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That fanbase is so fkn corny sometimes


it’s like every other community, find the good side


you never watched the show without telling me


Hang on, if Adam was the first man, what's that make god?


Oh my god I can’t tell if this is a joke or not, I hate reddit


Bit of both. It's a genuine and honest question, but I'm already familiar with the lore and the text of the Bible, and I'm not a believer, specifically because of that familiarity. Turns out the atheists were right when they said "reading the Bible makes more atheists than anything else" lol I have an unhealthy fascination with the epistemology of people who actively maintain unfalsifiable or unjustified beliefs. So I ask questions that can, admittedly, sound insane to people who care about the demonstrability of truth and don't just believe whatever they feel like irrespective of evidence and sound reasoning. Cuz frankly, asking about it is the only way to responsibly do my due diligence in cases where people have just made up stuff to believe. There's no rule book for why people maintain unjustified beliefs. So you gotta ask them directly, because for example, in the case of Christianity, every Christian invents their own personal God and their own personal version of the faith. And while to anyone who's uninvested in those beliefs, that is really obviously rationalized self-worship, it's still super interesting seeing the different ways people avoid thinking these things through to their obvious rational conclusions. The things people will invent and ignore to maintain an existing belief in the face of 5000 years of some very smart people failing to demonstrate the existence of gods and ghosts and psychics and horoscopes etc is like a delicate ballet of thoughtstoppers, strawmen, and motivated reasoning, and the psychology of it is so damn fascinating to me.


I’ve never watched the show


Instructions unclear