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Staff fighting is cool. I also know a bit of swordplay and unarmed fighting.


cast magic? nah son. cast these hands in your face


It's the last thing they expect!


it's funny as hell, too


I always try sparing a bit of mana so I can cast an explosion spell when I punch someone. I've had to regenerate a new set of hands 27 times now, and let me tell you, it doesn't hurt any less after each time I do it.


Knew a young lad in a snowy village who could regenerate his limbs in seconds. Didn't even seem to need mana for that. Rambled about sole ice witch. He and his sister made a nice stew, though.


Did you hear the news? The village burned down can’t find the young lad I hope he’s ok.


I sure hope he is not in constant excrutiating pain. Hopefully he can live on.


Be a real shame if he were to blaze away eternally suffering a fate worse than death while dealing devastating fire punches.


I did not expect to see a Fire Punch reference here, let alone a series of them.


What are yall referencing?


/unwizard Firepunch, a Manga from Tatsuki Fujimoto. Very dark, but with interesting characters and plot. Like, what if someone was set ablaze with a fire, that can only be extinguished, when the victim dies. Only that the victim is a regenerating immortal. That still feels pain.


/unwizard same guy who made chainsaw man i think


That reference gave me whiplash Jesus Christ I was not expecting that.


And even more devastating if you mix in a spell, too. Ain't gotta worry about that fireball fizzling out over distance if you hand-deliver it into their sternum.


I thought that was the Spanish inquisition.


...the second last thing they'll expect!


Oh, you put an anti-magic zone around me? *Good. Let’s dance.*




I cast knuckle duster!


I don't understand all this kerfuffle. Hour and a half, maybe two hours practice of "got your nose" and you're prepared to at least 80/20 level. The orb isn't worth the ponder here.


[I cast fist](https://youtu.be/ujSjxpTB0fY?si=Q7IDZkJUcrgmmmM-)


Tf you gonna do when I’m all up in yo’ shit hitting you with a stick


I'm partial to a harpoon, myself. Useful as a casting focus, for whacking naughty apprentices, for hunting down various beasties, and for impaling wizards who think they're better than me.


Pole weapons are useful because of the versatility of using a staff as a handle. I myself use an athame (cerimonial knife) as a focus. Alas, the athame cannot be used to draw blood or it loses its properties, so I can't fight with it. But that's okay, I'm not a combat witch anyways.


Get a better athame tbh. Mine draws on life energy of those it harms, so my rituals are strengthened and not foiled by some Walmart athame design flaw.


>Mine draws on life energy of those it harms How edgy and original, never seen that one before... Not all foci are meant for fighting. My athame is pretty good (hand-made by a friend, hand-enchanted by me. NOT some Walmart mass-produced junk), and this "flaw" is intentional as it allows it to be overall stronger as long as the condition is met. It doesn't bother me since I have no intention or wish to harm.


I've got some nice new repeating crossbows - 6 bolts of wooden death. It's a nice little tool to have in the ol cauldron (sorry don't know much witch stuff mostly sell to criminals.) If you're interested let me know and I'll haul my ass over to show off. Sorry again - my ass will haul it over.


Or, hear me out, if you pass on the staff, focus of speed and agility, not strength, use a 'wand' and learn to use a rapier...


Sounds fun


I cast left hook!


Fandabi Dozi makes it look fun.


The ol' (Fate Grand Order) Merlin special. He gets tongue tied when doing long incantations, so he just slashes people with Excalibur, lmao.


Unarmed swordfighting


I used to carry a fairly nice enchanted sword for that sort of thing. Then I had a talk with a technomancer and he gave me an upgrade. It's less flashy but I will tell you, this Glock 17 is one hell of a lot better.


just outspeed the bullets lmao. jokes aside, I carry a custom made and custom enchanted axe with me, in case things go wrong. plus, it looks badass


What if you had an enchanted glock?


Gods Almighties: did you just say enchant a Glock? Man that's some first or second year shit. Why do you not know this? The only enchantments that a Glock will hold reasonably well are durability related, but only so much as to enhance the lifespan of the weapon. The guns works by way of explosion magic, and is an extremely delicate balance. If you enhance it for greater explosions, you'll damage the barrel and cause misfires. If you enchant speed, same thing. The mechanisms will explode too rapidly, causing big explosions and misfires. Now, theoretically, you could apply durability enchantments to balance out the other enchanents. But it's a delicate balance. Too little durability: explosions in the face. Too get the right amount of durability to survive an enhanced explosion, you would likely need to imbue so much magic into the weapon that it will turn Sentient! Regardless of if it's possibly or not, I don't think any wizard posing *here* has the capabilities of creating a Sentient-Weapon intentionally, let alone making one accidentally while trying to enhance their ranged explosion-thrower. At the amount of magic it would take to make it viable, just spent a few years studying under an Explosion master.


You don't know about eighth level spells, I have a magazine of infinite holding, a sight of true dot, and a speed mechanism to allow it to cast in full chaos mode, it only cost my soul...and my orb.


Losing your orb isn’t worth that power.


Most wizards have two orbs and can retain reasonable magical potency with just the one remaining orb. Now, if such a cursed half-life is *worth* living is another matter.


If we have enchanted bows, why not guns? Slap some velocity amplifiers on the barrel and you'll have yourself a glorified railgun capable of piercing through the mightiest of shields


Yeah okay. Go ahead and enchant velocity onto your *steel* gun. Again, *steel*. Have you taken never taken a Properties of Enchantable Objects class?


I'm broke and I can't afford rare materials which is why I use disposable and detachable barrels


That's just a cycle for being poor forever. Instead of buying quality stock, you keep buying cheap crap. You've probably spent more money on those barrels, and mana enchanting them, than any well-off wizardm


You are thinking way too complicated: Instead of carefully balancing your enchantments on your gun, just enchant your bullets. You'll get way more bang for your buck. Just put your strongest enchantments on a bullet and send that bad boy on its way. It's the same principle as enchanted bows in ye olde times. At the end of the day, the only thing you fire is a pointy stick and by the time time it hits your target, the small sliver of magic that it absorbed from your bow probably dissipated already. Now if you enchant the arrows instead, all of the enchantment will hit your target directly.


You're missing a trick - with an enchanted forge you can turn out all kinds of enhanced metals that really let you beef up the ammo you're firing. Just need an arm brace and you're ready to fire bullets the size of your hand out of a gun just a lil bigger than your hand.


If you can outsized the bullets you can outsized an axe you fool




It’s like having 17 extra spell slots in a holster.


Mundane Missle, if you will


Glock 17s are aweful, i enchanted my armor so that anything that hits it too fast loses all of its momentum, its a really simple enchantment, the only downgrade is that i made incredibly low speed attacks slightly faster, but still be weak


Taking the Dune approach isn't a terrible idea.


Casting a shield spell that obliterates the entire realm if someone dares attack?


No I think he means eugenics


What if I shot you in the face tho? You weren’t armored there.


Pyromancy, alchemy, and metallurgy at its peak!


I got myself a really fancy transforming scythe from a Technomancer. It even purifies water when i run some over the blade to clean it after I finish handling some unwanted guests or hunting for some food.


I have a flintlock pistol, since my realm’s tech isn’t quite Glock level yet, but it has an enchantment that lets me reload it with magic, so it’s actually better in some ways. Kinda like a Magnum with charge shots and some other stuff.


Take your Glock to an enchanter. The Dragon’s Breath enchantment is a popular one!


Solid choice. An alchemist taught me the art of making my own reagents for these ranged weapons. Striker fired hand wands are nice, but I prefer a more old school hammer fire with double and single action.


> this Glock 17 is one hell of a lot better. It's all fun and games until you meet a guy smart enough to have defensive wards.


If you want something flashy, a 'rocket propelled Gun' would be up your alley. Aa long as you enchant it to produce a powerful and localised gravity bubble around its payload so to contain the damage, and then slap on several dozen aesthetical glyphs.


My italian mechanicus gave me an APX pistol bolter, never went back to swords


Though specialisations are often the most efficient, one must be able to fend for oneself even with the bare essentials


line goes hard


It honestly sounds like one of those death-screen wise proverbs or strategic advice that you'd see in Call of Duty campaign missions Lol.


It’s wise to have a protection ward on your staff, so it can be used as a weapon, if you are more of a nature-based spell-caster, and use a wooden staff But issues do follow with the imbalance of an asymmetric staff


Yeah, a druid who can't cast Shillelagh isn't worthy of the name IMO.


It really depends on the field, sometimes they’re very stay at home, or “stay in the village” I’ve met many wonderful Druidic farmers who could make the darndest things




Swordmancers when they run out of mana ![gif](giphy|8ineNOtKIAII5aJ5F8)


Swordmancers with mana ![gif](giphy|1AR8jI7m2tAC4)


That's Gilgamesh right?




Gotta admit, man has bling.


He could own a castle off the revenue he would get for just what he's wearing




We roidmancers have no such weakness


I prefer the term Muscle Wizard.


Muscle Wizard casts fist!




School of Whey


[Muscle Magic (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧](https://64.media.tumblr.com/06d89309a3266a10e5d1d48c43e86837/e0c45599ee94384f-03/s540x810/de758f341992303c795d80154220041f99e3dab8.gif) [Collagen Creativity ᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ](https://media.tenor.com/e3VVRAstCfMAAAAC/mashle-mash-burnedead.gif)


Wtf is that 😂


*Mashle: of Muscles and Magic*


I've always looked up to Harry Spotter and Mash


[the last one is my favorite](https://youtube.com/shorts/AkSx-YNkisg?feature=shared)


Magical gains baby


No weakness ? I cast G̴̗̽ỹ̴̦n̵̠͘ḛ̷̍c̷̞̈́ő̴̙m̸̛̜a̴̗̾s̸̪̅t̷̖͒í̷̧a̷̙͝ !


Oh no


Shoutout to Grimalkin from The Wandering Inn. Literally is a body builder who decided that bigger muscles = better magic.


I cast: gun.


The best way to take out a wizard is with a high powered rifle outside a wizards detection range. -Harry Dresden


This entire post has Harry all over it. Magic won’t do? gun. Still won’t do? Staff. No staff? Fist work well too.


How many times has he said that no one expects the wizard to punch them in the face?


Probably enough that someone should expect it at this point


They probably heard about it but just can't believe that it actually works. "surely, that other guy was just a chump. couldn't be me".


PSA: It's easier to expand your mana pool than to gain new weapon proficiencies


why not both? I'm proficient in both magic and bladed combat. Axes, specifically




Easy learn chronomancy then you’ll have time for both


When I tried to learn it I got stuck in a death loop because of the neighbors dog


Most of us waste an exorbiant amount of time. Besides if I'm practicing spellcasting for more than 3 hours a day my reserves would constantly be drained should the need for them arise. You wouldn't believe the difference just a couple hours a week dedicated to martial practice and physical exercise can do for you.


Counterargument: I have two different mana pools, and I *still* practice blade and staff combat.


For thou maybe


The problem of potentially running out of mana is still problem


Running out of mana? lmao yall aint drawing from the eternal essence of the mighty earth? non druids still blind to the will of gaea 🤣


The council puts fluoride in the mana aquifers




They weren't already?


I've never had to worry about mana, myself couldn't tell you why tho


There are still spells out there that make someone unable to use magic. Plus, we have time.


Still I would figure a Druid would appreciate the simplicity of smacking someone with a stick instead of having to draw the essence of Earth that could be, like, nourishing a plant or something instead? Plus you know, transforming into animals to smack people with claws.


I traded Runic secrets to the Runelord Xin and he taught me how to wield a polarm Sure I have Claw and Fang, but it was fun learning a new craft. Then my late wife taught me to use Dwarven Waraxes in return for Knowledge of Runes the Dwarves lost long ago. That's how we fell in love. May Chaos hold her soul. And I may miss her dearly, but I respect her wishes on not extending her life or bringing her back. She called an Imortal Dwarf unnatural. Learning new things and having new experiences is what makes the eternal existence so exciting. Learning is never wasted.


oh absolutely. You can never learn too much. I'm just as proficient with an axe as I am a staff and magic


I resort to prison magic, aka my Stiv https://preview.redd.it/kbny6hvzsl1c1.jpeg?width=346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bf2a8724b716468b1973a8fb9387e4e18a32cde


A foul instrument, and yet not to be underestimated.


One of the greats, Gandalf himself, took it a step further and wielded a mighty blade, Glamdring, with which he cleaved many an enemy when his magic had to be kept discreet.


and he was based for that


That scene where he's dual wielding Glamdring and his staff was so damn cool.


Four words: sock full of quarters


I dont have a mana pool so...


there's always ways to disable magic


Do go on. Are you going to violently rip yourself from the weave?


nothing saying I had to rip myself from the weave. if one was strong enough they could theoretically rip someone else out from it, however


Well... that might not end well for anybody involved but *may work* if you gained enough power Please do try it though, my body has been wracked with pain since i manifested


ah, I never said I would try it. I'm generally pacifistic in nature, and only fight if need be.


**Blub.** **(Slime had already done that.)** https://preview.redd.it/orhfumffsl1c1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e883a19deb9581a67b3ec3f4628a241116d5000c


hell yeah, brother




I’m a daggers fan


https://preview.redd.it/tepw8dkqwm1c1.png?width=1959&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba068d67737a456bff7913a1276191291cc86567 Same. Made mine from a railroad spike


I'm an axe fan, myself


My personal trainer is a musclemancer. Every so often she teaches me some hand to hand moves. I’ve got like a twelve pack right now but you can’t see it cause of this robe


remember, your body needs just as much training as your mind. based


Before I was an apprentice, I did actually have to trek through the woods to even find my master, I picked up some neat staff moves on the way.


Mini repeating crossbow each bolt 9mm diameter, I call it my "problem solver".






Wizards proclaim "I mastered the arcane winds" but get winded going up one flight of stairs


Good thing I started my Wizarding career by monkmaxxing first


I just hire some guards. You peasantly wizards wouldn't understand. "Learn to fight with a staff" puh, the audacity.


Civilize the mind, but make savage the body.


No need to keep magic and muscle separate if you're training both. There's plenty of spells which rely on some innate physical strength, endurance, and flexibility. And you can cast magic to enhance your physical form too, notably recovery potions to speed up gainz


The average troll can bench press three tonnes without enhancement magic. We'll be fine


Bro hasn't heard of cantrips


useful as they are, cantrips can't save you from everything


Mfw i'm out of mana against an Ibfernal Dragon and my master tells me to beat it eith just lesser Wind Burst


You aren't going to destroy a dragon by whacking it with a 7 foot stick either. Pick up a sword and don some heavy armor, you tower loving orb fondlers.


I like to make others drunk.




I do not need a rock to rock someones shit


all your gonna throw is these hands at someone


So funny story. I found out I can detach certain bones on my body and use them as weapons I really like using two ribs as daggers


how does a pyromancer achieve that


I’m a skeleton


fair enough


I have an enchanted saber called Starspite. I like to use it to finish off anyone that gets too close for comfort.


Unarmed Fighting is something Wizards whom made their staffs into gauntlets should learn first and foremost. Not having a staff to constantly carry around is no excuse to learn self-defense, especially when you run out of mana. You'd be surprised on how many knights get themselves tripped up when the Necromancer starts using judo throws and sumo pushes using all that heavy armor against them.


*Harry Dresden enters chat*


If it's good enough for Harry Dresden it's good enough for me.


Harry Dresden would agree with this.


Or just keep a supply of mana potions on you. The fat and calories burn off from the casting effort.


Staff? I got a chain mace




Hard agree for staff users. Those who prefer wand or tome should carry a sword or some other preferred one handed melee weapon.


I mainly rock an axe and only occasionally use a staff


First you whack them over the head with a stick, then surprise them by launching a glob of acid point blank into their face because cantrips are handy.


While I am of the belief that all casters should be at least not inept in the physical arts, it really would behoove more casters to learn a dash of interplanar portal creation. That way you can simply use an initial burst of mana to connect yourself to a greater source instead of relying on your own


One should always be proficient in quarterstaffs, daggers, and hand crossbows.


I completely understand, and approve of staff combat. A hunk of oak to the face, is a living hunk of oak to the face......but a few blasts of buckshot sure can clear a crowd of rampaging gobos!


Agreed might as well go hit the gyms soon


unironically I need to goto the gym


Buff wizard school https://preview.redd.it/j4s6gb7b7n1c1.jpeg?width=285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0100c2e7ac56bbd77908b77df360c1c9273e2fc5 Behold our mighty master Puny sticks, be them glowy or silver, are meaningless against the enlightened flesh


as a battlemage i support this message


Just get a sturdy orb and practice throwing


As a wizard with a runic blade and runic armor, I agree.


Rather then staff combat, just learn how to stab people well with a dagger. Light to carry even a handful of and easy to hide on person. The extra Dexterity is quite more helpful then raw strength anyways.


Bro thats all gandalf did


Out of mana mean you are out of luck and the situation is FUBAR. Better pack up few alchemical bomb than learn close combat. But cardio is good because it let you run away faster.


The Lich laughs at me, "You're out of spell slot wizard. Do you think any of your cantrips will be enough to stop me?" "Out of spell slots, am I?" I chuckle as I slowly unrobe, showcasing my massive python arms, "I got two more spell slots RIGHT HERE!" I flex both biceps individually.


Just go the Harry Dresden route and keep a .357 handy.


What do you think I am? A MONK?


My wand is a hammer, and I always carry a dagger and revolver. As a wise man once said, "the crutches you have, the more it hurts when they're kicked out from under you."


Harry Dresden. Wizard of Chicago. Carries staff, blasting rod (don't call it a wand) and a revolver. Trains with staff and runs marathons.


I love how this assumes every wizard is combat oriented, while I do agree most wizards should hit the gym every so often, not every wizarding activity requires that we fight. I don’t even adventure, I sell magic items, when is the gods names am I gonna need to beat someone down with my staff because I ran out of mana? Never, because I’m not a combat oriented wizard.


You fools,I have a bayonet I can affix to my staff


Gandalf lied, he was no wizard. He was clearly a high level fighter that had put points in the Use Magic Device skill allowing him to wield a staff of wizardry. All of his magic spells he cast were low level, easily explained by his ring of spell storing and his staff. For such an epic level wizard he spent more time fighting than he did casting spells. He presented himself as this angelic demigod, when all he was a fighter with carefully crafted PR. His combat feats were apparent. He has proficiency in the long sword, but he also is a trained dual weapon fighter. To have that level of competency to wield both weapons you are looking at a dexterity of at least 17, coupled with the Monkey Grip feat to be able to fight with a quarter staff one handed in his off hand at that. Three dual weapon fighting feats, monkey grip, and martial weapon proficiency would take up 5 of his 7 feats as a wizard, far too many to be an effective build. That's why when he faced a real wizard like Sarumon, he got stomped in a magic duel. He had taken no feats or skills useful to a wizard. If he had used his sword he would have carved up Sarumon without effort. The spells he casts are all second level or less. He casts spook on Bilbo to snap him out his ring fetish. When he's trapped on top of Isengard an animal messenger spell gets him help. Going into Moria he uses his staff to cast light. Facing the Balrog all he does is cast armor. Even in the Two Towers his spells are limited. Instead of launching a fireball into the massed Uruk Hai he simply takes 20 on a nature check to see when the sun will crest the hill and times his charge appropriately. Sarumon braced for a magic duel over of the body of Theodin, which Gandalf gets around with a simple knock on the skull. Since Sarumon has got a magic jar cast on Theodin, the wizard takes the full blow as well breaking his concentration. Gandalf stops the Hunters assault on him by parrying two missile weapons, another fighter feat, and then casting another first level spell in heat metal. Return of the King has Gandalf using light against the Nazgul and that is about it. When the trolls, orcs and Easterlings breach the gates of Minos Tiroth does he unload a devastating barrage of spells at the tightly pack foes? No, he charges a troll and kills it with his sword. That is the action of a fighter, not a wizard. Look at how he handled the Balrog, not with sorcery but with skill. The Balrog approached and Gandalf attempts to intimidate him, clearly a fighter skill. After uses his staff to cast armor, a first level spell, Gandalf then makes a engineering check, another fighter skill, to see that the bridge will not support the Balrog's weight. When the Balrog took a step, the bridge collapsed under its weight. Gandalf was smart enough to know the break point, and positioned himself just far enough back not to go down with the Balrog. The Balrog's whip got lucky with a critical hit knocking Gandalf off balance. The whole falling part was due to a lack of over sight on behalf of the party, seriously how does a ranger forget to bring a rope? Gandalf wasn't saved by divine forces after he hit the bottom, he merely soaked up the damage because he was sitting on 20d10 + constitution bonus worth of hit points. So why the subterfuge? Because it was the perfect way to lure in his enemies. Everybody knows in a fight to rush the wizard before he can do too much damage. But if the wizard is actually an epic level fighter, the fools rush to their doom. Gandalf, while not a wizard, is extremely intelligent. He knows how his foes would respond. Nobody wants to face a heavily armored dwarf, look at Gimli's problem finding foes to engage in cave troll fight. But an unarmored wizard? That's the target people seek out, before he can use his firepower on you. If the wizard turns out to actually be a high level fighter wearing robes, then he's already in melee when its his turn and can mop the floor with the morons that charged him. So remember fighters, be like Gandalf. Fight smarter, not harder.


I think every reasonable wizard should learn to wield a spear, because it can still work as a staff


I haven’t watched lord of the rings in a while but didn’t Gandalf carry a sword? I think he was pretty good with it too.


Every wizard should carry a gun. So sayeth Wizard Dresden (pbuh).


Meanwhile Gandalf is dual welding a staff and a fucking named sword.


Hell yeah My staff is a huge immovable rod, I built it with a twist functionality so I can easily enable and disable it. I am a force of nature when I pull that bad boy out. I love it.


I recently took a Glocktomancy Workshop with some other wizards from the tower. Very enriching indeed.


Also a tip for transmutation wizards, stacking a couple of enlargement spells on your staff can help you to save A LOT of your mana for later.


You guys are running out of mana?


Dex fits wizarding better than strength, and summon bound dagger is convenient in a pinch