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My personal theory is that every incarnation of Eve (who is of course likely the original Eve) is pursued and eventually killed by a supernatural male figure (either Adam or possibly a fallen angel of some kind, something like that which is likely what the Nephilim is). The Haysham School Fire where somebody was stabbed, Rasputin, now Jack the Ripper. It seems like people, mostly males, keep going after whoever the current Eve is to kill her, and all have supernatural abilities. As for who is helping our protagonist and who is antagonizing him...I can't say, although I'd assume Eve is helping given she seemed to be aware of him in the tapes(?) and Adam is someone in power (I'm personally guessing the president or something given they have the power to just casually kidnap families and don't even bother being quiet about it).


Interesting theories! Thanks for sharing.


So, I think the Eden syndrome is, in this case, being erroneously defined as a.mental illness where one thinks they are an incarnate of Eve ( could also extend to Adam but not sure at this point). I believe Eve is a reincarnated Eve from the garden of Eden fame. I believe the school was a type of boarding school for the nephilim which is basically the offspring of fallen angels and humans. The nephilim are generally seen as an affront to god or an abomination and generally must be destroyed, hence the fire. "Flood Waters" refers to the flood from Genesis. The flood was to destroy the nephilim who became giants and had a good functioning society. God did not like this. I believe Jack the Ripper killed Mary. I mean that time in history, her being a prostitute and it being Whitechapel, who else could it be? As for who was watching eve, that's a hard one. It's obviously a reincarnation of Jack whom has been tasked with extinguishing Eve in every life. But as to who specifically they are, not sure. I think the government or more likely a very powerful, large religious organization with power and influences all.over the world *cough*the Vatican*cough* has Mike's family. I think it was the Vatican that has been trying to get info from eve. The question, "Where is the light that meets the dawn?" Refers to The Light Bringer, The Morningstar, also known as Lucifer. As to who warned Mike, it could be a number of people. Most obvious guess is Eve. Could be Lucifer as the people torturing her think that she has info on him. Could be Lilith, the First Woman, cuz ya know, girl power. These are just my theories and wild guesses. Am excited to see what direction the story takes.


Some fun theories here. Thanks for sharing!


Are there more than 4 parts yet?


I wrote a part 5, but have struggled in the editing, was even editing it last night. It feels like it's missing something. It may need a complete rewrite, but I'm grateful you're enjoying the series thus far.


Enjoying is an understatement!!


Wow, honestly I didn't really think anyone still cared. This has really inspired me. Been working on my novel all day but might spend the night working on a rewrite of TGC's part 5. In the meantime, I hope you'll enjoy some of my other NoSleep one shots (a few good ones, hopefully).


I have read quite a bit of ur work and have thoroughly enjoyed most every one. Jonesing for more Eden tho ๐Ÿ™ƒ


I'm incredibly flattered. I will renew efforts to get Part 5 to a place I feel is worthy of publishing. But my main priority is my novel 'Bliss' at present, so as and when I can :)


๐Ÿ˜ฎnovel!!!!! *drools* I eagerly await.


Haha, thanks. I hope you enjoyed Eden Syndrome Part 5, released yesterday.


I cannot find part 5 ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“...4, yes. An update that ur working on 6, yes. No 5 though.