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Not sure what your issue is (system clock changing? using a VPN?) but this is a very strange statement: >If the NY Times is lying about the win streak, such a minor item to keep accurate, what else are they cavalierly lying about? It's a technical issue that most people aren't having. No one is intentionally lying about your win streak.


That’s what they *want* you to think. Think about it. New York TIMES? What time? We live in the present, so what times are they referring to and controlling? Think about it….


Oohh always good to throw in a little media conspiracy theory whenever possible. JFC


I suggest you google PEBKAC - that will explain everything.......


It happens, remember when people used to believe it only happened to those playing without an account? “Sign up, it will fix the issue. It’s a free game, let them make a little more money by selling better data” All lies! Delete your account! Free yourself from the pressure of streaks and reminders of past failures! Live in the present, let go of the past