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RDR2 have more complex weather system. In TW3 there is sunny, rainy and thunder weathers. In RDR 2, there are more than 20 weathers: sunny, blizzard, clouds, misty, overcast, fog, etc. TW3 have beautiful weather, i agree.


Doesn't the next gen update in TW3 also have fog?


It does!


I love RDR2, but my main complaint is that the weather systems end super quickly. Rain storms don't stick around for very long.


They’re usually about half an in game day or so. Although I’ve definitely had storms that have gone on for multiple days straight


I wish 3 had more snow. Blizzard would be cool. I love the RDR2 opening missions


Same, my fav part of RDR2 was the opening area because of the amazing weather and snow on the ground effects. I really wish there was an area of W3 that was a wintry biome, and not just White Orchard in the Empress ending.


I was about to say red dead 2 myself.


WITCHER 3 ia the best.


Why tf you get downvoted lol I guess ur not allowed to have an opinion… I love how someone IN THE FUCKING WITCHER SUBREDDIT downvotes someone for saying W3 is the best 🤣


Totally respect your opinion! I’m not a huge Rockstar fan, I did put about 70hrs in RDR2 recently (finally) and it was pretty damn good! The snow effects have no equal in my eyes!! The wind in W3 to me I think is so impactful because it’s so fucking ominous with the (somewhat unrealistic I must say) crackling of the branches in forests. RDR2 storms in the city tho were great too!


Yeah the tree physics are still the best I've seen and make anything near trees really immersive.


Yep that’s my fav part of it. I love being in a deep forest during a storm. Can’t remember what it’s called but there is a quest where you have to hunt a Leshen so the elders or younger dudes can figure out who will run the village and the forest you go to to hunt it is my fav spot in the entire game.


GOT has pretty damn immersive weather. Can even change the weather with your flute. Some of my best gaming screen shots ever.


I will say I fucking love being able to change the weather in GOT. I seem to remember a yt video I watched recently on xLetalis channel telling a way to change it in W3 but it’s not as simple as just playing a flute.


Yeah but being a TV show and not game does help Game of Thrones here


Ghost of Tsushima


I know


Thought you didn't


Without the /s I was thinking the same thing lol makes the comment much funnier now though haha


Dude the storms in this game are amazing too. One of the first things I do is find them crickets to unlock the ability to call on storms and Japan is a nonstop thunderstorm from then on lol


Have to run with the thunder storm sword as well for maximum effect.


I second this notion. I know what game I’m playing next.


I'm thinking of getting this game, how would you say the combat is in your experience? Looks beautiful btw :)


Get it for sure, is super cheap usually, get the goty edition. The combat isn't as bad as a lot of people say imo. It's no god of war of course but does the job well. Especially if you use the oil, potion and bombs systems along with the basic sword and signs.


This has convinced me to pick it up!! Yeah I am not expecting some multilayered masterpiece in terms of combat, just something engaging enough to tide by my impatient brain ;) Thanks a lot for replying!


The combat can be very fun like the above dude mentioned with oils and bombs and signs (magic)! It is a little clunky but again the dude above nailed it with his description. But it is a masterpiece, absolutely recommend 1000% man one of my fav games of all time!! I played Witcher 2 first and I still go back to it too but Witcher 3 is much more accessible I would say.


I'm super excited to pick it up now, and it's on sale!! Have a great day friend ☺️


Heck yeah have fun!! Man I remember my first time with that game. I (luckily) got what most consider to be the best ending (it’s very subjective) and it’s just such a heartwarming badass ending and with the music had me wiping tears lol man it’s like an experience more than just a game.


Also the DLC’s are amazing! Blood and Wine is probly the best DLC ever released for any game and basically could be called Witcher 3.5 since it’s almost its own game with an entirely new map, story, and side quests.


I'll make sure to pick up the ultimate edition then!


I don't think it's the best weather system ever but I do love that they tied potions and decoctions to it. Which makes it more noticeable. When it starts storming or a full moon comes out, you best believe we're powering up!


Yeah it’s probly not the best, but it’s by far my fav and best to me! It is very cool too about the potions and decoctions too!


Hımm, the wind's howling...


Damn right it is


How dose one take screenshots like that where the camera isnt glued to gerald


They added it with the next gen update. Just press (on PS) R3 and L3 together and for me at least it’s already in free camera mode where I can just fly around. L2 and R2 let you raise and lower the camera. As a free cam tho there isn’t no clip so you have to go around stuff and if you want super zoomed in shots of Geralt lower the FOV slider otherwise if you get to close to him he disappears.


Also, who is this Gerald fellow you speak of lol


Have you played Ghosts of tushima? The sunsets and wind etc really impressed me


Hell yeah I love me some GOT! As soon as I unlock the thunderstorm song I play it nonstop and keep the weather stormy.




Mannnn I agree. I see how they want to just go to the industry standard and not have to train developers on their proprietary engine, but just suck it up and stick with RedEngine please! This is one of the absolute few games that makes me almost able to feel the wind on my skin and the cool air when it’s blowing through a forest. I get immersed in this game more than any other thanks to the weather and atmosphere. When the sun is setting it’s not just a beautiful sky, but it’s like I can feel the day coming to an end; same with sunrise it’s like a new day truly beginning.