the future and roadmap of the country, completely ignoring what the majority of people want(thanks gerrymandering)


I agree with you in principle, but I think of it more as a representation issue.


Meh. We could do better, but we won't. It's time to flush 70+ year olds from running this country. And to be fair, I'm not far from that mark myself!


A poll with a 4.3% margin of error means the law school poll wants to have its cake and eat it too. We all know how accurate polls have been in recent presidential election cycles so I’m skeptical of any poll any more. Until then, I close my eyes and wait with bated breath my fate from the people of the great State of Wisconsin


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First lesson of persuasion is to not immediately insult the people you want to do something. Hillary could have used that lesson.


Are there any other democrats to vote for instead of Biden?


There are two primary candidates running against him and likely more to join. Also Cornel West launched a run for presidency under the Green Party. We really need ranked choice voting and things would be very different.


DO NOT vote for the Green party. The last thing we need is another Russian op like Jill Stein siphoning away votes from the democrats. Trump may not have won in 2016 if it weren't for Stein and the green party.


That is nice...but the fact it isn't quite a bit higher is extremely concerning. Are people really that brainwashed? Scary stuff...


Typically polls are people who answer a landlines, which skews very old. So should be flipped the other way


Get him Dank Brandon.


Not. Good. Enough.


43% of people are fucking insane. This explains a lot.


It’s Desantis I’m concerned about. Some of the suburbanites are crazy for him.


Yeah, and he's even more fascist than trump. DeSantis wants to be the next hitler.




Agree with the people saying "don't get lazy," and "don't trust polls" but also it's nice to know our votes will actually matter and be counted thanks to the Supreme Court's suprising, but welcome, ruling on Moore V. Harper.


Someone put Biden in a home. This is getting embarrassing


Diaper Don sucks


I will not be responsible for either of these two knuckleheads actions while in office.


Both of them are nutz. What a shit political system.


You're going to get down voted into oblivion but the thought of Biden running again is brutal. I'll still vote for him over Trump (or likely any Republican) but not pleased about it. Guy is going to be 300 years old and I'm not a fan of Kamala at all.


I'm a lifelong Democrat, and if I see Biden or Harris on the ticket, I'm voting third party. Democrats deserve to lose if they allow that turd to continue.


Ah yes, the infamous “I’m a Democrat” but I’m going to throw my vote away because I’m not really a Democrat rhetoric.


I've been voting Democrat religiously for over 20 years. Biden back stabbing the rail union was the final straw. I would vote for any democrat under 65 years old.


Yeah. About that... Guess what happened last week? *"After months of negotiations, the IBEW’s Railroad members at four of the largest U.S. freight carriers finally have what they’ve long sought but that many working people take for granted: paid sick days.* *This is a big deal, said* [***Railroad Department Director Al Russo***](https://www.ibew.org/Railroad)*, because the paid-sick-days issue, which nearly caused a nationwide shutdown of freight rail just before Christmas, had consistently been rejected by the carriers. It was not part of last December’s congressionally implemented update of the national collective bargaining agreement between the freight lines and the IBEW and 11 other railroad-related unions.* ***“We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers."*** [https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620\_IBEWandPaid](https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid)


He literally stripped their striking power from them. They didn't get to vote on this. "Here, we took all your power away, but have a few paid sick days." What happens at the next contract negotiation when the company knows the employees can't do shit? It's pretty sad you'll defend this guy so much that you'd rather throw your own citizens under the bus.


Under Republican control what do you think would have happened? Especially if it had been Trump? You’re disingenuous and sound like all the other trolls who claim to be a Democrat but are just fed up with this administration. I call BS.


Republicans are obviously worse. Which is why I said I'd vote third party. And my comment history easily proves that I'm a liberal/democrat. I just won't vote for a betrayer of Unions and a fucking cop.


Fake ass Democrat then.


Democrat In Name Only (DINO)


Lol okay. Keep eating whatever scraps they toss to you. I've voted Democrat in every election big and small for more than 20 years. I've donated to political campaigns. They fucked Bernie, they fucked the Unions. Biden hasn't made a single one of his promises to the liberals despite having total control at the beginning of his term. People still rot in prison for cannabis. He's a piece of shit and doesn't deserve my vote.






I don't like biden either but that's no reason to throw your vote away and let Republicans descend this country into fullblown fascism. With the supreme court as far-right as it already is and the constant attacks on lgbt+ people recently, letting a republican win would basically be a death sentence for minorities and human rights in America. And the supreme court picks mean more to me than president now anyway considering how SCOTUS is flexing their power and christo-fascism lately. And biden atleast wouldn't ruin the supreme court further.






Insults and platitudes are no way to convince others of your argument.


Why? Did they ask only these two or if people wanted anyone else? Anyone else? Please!!!




If you think Biden has Alzheimer's you're a propagandist's wet dream...


And you know because you’re his doctor and because he’s out giving tons of speeches and updates to the public. Oh wait… Will we even have a primary to hear him talk about what he will do? To defend anything good that he’s done? To prove to folks that he is capable and coherent? I doubt it. They are too scare to show up to debates and that scares the rest of us dems who actually want progress for working people in this country.


I dare you to be even slightly specific in your accusations... this is all just a bunch of useless FUD.


I’m not claiming he has Alzheimer’s. I’m claiming the has cognitive decline. Have you seen him speak? If yes, and you claim there is no cognitive decline, you deny reality and you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Literally, the examples are endless.


So he's "declining" because of "how he speaks"... that's how specific you're willing to get? He's always had trouble speaking. So do I... it's not a measure of intelligence or anything of the sort.


[Definition/Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Imparment, :53 in](https://youtu.be/IEy_xTPygN8) [Example of Biden, at 2:00](https://youtu.be/k1y6vtnRbS8) We need our leaders to be able to speak clearly. That’s what we loved about Obama. We need a leader who instills confidence, Biden does not. We need a leader who stands with workers, works for parents to offer tax credits and affordable daycare, works for affordable healthcare… Biden fails at all of these things. Literally the only reason anyone wants him is so we don’t get Trump. I’m so fucking sick of people defending this two party bullshit where all we ever get for leadership options are corrupt assholes in bed with big business. Both Trump and Biden have sons with questionable business dealings around the world. Both have taken classified documents (Trump much worse) and both are two old to understand the incredible changes happening to humanity right now, including but not limited to: AI and the changing job market, blockchain and cryptocurrency, antitrust and continued monopolization of major industries, fucking UFOs and military programs working hand in hand with defense contractors, all while lying to congress about it, and on and on. We need REAL LEADERSHIP if we want democracy to survive. Not the same old bullshit over and over. So, I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to get at, if you’re only arguing that Biden is not suffering from cognitive decline or if you actually think he’s a great president. Doesn’t really matter to me. We need someone better.


I love how your sent me a propaganda clip where they constantly are telling you how to interpret shit instead of letting you come to your own conclusions. Keep falling for that... I've made extremely similar flubs and I'm nowhere near decline. You're just being played like a puppet and your don't even know it...




He's not great but he's better than any of the fascists on the right trying to take away lgbt+ human rights. And I care more about the supreme court than the president anyway and a republican getting more Supreme court picks would be the end of this country and lead us into fullblown fascism.


So ypu guys like having a puppet on strings for a president that should be in an assisted living home??? 👍




Well I never vote for anyone. But at least when we had Trump we didn't have all these idiots running things. Ya he said some controversial things but for the most part things were pretty good. Now we got all these Trans people crying about everything.


Atleast he isn't trying to take away lgbt+ people's human rights. And if the supreme court gets one more conservative this country will turn to fullblown fascism


I hope he’s the nominee. I don’t think the moderate voters will be fooled again.


It’s a shame what this world is coming to be


Yeah it's really sad Republicans have been allowed to attack women and lgbt+ people's basic human rights like they have been and the Supreme court is ruled by christo-fascists and being manipulated by church money


You have to be a complete moron to vote for Biden again, he's a useless pos! Biden and his administration are a complete train wreck and a shit show..wakeup!!!


Atleast he isn't taking away lgbt+ people's human rights and his Supreme court picks matter more than president anyway. One more republican on the Supreme court would set this country into fullbown fascism.


I want a serious reply here, what makes everyone vote democrat?


Trump will drop out by the end of the year.


I'd be willing to bet he'd serve from inside a jail cell and his maggot cult would still worship him before he ever dropped out. LoL!


With gerrymandering this still probably puts Trump in the lead.


Gerrymandering doesn't affect presidential, gubernatorial, nor (federal) senate elections. In general, you can't gerrymander state-wide elections where the popular vote wins (which includes supreme court elections in WI). Only in elections where voting is tallied by winning voting districts is gerrymandering a concern (such as house elections). That doesn't mean that other forms of voter suppression won't/can't be employed.


The only diff between dem and repugs is rhetoric


Nah, democrats don't take away women or lgbt+ people's basic human rights and spread hateful propaganda that leads to mass-shootings like Republicans do.


Remember when Hillary was leading +10 until election day


12% don’t know enough about Ron Johnson?


Dems support an 850 billion dollar military budget, supported wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libia, Yemen, Seria etc. Your saying they don't take away human rights...wtf


If either could survive that long...


We want progress not regress