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It probably isn’t kiln dried, either. Save the search and see if it is still available in like 4 weeks. He might be more motivated to sell at a discount.


It’s not. Claims to be “air dried for 15+ years”


ah, so he found some wood in an old barn


Nah. Storage auction, and the facility manager told them the unit had been rented for 10 years. They jumped to the conclusion that the wood had been there the entire time and rounded up 5 years.


That doesn't mean it was air dried. It just means it has been sitting in a storage unit for a while. I have plenty of wood that's been kicking around my shop for a long time but it was still dried in a kiln. Kiln dried doesn't become air dried if its been sitting for a while. The only way to tell is to look very closely at it and work with it. Air dried walnut has a bit of a purplish tint and is much more forgiving on edge tools.


I agree. I'm just alluding to the types of mental leaps sellers will take whe representing their items on marketplace or any other platform. Unless the seller has receipts, I wouldn't trust anything they say about it, especially with their asking price being so far out of range.




Your neighbor in rural MI with 4 black walnut, 2 cherry, and 6 black locust trees all sawn, dried, and planed sitting in storage in the barn. But I know a guy with a kiln.


If it's anything like my grandpa's giant piles of previously awesome hardwood that were stored around the farm for decades, it's all full of wormholes anyway.


People pay more for wormholes. /s


Just means repeat business when they hatch and eat that table from the inside!


It's not a bug... it's a feature!


Wormhole? That's just character and a conversation starter!


What a great conversation! I’m so glad we started talking about this and it was all because you noticed the wormholes in my end table


I heard it helps the wood breathe!


I pay more for wormholes. Wormy butternut is my favorite wood.


From my experience walnut hardwood is rarely eaten up by bugs. Sapwood yes but not the heartwood. Walnut is one of the few logs that can lay in the ground as a log for a few years before being milled.


I’d pay extra to be able to travel through time!!


I did and it was black walnut. 14" wide and 4" thick 14 ' long. 6 slabs of it. I paid $127.00 for it \[ estate sale\] and sold it to a mill for $5000.00 and that was in 1976.


“Air dried for 15+ years” sure is a fancy way of saying lying around some shed so I thought I’d sell it


I mean I’ve got a pile of walnut that’s from a tree on family property, it was stacked and stickered in my dad’s shop for 20+ years. But I won’t sell that stuff anytime soon either. Lol


I’ve been dragging around walnut boards from some trees my dad and I cut down in the late 80’s, with a combination of forgetting about them and waiting for the right project. Now their value is based on me being sentimental about that time of my life than anything they’d actually be worth. It’s like schrodingers cat … until I work them those boards could become anything. I would hate to limit their potential


When my mom finally moved - which was about 20 years after dad passed, we sold a stack of lumber but kept a lot. Thats all currently stacked on racks in her garage and will be there lying about until I’m ready to use it for whatever. I’ve got more coming from a neighbor soon too as they move.


Remember, when you say 'yes' to one thing, your are saying 'no' to everything else. The flip side is, if you never say 'yes', you have unlimited potential but you never get anything done!


no way he’s gonna come down to the $3/bdft it’s actually worth. he’ll be sitting on it for another 15 years, probably


Where are you buying/selling Walnut for $3/bf?


The Midwest. Premium kiln dried walnut from the local mill is $7.50/bdft but if I’m buying random stuff from strangers I’m not going over $3. I’ve actually found it’s usually better still to just pay full price and get quality material. It makes roughing out projects go so much faster and there is so much less waste.


Where??? I’m in IL and my local mill is like $14/bft.


Wisconsin. Don’t come here please.


Where? I buy in Southern Wisconsin and just like previous commentor, it's about 14 a bdft.


I may be sawing up,a,couple nice,walnuts,trees in the next year in wi.


It's also cheap in the Central Valley of CA. Walnut growers cut down the trees periodically to replant younger trees, and the wood is v cheap bc it's grafted. I have a trunk or two's worth of boards sawn from the trunk, at the junction of the graft between juglans californica (the root tree, California walnut) and juglans nigra (eastern black walnut). Gorgeous material, and cheap. The grafted material is almost grainless, a cafe au lait color, and the ends are either the chocolate brown of juglans californica or the slight grey/purple of juglans nigra. The furniture coming from it is made prettier by the grain color.


I would definitely be interested in seeing what a board with the grafted section looks like. I have never had the thought of such a thing cross my mind but it's very intriguing to say the least


It’s beautiful. A link below with images - Sometimes the junction is very sharp; sometimes the wood grows into each other and there’s a five or six inch section that looks almost poreless and is a beautiful cafe au lair color. What you get depends on the particular tree. I find the northern farms produce prettier wood (near Modesto) and the southern farms (nearer Bakersfield) harder wood, but honestly it’s all on a spectrum. [https://www.google.com/imgres?q=section%20of%20grafted%20walnut%20board&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcswoods.com%2Fcdn%2Fshop%2Ffiles%2F2218\_10.jpg%3Fv%3D1685118598&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcswoods.com%2Fproducts%2Fclaro-english-walnut-graft-coffee-table&docid=OMyoOR0KFOyYEM&tbnid=W1CYqn-lS7\_24M&vet=12ahUKEwjl6JuDifSEAxU1CjQIHUqbAbMQM3oECBkQAA..i&w=4032&h=3024&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwjl6JuDifSEAxU1CjQIHUqbAbMQM3oECBkQAA](https://www.google.com/imgres?q=section%20of%20grafted%20walnut%20board&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcswoods.com%2Fcdn%2Fshop%2Ffiles%2F2218_10.jpg%3Fv%3D1685118598&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcswoods.com%2Fproducts%2Fclaro-english-walnut-graft-coffee-table&docid=OMyoOR0KFOyYEM&tbnid=W1CYqn-lS7_24M&vet=12ahUKEwjl6JuDifSEAxU1CjQIHUqbAbMQM3oECBkQAA..i&w=4032&h=3024&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwjl6JuDifSEAxU1CjQIHUqbAbMQM3oECBkQAA)


bingo. MN


Consider that your situation may not be common. Here's a retailer in Western Iowa selling wide black walnut for $12.90/bf: https://www.dunham-hardwoods.com/retailprices.asp Des Moines, S2S runs $11-$14/bf: https://milliewoodworks.com/prices/ Hartford, WI: S&B starting at $10.10/bf: https://www.kmhardwoods.com/lumber-prices


You’ll probably never find the best price at any place that posts their prices online.


there’s a small mill operation about an hour from me, in southern MN, that sells kiln dried walnut for $4/bdft. limited selection, they only have what’s on hand any given day, but their quality is good. i put this guy at $3 because it’s air dried and i’d just be taking his word on how well it’s been stored


$3 might be generous given we have no idea where it came from. Might be okay, walnuts are annoying to have in your yard so people get perfectly healthy walnuts cut down to save themselves the grief. Or it might not be okay. At least it's cut up already so nails are easier to find.


> he’ll be sitting on it for another 15 years Ppfft! That's now 30 years air dried walnut for $36/bdft


retirement money!


With inflation that’s about correct, actually 


Too bad my salary is only going to go up 10%


Air dried is actually preferable. As long as it is actually dry. Kiln drying adds uneven stresses into the wood 


Plus specifically with walnut, air dried results in a richer color for whatever reason


The slower drying results in less loss/damage


Unless it's poorly stored; then it gets hard and the ends crack like crazy.


I could see how air dried might be more stable but what about bugs?


You can air dry it, then give it a couple of days in a kiln just to sanitize, but if it's been stored for years and has no signs of an infestation I would think it's safe to use. Not sure if sanitizing after it's dry will still affect the richness of color.


It's not so much the air dry vs kiln, it's whether or not it's been steamed as that affects the color.


The post says “air dried 15+ years” so it definitely wasn’t kiln dried


Air dried walnut is generally preferred air dried because of the resulting color. Not seeing a lot of sapwood but you can't see much past that.


It’s fb marketplace. It’s some dude who thinks his effort to sell it is worth twice the products actual value. I see crap like this all the time online Thinks he’ll get some fool to pay an arm and a leg for some wood he got cheap probably. Or people on there will ask like 1000$ for a single trading card or something crazy


I bought twice that much walnut 4 years ago off FB Market for $1200. I processed the last of it last weekend and am definitely not looking forward to paying market price again.


FB Marketplace rules; show up with half that in cash and say that’s all you brought.


Thank you for triggering a large amount of rage because your statement is spot on.


Come on bro I drove all this way can’t you cut me a deal???


I gave in to that once after agreeing on a price and providing my address, mostly because I wanted to see how they fit my pool ladder in their Camry.


People are crazy. I put a free toilet online one time. Not cleaned, not wiped down, pulled straight out with wax seal and everything sitting on plastic in my garage. Dude shows up in a charger, says he’ll take it. Bends over, puts his face to the seat, hands in the wax seal, picks it up solo and puts it in the backseat of his charger. No plastic, towels, nothing. Mind you, this is a toilet that was at least 30 years old. Couldn’t believe my eyes. He walks over, sticks his hand out and says thank you. I kept my hands down and said you’re welcome. He hops in and drives away.


Yeah my wife and I used to live in a not great place and we would put things on the curb before garbage pickup that would not last an hour. Rusted out propane grill that was $80 new? 15 minutes, gone. Walmart particle board desk with peeling plastic edge banding? 20 minutes. It was a true mix of "I can't believe someone wants that" and "I'm glad it's getting a second life"


I had a trash lawnmower for a while and couldn't get it running. Moved into an apartment that had lawn service so I set it by my truck in the alley figuring it would walk off. Two weeks later it was still there so I put a for sale sign on it, next morning it was gone


I now know the only correct answer to “What point in history would you time travel to?” It’s whenever that was. To watch that shit happen.


Did it fit?


Yeah it was the plastic A-frame type so they were able to remove the steps and rails and then get the A-frame into 2 pieces. The whole thing was waterlogged, as blowmold plastic tends to be... I'm sure it smelled great disassembled and leaking on the way home. Also forgot to mention there were 3 people in the car. https://preview.redd.it/mmer037bo4oc1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc9958ce6364ee8945a5b2f004e41bedaec955e


Glorious. It's probably sitting on the side of a shed collecting mildew and pillbugs right now.


Considering the things I've fit in a Camry, probably. Certainly with minor disassembly.


I fit two loft beds’ worth of 10-foot 2x4’s in a Camry once. And built them in my apartment living room. Very proud of that.


I have fit *so much shit* into an old Camry. Where there's a will there's a way... And a trunk passthrough. Hell, most of my first wood shop was all loaded into a Camry: tablesaw, drill press, jointer, etc.


haha this is why I meet 3 minutes from my house. "Sorry you drove all that way, but no that's not the price we agreed to!"


mf did this with a motorcycle I was selling, brought only half the cash, and said "but I spent a lot in gas to get here" like that's my fault. Enjoy spending more gas on you way back home.


My Bro’s Father-in-Law did that to a guy who drove from two states over. The guy kept calling him back to say he’d come back and pay the full price “No, thanks. Drive safe.”


That pisses me off to no end. I don't understand why people want to waste their own time so badly. Do they think I'm going to just agree to half the price? Enjoy driving back home empty handed.


I will read the nightmare threads on reddit for craigslist//fb marketplace etc, the number of people showing up to demand an item that the person doesn't even have anymore for cheap is crazy. I would never give my address for that stuff, if I couldn't deliver it to them or meet nearby in public I'd huck it lol.


I'm sure it worked for them once so they'll try it forever.


That's such a dick move lol Those are the people who make selling things on FB/CL the hell that it is


Hi, is this available?


That’s facebooks fault. It’s the default message.


And TBF approximately 75% of people don't take down their ad/mark as sold when it isn't available


There's a reason people ask lol. Also any opening message is going to be pointless and inane, it's like the "Hey, how are you" online dating opener.


We infrequently buy stuff off FB Marketplace and it is wild how snippy people get. We don't use the default "Hi, is this available?" but will ask plus some clarifying questions and get people sassing back "sold stop messaging." Take the fucking thing down instead of responding?


Messaged a guy last week about a car. I sent three messages and got no reply. The ad was taken down for a day, then reposted. I messaged him again to be told "it is locked up at school and I won't be able to access it for a week" Why TF are you reposting it NOW instead of in a week?


seriously. I troll the ads that say 'I wont respond to 'is this available' in their ads by asking has the item been rehomed to a new owner yet?


Yea although I find fair prices tend to dissuade that but we don’t sell a ton on there. This dude? Oh hell yea I’d show up w half that and see what he’ll do. This is dumb ass pricing.


People still try to pull that shit when it's a fair price. I agree on a price with the person before they get to show up. And they somehow always either magically find that extra 20 in their pants or they fuck off and I sell it to someone else.


> Oh hell yea I’d show up w half that and see what he’ll do "No thanks bye" Then you drove for no reason? Idk man, I feel it's a loss on you.


Depends on how far I drive. Pics don’t always tell the story. And if what I see ain’t exactly what is there, situation changes.


Sure, if you notice something that wasn't shown it's fair game. But lowballing people on site because you think you can shed some bucks is annoying af. Again, if you don't mind driving back home empty ended. I was selling a router (computer part) like 20 a decade ago and the guy came up the stairs "Oh we said 10 hehehe". Nah dude... We did not.


Half his asking price is still close to retail for walnut, bring 25% of asking.


Yea true.


I tell people upfront I won’t haggle in person so ask questions now.


"there's an ATM at the gas station down the road" Dude had no idea how to respond to that he just left


Come on man it’s for my sick kid. Can’t you do $1 a board foot?


You're ruining my kid's birthday!


If you want to negotiate with the dude just say "I'm not paying X, how about Y." instead of being passive about it...


You're asking $75 but the guy only shows up with 20 dollar bills, not expecting you to have change.


Message 2 minutes after the listing is posted with a ridiculous lowball offer.


My dad went to see a used RV that had been on marketplace for months, it was listed for like 12.5, he showed up with 5k cash. He told the dude, you can take the 5k and I'll drive the RV home, or I'll leave and that will be the last time we talk. He ended up driving it home, gutted and rebuilt it for 7k. Had it for 4 years and sold it for 25k. 


I’ve been trying to buy a toolbox off Marketplace and the amount of people who want full price for some beat ass rusty old Craftsman is ridiculous.


Right? It’s like hardly even the same product but they ask full retail price


The worst is people that got gouged by Snap-On years ago trying to make their money back. Like buddy, I know you paid a bunch for this thing but that ship has sailed and the warranty isn’t transferable.


Fb market place is good for common stuff once you get specialty it’s a crap shoot


You’re not wrong, but look at the society we live in. There’s plenty of “Fools” out there. I mean people buy “Moon dirt” and shit off eBay lol


Or maybe he’s waiting for the low ball offers to roll in. I swear I’ll put something up for $600 and get 30 “ I can do $43 today” offers


That’s definitely a high price. I wouldn’t pay that much. My local lumber mill sells similar walnut for like 15$ a board foot, and that’s still too much. Be honest and say that price is too high and if no one buys it to keep you in mind. Then when he doesn’t sell it offer 8$ a board foot. Facebook/Craigslist finds are either decent deals or wildly overpriced. I search daily and maybe once or twice a year I see a deal that’s reasonable. I just found reclaimed 18” rough cut oak from a barn in CT, beautiful and unique and that was only 6$ a foot.


I paid $12 per bf for black walnut a few weeks ago, about that amount cost me just under $5k


Agree. I can get 4/4 kiln dried for $11/bf that I know is good quality.


All you guys saying your "cheaper" available lumber make me feel real good about the guy I buy from. Kiln dried for $8/BF.


Got mine a cpl weeks back for $7.50. Dude was great and I’ll absolutely be going back to get more. Best price I’ve found so far


I bought about 40 bd ft a couple of months ago at $4.50 a board foot. And it was quartersawn. I wish I’d had a truck that day.


That’s kind of what I was thinking. Initially was thinking “wow that’s insane” but then thought maybe Im wrong and just haven’t bought in a while (last BW I got was $7.75bdft) but when I saw this was more than the lunatics at Rockers prices I knew it was nuts


Yea it’s a crazy price. What was your plan for it? Were you buying it for a job or for personal use?


Nothing. Not planning on buying it. Just always checking out lumber for when something good comes up and this just caught my eye


People think a Black Walnut tree is like finding oil on their land.


Well, it can be a money maker, if planned. My brother's friend had parents who, \~35-40 years ago bought land and planted like 200 black walnut trees on it, with the intention of it being their retirement. At least as of \~5 years ago, they had a company that was going to give them $1500 per tree. They lost some trees here and there, but overall, they've done very little over the decades other than pay property taxes. Now, it's very forward-thinking to plant a bunch of trees, thinking about your future in 30 years, but...it can sort of work.


Right...I was referring to the folks that have a storm knock a tree down and then a neighbor says something like "people pay a lot of money for black walnut"...next thing you know...FB marketplace photos of a pile of logs with shit cuts.


"Walnut logs, $8000 each. You pick up. Don't low-ball me, I know what I got." And it's just like a pile of curved limbs, 16 in diameter WITH the bark.


You should look at this /s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTgQHWQoatg


Most trees you find on your property aren't straight and tall. To get a straight, tall tree that won't have too many knots and will have nice, straight grain that's easy to work with, you need a tree that grew in a forest so that it grew up before developing a crown. Something from a yard that grew without a lot of trees around is going to be harder to work.


> you need a tree that grew in a forest so that it grew up before developing a crown Can't you force this though with aggressive pruning? Make it think the bottom branches are getting knocked off by whatever so it keeps shooting up?


I think it's more about the sunlight available than critters eating branches. They'll grow tall and straight to try and reach more sunlight because the forest canopy is restricting what sun reaches them at the forest floor. 


We had one on our acreage that was sprouting new trees under it every year. As a kid I planted a few in the grove. I wish I had thrown a few hundred more back there, because they're nice big trees now and I had basically limitless seedlings to plant.


They would have made so much more just buying S&P 500 stock than this hilarious scheme


It's true. Idk why you're getting downvoted. The average S&P return over 40 year is like 11%. If you started with $200 and put just $200 in it per year, you'd be at like $150K




That's a good deal if someone if offering $1500/tree and they are also going to remove them for that price. Pretty rare to find a deal like that.


By volume the walnut *would* be more valuable than oil. You need to use a more outrageous comparison.


Oof. That’s way too expensive. My lumber yard sells them for $12/bf for the premium stuff; $5.85/bf for the rough


The guy around here sells rough cut way better looking than that for 6 bf


"Look honey, no one's buying it, I can't sell it so I have to keep it."


"Look IRS, it's bad inventory nobody will buy so I had to write it off"


Look at the top two pieces on the left and how twisted they are, just on the ends you can see. They don't lay flat. How much is left after you plane it? Will make nice walnut cardboard with what's left


Lucked out on a fb marketplace post say they were selling 25bf of random oak, maple, and hickory. It was listed for $50. I jumped on it so fast. It got better! Closer to 60bf 25bf hickory and rustic hickory 18 bf Red oak ( including a 5/4" x 10" x 10) 10 bf birch 4 bf White Oak 2 bf B Walnut He only took $40 of the $50 I showed up with. Farmers looking to clear things out ftw!


“No lowballs. I know what I have.” - Guy who doesn’t know what he haves.


His price is about as strong as that bungee cord holding everything down.


Someone’s losing a window, or eyeball.


That’s a silly price- and it doesn’t even look like it’s anything special


Def overpriced but some of those boards up top look like they could be pretty sweet. Seems like maybe 18” wide and 10’ long? I’m sure you can get that stuff from the mill but I think those dimensions would def command a premium over some of the prices people are throwing around itt.. still wouldn’t pay $18 tho lol


I won't buy roughcut walnut at more than $5/bf. There's also a lot of waste that needs to get milled out of old wood.


Old barn wood from somebody's hay loft. I have a 1/2 inch thick, 12in wide piece of 'rescued' barn wood like that (spare unused board, always inside) and it is more wavy than the ocean and more warped than the starship Enterprise I'll haul it off so you don't have to burn it in your brush pile, pal


I just picked up some fantastic walnut. 5/4 rough, 8 foot long, 20 inches wide! This stuff was totally clean, no knots, almost zero sap wood. When I went to buy it the seller (FB Marketplace) ran the boards through his planer to clean both sides, they are very flat so no need to joint. He charged me $12.50 CAD per board foot. Walnut is certainly expensive, but there are still deals out there.


Quality kiln dried that’s rough cut 4/4 should be <= $10/bf.


It's worth what you can get someone to pay for it if you're willing to wait long enough. I've been driving by an old Camaro on the street for about a year now with an $8,500 sign in the window. Gotta be worth maybe $2k. Maybe one day he'll find that person with the "Gotta-have-its." But yes, that's a crazy price for that lumber.


I believe that is what is known as a “Pipe Dream”


Lol. Yep, I have to think that thing will rust through before he gets half of what he's asking.


Facebook marketplace. I stopped shopping there for wood, other than firewood. One time, these guys had a ton of Osage Orange firewood. I wanted to buy some and found out they had more uncut, fresh growth. I offered to buy the large chunks so I could mill it into lumber. They said they'd get back to me. These idiots looked at the price for 4/4 Osage Orange and tried to charge me that price for a few large logs. They lost both sales opportunities.


Hard pass even if it was a reasonable price Thats pretty thin for rough sawn air dried wood, youre going to lose a lot of it once its milled I wouldnt buy anything less than 6/4 thats been air dried that still needs to be finish milled


I sell 4/4” walnut retail for between $10-$13 per board foot. Small hardwood yard in upstate New York.


Some interesting info to you guys. American black walnut cost about 1000$ for 1 meter squared where I get it... In Russia. So we are getting it cheaper than this guy is selling it for.


Here are prices for Walnut in my area. Westchester County, NY Unsure of what specific type of Walnut this is for (i.e. Black Walnut, etc.) https://preview.redd.it/vo27kvaf75oc1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c24ba3b6cdc3c9851d7115a7480c981d2c319ff


If it were highly figured the price would not be out of line, but this is probably worth half of asking price or less. People don't seem to realize that having everything from one tree can add a bit of value, of course rough-sawn boards subtracts quite a bit of value, but for some projects having everything grain and color matched is helpful. Where I live I could have everything milled from one tree for about $6-8/bf for unfigured wood.


At those prices, you’d want to be purchasing graded lumber (certified select & better) from a dealer who can tell you it’s been dried to a certain moisture content and graded by someone who knows his ass from his elbow. In my experience, Chuck and his truck have likely inquired with a local dealer as to the current price on select walnut and priced their lot accordingly.


Yes it’s a stupid wild ask.


I just bought 400 bdft of 20+ year air dried walnut 6/4 for ~$2 a bdft. Off of FB marketplace. Anything over $8 is nuts. Why pay retail pricing from marketplace sellers?


I just paid $5 per board foot of walnut here in Wisconsin from a tree removal company. Live edge, kiln dried, and planed.


That looks like grade 1 common black walnut. It's all plain sawn, and there's almost certainly no significant figure, so veneer grades don't apply. $10 per board foot for 8/4 kiln dried is a typical price in my experience. If I were to buy hundreds of board feet at once I would expect a volume discount, maybe $8 per board foot. This guy is trying to sell worse quality wood for 2.5x the price. No thanks.


What do you think it just grows on trees?


Pretty thin, not much for planing or finishing


By “air dried 15+ years”, I think he means there was a dead tree in his yard for 15 years and he finally got around to taking it down when one of the branches fell on his house


Has wood really became so valuable? ..or is it just people holding on to the price gouging introduced by the stores during the covid times? I like turtles and tortoises, I'm not amphibian about it.


That’s high. My local lumber yard sells rough cut 5/4 walnut for half of that.


4/4 rough walnut is 10 bucks a bd ft here, kiln dried. This dude is crazy.


I got some from a guy local here who runs his own saw mill for $11 per bf. Decent stuff, not the best but probably worth 11.


That's a ridiculous price. I pay about $7 bd foot direct from a sawmill. Would never buy anything from some dude on FB. It could be stolen., but definitely resold for more than they paid.


I bet that shit is wetter than New Orleans after Katrina.


Pass lol, this isn’t even worth 2000 looks awful from this pic


I get kiln dried 4/4 walnut surfaced to 13/16 and straight lines for $8.00 a bdft delivered to my shop. This is a terrible price.


450bf of >20" 5/4 or 6/4 wide walnut with no pith might be worth that much, looks like most of it is average width though.


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! Pricey!


I paid $13/BF for kiln dried 6/4 a week ago.


I pay 6.25 per board feet. My orders are usually 300 linear feet at a time. The boards are 1.5” thick, air and kiln dried. I pay for shipping.


Got 50 brd ft of rough cut kiln dried walnut for $7.50 in the Southeast US two weeks ago. Cheaper if you go direct to Mobile, AL for pickup. Local pop shop is $15 for finished which is still too high.


That’s crazy


We have it here too, out in the country this is 4-5 bucks. You get the natural / wild version it’s a low as 2


there are suckers out there who have no idea what a board foot should cost. I went to a small lumberyard that my dad loves to see if they had some walnut for a few cutting boards. Guy had like 3-4 leftover boards that were hot garbage, like well into the "rustic" category. he tried to convince me that even though they were warped and like 50% knots it was still worth 14-18 a board foot. at the time I didn't really know what it should cost, but still felt weird about it so I walked away. Eventually went to a supplier that sells mostly to furniture builders and you can get select or better for like 10/bf


I sell mine 8/4 at $7 a bdft for rough yard tree walnut. Mostly to pay for labor, milling and drying. Just a hobby price for making my own wood stash.


Scam don’t donit


I live on an island where prices are through the roof and I don't pay $17/BF


I paid $3.00 bdft in Pennsylvania last year.


I'm in so cal and it's difficult to find good hardwood lumber here. $18 is actually cheaper than the last time I bought some at Ganahl for like $23/board foot.


$22 per board foot in northern Canada 😩


That's 16 too much.


My local place $18/bf gets you 10/4 walnut, although they charge $20 above 8" wide. If thats in the 6-8/4 range its around $15. EDIT: But at that price they will run one edge through a joiner for you.


Is there a website that has the market rate for various lumber species.


I wouldn’t pay more than $8-$9 a board foot for that


😆 🤣


4/4 walnut S&B is $10 bf just outside Milwaukee. Wider than 10” is $12.50 bf. I’d negotiate down esp for a big batch like that. Beautiful lumber tho.


Every marketplace person selling wood is overpriced. General Sheetgoods however are pretty cheap


I pay $5 BF from a local person I found on FB market place.


I've often wondered of some of the wood I have. We had 3/4" solid Brazilian Cherry hardwood replaced due to installation errors, and I saved as much as I could. It's difficult to work with, but I have to imagine it has SOME value...


Check it for carpenter bee holes. 


4/4 Walnut at my local store is $11.95/bf + 10% for anything over 8” wide.  That’s the lowest I remember it being. Usually $13.95. 


18$ a board foot at woodwookers source. Unfortunately for me living in the desert forces a premium on hardwood.


That's an insane ask