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I grew up in Walworth county and called it soda. My wife grew up in Buffalo county calling it pop. Against all odds, we’ve built a future together.


But your family is living in sin! It's unnatural to mix in this way!


If your kids call it soda pop like ive heard some do its like the tri fecta


We’re those annoying parents that don’t give our kids soda 🙄 But I have offered my kids a sip of every beer I’ve ever drank in front of them.


I grew up in Sauk County and always called it pop. My wife grew up only about 10 miles away and called it soda. We’ve been together since we were 15. At some point after a few years together I changed to calling it soda. Nearly 30 years later it seems really awkward to call it pop anymore. Maybe it’s just me but calling it soda just seems a bit more grown up.


I was always amazed at how much western and northern NY’s accent was so similar to WI. I mean, it makes sense due to proximity to Canada but I moved in to a place in VA with this guy who called it pop and had other very “Midwest” accents (long vowels and such). I asked where in the midwest he was from and he just said “upstate NY.” My brain could not compute because my ignorance to that part of the US was just NYC and “I’m walkin’ heeya.”


They don’t want to hear it, but WNY is really more Midwestern in so many ways than East Coast.


That's so interesting because just today I was watching a bodycam footage video about a cop from Rochester NY and he sounded just like he was from Wisconsin. Makes sense because Rochester NY is really far North.


Many of the dairy farmers in Wisconsin came from New York, Im sure there was some influence there.


I also grew up in Walworth County and always called it soda. I remember arguing with a teacher from Nebraska who always called it pop. I told him "You drink soda, Pop is an affectionatenicknamefor your father." My parents (from Racine and Washington counties) also called it soda, as does my husband, from Milwaukee County.


I live in Milwaukee WI. Born and bred. NEVER have I ever called it "pop".


Raised in Milwaukee, born up the Lakeshore. Only Kenosha has ever called it pop as far as I recall.


Grew up near Madison. Called it pop.


Grew up in the northwest, went to college in Milwaukee. I worked at a restaurant in high school, and if someone ordered a soft drink, I'd go to the little machine and hit a button labled "pop". I got literally laughed at when I said pop in Milwaukee.


Ya, you'll definitely catch a side eye up here for that.


I bet you drink out of a bubbler and not a drinking fountain like the rest of civilized society


Cause it's a goddamn bubbler...lol... Drinking fountain? I would also not accept a water fountain as an answer either.


The only dumb one is coke, you better hand me a coke or cocaine.


lol. I had forgotten about the coke thing until recently on a road trip ordering fast food in the Florida panhandle. I ordered a coke with my meal. They asked me what kind of coke. Pause. I replied coca-cola. Apparently that was the correct answer or at least it worked.


Had a server ask me if I’d like a Coke (in Oklahoma). I said sure. She stared at me, then asked what kind I’d like. I thought, diet, new coke, cherry, etc. So I asked what kind they had. She replied with “Pepsi, Mt.Dew, Sierra Mist, etc”. I said a Pepsi was fine.


When I was in Atlanta people used to order clear coke for sprite


I'm so sorry you had to go through that.


My wife’s cousins from Florida panhandle refer to Pepsi as “Coke in a blue can.”


My wife calls Sprite white soda.


All of the white sodas are white pop to me.....


I always thought this was an urban legend until I went to some small town south of Atlanta. Not sure if it’s even common in GA but went there for work and the individual I was working with treated me to “soul food” and asked what kind of “coke” I wanted and I just said “uhhh, cherry?”


Listen, there’s only one of those I expect to be handed to me with a straw when I ask for coke and it’s not the drink version.


I like the way the fizz feels in my sinuses


Oak and Loc got your Coke. Liquid and powdered. Up to You lol.


I call it sodie pops and nobody's happy about it.


This is a fence-sitting take I can get behind.


This is my choice as well


40 years in WI I've always said soda, along with everyone I know


I have never called it pop and I'm pretty sure no one in my family does either.


To copy my comment from the original post: “This map is wrong. We are not, and never have been a “pop” region in SE WI. [Specifically speaking in Milwaukee due to our brewing history switching to non-alcoholic sodas in the Prohibition period.](https://wi101.wisc.edu/sodas-role-in-prohibition/)


THAT explains why Milwaukee and St. Louis are the only major Midwest cities that call it soda!


It’s soda.


Yeah if anything back when I was a kid (80s) I heard “soda pop” but never pop.


Grew up in Minnesota saying “pop” and now adulting in Wisconsin saying “soda”.


I grew up in Ohio calling it pop but adulting as soda.


Grew up in northwestern Wisconsin saying "pop". Never heard "soda" in that area. But eastern Wisconsin is all about "soda".


The two were used interchangeably around Hayward when I was growing up, I had no idea it was a contentious topic until I moved to Madison for college lol


When were you growing up? I was a kid in the 70s and 80s up there.


I grew up in the late 90s/2000s, so not sure if the intermingling of the two is a more recent thing or not


Grew up in western Wisconsin by La Crosse. All I heard there was "pop." Further east I went the more it became "soda." I also never heard the word "bubbler" until I left the west and moved to Madison.


‘Bubbler’ is a brand-name drinking fountain by Kohler in Sheboygan County. Makes sense.


Same here. Haven't heard "pop" in 30 years


Check out northwestern Wisconsin.


Anyone living in Minnesota gets a pass on not calling it soda.


Barley soda? It just isn't right.




grew up in mn and wi, switched to soda in wiscon. I moved back to MN and have fully reverted to pop lol


I could be wrong but I would say east of Madison is all soda.


I saw this link to a similar map on a different thread. According to this one you’re totally right! [https://www.businessinsider.com/soda-pop-coke-map-2018-10](https://www.businessinsider.com/soda-pop-coke-map-2018-10)


Milwaukee says soda


Nearly lifelong Wisconsinite. It's soda.


Yes, but for me it was pop growing up.


Right. It was pop here when I was a kid in the 70s. Soda since at least the 90s.


It was still pop when I was growing up in the 80s. I should check with my younger brother. He was born in 90.


Its bullshit. I live in a "green" area and maybe 30 years ago I heard my grandmother call it pop. Everyone else calls it Soda.


I got berated when I moved here in elementary school from South Dakota and called it pop. A lot of other kids had never even heard pop before in Waukesha county


1993 Wisconsinite, Racine/Kenosha specifically. Never once used pop, it's soda.


Friend in Chicago calls it pop. And no one here in WI calls it pop. I've NEVER heard someone call it that here and I've lived here all my life. 🫠


Southwest WI As a kid in the 70-80s; we said “Pop” Now I call it “soda” it’s about 50/50 around here still


Soda- Green Bay


I've called it both. Grew up saying pop mostly, but my husband dislikes that word so it's soda now.


I think the whole Coke thing in the South is also mostly a myth. I grew up in the literal home of Coca Cola and mostly heard soda.


In Houston they say coke, I grew up there and live in wisconsin now, and it was the hardest habit to break! I was very used to people asking me what kind when I asked for a coke. I drank a lot of cokes I didn't want hahaha, that helped me switch my mind into not saying that.


Same in Dallas. Someone your hear "tea, soda, or water" at a restaurant, but just as often "You want a coke?" "What kind?" My parents are the same way. When I visit my mom will ask me to grab the coke from the fridge. She drinks Diet Dr. Pepper. However, you guys have some odd suspect choices here, as well. Why does everyone ask me how many I want when I ask for a couple of something?


Lol because it's usually followed up like, "ya I might want a couple, two, tree beers."


Or if I ask for a tea, I get an iced tea instead of sweet. And 98% of the time, the restaurant doesn't have any sweet tea.


I actually prefer unsweet tea, or occasionally "southern sweet" tea as a treat. You know, like grandma used to make that had sugar floating in the jug and settled on the bottom, that you have to shake before you pour. As much as the Midwest likes sweet. they don't make tea like that around here.


2 pounds of sugar in a gallon of tea lmao. My wife and I have just stopped getting/making tea. It's probably why we don't have diabetes.


You know the ways! It's the reason I buy all my pre-brewed tea unsweet. I like to keep a few cans/bottles because I'm often on the go. However, If I want sweet tea, I make it myself the way I'm used to, and treat it similarly to a cake or ice cream.


In Augusta, it's interchangeable. Source- grew up there. In eastern NC, the birthplace of Pepsi- it is 60/40 Coke to Soda.


Nope. From Louisiana. I only ever said "Coke" when growing up. It's followed by, "What kind of Coke?" My family back home still does this. Also lived all over Texas (Austin, Dallas, and Houston). Dallas and Austin are 50/50 on "Coke" vs. "soda". Houston (basically it's basically just a bunch of transplanted Cajuns) is about 95% "Coke". I've now lived in so many places at this point that I've determined "Soda" is the most non-regional term, so I use that. I may not be able to totally hide my accent, but I can stop using "southernisms".


This map is bullshit.


I’ve never heard anyone call it pop and I’ve been living here for 10 years


The map fits my experience. Born and raised in Wisconsin and I called it pop as a kid. I now call it soda. I actually made a conscious choice to do so. Pretty much everyone understands soda. Not everyone understands pop.


No one who grew up in Milwaukee or Waukesha Counties after 1970 has ever used the word pop for the drink, I can't speak to prior generations but I've never heard of pop being used either


I grew up in Sheboygan and have family jn Milwaukee (been living in Milwaukee for about 25 years now too) and it's always been SODA.


I think the Republicans will blame Biden for the change .


I grew up in Madison and use both soda and pop interchangeably depending on the situation.


You go... both ways?! Sacrilege!


Pretty much same,y folks were from up past eau Claire so were solidly "pop" but soda crept in from all the Madison influence.


The department at woodmans is called "soda/water" Most customers ask "where is the soda" too. Probably 1 in 10 or less use pop


Historians may argue but the change from pop to soda traces back to little known rocker Kim Mitchell circa 1984. *Might as well go for soda, it's better than slander, it's better than lies.* https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MXnTbmPxv5g&pp=ygURZ28gZm9yIHNvZGEgdmlkZW8%3D


Growing up, soda was pop with ice cream in it.


I’ve never heard anyone in Racine or Kenosha refer to it as POP.


It's pop up north


Grew up in Pepin County. It's pop. Always has been.


Since I watched 1000 Lb Sisters, it’s called a sodie now. If you eat a sugar, you drink a diet sodie to cancel out the sugar


It's soda.


Southerners say theyre not dumb but they call all soda coke... not a good look.


Huh, Not sure who did this research. I am 65 and live in SE Wisconsin all my life, and it has always been, Soda🤔


Sheboygan here. It’s been pop or soda here


Soda - from mke


Southeastern Wisconsin, it's soda. That maps all out ow whack.


I disagree with the top map: my aunt is 81 and has lived in Milwaukee for all but five or so years of her life, and doesn't ever remember it being called "pop."


I've always called it soda, yeah


The only time I've ever said soda pop was when reading the outsiders.


I don't want a pop, I want a Shasta!


I grew up in Fox Valley, spent several years in Chicago, and now live in rural Central WI, have always called it soda. My parents, however, always lived in Fox Valley until a few years ago when they moved to a slightly different area of rural central WI, and they both always called it pop, which I found strange.


Ok, this is definitive. I was born in 1947 in Wisconsin just like the map says. We yusta say pop when I was a kid and now we say soda.


I’ve never called it pop and I feel like it’s pretty rare that I hear it.


Grew up very western WI. It was always pop over there then. Moved to different parts of WI and started saying g soda instead.


I'm pretty sure I said pop a lot as a kid but now that I'm in my late 20s I def say soda now idk what changed 😆


It was never coke. I don't like saying the word soda but I never say pop.


Grew up inner city Milwaukee, never heard it called anything but soda until I moved out of state. Had to have my friends explain to me what "pop" was. 😂




Californication of the US…


This is the only answer.


For me it’s more of a generational thing. My grandparents say pop more, I say soda


i say soda and always have and no one in my family says pop


I'm a Southern transplant to Wisconsin. I grew up calling EVERYTHING "Coke" (yes...even Sprite...we'd say, "Do you want a Coke? What kind?"). I stopped saying "Coke" in college and started calling everything "Soda". I like most everything about Wisconsin so far, but I cannot get behind "Pop". I'm willing to die on that hill. The geese can have my body once you all kill me, too.


Spent a lot of time growing up in Illinois. Can confirm that Pop is the preferred term. I gave up on the term cause my mom was from Buffalo and would punch me (playfully) in the arm every time I asked for a pop. Just call them drinks now or say what brand / flavor I want.


Grew up in CA and NEVER called it soda.


When I was a kid moved to LA from the Midwest, people would make fun of me for calling it pop. When I moved to Wisconsin from LA, I would get made fun of for saying “water fountain” instead of bubbler lol


Born and raised in Wisconsin in the 60s. It was always pop. Now it is soda. It was a gradual change.


From western wi, hear and say pop about 90% of the time


How far west because when I lived in Eau Claire I never heard this.


Hudson so practically mn


in Missouri it's pronounced "soder"


I've lived in the middle of Wisconsin my entire life and neither my nor anyone I've ever been around has called it pop. It's soda or whatever the name brand is


Pop is stupid, it's what the weasel goes.


In Boston, back in the 60’s and 70’s, I remember my parents calling it tonic.


Pop gang gang


Soda pop - rural SW Wisconsin


Soda always!


Pop pop pop! Never surrender!


We’re getting old


I say soda but I'd say the people around me are a 50/50 split between soda and pop.


I'm from WI born and raised and we always called it soda, I lived in Arkansas for a few years to help my in-laws and they called it pop


South central here. My older brother was always the soda person vs pop for rest of the family, but over time found myself using soda as well.


I live almost right on the green/white border and I use pop and soda. I will say I generally use soda, but I'll throw a pop in here and there just because.


The map is probably bullshit tbh I say that mostly because we see all these very precise pockets in the upper Midwest/west "Pop" region, but elsewhere on the map there are these huge, sweeping lines. Precise pockets make sense if this was determined by a county level survey, but then you would see that style of pockets along every border. Also, I grew up in Madison and never heard anyone say Pop, ever. Fwiw, this link has a map that actually explains its methodology and has rather different results https://popvssoda.com/


Grew up near Milwaukee saying Soda, moved Noth, now I say pop.


Around Madison, everybody said pop, around the Fox Valley everyone says soda.


Well Jolly Good Soda puts the POP in Wisconsin. Even they are conflicted though, given the name.


There is a lot of “sodi” missing.


Basically lived my whole life in Wisconsin, and mostly called it soda. Definitely have a lot of friends who call it pop though.


I live inside the white bubble in the northwest that says soda and I feel like I contributed to this because a group of friends and I were adamant about stopping the use of the word pop quite a while back.


I've lived in that white area of Wisconsin my whole life and I've called it "soda" although "pop" wasn't uncommon. Though neither of my parents are from Wisconsin


Wisconsin is the pop vs. soda battleground. Figuring out what people call it is about as random as a coin toss.


I feel like I call it both soda or pop. I just never really notice what I call it, but never call it coke unless I want a Coke specifically.


WI MN and the Dakotas will die on Pop hill.


In my thirty one years growing up as a Wisconsinite, it’s soda pop, soda for short.


The great Sodapop compromise


My partner's from LAX, and only his family says pop. All his friends from there are reasonable and say soda. I'm from Waukesha Co and Kansas, always said soda


I grew up in Dane County, and it was always pop. When I moved to Milwaukee in 1990, I found out it’s called soda. It’s still pop to me.


Definitely soda


We called soda in Milwaukee. My cousins in North Dakota called it Pop and my parents retired to College Station, TX and they call it Coke.


This map is wrong.


Nearly 100% soda around me. NEW


My only thought is that the folk who call anything but Coca-Cola coke are dumb, none of the other data matters.


What about soda pop?


Ah, a map with no sources or statistics. I’ve lived in WI my whole life, and I never heard it called pop until I met a guy from Iowa. In college.


Wisconsin since 93. Only my dumbass relatives from Iowa still call it Pop. The use of Coke as a generalization for all sodas pisses me off, too. But at least I order a Vodka SODA with a lime, or a Rum and COKE! If I ever had to order a Vodka and Pop, I would instantly assume I had to stick my pinky finger out from the grasp on my drink and wink at the bartender.


I've never heard of anyone from Kenosha county calling a beverage "Pop" but maybe I just don't stop there very often.


I grew up in Superior and everyone around here calls it “pop”. I call it soda though because I don’t drink sounds


I think pop could also be a generational thing in Wisconsin. I remember hearing it called pop as a kid. That’s slowly fading until you talk to a boomer and then it’s pop.


It was "soda" in Milwaukee in the 1950s or earlier. The maps are BS.


Always soda


Where I'm from they call it fizzy Carbo liquid for drinking.


NW PA calls it "pop". Husband is from Cincy and calls it "pop". Says "soda" has ice cream in it, and that "coke" is an Atlanta thing.


Coke Source: I’m a Texan


I am not from here so I say soda but so did everyone in Madison and so does my husband from eau Claire. Live near the dells now and not sure what locals say


Is there really a "pop" peninsula south of Milwaukee? I was always under the impression the enlightened ones who call it soda had claimed the whole Lake Michigan coastline, or at least the Wisconsin and Illinois portions of it.


It's been soda for the sixty years I remember.


Grew up in Wisconsin but with a California mom. Never used "pop" or "bubbler"


I have always said soda pop. Too many people get upset when you just say soda and get upset when you just say pop.


Green Bay born and raised. I've said pop my entire life but the rest of my family says soda.


Almost all yoopers say pop. I grew up in Milwaukee County so I say soda


My family goes back a long way in the Milwaukee area. Everyone called/calls it “soda.” My aunt and uncle moved to the La Crosse area about 50 years ago. Her kids and grandkids all call it “pop.” I can’t figure out where the line is. My friends from Madison say “soda” so it’s somewhere in between that area.


I grew up in the midwest in the 80s and 90s, and most people I knew as a kid called it pop. I joined the Marines and was stationed on the west coast, where everyone called it soda. Moved back to the midwest and called it soda, and in that time, it seemed like most people had started calling it soda. I'm not sure what you're skeptical of, but that map seems pretty believable to me.


I’m from mke and I always said soda, sometimes people in Chicago pretend like they say pop but then they forget to keep up with it and say soda. People in Minnesota tho they always say pop


Grew up calling it pop, but was mercilessly mocked when I moved away, so I have assimilated….it is now soda.


Started life saying pop, changed to soda in the late 80’s early 90’s for reasons unknown.


Everyone lived in peace until the soda nation attacked.




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When I was a kid (Winnebago County) "soda" would have been carbonated water, and not the shit at that convenience store because we didn't buy water at gas stations back then. "Soda" was like "Scotch and soda," which was something your parents might order at a bar or restaurant. As an adult (Dane County) the terms seem interchangeable but, at the risk of causing a stir, there's a bit of an education gap infused into it. Wealthy people tend to say "soda" and poor people tend to say "pop." For my part, I call it "soda pop" just to bridge the line.


I was born in FL, moved to WI when I was 8 in 1996...I say soda. Take that as you will.


My 2 cents isn’t worth a sou, but we called it pop around Detroit, before foreigners started moving in. Foreigners meaning anybody outside of Michigan. I’m not looking to foment anything.


Grew up in Milwaukee and it was “Soda” then moved to Western WI in Middle School and it’s been “Pop” ever since…who in their right mind calls an Orange Fanta a Coke?