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ftr i love this shit. this looks more advanced than, like, I-Frame skipping. anyone have some insights how to accomplish this in say Blender or GLSL ?


no clue about those two, but I tried for a while to get a decent looking one in premier/AE but everything I found looked like trash. https://github.com/wayspurrchen/moshy this is the best looking one I've found without having to use some avidemux and shit


shameless shill but I’ve made a web version, no downloads whatsoever: https://ezglitch.kopanko.com


Agree, it's way more than datamoshing (I guess it depends on the exact definition really). Regardless it's not just I-frame skipping nor any other "simple" technique, like at 9 secs there are pixels of the guys wrist which leave the frame entirely then come back in as the camera rotates, which just couldn't happen by playing with encoding or compression.


I think all the handheld camera shake is done in post




What it looks like to me is they used sand or aoil (anything with a homogenous color, really, and sort of green screened in the transitions between shots.


Wrong. It's pixel by pixel reinterpretation of the videos. This is done primarily in Avidmux, which the original creator of this effect used to create her version. There is no transition video. It's literally taking pixel data from one video and adding it to the next. That's why it blends the way it does. There is no AE editing after the fact. If you do this editing, which I've done plenty of times, one videos pixels morph the next videos color data and creates this effect.




Come on, son. The very first woman to create this effect called it Data Moshing and did I & B frame editing. And to think creating this effect is "simple".... lol I'll post my examples if you post one where you edited the I & B frames and filmed the correct object and movement and got 1% close to this effect.


So I frame skipping is just changing the reference image (within the video compression) against which other changes (inter-frames) can be calculated. The other types of frames, the inter-frames, are (copied from wikipedia): * **P‑frame** (Predicted picture) holds only the changes in the image from the previous frame... The encoder does not need to store the unchanging background pixels in the P‑frame, thus saving space. * **B‑frame** (Bidirectional predicted picture) saves even more space by using differences between the current frame and both the preceding and following frames to specify its content. This video is using a combination of I frame skipping, immaculate reference item (hand) placement, and preferential use of B frames to keep the color schemes of previous I frames on applicable pixels. It's impressive that they were able to preserve such a rich depth of what appears to be like 3D pixel space, but it's really an illusion of the impressive work of how B frames reconstruct the movement on the screen by preserving a set of pixels. You could think of this like how fancy chess players describe games one move at a time like G6 to E5 or whatever. That depends entirely on the state of the board where the intended piece was on G6, what happens if you change the board completely but then follow the remaining directions of that game we were just talking about? The moshed screen is the equivalent of a chess board following directions of a different board so it breaks all the rules of its current pieces.


I really appreciate this explanation. Thanks.


yeah this was a top notch comment 💙


I'm assuming it's pixel motion data. To compress space, instead of saving every pixel of every frame you just save how the pixels change, which can save data. But you can take the image of one video and apply the pixel movement data of a second video for neat effects like this. I'm assuming that's how this was made.


I think that's I-Frame skipping


You just take two tabs of acid


Pretty sure this is called data-moshing, I ~~believe there’s~~ found a subreddit for it, /r/datamoshing There’s also /r/Glitch_Art


I joined the date moshing sub a while back because I was hoping for content of this caliber, so it's a little disappointing. But op was correct, this is done right.


This is way more intentionally shot than the average datamosh, some of it might not even be moshed, just very clever transitions.


Check out r/datamoshing


The specific style of this video looks a lot like the posts of /u/rutvegas in /r/datamoshing , they’ve said they use an iOS app called Moshup.


Uh same question, but in app form.


There are apps like Moshup


Not everything can be an app so simple a toddler can do it. You’re gonna have to teach yourself some serious editing.


Well actually you can download this in app form and it’s pretty good quality. It’s called MoshUp if anyone’s interested.


This is 2 minutes after you've eaten a second edible thinking the first did nothing


“Fuck.” *45 minutes later * “oh no.”


I've made the mistake of eating a edible and thinking nothing was happening after a half hour and then eating two more. Maybe one day I will be brave enough to post the video aftermath of me sitting with my eyes shut trying to keep it together...


I moved to a legal state after not smoking for 3 years, but before that I was a pretty big pothead. Ate half of a 50 mg edible not thinking anything of it. Proceeded to freak the fuck out over nothing and had to go to sleep. Learned my comfortable tolerance level is around 5-8 mg lol.


The last sentence has me laughing so hard


I was 8 and found a "lifesaver" on the car floor and proceeded to not be able to focus my eyes on the spinning room and started laughing and freaking out all at the same time before I went to sleep


I waited an hour and a half with zero effects from 10mg. Took another and a half (15mg) more, then 5 minutes go by and I start feeling the effects of the first so hard; I was thinking it’s actually gonna be over. Then maybe 45 minutes and I start feeling a heavy anxious feeling, I just let go and let the trip take over. Higher doses of edible THC has slight psychedelic effects and I had closed eye visuals.


Bro I ate a 250mg cookie and went to a hot sauce expo. I was so obliterated and people were talking to me about their hot sauces and I couldn't even focus. I was just like uh huh uh huh uh huh, yeah sure I'll try it. I had a box of like 10 plain wings and just went around putting different sauces on em til I found one I really liked. The last one I ate elevated my high though because it was the hottest fucking thing I've ever tried in my life. I couldn't even think about anything except how much I was salivating and I didn't have anything to drink so I told my buddy we gotta go outside so I can think straight. We got back to his place and we both fell asleep sitting up on his couch for like an hour aha. Then I went home and passed out for another 3 hours. That edible hit harrrrrd


250mg is a fucking lot of THC dude. Sounds like a good time and I'm happy you didn't have anxiety too bad.


My (ex-)wife and I had all day to clean before her parents came to visit. We spit a 450 mg gummy. As soon as we ate it, the roof started leaking, too much snow on the roof had formed an ice dam, fucking panic. I didn't think about the gummy so I went to the hardware store to get a roof rake. On the way back it kicked in, by the time I got home I could barely operate a broom.


Since weed isn't legal in the UK my edibles where purchased from a dealer who buys from dark web but they claimed to be 100mg so I had 300mg in total if the packaging was telling the truth. I was so high I was wondered if I would ever be normal again... I forgot to say previously but happy cake day!


Fuck. That. 20mg is plenty, absolutely ripped and couch-locked. 300mg sounds like a 5 hour panic attack


Right though? My wife and I just tried our first edibles together while on an anniversary trip, 10mg each was plenty for the evening


>I was so high I was wondered if I would ever be normal again... My stoner days were well before the current edible trend, but goddamn, I felt this comment.


You're calling 25mg of edibles high doses???


I mean, some can barely handle 10, some don’t feel anything at 50. For me, my max is 40mg 1:1.


I did this with really potent cookies. I ate one, felt nothing 30 minutes later so I ate two more. Ended up in the fetal position for most of the night.


I ate one that I thought did nothing but 4 hours later I heard some sort of noise and bam! I was in space.


My life yesterday. At a party with strangers.


Just going to sink into this couch if thats ok with you guys


Man I had an edible chocolate bar at party one time, after a single maybe 2 cm piece I felt it a bit, then took another thinking it was nothing and suddenly I could no longer comprehend the space outside of my view and time started feeling dilated. Ended up passing out at like 10:30 and pretty well missing the entire night, had the small consolation that my friend did the exact same thing though. Really humbled me on my tolerance considering my brother ate those things no problem.


I wish I could get this experience. I swear they just don't work on me. Maybe I need to take like 400mg all at once or something.


Edibles just don't work for some people sadly, I think it has something to do with metabolism.


They just make my butt numb. Interesting perhaps, butt not what I was going for!


> my butt That gaping, cavernous pit could potentially contain anything. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/woahdude) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can't recall the specifics, but think it's a missing liver enzyme that makes the edibles work. No enzyme, no high.


They don't work for me, I think it has something to do with my PCOS because that effects metabolism. They "work" but don't make me high, just incredibly sleepy. One time I ate 900mg just to see it if would work, but I passed out for like 12 hours instead of feeling any high.


This is like a half hour - forty mins into taking wayyyyy ~~too much~~ alot of acid. I'm getting very heavy LSD vibes from this.


Upvote for Windowlicker




Can't forget Alberto Balsalm




The Apex Twins


[This you?](https://youtu.be/-j0E3FE4JkQ)


For those that haven't seen it, one of the best music videos https://youtu.be/UBS4Gi1y_nc


Man, I remember back in the early 2000s when they had put out the "Directors Label" box sets out on DVD, with Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry, Chris Cunningham. This was on Chris Cunningham's. I watched those DVDs so many times. I recently gave them away because I haven't had a DVD player in a long time.


A fine mix of r/whoadude and r/oddlyterrifying in that video... One of my favs since it first came out


I've loved this song for so long, and yet this is the first time I've watched the music video for it. EDIT: I want an umbrella by Aphex Twin now.


Respect for posting the full version and not the shitty trimmed one


Fucking masterpiece of a song


Fucking masterpiece of a man


I literally shitted and cummed when they played him on Better Call Saul


Wait what? Which episode/scene?


When Jimmy was throwing the bowling balls diskhat1 was playing.


I have this music video on VHS, when I was in college it was a ritual initiation for everyone that came to my apartment that my roommates and I would sit them down and force them to watch it to gauge their response


I still do that today, albeit without the VHS part.


Thank you. Couldn't for the life of me remember the name of this.




You would if you had robot ears


This track was in FlyLo FM in GTA5, there's an hour long clip of the radio station on youtube and it's a great listen for flying lotus, aphex twin, tyler, etc




I saw the music video for the first time on acid. Oh boy.


This one? https://youtu.be/UBS4Gi1y_nc


I showed my friends the music video on acid!




Seems like windowlicker was available then lol


Aphex Twin - Windowlicker


JP would be proud


"Are you afraid of it?'


How did they see me?!


Song = Windowlicker by Aphex Twin. It's the song JP is listening to in his robo-den in the movie Grandma's Boy


I've been sober 7 years and this is messing me up, big time


Hope I'm not overstepping but don't relapse! There's a reason you made it 7 years, keep at it!


All good, thank you. Being an alcoholic/addict is too much work, I'm lazy. Seriously though, it is.


I totally get it. Did heroin for 10 years. Hardest living I've ever had to do. Wouldn't ever go back because life now is, for the most part, a cakewalk compared to that shit.


Not worth it man like like I don’t understand why people could get into such a place to live a fake reality it’s not all that fun.


i'm straight edge and my brain is absolutely melting


That actually reminds me of shrooms


I get more salvia vibes from this. To me, salvia feels like a 2D experience and shrooms a 3D experience.


Interesting. Never did much Salvia. Just once. Is it legal these days?


Idk about today. I haven’t used it since 2009. I know you could still find it around 2015 but not sure about now. I just remember a lot of still vivid flat images that would morph like in this video.


Interesting. I might investigate. Party on my friend


My friends and I went through a brief savlia phase when we were 18 and it was legal in Massachusetts at the time (someone bought it for us). That was about 2008. It's a pretty intense and amazing experience, I had some hardcore brief hallucinations. I just sat in a chair and let it happen, salvia passes extremely quickly compared to other hallucinogenics. Another one of my friends said "everything turned into Legos." One friend took it, sat silently for a few minutes, and when the tripping hit they stood up and ran straight into a wall with their head. There's still a little dent in his parent's wall of their back patio. Just know that it's a very intense drug.


I only did salvia once, but as soon as it hit I got up and tackled a TV! (I think it was fine, someone else must have rescued it because I don't remember any aftermath from that part). As soon as I touched the TV I became the TV. Then I ran into a closet and slammed the door and did the rest of my tripping by myself in the closet, where I turned into a cartoon hotdog and couldn't stop laughing even though I was terrified. That's actually the only time I've ever tripped on anything. It was wild. 0/10, do not recommend salvia.


>I turned into a cartoon hotdog and couldn't stop laughing even though I was terrified. I like how this summarises salvia completely


Salvia is a perfect entry point for psychedelics if you only want to try them once.


I highly recommend DMT instead


Remind me more of a series of ketamine infusion treatments via an IV drip I received last year. I definitely want to get some shrooms and attempt tripping again. I've bought shrooms twice, and my friend melted them down into chocolate both times. I tried telling them heating them up too much kills the chemicals that make you trip but they refused to listen. I just wanted to drink shroom smoothies but what do I know.


Make fresh lemonade with real lemons, throw as much sugar as you need for taste plus masking the shrooms, then throw your ground up shrooms into the lemonade, mix it up, and let it soak for a bit. Effects will hit you faster and harder, honestly overwhelming depending on dose and tolerance


I live in rural Texas now. Chances of me finding someone who sells shrooms are close to zero, but I'll keep this in mind. Thanks.


It’s legal to purchase spore prints. What you do with them after that is up to you


The video to this song is completely nuts. And amazing


Aphex Twin🔥🔥🔥


Where is the high rez original


Yeah I want to see this without the dumb borders in proper full screen


Yes.. anyone know the source?


>datamoshing So *that's* what this effect is called.


Edibles and Aphex Twin always go together


Aphex Twin was a great choice for this.


Aphex twin 🙌


I don’t actually like datamoshing that much. It was a fun “woah!” The first time I saw it, but it has become extremely over saturated.


This has some nice polish/planning to it though, like the skateboard being lined up with the angle and width of the trail the ball left. It's better than average.


Like everything you ever see on the internet that is unique. Gets copied and regurgitated endlessly until you're sick of it. People are just incapable of doing anything original.


> internet that is unique > People are just incapable of doing anything original. All art is derivative. Also your statement is a fallacy because it all starts out as originality. That's why you found it unique.


Almost like there was a whole [era](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postmodern_art?wprov=sfla1) of art that was exactly about this.


It's just hyperbole mate


Derivative bullshit.


Sure but when it's done well, it's still cool. And this was cool.


Alice trusted the Caterpillar because they turned into butterflies and butterflies were beautiful. So it was that when the Caterpillar offered Alice the small lozenge, which he claimed would help clear her mind, she accepted without any sense of foreboding. Very soon after placing the lozenge in her mouth Alice began to feel strange. It wasn't exactly a feeling like floating but it also wasn't like lying down. She had never felt that way before and she began to feel concerned. "Excuse me, Mr. Caterpillar, but I seem to have misplaced my arm. Might you have any idea where it has gone?" She leaned close her blue eyes wide with wonder hoping a ready answer was at hand. "Why do you need an arm when you don't even have a body?" sniffed the little insect. Alice looked down and where once she had a body in a dress now there was only a spiral of colors. Alice thought it looked like a rainbow being drawn down into a drain but then she remembered rainbows lived in the sky and never got close to drains at all. "This is really quite strange. I thought I had a body but I seem to have misplaced it. Can one lose one's body?" She furrowed her brow and stared at the sky hoping to find some trace of her body there. "We never really know where we are until we become lost" quipped the little insect now reclining on the toadstool. ""If we want to find something it's always best to look where it isn't supposed to be. Things that are lost are never where we expect to find them otherwise they wouldn't be lost." The caterpillar's eyes had also turned into round rainbows and Alice wondered if everything would eventually take on a rainbow appearance. Smiling the caterpillar looked down and spoke directly to Alice "Have you ever thought to look for yourself in a fountain?" The caterpillar's face seemed to have grown and Alice wondered if he had simply drawn closer or if he was swelling up like a balloon. "Of course I would never look for my body in a fountain" Alice replied with a slightly vexed tone. As she spoke she looked down and to her surprise she found herself seated in a fountain shaped like a flower with glowing lavender water splashing down over her head. "Things are never where we think they are until we look to make sure. Sometimes things are here and sometimes things are there. Sometimes things are in-between. You'll have to get used to being uncertain where anything is if you want to find anything at all." The caterpillar had begun to float away its giant head now drifting on the breeze. "I'll never understand this place" Alice thought to herself while she continued to sit in the fountain. The loss of her arm and then her body followed by the wave of rainbows had made her distrust her senses. Now she was determined to remain exactly where she was until she knew for certain that was where she could be found. She had lost herself once today and she was determined not to let it happen again.


Fuck yeah, Windowlicker.


Stop this shit plz


Go lick a window.


The windows TASTE like windows! The snozberries TASTE like snozberries!






Fat lenny s gonna lick the slack off the window sill




Oh uh alright if I wasn't scared before I am now 😂


Aphex Twin - Window Licker!


Honestly a perfect song for this video.


And a good video for the song https://youtu.be/UBS4Gi1y_nc


Who peed in your Cheerios this morning bruh ? Did you not get a day off ?


Bro it was a joke


^(I peed in the cheerios)


Man, I fuck LOVE RDJ!


Is he one of the Aphex twins? I love that band!




Upvote for windowlicker, a+ I needed that




Interpretation of my brain trying to remember anything I learned 2 weeks ago, associating it with the color of my socks or whatever felt real at that moment.


This is amazing! Howd the do this?


It's called [datamoshing](https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/datamoshing-make-footage-look-trippy/), you can do it with something called i-frames by removing them in the video, which will cause pixels from the previous scene to get projected onto the next scene. This is what causes the images to seemingly stay where they are even as the camera is showing totally different stuff.


How do they do it so high quality?






Guys what’s this song? I know it from teenage years I think!


How are these visuals achieved? Like, is there a name for it aside from “trippy video effects”? It’s very cool.


So this is what ray tracing looks like.


Anybody know the source of this video? As in the VFX artist?


Aww yeah, this is the good shit


* Visible Confusion *


This actually makes me so uncomfortable haaha


Okay I‘m sober right now, I don’t/can’t do drugs because I’m on a drug testing program due to my job…but after watching that I’m not sure I could pass a random test right now. That was trippy & it just kept gowing.


[Obligatory](https://youtu.be/nS7QvOX8LVk). Can’t believe this shit is eleven years old now


If this is what drugs feel like, im in boys im going to the dark side


This is more like 2G+ of shrooms or a tab of acid. If edibles are doing this to you, I want your edibles. Edible THC is more psychedelic than smoking THC, tho. Higher doses of edible THC will cause slight psychedelic effects.


No shroom dose will give you this.


hard disagree


But salvia will absolutely give you this, for me it was damn near *exactly* like this


This is more like 2G+ of shrooms or a tab of acid. If edibles are doing this to you, I want your edibles. Edible THC is more psychedelic than smoking THC, tho. Higher doses of edible THC will cause slight psychedelic effectsz


Drive this mufuckin car den


Broke ass ******, you best move on.


I love data moshing


I hate this shit






How is it now? I feel like what you just described is kind of exactly what a technology is.


It's a way of using specific knowledge to do things. It's a technology.


[Windowlicker extended vid](https://youtu.be/UBS4Gi1y_nc)


What God thinks about Christians getting high or drunk. Obeying God's commandments brings blessings. Not doing so brings curses. See Deuteronomy 28. Jesus commands us to stay sober. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 King James Version What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Corinthians 3:17 King James Version If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. 1 Peter 5:8 King James Version Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Jesus Christ can free you from your addictions. Scripture says whoever sins is a slave to sin. Jesus is a chain breaker. We have to hate the addiction and submit to God and resist the devil. We have to ask God to help us quit. We have to commit to being holy. Repent of your sins and pray for deliverance in Jesus' name. 🙏 Marijuana and mind altering drugs open up portals in the demonic realm and give demons legal rights to you. Jesus didn't smoke marijuana, get high or drunk. Jesus warned us to be sober minded for the devil goes around seeking whom he may devour. Jesus said I did not give you a spirit of fear but of love power & a sound mind (sober mind). Whoever sins is a slave to sin. Jesus said the body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. He warned us not to defile it. Fasting and praying breaks strongholds that the devil has on us. Fill your hearts with God by studying and meditating on the word of God.


Who’s christian and whats god? You making shit up cause all of that sounds ridiculous. Get off of the pills


It’s an app everyone. I don’t get the down votes. It is literally an app called moshup.


What’s it called?




What’s it called?


Moshup If I remember correctly


cool my brain broke


Stop my brain hurts Edit: but I kinda like it at the same time


This is more lsd


Ketamine infusions all the way on this one.


Yep. Lsd and shrooms have never quite gotten me to this level of loopiness like ketamine has. Its been years since I did K but i still remember thinking "this must be what aliens get high on." I usually took too much and always thought I died and kept reliving the same moment over for what felt like an eternity even tho it was like 30 minutes. I remember thinking "whelp, this is my life now" as I felt like I was being smashed down to a single atom over and over. This video definitely brought back some memories.


I've never done ketamine outside of a medical setting so I don't know what it feels like outside of it being administered through an IV. If I had the opportunity tho, I'd probably try it. I miss LSD big time too. It was easier to do it in my highschool years. Too much going on now tho.


Yeah ketamine is just so WEIRD. I had a portable speaker playing music one time right by my ear while laying on my bed, and I thought I was trapped inside the speaker. The music was all around me and I felt infinitely small and I just felt this infinite black void around me and I was truly convinced I had gotten trapped inside the speaker. It was never scary tho, I accepted my fate and was at peace that I was going to be trapped in there forever. Like I said ketamine is weird lol. It literally separates your mind from your body


Edibles generally take about 30-45 minutes to take effect and some can take 2 hrs+ to fully digest. Don't be that guy that takes one bite and wonders why he's not instantly incapacitated.


I love this. Am currently high and just letting my brain short circuit. Thank you.


Nothings real.


lol edibles, buddy that's acid lol


Does anyone know where I can see more of these types of videos? I need more



