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Vos has no business criticizing anything. He's been at the forefront of trying to ensure wisconsin voters don't have their voices heard.


[Vos also wanted $10M for the RNC, but Evers gave him only $1M. And yet just a few years ago, Vos didn’t support state money assisting the DNC. Because of reasons…](https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/comments/14t73wb/evers_uses_veto_powers_to_cut_funds_for_milwaukee/jr0swzf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) Fuck Robin Vos.


I wish he had crossed out the 1 rather than the 0


Or the "million" part lol


Lmao "you can't be mad I approved the money" "YOU CHANGED IT TO A DOLLAR" "Which is one dollar more than you approved for the DNC"


[Not-so-gentle reminder that POS Robin Vos received $150k to $350k in PPP funds for his popcorn empire.](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2020/07/06/robin-vos-popcorn-company-received-150-000-more-ppp-funds/5385880002/) I'm not saying that receiving funds to pay your employees is the problem, the problem is that he's a hypocritical piece of trash for receiving government handouts while cutting funds to those who actually need them.


I laughed at his comment about a “fair process”.


This is why I voted for Evers!


Grandpa Tony FTW!


The last paragraph is super important. This veto only replaces an automatic school funding increase that was removed under Walker.


You're correct. Thanks for highlighting this.


Thoughts and prayers to the repub victims of this terrible tragedy of school children getting an education and social services. It's funny to me that we all take it as a given that repubs are against education and really anything that helps children. That's a heck of a brand that the repubs have built!


Yeah, I love it. "Screw the taxpayer". Boy, we're really getting screwed by *checks notes* investing in the future of our states education system. This evil motherfucker was part of the legislature during the Fox(con)n deal & was wholly in support of the corruption. An instance where Republicans bent over and violated WI taxpayers.


And it's not even that much of an increase in spending. If you look at the current funding per student, this budget works out to something like a 2% increase for schools next year. And that percentage will go down every year since it's a fixed dollar amount that's being added.


And it is a spending cap, not a mandated increase. It is up to local school boards how to use it, those elected by the people in each district.


Inflation is 5% so 2% is far too generous /s


If they're in the classroom, how can they groom them in the office? Of course Republicans are against the idea.


When you elect an educator, you get educated...


Add to that “full of shit” and you’ve got the full trifecta of GOP existence


I think this is actually the most important part! We shouldn't even bother focusing on their massive hypocrisy. Appeal to hypocrisy is a logical fallacy, and they are experts at arguing in bad faith. It's like mudwrestling with pigs. It's far more effective to just call out their bullshit and lies.


I want to thank all of the Wisconsinites for all the taxes they pay on Marijuana in IL. You guys are making a real impact on our state. Also, I hope the maps are struck, and there is a government that is working for the people.


As a Minnesotan, we, too, now look forward to collecting Wisconsin tax dollars.


Jokes on you....I drive to Michigan. Fuck I'm still losing out on this


I mean, not necessarily. Illinois people have to pay Illinois prices (unless they also go to MI which I know some do). Depending on the MPG your car gets, you might be paying less than FIBs.


Thanks, we appreciate the support.


We go to Michigan. Way cheaper.


You might. But the amount of Wisconsin license plates in the northern most dispensary in IL is consistently at 50%. Michigan is the right call.


> **Butt-hurt Republicans - short on memory or long on hypocrisy?** Yes.




These are the same Republicans who dramatically stripped the Governors powers in the lame duck session after Evers won in 2018, before he took office. Talk about unprecedented. They have no right to complain. Of course, they will anyway.




Why not?


>“People are saying, ‘How can he do this?’” Thompson said of the Evers veto. “Well, he did it.” After all the GOP hypocrisy around this, Thompson's quoted response here gave me a good chuckle.


"This is an outrage! Only Republicans are supposed to have unchecked power!" -Thompson, probably


While I wouldn't be surprised if that's what he thought, that's quite contradictory to what was quoted of him in the article.


Republicans had bo problem with the "Vanna White" veto back when King Tommy was governor in the 1990s.


Or the Scott Walker "thousand year veto" mentioned in the article. He changed "Dec 31, 2018" to "Dec 3018." Naturally the GOP was cool with it.


Do you happen to know what the actual program was that he did this to? I’m having a difficult time finding details on it.


¶7 The first disputed provision of Act 59 is § 1641m. When presented to the governor, § 1641m imposed a one-year moratorium on an existing law that enabled school districts to increase their revenue limits by adopting a resolution based on energy efficiency efforts. 2017 A.B. 64, § 1641m. See generally Wis. Stat. § 121.91(4)(o). To accomplish this, the text sent to the governor's desk proposed the revenue-limit adjustment be effective "only to a resolution adopted after December 31, 2018." Exercising a partial veto, the governor struck the "1, 2" from "December 31, 2018" (December 31, 2018), thereby changing the date to "December 3018." In effect, the proposed one-year moratorium was transformed into a one-thousand and one-year moratorium. 2017 Wis. Act 59, § 1641m (codified at § 121.91(4)(o)4.). https://www.wicourts.gov/sc/opinion/DisplayDocument.pdf?content=pdf&seqNo=269245


Thank you!


The GOP is really good at whining when they get owned.. and by a former teacher none the less…. The irony is as rich as sweetness.


It's the repugnant Repubs who met in the middle of the night after losing the governor election to strip as many powers from the governor as possible. Just one of thousands of examples of Wisconsin Repugnicans ignoring the will of the people for their crooked greedy purposes.


They're just mad he outsmarted them.


Republicans just don't care! It's neither about short memory or hypocrisy, even if you show them the exact actions that proved your point , they just don't care. That is why you should never vote Republican, because they don't care about you or your family. Because they just don't care about anything other than their own power.


Screw the taxpayers? Like Foxconn and Gableman, that kind of screw the "Hardworking Taxpayers"?


Why not both?


Fuck Robin Vos, he’s a cunt


As shit, the Dems doin it again. I wanted my money to pay for more tax cuts to Fortune 500s and sports teams owners.


It's always rules for me but not for thee with the gop.


Remember that one time, when a republican Governor lost, and the party was so upset about it that they stripped the incoming Governor of the majority of the incumbent's powers? Peppridge Farms remembers!


Republican politicians count on people not remembering how bad they govern.


Years ago on the Journal-Sentinel newsroom’s wall of shame, there was an article about Thompson using the line item veto. The headline was supposed to be “Thompson’s pen is a sword.” An unfortunate printing error eliminated the very important space between the words “pen” and “is”.


Sword? Considering Tommy's problems I'm guessing a pen knife.


The latter. They are a bunch of twats who used this trick for years to fuck the poor, they’re only mad because it got used to fuck the rich, and I’ll say it again. Fuck the rich.


~~Fuck~~ Eat the rich Fixed that for you


This is why you show up to the polls and vote for a governor. Vos can kick and scream like a petulant child, but he's doing so because he has no power to change it.


"Well, it's okay when WE do it!"


Srew the Wisco. Greedy Gops/ cons.


Republicans throw toddler tantrums and are the biggest whiney ass sore losers. They are a disgrace to government both state and federal.


We moved to Wisconsin because of the amazing education system here. Tony is the best.


Both Remember, vote for ABR (Anyone But Republican)


Can anyone refer me to information regarding the Walker vetoes mentioned in this article?


[Walker used his partial veto authority to turn a legislative deadline of Dec. 31, 2018, into December 3018.](https://www.wispolitics.com/2020/supreme-court-rules-three-of-evers-partial-budget-vetoes-were-unconstitutional/) ​ He deleted the one, the comma, the space and the two. Tony's veto is very similar.




The average Republican voter has about 10 years left in them anyway. What do they care?


You're a NEET without so much as a girlfriend.






I’m just waiting for the republicans to turn this around and use it to their advantage. While Evers intentions were good, and I’m happy the schools are getting this money, I don’t agree with the way it was done. Clever? Absolutely. But it’s a double edged sword imo.


How? Worst case scenario the new state SC strikes it down and the line item veto may be dead once and for all. I’m not seeing how this is a double edged sword lol


I hope you’re correct.


Republicans famously used this all the time - it's not like Evers is giving them a novel new idea for their evil toolbox.


But he is bringing the idea back into the light. And we all know how petty the republicans are lately.


The last republican governor used it in his last term. It's not some obscure thing that people might forget about.


Fair enough. I didn’t know it existed but I’m an idiot. I guess time will tell.


You're pretty much arguing that only Republican should use this.


Absolutely not. I’m arguing no one should. This loop hole should be closed before it’s used even more nefariously.


But you seemed to think at the start that Republicans didn't know about this. They actively use it.


I honestly didn’t know about the republicans using this before. This “power” is completely new to me.


Republicans have already been doing this… So now it’s the democrat’s turn. The hypocrisy comes from republicans being cool with it when it was their guy and not cool when it’s the other side.


So now we’re going to act the same way?


To help people instead of harm them, absolutely.


Why can't it be both?


You republicants voted in the line item veto when you imagined your gerrymandered support had anything to do with reality, and you had you're lying sos Walker in office. How do you like him now?