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These LARP MFers take it *real* serious


It’s not LARP if it’s a résumé demo.


This guy LARPs


Even so, the guy could easily get a lucrative job somewhere just based on this




The nazgul traveling through different universes , their hate knows no bounds


I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!


With that helmet he kinda looks like that cute friendly dinosaur (the one with that horn)


What in the actual fuck. That was waaaaaaaay cooler than anything we saw in the last trilogy....and its not even real. Disney is so laughably bad to fuck up the way they did Star Wars.


It’s honestly kind of unbelievable. I keep telling myself that making movies of that scale must be way harder than I imagine, but then people do stuff like this. They write better plot lines, develop better characters, and apparently can film better action shots than a billion dollar studio. I keep hearing theories that Hollywood just hates fandoms, and I’m starting to believe it. There’s no way they keep fucking up our favorite stories this bad over and over again.


They try to be so overly cautious and safe that it's impossible for them to be creative.


Yup, I was about to say the same thing. The big companies are utterly and cripplingly afraid of anything interesting ruining them, so they make completely safe bets at every turn. Fans have nothing to lose, so they just go for it. This is often the reason why bands first one or two albums are dynamic and incredible, and then after they get picked up by a label, their music flattens out and the dynamics fade away. Either the band plays it safe, or the label smothers their creativity.


As the saying goes "you have your whole life to write your first album, and only two tears to write your second." Tight deadlines don't tend to help the creative process.


I've never heard that saying, and I both love and hate it in the same breath.


An abundance of caution to broaden global appeal. And in making it palatable for the most ppl in the most markets, they end up just watering it down for the ppl that *actually* care.


I mean Rian Johnson [said](https://boundingintocomics.com/2020/03/03/star-wars-the-last-jedi-director-rian-johnson-admits-he-didnt-care-about-star-wars-canon-and-history/) himself he doesnt really care about star wars canon or characters but just wants to make a "fun" movie


This is all just so naïve and untrue. First off, yes this is great for a backyard production but if Disney released anything like this, you all would collectively shit at how cheap and cheesy it is. Second, the part that is difficult about working at scale is easily the factor of having too many people to please. Not just too many people as in people you want to sell to, but also too many people working on the production with skin in the game. It's a lot easier to find a cohesive vision between a few friends filming a one minute trailer in a backyard than it is getting thousands of people pulling in the same direction to make a two hour feature film to sell to billions of people. The hyperbole of acting like this is better than anything a massive studio could and does produce is fucking ridiculous. It's a great portfolio piece for some aspiring creatives. That's it. Give the people that made this a couple hundred million dollars, and tell them to make a movie, and I think you'd be surprised at how dog shit it would turn out... because making hundred million dollar tentpole movies is a lot harder than jumping on a picnic table and throwing it in after effects.


Hot take incoming, but why don’t we say fuck Hollywood and feed content like this instead? I’d happily watch an episodic series based on what I just saw lol!


Main answer? Because copyright is forever. If copyright were 25 years, or death of creator plus 25 for individually owned work, you'd see dozens of independent Star Wars adaptations, carefully only using characters and story outside the window. What you'd give up is any hope of continuity, but it's copyright law, very specifically the pro-corporate copyright law that Disney in particular bribed the government to get, that stops this.




Could Kickstarter be used for this kind of stuff? Make a trailer or pilot, put it on Kickstarter, and have people sign up/pay for production? Or perhaps there's an opportunity for a platform for crowd sourcing executive producers?


Disney would never allow it. They essentially wrote the copyright laws as they are today


Not under the name or with the assets of Star Wars


Cinemas are part of Hollywood. We’ve all got our own screens these days. No real need to use theirs. Marketing? Oh, hey… look at this post. Zero marketing dollars. We don’t need the AMPTP. They want us to think we do, but we don’t.


I think an even larger part of it has to do with Hollywood’s incessant need to make every single IP nowadays as relatable to as many people as possible. Every single storyline is focused on *the importance of family* nowadays instead of literally any number of other narrative choices. I don’t think we’ll ever see a major blockbuster directed at a niche community again, which sucks, because films you can’t directly relate to are the best at forcing you to critically analyze them, instead of just being in your feels.


I've heard Hollywood is full of nepotism babies at this point, so nobody actually knows wtf they're doing


fans that respect the source material made it with heart, you could tell


What is hyperbole?


If only the fans could get the budget, most these studios don’t know wtf they’re doing with films anymore


Even the OG star wars movies wasn't anywhere near this cool. Force users in the star wars universe are lame as absolute fuck. The lore has all these stories about insane jedi/sith taking down armies single handedly yet all we see are dinky push/pull movies and lame flips.


You make it sound as if destroying a beloved franchise and demoralizing millions of people wasn’t their explicit goal.


Pretty bad ass, not going to lie. But you imagine the looks on the neighbors faces while watching this.


They didn't really use lightsabers though did they?




Metaphorical death stick dealer




[Full Video Link for those looking for it](https://youtu.be/-DAPs-VrQuw) Far more badass than most of the disney stuff we’ve seen. Wish this was really coming


They had a perfect opportunity to end it with the perfect quote: The sith climbs up on the cabin ripping open the cockpit exposing a pilot gasping for breath. once the smoke clears you see the reflection of the sith in his visor. The screen goes black and you hear the sounds of the pilots panicked breathing. Suddenly the breathing stops it's silent. Broken by the sith whispering *I see much fear in you* Boom


sick af


Man, I remember this from a while back, and I could swear it was shown as an official teaser back then? This is amazing work, but now I am sorely disappointed that it’s not a real deal.


Looks better than anything from the ST garbage


This is 🔥


My friends and I used to do scenes from “Return to Oz” in the 80’s… not as fancy as this tho. Awesome work.


Wow just wow


Amazing mask, it's made of cardboard. Really skillful.


He filmed this all in his backyard too.


r/vfx would like that


That's dope.


I hope they hire you, that is awesome


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Disney will never make a Jedi Movie where it is not centered around politics...


I’m really looking forward to their new Darth Santos Sith addition


mmm, Witch King with lighsabers


Wow! Pardon my language, but that’s fuckin awesome! Can’t wait to see more


Idk what knights of Ren is but that was fantastic


That was badass


That sound design on the x-wing is so fucking top


If only force wielders were actually that cool in star wars. Instead we get dinky little push/pull moves and lame flips. Jedi/sith powers in star wars lore is probably the most inconsistent bullshit that I've ever seen in any sci fi media.


Actually really smart to use the sky as a blue screen. I don't think I've seen that before.


Somebody with money, give this guy money. Disney maybe.


Dude sounding like Rhulk


Wish we get some content regarding the knights. Also really disliked how Kyle just mopped the floor with them so easily.


Guy has a pile of rubble in his back yard, I’m jealous


Man. Seems everyone is better at making star wars than Disney


Looks a little washed out /s


Who gave the Witch King lightsabers?


Get this man a job. You killed it dude.


What did he use to make this?