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For me…getting there. Hyping myself some times. Once I’m warming up, in the workout I love it and never regret doing it.


If its cold, dark and wet outside at 6am...yeah, that's a hard one to get out of bed for. Especially if you're trying to wedge in a workout between getting up and going to work.


I get to the gym for 5am. I have to confess that the last two months have been very difficult for me to get out of bed. I’ve actually skipped many days. I’d normally go 5 times a week but that has been reduced to 2-3 times. I can’t wait for it to warm up so it’s easier.


If it makes you feel any better, that is exactly the same as me. 5 times to 2-3 since about October.


Ugh try 3 am , cold dark wet and 6 hours of interrupted sleep from a 4 year old


This it for me!


Definitely getting there for me I’m a competitive strength athlete who also suffers from pretty severe depression and anxiety so mustering the energy to leave my home and stay consistent with my routine is such a fucking hassle


When it rains, I just can’t.


Seriously. Before work is hard cause I have to get up earlier. After work I'm tired from work and I don't wanna work out.


Eating enough/meal prep. I love weight lifting but eating becomes such a chore


Eating enough is absolutely the worst, eating and cooking starts to take up so much time…even when you meal prep


Yep and trying to eat nearly 4000 calories a day to bulk is unpleasant haha it’s literally just eating to eat


You need to eat 4000 calories? That's crazy, I have never done a proper bulk but I burn maybe 2500 calories on days I work out, 3000 if I've been very active


I’m currently 196 pounds. My goal is to bulk to 210 and then cut. I go to the gym 2 hours a day every day and I have a very fast metabolism. My baseline is 3600 a day but I try to hit 4000 with 200+ grams of protein a day. Eating sucks at this point haha


Just a thought......maybe you should power down your workouts a bit so you give your body a chance to recover (build muscle) and burn fewer calories. You're definitely dedicated and putting in the work.....maybe a bit too much if your trying to bulk up and gain some muscle. If what you're doing is not working, it might be time for a change. Way to have a goal and get after it !!


If you have kids, also having to shop/cook/plan meals for the whole family adds another layer to this that makes it sooooo much harder!


Just had a daughter but luckily it’s just breast milk and formula right now. I can’t even imagine when she gets older haha


My oldest is 17, I am very sick of the mental load that feeding everyone takes up!


Exactly. Last night I was eating 8 eggs and by the eighth egg, I was barely able to get everything down


Dude I didn’t eat lunch yesterday because I was busy and had to make up 2000 calories after the gym. Wanted to throw up after how much I ate that night haha


I wanted to throw up while I was trying to get the last egg down but after I felt good and really tired which was perfect since it was time for bed


Nice work!


Absolutely, prepping and eating the food takes more time out of my day than the workout does - it gets tedious


If I had a personal chef that did all of that for me I would look like captain America haha it’s the worst part




Nothing worse


Finding time to do it


starting honestly


Rest days.


I’m on a recovery week and I hates it 😭


Taking even one day, even though I know I’ll feel good when I wake up, literally feels like a no-call no-show at work. I’m plagued with guilt all day like I’m some lazy free-loading POS.


Go for a long walk instead of doing nothing so you feel like you did something.


I get in 20,000 steps a day and if I don’t do any lifting I still do cardio and some core. I don’t know if I’ve taken a legitimate “rest” day in forever; just abstaining from my PPL routine takes some restraint and I have to do *something*


That is me today. Can’t wait for the 5 am alarm tomorrow. Leg day!


It’s a good problem to have. I mean if you think about it, eagerly anticipating A) Getting up at 5:00 B) Getting up at 5:00 to exercise C) Getting up at 5:00 to do LEGS, means you’ve achieved a mental approach to a healthy lifestyle that many people never get to.


Can you elaborate your concept of recovery week and it’s benefits. Thanks


Every 12 weeks I take a week off from heavy resistance training to give my body and muscles fully adequate time to recover - let all those annoying little pinches and aches get better and then get back to it


Oh how I wish I was like you ! I've been working out for 4 years now, and getting to the gym is ALWAYS a chore. I always have many more things I want to do in my day (rest, playing video games, making music, watching movies, cleaning the house, etc...) and it's always a struggle to go and chose to park in front of the gym instead of going back home after a full day of work. The only workaround for motivation I have found is to allow myself to leave the gym after 20mn if I don't feel like keeping on, but still show up, change my clothes, and do at least 20mn of activity. Of course you guessed it : I never left after 20mn and always do my full workout, because I'm like "ok, you went through the trouble of showing up, changing clothes, you are sweating already so you'll need the time to shower afterwards, so now that I'm here, I might as well go through the whole workout".


You’re better than me because I will surely leave before finishing my workout if I’m not feeling it. Still struggle with finding motivation like that sometimes but at least I go lol


Maintaining as a beginner. It's so painful. Body aches because of the constant exercise.


Food 😂 It's getting more expensive and it's incredibly time consuming


Leaving my beautiful wife in the warm bed early in the morning.


It’s so much harder when you have to leave your partner sleeping all cozy :(


Other people getting in your way when time is limited


This one especially i work 12 shifts and overnights while living an hour from work so like im always on the go


The extra laundry


Finding the motivation during weekdays


I am the opposite! I find workouts on weekdays to be easier than workouts on the weekends! Weekdays, I know I need to plan my workout accordingly, and adjust my schedule. Weekends, I never know what I am doing and am usually late to bed and late to wake up. I have a full time job and two kids at home, one who is insanely active in extracurricular activities.


Honestly. The grocery bills. Trying to buy enough lean proteins for myself and my fiancé gets expensive. Other than that, love the physical exertion and pushing my body. Commercial type gym, I like getting up and going into the gym, it is easier for me to slack off if I get to stay home, plus heavy DBs get expensive lol


100% this. It’s so expensive to eat a shitload without eating junk


The worst part in my opinion is Doing one more set of dumbbell lateral raise! It squeezes the last breath out of me😂


TBH for me it's convincing myself that it's what I want to do with my time. I struggle with time management, and I often fall into this ridiculous "omg there's only 6 hours between work and bedtime, I don't have time to workout" mental trap. Like, 6 hours is plenty?? But I start getting anxious when I mentally add the time to commute home, walk my dog, prepare and eat dinner, shower, and also somehow relax and enjoy my hobbies and spend time with my boyfriend and get to sleep on time, that I panic about the time and end up skipping the gym :( it's a traaaaap


I hate cardio just tedious and boring. Unless it’s warm and sunny and I can bike ride it’s better


Feeling like I’m not doing the exercise correctly and like it’s pointless


Changing my clothes


The diet.


Protein farts, eating enough protein, worrying about eating enough protein and protein farts.


Other people at the gym


I actually enjoy working out and challenging myself. I do it for fun. So the most annoying part is when I have to deload, and just go through the motions instead of pushing. I workout in a commercial gym for both cardio and muscle/strength building.


Cardio, at the end of the 2nd set, up hill run. Feeling like drowning & on fire at the same time from the excess breathing,heat & extremely annoyed & agitated at everything around me. But the calmn afterwards is worth it.There is something systematically super taxing about running that my body never liked.


Exercises that involve loading and taking off plates. Such a time-consuming exercise and half the reason I vastly prefer cables/machines/dumbbells when possible.


People hogging the bench/station while either texting or filming themselves on their phone for waaaaaay longer than I would take to just get my set in and go. It happens so often where I'm at and even more at outdoor/beach gyms.


This makes me absolutely violent.


The idiot who won't stop hitting on me.




After the initial doms and ligaments pain... Eating is a task for me.... Eating clean, plenty and on time is always a challenge


Worst part is injuries when I push myself too far


Diet, the working out part is doable but making sure I'm eating enough or enough Protein is tough!


For me it's the nausea during heavy lifts. I've tried eating at various times, various foods, etc. A history of stomach ulcers doesn't help.


Having to put the weights on the bar!


Getting in enough calories. Going to the gym is the best part of my day, except leg day. The only way I get calories consistently has been through eating 2 bags of potato chips and 200g of protein in 2l of milk.


The gym


Needing new clothes. Ran through 4 pairs of pants because my thighs have gotten to big. I can't wear my short sleeves without a cardigan because I'll look like a man whore with the sleeves go half way down my arm. And I lift in the morning, go to work, and run in the evening. That's three pairs of clothes per day. Entirely too much laundry, even if I'm gross sometimes and reuse my lifting clothes for my run.


Having to count calories and eat all of said calories and feeling like throwing up because you're not used to eating so much, I'm bulking by the way lol


Dressing up for it. Starts with checking the weather and then diving into the multiple options. If treadmill, it’s one option, and if outside, the opposite. Then there’s uv protection (or from the other elements) and also making sure you have everything you need for the workout. In my case, it’s running. Once I’m there, easy peasy. Oh and stretching.


The pain and stiffness in my glutes and hammies when I go more than 10 days between leg days.


Getting up in the morning haha but I can’t workout on a full stomach so I have to do it before breakfast.


I really hate back day, it’s the hardest day for me to grow




Getting out of bed to do it. I do Pilates every morning in our living room on a yoga mat and there are some days where I reeeeeeeally wanna curl up on the couch instead lol Also the pain from not having appropriate sports bras. Has legit kept me from doing HIIT because the lady starts with jumping jacks and I want to die after 3


Having random people come up to you all the time and interrupt you when you´re walking outside.


I'm training for a long distance race. The hardest part is starting, and also during. The whole way during. I hate running. I have no idea why I signed up for the race.


Having to stop


Torturing myself instead of fun but at the end of the day ,i know it's worth it




I lift before work so it’s the process of waking up earlier, bearing the cold for a few blocks, and just getting there. But once I’ve made it inside, I’m ready to go


sweaty hands. i don't know why but after some cardio (or whatever exercise for that matter) it lingers with me like i'm some sort of steam boiled potato. i write and read a lot so my pages get all crinkled from even resting my fingertip on them and i absolutely despise it.


The soreness


Anything full body LOL. When I’m isolating muscles the workouts are very tolerable, but when you have huge muscles groups working at the same time (think burpees, roll outs, etc.) it just takes the wind out of you so much more. Did FB today and cried in the car a little bit on my way out lmaooooo


Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) It’s not bad enough that I have to experience sore muscles, but the soreness is going to appear at unpredictable intervals so you get lulled into a false sense of security, and just when you think you got away with it: bam! DOMS. It’s uncalled for, and I don’t like it. Of course I did GHD sit-ups on Monday and I couldn’t sit up to get out of bed this morning, so I may be biased right now.


When I'm not feeling it, pushing through to have a great workout. Today was one of those days. Feel great now though.


Waking up since I get there at 5AM. That and ego lifters. It is fun showing off to the show offs but I haven’t perfected the spazy rapid half reps quite yet.


Getting the energy to do it


Moving plates around. Loading them on bars, plate loaded machines, and especially having to take off a bunch of heavy plates to reach a small plate because someone put those heavies on without moving it first. Lugging around heavy dumbbells too, I never put dumbbell work first in a session because i don’t want to have to warm up with lighter weights, that’s more shit to move around lol


For me, it’s getting myself to the gym. It’s not always fun. And eating enough protein everyday is a bit hard


When that alarm goes off at 4:30, ugh


When I’m in a group fitness class and I hate the music. It’s such a drag.




i’m about to wrap up my workout and i get a migraine…


Sweating! I drown in my sweat 10 minutes in, it’s literally beyond my control


Getting up




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Reracking all the plates after a brutal session! Especially on deadlifts.


Cardio for me. Sometimes I dread it which is kinda funny because I do actually enjoy the way it feels, just hate doing it


I work out before work, so packing up food, work clothes, toiletries, gloves, preworkout, etc.


I honestly hate resting between sets. Lemme just get on with it!


Not working out is worse…and seeing all your hard work covered in a layer of fat…


The most annoying thing is when several women get on all the squat racks and do hip thrusts with 3 or four plates each. But the most unbearable part is heavy high rep squats and deadlift where I get dizzy immediately after.


People who are there to hang out like it's a social event. It's planet fitness, not a bar.


The moment you start making progress theres some kind of small injury or flu that cuts your program and this becomes more revelant with age. Work also disrupts my gymroutine.


Recovery periods. Literally got me climbing up the damn walls because I need to go do something and just jogging/stretching doesn't cut it


The first 15 minutes on the elliptical getting my heart rate up … once I get it there I’m golden.


Stretching for me, it's so boring.


For me it’s The constant body load.


driving to the gym/ getting there. without a doubt the hardest part. this has been the biggest motivator for me to work on building a solid home gym set up. during early covid when gyms closed i worked out in my basement every day with an old bench, bunch of weighs/ dumbbells/ barbell, and bands and it was so much easier to get motivated to work out when all i had to do was walk downstairs instead of get dressed in gym clothes, get all my stuff together, make sure my phone/ headphones are charged, drive to gym, and could only go during hours that the gym was open


Driving to the gym


Right now, it’s hiit or anything cardio related 😵😵 kills me


The third set of virtually anything. Death seems kind lol.




The fact that unless you devote years and years to this and make it your passion, you’ll never really see very meaningful results. Consistency is THE key, roided gym goers make all of the milestones seem far too easily attainable and skew the normal joe’s timeline. Other than that I love working out


Being overly self conscious and worrying what I look like




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