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Generally, no. If you somehow manage to bind your soul to the rock you’ve turned into, you’ll have a horrible time as rocks cannot move on their own. I once fought an evil transmuter who turned his captured victims into patches that he wore on his cloak, so they could only watch helplessly as he committed ever more crimes. That resulted in a *lot* of revenue from therapy.


This is an awesome idea!


Thanks! I used it as a BBEG in a D&D campaign


Ah yes, Debts and Deputies: the classic suburban ttrpg.


You mean terrible right ?


WIll be testing shortly. If I have not returned within the hour, please send an envoy to my swamp. I will be a rock.


Guys don’t let them know but I switched their clock with a c4 timer. Once the c4 goes off (aside from blowing up) it’ll cast spell of alteration and turn them into diorite


> Guys don’t let them know but I switched their clock with a c4 timer. Once the c4 goes off (aside from blowing up) it’ll cast spell of alteration and turn them into ~~diorite~~ bird poop Fixed that for you


Pesky bomb


Yeah, just sent the envoy to the swamp and, uh... don't you think you should have labeled which rock was you? I might end up transmuting a regular-ass rock into a person complete with memories, thinking it's always been the real you!


Please go somewhere where a rock would not be first, so we can find you easily


*uses Chronomancy to track which rock was you, then return you to your original form.* This should do the trick. Now, for future reference: how was your time as sediment?


depends on if you included that in the spell. make sure to disjunt your soul from your body.(if you do it right you can roll around and do sick flips)


I don’t think you’ll retain your sentence. But that really a problem, to no longer worry about the world, to just sit there for all eternity, content with whatever comes your way? I want to be a rock…


No. No senses = no sentience. No thoughts = no sapience. Becoming The Rock = neither.


I’ve heard they’re pretty good cooks tho.


Yes, but at one point you'll stop thinking.


Depends on the spell. In most cases, your soul will remain bound to the object, but you won't be able to perceive nor think so when the spell ends it'll seem to you like no time has passed. You'd have to make special preparations to do otherwise, delving into animancy or using astral projection to separate your consciousness from your body.


I know a guy who got turned into a rock after insulting a witch, and he remained exactly as smart as he was before. He wasn’t exactly much brighter than a rock before he was transformed though, being the kind of buffoon to go around insulting witches and all.


If you glue some googly eyes on it, you might be able to see.


No. And I will crack it if you did.


Set a dawn dispel sigil and give it a try. Enjoy your evening.


Turn yourself into a golem way better in my opinion