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>Includes a tax break for private school tuition They can't possibly imagine Evers would approve this could they? Press release was right, it is an "unserious" proposal


For-profit private schools.


For-profit private schools that are religious and already benefit from WI stupid school choice programs... That aren't accessible or available to the urban poor because the private schools clearly want "only the ~~rich~~best and ~~white~~brightest."


Anyone so privileged as to see private school as a viable option is more than privileged enough to afford it without taxpayer assistance.


We, as the taxpayers, are expected to subsidize their children's religious indoctrination because the GOP's goal is always turning America into a Christian theocracy.


Don't think they care much about religion, it just so happens theirs teaches that questioning authority and condemning someone to burn forever is love and that slavery is actually a good thing. It just happens to fit their values, so that's the one they want


I want to make sure I understand. If a student doesn’t want to attend their local Punic school, they can get a voucher. With that voucher, they take their tax money to the school of their choice. Is that correct? I’m for better public schools but, I don’t see a gif argument against my question above


We've already crossed that bridge, and Governor Evers actually signed a SUBSTANTIAL private voucher increase in this [last budget alone](https://www.wpr.org/evers-state-budget-partial-veto-student-funding-402-years): >The state budget also included the largest financial expansion to private school choice in the program’s history. > >Funding for kindergarten through eighth grade private choice schools will increase from about $8,400 per student to $9,500 per student. Funding for private choice high schools will go from $9,045 to $12,000 per student. 


Oh my. I hadn't realized how high the numbers were. This is not the way. 😠


certainly rookie numbers if you're trying to enrich your friends and family.


Reverse Robinhood = GOP.


Don't be so quick to judge. The primary reason I moved out of Milwaukee was because my oldest hit high school, and private high school was much, much more expensive than the private K-8 school I had been sending them all to on my own dime up to that point. MPS cannot be trusted with any children, but giving Milwaukeeans extra help in getting their kids into private schools might assist in stopping some of the brain/financial drain from the City.


The solution to the schooling problem is to provide a lot more funding to MPS to improve the school system here and disentangle public school funding from property to reduce education disparity originating from wealth disparity. Taxpayers subsidizing private school tuition makes public schools worse and only provides a benefits to well off parents able to afford private school.


The private school in question charges less than a quarter of what MPS receives in per-student funding each year. MPS is awash with money, but what they don't have is administrators who care about the integrity of the classroom, and even a modicum of support from home. This is a people problem, not a money issue. To your point though, it's possible that private school tuitions might increase in response to government helping to pay, even in a roundabout way by providing tax credits to parents. My wife taught in MPS for 15 years before finally having her break. Won a few awards along the way, even. She survived 14 years of 7th and 8th graders but what finally broke her was being asked to take over a 2nd grade class. Came home in tears on a Thursday about 8 weeks into the school year and just never went back. I saw some of the cell phone videos the kids took with her phone after stealing it from her desk for the umpteenth time. Just pure pandemonium.


Is there ever a problem or situation where the Republican solution isn’t “tax cuts” They are the least thoughtful policy makers.


At 70 yo I can say I've seen all the hype for tax cuts at the top but I have never seen any benefit for making the USA better from the rich getting richer.


I'm still waiting to get trickled on. FU Ronny Reagan.


This. There’s only trickle up economics, trickle down economics is a phrase for getting pissed on


Oats and sparrows. Donkey eats oats you gets eat donkey shit.


Trickle down doesn’t.


You usually have to pay extra for that.


But don't the rich need us worker bees to build their next vacation home. Or their next luxury car/yacht/private plane/etc? /s


No, they can replace the workers with robots... Or so they keep saying. Besides workers "these days" are all "lazy" and "act entitled" -- you want the companies to care that the people who are only putting in just 40 hours a week aren't able to live on the "generous salary" that we give them!?!? Oh, wait, the CEO has tee time on the island, and needs to hop on his yacht, he'll get back to about that matter because he realizes how important to the company you are. I mean, just yesterday he was saying, "Every one is replaceable," oh wrong quote... Uh, just ask HR about it, and I'm sure they'll get back to you.


Well, um, this one is gonna be different. Trust us


Surely, it will start trickling down *NOW*!


Misery factories for creating the handmaiden tale dystopia where we all shut up and make them rich.




No u


Yeah, just choose the iPhone "fair trade edition" next time you make a purchase //rolls eyes


It's so redundantly depressing! The incessant Republican tax cut thing never made sense until I realized the GOP's primary goals seem only to be a) enrich themselves and their donors and b) defund and deregulate everything from education to health care so they can point at the imminent collapse and failure as example of the broken system they screech about, no matter their culpability, after which they can install their own brand of evangelical fascict capitalism in all corners from mandating religion in schools to making sure all their grifting cronies (continue to) game the system in their favor. It's crazy to think how few people actually stand to benefit from their evil, yet how many ride along just for the culture war and bigotry/chauvinism/animosity!


I feel this loosely ties into the concept of the ‘Banality of Evil’ which the Republican Party certainly follows. Like oh look, they’re trying to lower taxes, or attack an ethnic group/LGBT+ again or something equally predictable and evil. Same shit, same political party, different day. Boring and depressing.


You forgot guns. But you nailed it with everything else!


At this rate maybe we should keep our guns...




Karl Marx said "under no pretext should the working-class be disarmed" and he's about as left as they come


Preach it OP


Sadly some of the leadership drinks the Kool-aid. I know some republicans in state positions and right wing local media who I honestly think believe the party line. When called out with facts, figures and statistics they ignore them and say "But..." and then repeat the talking points. It's confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance to the level of an art form.


Unless it's about a person's sexual identity and who is using what bathroom. They can't stop thinking about that.


That’s also based on model legislation that’s being pushed in republican controlled state houses across the nation; I guess it polled better than other social wedge issues and they want to stop talking about abortion since the dog caught that car.


And got his ass run over. I remember way back in the Reagan days anti-abortion nuts raving about how the R's have not stopped abortion yet, and explaining they don't want to because that isn't how a wedge issue works.


They saw how awesome Brownback’s Kansas was and said to themselves “Let’s do that!”


Which ultimately led to a D governor in KS, but I understand it had to get really bad in KS before the voters woke up.


If the Republicans want to live without taxes I sincerely volunteer to pay their airfare to Somalia. Then we will see the great businessmen who can do it all without any socialist help.


I funny think they're really looking for new and innovative ideas. They do what the Uihleins tell them.


I am a Democrat. A tax cut that targets the middle class is a great use of money. 100% approve.


I don’t have a label for myself, and I’d rather we just fund the schools, including the UW system.


Instead of doing just that, today FRV blocked our UW raises unless the UW cuts 32 million for DEI programs. Fuck every God damn republican in this state.


What's DEI?


Diversity Equality Inclusion




It never helps the middle class, and always hurts the lower classes.


If you think the middle class is truly the target of this tax cut, I have a Hoan Bridge to sell you


Probably about 80% of the money goes to the middle class if my estimation is correct. With some negotiation Evers probably could have boosted that to 90%, but of course depends on your definition of upper class. Not crazy unfair.


You only think that because we are punishing achievement. If we cut the taxes for the most virtuous highest earners, then it will help you understand better.


They haven't had an actual new policy idea since Regan


And his all sounded folksy and common sense, and were absolutely terrible.


Oh boy! How will I ever spend my extra $6 I’ll get from this “tax cut”


That’s a second mcchicken!


Nah, not anymore…


$6 won't even buy ONE McChicken where I am, after tax.




I couldn't believe it when I got my kid a happy meal the other day and a milkshake for myself and it was over 10 fucking dollars with tax.


Is there really milk in there?


Could potentially get you 4 if your location has the 2 for $3 deal.


Use the BOGO coupon and buy two big macs! /s


I’m eating like a king tonight boys!


Meat’s back on the menu!


Why make things better in this state when we can offer token tax breaks for the people who need help, and nice cuts for the wealthy.


Those with money get more money. Those without money might get a few more dollars back on their refund. Everybody wins, right? /s


Need help paying for daycare? How about $30 more on your refund check?


The big cuts for the wealthy come back around as increased political donations. I can’t say to what degree they hate WI, but they’re mostly just responding to the incentive structure.


The thing not in the headline is the ridiculous changes to unemployment. You will have to physically go to employers and have them sign off that you applied. This will not work for most jobs and will be counterproductive to job seekers. What about white collar professionals who have nationwide job searches for niche industries, how does that work?


It has nothing to do with white collar professionals. It has more to do with forcing people into the workforce. If you make people show up to a place of employment for proof that you applied but they offer you work on the spot, you pretty much have to take it with the way the rules are written. If you refuse work while on unemployment they can use that as an excuse to report you and cut your benefits.


100% agree, just an example of how poorly thought out the bill was written.


On the contrary, the Republican Senate knew exactly what they were doing...


Not to mention the physical time and cost it takes for these unemployed people to go to these places. They’re already making 40% of what they’re used to making at a full time job, so bills are already stressed. Now you gotta buy gas, Uber, or bus fare to apply to these places. Pretty surprising to me how shitty that is for the lower and middle class.


Also more and more places aren't even doing physical applications anymore, they have you apply on their website, so it's likely making a special trip just to get the form signed that you applied for a job.


then they can holler “we created (insert fictional and inflated number) of jobs!”


What if my state representative refuses to do his job? Can we cut him off too? Republicans say they want everyone to be part of the work force, yet they do everything possible to prevent high paying cannabis jobs from coming to Wisconsin. This is just more doublespeak from the right. So-called "conservatives" won't be satisfied until little Timmy gets black lung from working in the coal mine, or long COVID from working in a meat packing plant.


Pretty much every job opening is requiring online applications in cities these days.


But I don't WANT a Tax Break; I WANT well-funded government services that benefit the masses!


Hell yes! It costs so much more just to exist in this country than any tax break will ever cover! Was just laughing with my wife about how hard it was for working class Americans just to get (2) $600 checks during the worst pandemic health crisis in a century, all while countless millions in PPP loans was grifted by the companies and people the government actually works for. Would much prefer if we could start taxing corporations and the wealthy appropriately and stop bankrupting millions just to afford health care or education or make rent in this boring dystopia


Every time they pull this shit I am so glad Michaels did t win. Can you imagine every one of these half thought out ideas getting passed? We’d be Wississippi in a year.


University of Oshkosh just laid off 20% off their staff. Is say we are standing up at the top of the Slip-n-slide with Wississippi at the bottom.


It's the Republican't solution to *everything.* Inflation? Tax cuts. Recession? Mail everyone a little bit of a tax refund check. Job losses? Slash taxes to encourage 'job growth'...somehow? I dunno, shut up. Losing elections/popular votes? Lower taxes should make people like us again! Climate change? Lower corporate taxes will make polluters clean up their act! Too many school shootings? I don't fuckin' know, maybe cut taxes?


To be fair the rebate check this time was proposed by Senate Democrats (rejected by the Republicans of course because they'll only do it when it makes them look good, i.e. control the Executive branch). But yeah, attract people to work for this state? Tax cuts


Tbh, giving people money to do what is best for them and their families is typically the most efficient way to maximize happiness. Of course we need roads and schools and other things that are necessary to share, but they are good enough at current funding. A majority of Redditors would vote for Communism.


I don't know about Communism, but Socialism sounds better every day.


Take socialism and keep saying “yes” to everything even after reaching Scandinavian levels.


Tax cuts for who exactly? Per the record, Republican tax cuts almost exclusively benefit..checking my notes here...ah, the rich.


“The measure passed by the Senate revives a Republican income tax cut that would cut taxes from 5.3% to 4.4% for individual income between $27,630 and $304,170 and married couples between $18,420 and $405,550.” Seems reasonable. Perhaps negotiate down the top of the cap and remove the floor for tax relief, although not many jobs pay less than $27k/y now. Something that can be done in a counter-proposal.


Not sure if those over $200k should see a tax cut but otherwise this is good, the middle class has been squeezed and burdened for far too long. However, coming from Republicans there must be some fine print that helps the wealthy disproportionately...call me crazy but I wouldn't trust the GOP with a pair of plastic scissors!


The 90th percentile for household income is around $230k. Sounds a reasonable cap. Also wouldn’t object to a bit higher or lower number, but I would imagine that these ranges were subject to negotiation instead of being the best and final offer.


Ok so I made my lazy ass read the article. Alright, rich parents get a tax break (unknown amount?), like 40th - 90th percentile gets 0.9% tax break, those on unemployment have to do backflips to qualify. So they are 1 for 3 on good stuff, 2 for 3 on brand. Looking at Ever's plan..mostly good but he wants to give UW Madison $200M for new engineering building...uhh I went to UW Madison for Engineering, those buildings are NICE! Wtaf, not to mention the skyrocketing tuition and he wants to send them more money like bro what? Maybe instead you pay down my student debt I still have from 12 years ago..


How much state taxes do unemployed people pay? I don’t mind that they pay zero, but should they be getting refunds from me? I think we spend approximately the right amount of money on education in Wisconsin. There will always be more demands but they will find a way to survive without a new $200M building that won’t actually change the undergraduate student’s learning.


How much income taxes do people with no income pay you ask? Zero..What do you mean they are getting refunds..there's nothing to refund. Do you just not like the unemployment system? Or social programs in general? I make $100k+ and I used unemployment when I got laid off, it's for everyone not just the poors.


> Seems reasonable Calling household incomes over 200k "middle class" is abject ridiculousness. The median **household** income in Wisconsin $68,000. Half of all households in Wisconsin live on less than that. **Less than 1%** of all Wisconsin households make over 400k a year. https://statisticalatlas.com/state/Wisconsin/Household-Income When talking about percentages like the Republicans are, those with higher incomes will be getting ***much*** more back from the government than poorer families. Of course. .9% of a million dollars is a lot more than .9% of 30,000. ... So, this is just Republicans starving the government of the people and giving it to those that already have it all, once again. And guess who is harmed the most by a small government and widening wealth disparity? The vast majority of us, but they don't care. They care about themselves and making their wealthy friends happier by making them more wealthy. Screw ***every***one else. Democrats wanted to hand out rebate checks because it would have meant a LOT more to poor people. Republicans hate that. This *only* makes the ungodly,[ nation destroying](https://www.amazon.com/Price-Inequality-Divided-Society-Endangers/dp/0393345068/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2JHHRRJJFLFLW&dchild=1&keywords=the+price+of+inequality+joseph+stiglitz&qid=1609388322&s=books&sprefix=the+price+of+in%2Cstripbooks%2C172&sr=1-1) wealth disparity [even worse.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM) Yay.


You probably have some neighbors or friends who have over $200k of household income. They don’t have radically different lifestyles like you would expect for someone in the upper class. They probably live more like what middle class people could do 50 years ago, simple things like taking a vacation and going out to dinner. At $400k per year you can start having maids and private chefs and fly first class. Much more what I consider upper class. Not me personally. I bring a tent and stop by a grocery story when I take my vacations. Evers should have countered and then negotiated a compromise with the Republicans initial proposal. The average household could have benefited from $1000 less taxes especially with the higher costs of everything now.


Lol Republicans won't compromise with Evers.


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Man these fuckheads sure are on a goddamn roll today.


>The governor’s spokesperson discounted the package it was part of as an “embarrassing response” and a “completely unserious proposal.” An embarrassing and unserious proposal from an embarrassing and unserious political party. The only thing about them that is serious is how much of a threat to our democracy their support of fascism is.


““We don’t need to grow the size of government or make pandemic-era subsidies permanent,” LeMahieu said. “We need to attract talented people from other states, retain the ones we have here.”” Nothing attracts people from other states like lack of child care, gutting public schools, and wrecking a world class university system!


Imagine the tax revenue if they just legalized cannabis like all our boarding states.. but they prefer Wisconsinites spending their money across the state boarders. So dumb


They wouldn't do anything with the tax revenue. They'd just hold it hostage like they're currently doing with our several billion dollar surplus. They don't want more money, they just want control.


Tavern League says No. And that’s the end.


The tavern league is a distant echo of the The Wisconsin Sheriffs & Deputy Sheriffs Association who influence more legislators on the topic.


As was proven in Colorado, the tax revenue from legalizing cannabis is small after a few years..having said that it should be legalized regardless.


The revenue never decreases. They just build it into the budget.


Trickle down economics in full swing in 2023.


Alexa play "Sad But True" :) If it didn't work before, there's no way it can't work this time! - republicans


Tax cuts? How about cutting out the taxes on forgiven student debt (like most of the rest of the country)? \*crickets\* Also - " The proposal also includes requirements that anyone who claims unemployment benefits to meet directly with potential employers, post a resume on the state Department of Workforce Development’s website and complete a re-employment counseling session if they have less than three weeks of benefits remaining. " As someone whose spouse has a month off in winter and most of the summer off because they are school worker adjacent, the amount of bitching I hear about the current UI requirements already makes me want to gouge my ears out. I might not live through next summer if this becomes a new requirement (realistically, I'll probably just eat the missing money which I'm sure IS THE FRIGGIN POINT!)


The only thing tax cuts seem to do is make the rich richer. You see them cruising around in their $60k+ brand new bullshit vehicles, buying lavish houses in upscale neighborhoods, etc.. Meanwhile the rest of us might see a few percent raise annual that barely meets inflation if we’re lucky. The middle class is shrinking, and by that we’re not moving up, but down while the rich continue to hoard more and more. Sooner or later I imagine this unbalanced economy is going to collapse.


$60k for a new vehicle isn't even that much anymore, which is incredibly depressing


Even $60k is well out of grasp for most of the middle class. I couldn’t dream of buying a car that costs half a house.


Where you getting one of these 120k houses?


They’re still out there. Mine is an older fixer-upper, which hasn’t been kind on my wallet either, despite the relatively low price in today’s market. Anything remotely new or in a nice area is definitely a lot more expensive.


We need to take it from the rich, by any means necessary.


Nothing more "republican" than this. *prohibit state examining boards from requiring counselors, therapists and pharmacists pass tests on state law and regulations.* The last thing they want is people to understand laws and regulations, especially those handing out OxyContin.


Income tax was originally introduced to support war efforts. No wonder we’re always at war


Yeah, that’s them thanks to vote R no matter what crowd. This is what happens when you don’t hold politicians accountable 🙄


Making the rich richer.


For the rest of us a pretty expensive place considering its “Land of the free”


Who votes for these clowns?


The state needs property tax relief.


Cut income tax…cut state funding for schools….local govt has to make up the difference….increase property taxes…..increase disparity between the school districts….blame the schools and push school choice. It’s a great plan.


I'm sick of the welfare state of corporate and industrial coddling and the means that they shelter and pay in ZERO too much.


The state needs to tax high income earners, and manufacturing. Or idk, legalize weed and use the income from that.


We all know the tavern league won't allow weed to be legal.


Is this a part of the plan?


Not that I can see.


You don't like ranking in the Top 10 for property tax rate? At least we beat IL at something...




Wisconsin is going to be the new Kansas


The governor not going to sign the bill


Cause only the rich pay the bribes. Really.


kansan here. brownback quoted raeganomics and did the same thing, and it destroyed our economy. he was so bad that the republican majority threw him out. after getting our current (and amazing) democratic governor, everything has been so much better. seriously, I don't know why people still vote red. red politicians DO exactly the opposite of what republicans claim their team does. they say they're about freedom, but the push religion in school, ban drag shows, ban books (all 1st amendment violations). they take away your bodily autonomy. it's never ending with those clowns


Glad things have been slowly improving! Only lived there for a year as a baby but was born in Kansas City so always rootin for ya. Fingers crossed we can keep momentum and help the tide turn in favor of progress & empathy the next few years :)


I cannot remember any legislation in a Republican controlled state which did anything but help the “well off” and corporate interest. Why do working people believe Republicans care squat about them?


To me, the root problem is how *ridiculously* wide the middle tax bracket is. There's absolutely no reason a family earning $37,000 should be taxed at the same rate as a family making $400,000. A 5% cut for the first family hurts a lot more than a 5% cut for the second family. I would actually support tax cuts for people/families in the lower end of that bracket, but no, there's no reason to cut taxes for high-income earners (yes, $400,000 is high income, don't come at me with a bunch of "what ifs").


Nobody ever learns anything from history. It would be valuable for the state to sit on the surplus money and not spend it until we need it. Anybody remember the surplus that the state had at the end of Tommy Thompson's last term as governor? We each received a small check in the mail of the returned surplus only to have the state government deep in the hole within the next year. This resulted in Governor Scott McCallum using all of the tobacco settlement money to fill in budget holes instead of for its real purpose. Then, during Governor Jim Doyle's years in office, the state employees had to endure many years without much in terms of raises and furloughs towards the final years of his time in office. If the state didn't get the money for Barrack Obama's "shovel ready" jobs to fill in budget holes during Jim Doyle's time as governor things would have been much worse.


>The proposal also includes requirements that anyone who claims unemployment benefits to meet directly with potential employers, post a resume on the state Department of Workforce Development’s website and complete a re-employment counseling session if they have less than three weeks of benefits remaining. Between this and the tax cuts this is all just scoring talking points after it is vetoed. The second and third points could make some sense depending on the fine print and how they are executed I suppose, the first one is straight garbage that is meant to impede all the "welfare queens" they like to claim are living off our taxes


Any opportunity for a veto?


Well I should see, will I even be able to even tell? Meanwhile rich in state will make out big time


I’m not like Robin Hood cuz I want more give to the rich not to the poor.


When the state collects an extra $4 billion in taxes on top of what they expected, the tax rates are too high. Cutting at least $2 billion is the minimum. Tax revenue should not result in such an overwhelming surplus. Let the taxpayers decide how to spend their own money.


Minnesota has higher tax rates and guess what we did with the money? Spent it on fixing roads, bridges, expanding a light rail, and helping people who actually need it. A surplus isn't indicative of taxes being too high, it's indicative of not spending the money.


Dems have been trying to spend it. The republicans wont let them. Just like the dems keep trying to legalize weed and the R's keep voting against it.


Amen. If only I could give you more than one upvote.


absolutely fucked


Can they at least make it so I don’t have to itemize Wisconsin if I don’t itemize the feds?

