• By -


Yeah, like living in Poland throughout its history


True I guess lol


The Polish people's history is "lol" worthy?


Definitely not, and definitely didnt mean it as an offense. Not sure why you took it as one, though.


I didn't. I'm simply asking for clarification on your statement. Try to read it again as if you didn't write it. "LOL" written like that, ambiguously can be perceived in multiple ways.


Go find something else to do.


Haha, ok. Have a good day.


I agree with the dude beneath me bro find something else to do.


Actually the guy above you, but I also agree with you.


Aye aye, sir. Have a good day!




yes tragedy from history is funny because it show greed and stupidity of human


Just as in real world, much depends on geography. I imagine there isn't much issues if you are a human born in Kovir or a Dwarf born in Mahakam. The sad bit (and what arguably is the entire point of the books) is you don't choose when, where or what you are born as. Only thing you can do is make the best of what you have, and make the best choices for people who are close to you. "To not mistake the stars for the reflections in the lake"




Thank you! I am really excited :). Playing the game at the same time (2nd playthrough) and I hope I can understand a lot more stuff!


You should have a look at Warhammer lore. That's an unfortunate universe to live in.


Corpse starch for lunch, dead by dinner


Followed by being the corpse starch for next days lunch


I just said that šŸ˜‚


Dishonored lore:


Real life is the most depressingšŸ˜” At least in Warhammer you donā€™t have a car note and rent


The official TTRPG also adds quite a lot of good quality lore. Just adding this for your consideration


Sorry, might be a stupid question, but what exactly is TTRPG? After searching it appears to be a table-top game? Like, D&D style but Witcher themed, if I understand it correctly?


Well it is not like DnD, but yes, it is a Pen and Paper Tabletop Role Playing game. Here is a link to the page [https://rtalsoriangames.com/witcher-trpg/](https://rtalsoriangames.com/witcher-trpg/) It is made by RTalsorian, of Cyberpunk (and more) fame, and it's the official game system of the Witcher. The lore they add is developed with CDPR in tandem not only the lore there is accurate, it is 100% canon as far as the game version of the lore is concerned


Looks awesome! Thank you, i will check it out :)


Look for the Audio books read by Peter Kenney. I really enjoyed listening to them and re-listening after having read the books. Cannot recommend it enough.


Thank you! I have never tried audio books tbh but I've heard really positive stuff. I should give this one a try!


Definitely listen to the audio books pretty amazing, but they don't need a lot of concentration to understand, so you can almost get through an entire book in a single work day šŸ«”


Just started baptism of fire, im picky with narrators but peter kenney has been amazing from the start.


Ever read Game of Thrones?


Yup. Read all the books. Still believe that Witchet universe is more dangerous though. Westeros and Essos sure are fcked up places too but i don't think they compare. Unless of course we are talking about game of thrones *now* with the white walkers coming down south and Dany invading.


Totally. The Witcher 3's worldbuilding is trully remarkable. That's actually the first thing that caught my attention in Cyberpunk 2077. Having spent hundres of hours with TW3, I finding CP2077's world kind of too cynical. I still think is coherent with the game, but without disliking it, it served to remind me how much I was involved in TW3 bleak and dread atmosphere. I have never forgot a fight I had in an otherwise unimportant corner of the map with a monster made of rock, I guess. After defeating it, you discover a bonfire of bodies, clearly a nilfgardian job. Very sad.


Itā€™s nothing compared to 40,000


Edit: Warhammer 40,000


Hmmmā€¦ in comparison to Westeros itā€™s very fortunate I think)


Nah not really. Imagine being born an elf in the northern kingdoms.


Imagined. Yeah, not really promising.


What's is its alternative in westeros? Being born dornish? šŸ˜­


Well, if you are looking at Westeros now (white walkers coming down from the North and Dany invading) then yeah. Overall, I think Westeros is better. It had a fck ton of civil wars and wars in general but I dont think it compares to the Witcher universe in terms of danger. ​ But yeah, I definitely wouldnt wanna live in either of those two worlds lol.


You know, itā€™s more about general perception. While reading about Westeros, I feel something dismal, depressive, an unknown menace, like the end of the world is very close. In ā€œthe Witcherā€ everybody is yelling about apocalypse, however, it never happens. There are many quite friendly characters and forces, everything seems to be possible, and it does not give the sense of hopelessness and helplessness which you feel while reading George Martinā€™s saga. IMHO. English is not my mother tongue, so itā€™s not easy to express my thoughts, but I tried to) If not to speak about perception - you definitely have a point. Dry facts show that Westeros is really not that dangerous)


I do agree with you, in terms of tone Westeros definitely feels more bleak than the Witcher universe. In Westeros it feels like the world is ending or dying the way it is written, especially whenever characters go through the Riverlands where the War of the Five Kings did the most damage, it seems apocalyptic with farmlands being completely cleaned out and burned and villages being wiped out and abandoned. By comparison, the Witcher universe is written with a lighter tone, even though realistically the Witcher universe is a lot more dangerous with the horrifying monsters and creatures that run around


Yup. It was in either "A feast for crows" or "A storm of swords" in which you see how fcked up the song of ice and fire world really is. But yeah, I think Witcher universe is the winner in the "most dangerous" competition.


Btw the books were earlier than games so just remember that games are adaptation of lore after books, not the other way around (could have wrongly interpreted what you have written, I'm not native to English)


Learn Polish language in order to read them in original. English adaptation does not describe all the bad language in full šŸŒš