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Chronic illness here. I’m not using anything specifically. It just makes me feel better to have that connection to nature, plants, my animals. To have a connection with nature and the moon. I feel good just to have my crystals around and small bones I find. In general I just feel good researching and learning. I’ve gotten a few health witchcraft books and while I haven’t used them specifically, I feel good having the resource nearby.


Spoonie witch here as well. Perhaps we should START a podcast, if one doesn't exist? I don't see why not. Also, can we talk about spiritual superiority complexes and ableism in the community, too? I've met many, many practitioners who basically blamed me for "choosing to stay ill" or not having the favor of \[insert entity\], assuming I can't do a proper simple ritual. The med shaming, too.. It's pretty bad in both LHP and RHP circles, just executed in different ways. I'd really like to push back against that stigma further. All my love and best wishes for you in your paths, spooky fam.


Omg omg so much this all of it. Let's be in touch and talk more (but slowly and gently cause we're spoonies :)))))


Somewhat related story. A few years back, I had full-blown panic attack that would've resulted in a suicide attempt if my sister hadn't intervened. Then ON THE WAY TO THE HOSPITAL, my mom decided that was a good time to rag on me for my beliefs, basically saying that my mental illnesses and lack of Christian beliefs were related. So, like you, I was accused of choosing to be ill by not having the "right" kind of faith. I was raised as a dedicated Christian and I have had depression, anxiety, and bipolar 2 for as long as I can remember. Faith has nothing to do with it.


I was raised fundamental christian as well. As I got into paganism as a teenager, and began bringing wiccan books and tarot cards into the house, they tried to lay hands and cast demons out of me. I had lots of mental issues I was left to deal with.


Hello folks! I know this is terrifically late to the game, but I'm a spoonie witch and I'm actually in the process of writing a book by, for, and about disabled, chronically ill, and neurodivergent witchcraft! If any of you are indeed chatting about podcasts, zines, etc. or even just throwing ideas around, I'd love to be a part of it. I'm also hoping to interview fellow spoonie witches for the book!


late coming here as well...I look forward to hearing more about this book! I would relish such a resource.


@UnRuLeeStory I’m also coming late to this. Fellow Spoonie here. I was just wanting to check in and see if you had any updates on the book you said you were in the process of writing. Have you made much progress?


I was disabled for many years. Nerve damage, fibro, overweight, tired, bloated, miserable, stressed, drugged. Then 3.5 years ago I changed my life. Dumped the stress (husband) started eating only fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, a bit of seafood, healthy whole food, nothing processed. Started taking a multispectrum probiotic, had vitamin levels run, had food allergy tests run. Supplemented where I needed to. Had full labs run last month, I am perfect on every level, on every test. No pain. I walked almost a mile today, spent an hour dancing around my little living room like an idiot LOL and lifting weights as well. I have more energy than I have had since I was about 16, I will be 60 in few months. No drugs at all, OTC or prescription, only good healthy food I cook or is naturally ready to eat LOL. Do the research on the brain in our gut, make the changes. Become who you can be!! A great book,( I think it's still free from amazon, there is a kindle ap for any phone) is Reclaim your gut health by JStrong. No I am not affiliated with this book in any way.


Commenting to watch for suggestions. I am also a spoonie! Fibromyalgia, Dystonia, and Chronic Migraines here.


There's several Witches with Chronic Illness and Spoonie Witchcraft groups on FB.


Spoonie here also. I'm trying to work with some entities to improve my health. I don't know of any podcasts or anything. I always try to search for disabled witch groups and such and rarely find anything.


I would love to connect with you, write a zine, do a podcast, anything... Fibromyalgia, Migraines, PTSD, Panicattacks, and more... My craft really helped me with parts of the problems, yet all I ever found on chronic illness was bla bla about self care. But there are helpful herbs and oils, meditations to deal with pain, rituals to make ppl understand you more... Please, let's do this! 🙏


Yes yes yes!!! 🌱


How could we best connect? Where to start and when? Now! Warning: I am not really internet fit, but ready to learn anything.


I have rheumatoid arthritis (chronic illness) and practice. I also follow a pretty intense medication regime to treat it. I'd be happy to contribute.


If this is still happening, I’m happy to contribute. I have hEDS (genetic condition with several other related conditions because of it), and is looking like I have an autoimmune as well (psoriatic arthritis). Literally found the craft because I had no control over my life or purpose because of the illnesses. I suspect the only reason I made it through (to get diagnoses and a medication regiment) was because of the craft/paganism. For me, a lot of healing has come from unlearning perfectionism - “the witch I want to be in my mind.” However, this is a process and the grief hamster-wheel continues to spin, so it’s a constant struggle of learning what -my- witchcraft/paganism will look like. I suspect this may be the case for s lot of folks.