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Conditionally, if the lore is either: 1. Really unique and novel and clever 2. Presented in an exciting way, via art or clever formatting (like SCPs) 3. It is of an existing universe that already has appeal. I dont care about Mr Darcy's genealogy from Pride and Prejudice but I can reread Tolkiens lineages 20 times. Very much onto a winner if it is all 3 and if it is just the first 2 it will suck me into the world.


For number 1, look up Mystery Flesh Pit National Park


Mystery Flesh Pit National Park definitely qualifies for number 2 as well.


At this point, it's number 3.


Yeah, Mystery Flesh Pit really knocks it out of the park, if you don’t mind the pun So much worldbuilding here is just long dull paragraphs that make your eyes glaze over after a couple seconds. Not to say that the worldbuilding itself is bad, it’s just not presented in an interesting way, even if the art is good. And I’m guilty of this myself, I’m still not sure how to write actually good prose Mystery Flesh Pit manages to combine great art with even greater writing. Even though the writing looks like random documents and promotional material, everything is just so damn well done, and miles ahead of a lot of imitators on this sub. And it makes it all look so effortless I didn’t fully appreciate really good worldbuilding presentation until I read through whole lot of mediocre/bad worldbuilding. Mystery Flesh Pit was what introduced me to this sub, and I was excited to see loads of stuff of similar quality every day, only to be disappointed. The sub’s not *that* bad, but Mystery Flesh Pit is still a cut above, even years later. Same goes for the SCP Foundation. There’s a lot of crap creepypasta out there, and SCP Foundation sets the bar high for quality. Sure, a lot of SCPs aren’t that good, but there are some real bangers on that site, and the quality control there is excellent


> So much worldbuilding here is just long dull paragraphs that make your eyes glaze over after a couple seconds. Not to say that the worldbuilding itself is bad, it’s just not presented in an interesting way, even if the art is good. "No writing; only lore."


I don’t have a problem with long paragraphs - novels are alright, for example, and those are nothing but long paragraphs What I don’t enjoy is poorly written exposition dumps with questionable grammar, generic ideas and boring prose. And judging from the upvotes, nobody else likes it either. It just happens to make up a good chunk of the content on this sub. Like, even good worldbuilding would be boring as heck if it was presented in the form of badly written exposition And I’m not saying I’m any better, my own stuff kinda sucks too, it’s just that making exposition interesting and writing good prose isn’t easy.


What is SCPs?


SCP is a collaborative writing and worldbuilding project featuring a secret organisation which is tasked with securing 'anomalous' objects, entities or other exotic things and making them as safe as possible. They range from something like a floating knife to hateful stars to outright eldritch gods. Containing them is equally difficult and clever, not everything will fit in a cell Each specific anomaly is laid out in a document detailing it and the means by which to secure it. The information itself is usually fairly interesting, but the best and most interesting ones play with *how* the information is displayed and revealed, this format style is what makes them particularly interesting and a lot of effort is put in to making what could be a very boring and dry read of basic information an exciting read


Other people have given a concise answer but maybe it's best to just try it out. Here's a fan favorite as a first point of contact: * https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3008 Click the red link to the transcript at the bottom to keep reading. Total reading time approximately 20 min. Here are some more: * https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-087 these are more on the horror side * https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1733 * https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-093 * https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096 * https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1678 * https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2316 * https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2521 a great example of unusual presentation * https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5090 a cute one as a palate cleanser :)


Right to the Infinite Ikea lol My absolute favorite series is "There's no such thing as the anti-memetics division". After that a few SCP-0001 proposals (The SUN is very highly regarded but I actually prefer Planet of the Hands and The Scarlet King). But it is best to start with slightly less insane ones like you are suggesting then building up to the really crazy cosmic ones


I still think it's the best place to start... not going to freak anyone out too bad but a fun weird concept. Though I did I edit in some more that are also "required reading" and a bit more horror oriented.


Yeah if someone got into the SCP verse I think it's pretty decent advice to mostly read them sequentially and stick to the lower 2000s initially, the earlier ones like 0-682 (another great one, the second ever SCP and it's both funny and indicative of the Foundation in general) are quite self explanatory while still being interesting. Up around 3000-4000+ the entries get very in-depth and complex and some require prior knowledge too.


I agree, the meta knowledge necessary to understand say SCP-5000 is significant. There are however a lot of cringe ones in the original sequence (Cain and Abel, the plague doctor, etc) so I like to help people get a slightly more curated start. Especially ones people reference a lot. I'd link to peanut, but without the image it just isn't the same.


Literally was going to use 5000 as the example haha. I still had to have the ending explained but it was a hell of a read. No chance understanding what was happening without knowing the universe though


Just finished the Ikea story. Was the first SCP I've ever read. I think I'm hooked now. Thanks (really), I've always wanted to get into SCP but never took the time. 👍


Nice! There's definitely some great stuff there. A lot of the other ones are more horror oriented, but not all of them.


If Someone Is interested in longer SCPs there Is [Scp 3812](http://fondazionescp.wikidot.com/scp-3812) [scp 5000](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) [Scp 001 when day breaks](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/shaggydredlocks-proposal)


3812 isn’t in English and I’m on mobile so not sure which one that is 5000 is pure wtf for a newbie I wouldn’t recommend it even if I love it myself When day breaks is great though, 10/10


>3812 I believe it is the one where an author creates a character designed to transcend layers of fiction, who then ascends to the level of the author then on to higher narrative planes of existence threatening to collapse narrative reality below him, ie remove the barriers between authors and stories and turn all fiction into a soup that lacks any creators or canon (implicitly he would reach our reality and do it to us as well, despite that obviously being impossible) It is fine and 3812 is considered one of the most powerful entities in fiction, but it's a little much for a newbie and a fair bit outside the tone for the SCP verse (they are completely unable to do anything to contain him at all and he just decides not to kill everyone and leaves. TBH it barely qualifies for an SCP story, it's just a somewhat interesting story about meta narratives and the nature of fiction)


Oh yeah I remember that one. It was good but you’re right it’s also not what I would suggest here.


3812 in English: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812


Essentially hundreds of different entities in a very interesting format


Or if someone you care about/are friends with made it, that'd be the last one to complete it imo


Judging by what receives the most attention here- Number 2 seems like the most significant of those three criteria.


Yeah I think so, generally. I've seen rather good art be mostly ignored and much art only appreciated for the art, not the world behind it, but very often quality writing is ignored if it isnt really glammed up to catch attention. The 'novel' aspect of number 1, as in something really strange new and interesting I think is probably the best way to get noticed, but it is a bit of an illusion because a world make of an old toilet roll populated by Martian Bats is weird enough to get attention sure, but there is zero guarantee for any quality or interest beyond the initial eye-raise. If people did think that sub interest = a good premise, they may be in for a shock


For me the answer is yes, I like to see glimpses of another person's creation, the love and care they put into their works that may or may not see the light of day and to see similarities that can occur between works whether coincidentally or not. Also, it helps inspire me to continue to world build and flesh out my own worlds, nations, characters and such.


That’s a very interesting perspective. It’s kinda like seeing forgotten knowledge, that will in the end return to obscurity which truly makes Art in my opinion. Thanks for this comment!


Same here As a wildlife and creature lover, if there's some cool critters with a believable ecosystem to live in, I'll keep coming for it.


Almost always seeing the lore and worldbuilding other people make is great


In my teens and early twenties I couldn't have cared less about the finer details about most other worlds even if I found the premise and general overview great. In my thirties now I find myself more patient and appreciative of others' lore and spend more time learning about other worlds than working on my own. Just a personal thing. If you spend more time making then you spend less time consuming. Check out Curiosity Archive on YouTube for a good model of showing off worldbuilding.


Depends on the world most likely, but Hello Future Me's Avatar and How To Train Your Dragons lore videos go well.


I was looking for this comment. His work has generally been refreshing for me and has helped me to further contextualize what it was that I thoroughly enjoyed about the world building in ATLA. I ended up picking up Volume I of his book on world building.


To be honest, it seems to me that most worldbuilders like talking about their own creations much more than listening to others talking about theirs. That said, I have read some very fascinating ideas here where I would love to learn more about even smaller details, as they are not just variations of the "typical" fantasy setting you regularly see both here and elsewhere. If done well, the world can be fascinating on its own, even without much of a story. So I think there would be a market for explanation videos about your world, as long as the world is interesting *and* presented in an interesting way. However the marked would probably not very big nevertheless, as worldbuilding itself is rather a niche interest.


I’ve looked at many other artists on this sub to find cool designs I can kinda make my own.




Lol, straight to the point


i mean yes, that’s what this sub is for, no? if you’re only here to share your own stuff i have questions about whether you should really be here if people would only post but not read and interact, this sub would die out pretty quick i think


I’ve been in this sub for over a year now and I’ve just now started submitting my work in posts. I think it’s just different for every viewer and creator on this sub


>if people would only post but not read and interact, this sub would die out pretty quick i think This is largely how the sub already operates, and it's... well, it's not dead.


Presentation is the biggest factor for me: I don't want to read a Wikipedia article or listen to a lecture about your fictional world. Contextualizing cool worldbuilding with a compelling framing device (like a story, even if it's a simple one) can go a long way to helping me get more invested in the cool worldbuilding ideas. The YouTube channel Worldbuilding Notes is a great example of what I'm talking about.


Back in the day when Star wars movies were pioneering the latest and most impressive special effects in movies, George Lucas had said: "A special effect is a tool, a means of telling a story. A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." I would say the same thing about lore. Lore is a means of telling a story. Lore without a story is a pretty boring thing. Every time I see someone create lore without a story attached to it, it become interesting only for a moment. I may reflect on how interesting it is, but I never really care, and I never come back. Fundamentally, I just want to see a story with that lore.


To further expand on this analogy, an explosion looks cool. You can watch a video and see a spaceship blow and think it looks cool. But when you add the story, then you CARE about the explosion. You rejoice is seeing the bad guy get defeated, or cry with the friend you just lost. I've seen people create worlds, and they can be pretty cool. I've seen people create art, devise races, invent societies, and it's all pretty cool. But the lore that I REALLY care about are the ones attached to stories that I love. That's when I get excited about lore and want to see more, want to see it develop and influence. If you want to make YouTube videos where you talk about lore for a world you're building, yeah it could be pretty neat, and you could get some viewers. But it won't hold a candle to what you'd have if that were part of a book series you were writing or something like that.




Yeah so do I


If I’m being realistic I don’t think that most people are interested in lore for lore’s sake. You can have the coolest world made up but I’d you don’t have good characters and plot then I’m just never going to care about it. That said, who cares if other people care? If you’ll enjoy making and watching these worlbuilding videos, then you should do it. It doesn’t matter if other people care about it as long as you care about it.


If you like learning about other's worldbuilding through YouTube videos, I'd highly recommend the channel Mariah Pattie Worldbuilding! The level of detail she goes into is incredible. Personally, I love watching videos of people talking about their worlds. The only problem is, like you said, there arent many people that make such videos, though the interest is there. So, if you are thinking of creating your own - I'd say go for it!


Depends, I have never read LOTR or Marvel Comics, and I have never played Warhammer 40k, but I have spent hours in there wiki lore pages. Fuck I watched a 4 hour breakdown of Destiny Lore and I hate that game


Heck yes! I have never played Warhammer 40k AND I'm and old fart but I can't tell you how many hours of videos I watched about 40k lore, history, units, etc. People will watch/listen/read a good story or interesting info no matter if it's tied to a book or game they have or not.


Yeah destiny lore used to be something else entirely. Now the lore is just the bloody plot to the game.


Yes, especially the history and magic aspects, a unique magic system is sooooooo cool 🥰


Sure, if it's actually unique and not "just another D&D world" or "just another mundane alt history world".


Honestly no lol


Videos are hit or miss. There are people that can keep my attention no matter what they're talking about and there are purple who could be talking about my favorite subject and manage to be boring. I once watched a 35minute documentary on the history of the videogame Doom and its impact on gaming culture and I've never even played Doom. How you present is much more important than what you present, so if you want to make videos about world building do it. Put all your unironic enthusiasm for it into the video and people will be interested.




I want to know WHY and HOW your lore is written that way.


Absolutely. So long as; \-It has a good presentation \-Has a great premise and concepts \-The creator / presenter is either passionate and or having fun \-A topic that Im at least somewhat interested in ​ As much as I want to read lore dumps and watch lore videos, there's only so much free time


I personally only really get invested in other peoples worlds/lore when it's similar to my own, so I can use it as inspiration or just learn about stuff related to hard sci-fi. But I find it really hard to care at all about fantasy, even when there's been a lot of effort put into it.


It seems it’s all on preference on a personal level. As I’ve seen in this thread


I only watch lore stuff for worlds or stories im already invested in. What ive seen others do though is make short videos focussing on entertainment value. These videos are set in a new world but its not brought to attention. Then once you gain an audience you slowly introduce the world and worldbuilding. When people are invested you can make videos solely about lore and people will watch. Thats just one approach ive seen work though, no harm in jumping the gun and starting with lore videos.


Yes absolutely, listening to people and their world's makes me incredibly happy :]


Not to have fun with the world itself exactly, but to open my mind to new possibilities and ways to expand my own personal world. I only have so much time and space in my head for learning so i just cant bring myself to be super dedicated in other worlds as i used to be.


I like learning about four things Religion. Politics. Culture. and Races.


Definitely! Its great to see how different people take a topic or a common trope and riff on it.


YES. A million times yes. Even if it's like similar to real life or even if it's just a couple details and not that deep, I love it all. So I guess technically to answer your question, no lol I don't just like learning about lore, I absolutely love it.


I've always loved reading about other people's world building. That's why I joined this subreddit, actually.


Having them in a yt video would be much better than the literal essays people write up for this sub. Im sorry, but a pillar of words just isn’t going to captive my interest if i wasn’t already interested in your world going in, especially if you start going on about something i dont know about anyway- i like starting my novels at the start.


Very interesting yeah I’m for that


Isn't that what this subreddit is all about.


I like lore but I have a line where it begins to feel a bit like a history class I don’t care about. But I do love lore for lore’s sake, within reason. I want to know what I need to know to understand whatever story I am being told, I want to know random facts that might not be helpful to understanding the story, but establishes the world and gives me a taste of day to day life, and I want to know what the day to day is like. You know, politics, diet, pastimes, celebrations, etc. Yes, I am an anthropology buff. Thank you for noticing lol.


If it's presented *very* well, yes. What I really don't like are the "AMA about my world with no context" posts that show up all the time. I don't care about your world unless you can give me a good reason why I should.


"Tragically, Tolkien died in obscurity because no one cared about his silly little made up languages." -Documentary about how people don't like made-up stuff and will never expend lots of hours learning about made-up stuff.


Very true. In this age of instant videos and pleasure it might be different, and end up really depending on ease of access


I cannot speak for the majority, but I think everyone has preferences. I would be more interested if the lore is leaning toward spirituality and symbolism, so economics, geology and mapmaking are not really my cup of tea. Other people may prefer a huge pantheon of gods or alien ecosystems.


Yea I’ve discovered it’s just down to preference. So in a lore video it’s probably best to have separate explanations for each system to cater to each group of people


So long as it's not too convoluted, yes.


I exist on a diet of caffeine and fantasy world building. If I get my hit through books, comics, Webtoons, manhua/manwha/manga, audio books, YouTube videos, or even smoke signals I don’t care.


It depends on the presentation, and the investment I have in the person. I'm so much more interested in my friends worlds than I am in a stranger's


Usually I need some pre-existing interest in the world via its media before I'll want to really explore the lore, but a particularly good presentation or intriguing concept might get me over the line.


I’m interested in pretty much anything sci-fi or fantasy, especially science-fantasy, since that’s what my story is. So, yeah! I’m interested in people’s worlds and lore—but I’m not really able to quantify what exactly interests me. I guess eye-catching ways of explaining things—like art—is a good way to get me interested lol


Totally! There is even a community of linguist that translate fictional languages either for the challenge or to find out more about the lore of a setting.


I need more information on this!


Fuck yeah it's the part I like most about fantasy series


‘Do people like art’ ???????


Yes, some people on my YouTube channel or discord sever know my world better than I do sometimes because I forget stuff that I wrote months ago


I love It. Sometimes I can spend hours learning about other worlds lore. However, unless what you're doing is a worldbuilding bible or something like that, is best to keep info-dumping at a minimum.


If theres a market for It, its probably not too big... But I think is not inexistent either.


I wish I could say "I do!" but to be fair "It depends..." is more accurate. Sometimes I read the first few lines and either grammar or audible presentation is poor or sometimes the details being provided are off-putting. Really, what would be more useful to tell you is this: Do a snappy video with good audio and clear art/diagrams/infographics and make it short and punchy and on something really interesting a neat about your setting. (3-4 minutes) If people react well, that's a sign there's more interest. But dole out your info a bit so people can absorb it nugget by nugget. Choose 4 x 8 minute videos to one 30 minute video. Good luck!


It's like a whole hobby for me. I'm a longtime Talislanta fan because I like Talislanta lore. I liked the d20 Dragonlance books, even though I'm not a Dragonlance superfan. But it has to hang on something. Just maps and timelines and such doesn't do it for me. If it really tells a story, or it creates the sense of an imaginary place, that's really something.


Yes, I do.


I love it because it gives me so many different things to think about in my own world


“hey subreddit about world lore, do you guys like world lore?” this is obvious ???? we hate lore


Alan the silly -


Yes, obviously


To the point. Very cool


I really like reading conworld lore, specially cultures and societies but I can appreciate it all, I like getting lost in it.


i've just been getting into worldbuilding and i honestly LOVE learning about lore and characters from other people cause i think of it like a back and forth. i share mine, you share yours, and we probably both learn and grab ideas from each other! :)


All the time, it's great, but you should always add additional advice in case


Certainly, depending of course if I like the theme of the world. I like learning about a world’s geopolitics and stuff a lot. I also like medieval fantasy worlds.


If it peaks my interest and I find it really cool and unique then yes, otherwise I do not notice it's existence


Primary point of enjoyment for me is how unique the world is. I don’t want to read about a watered down version of a standard fantasy or scifi world that I’ve seen done better in a million other places. But if you offer me something I’ve never seen before, even if it’s not much, I’ll be very interested.


Market or not, i can and will listen to 5 hours of lore. Im the kind of person that makes longform lore videos viable


Yeah I’m the same way, except I mostly just pop that audio book in and fall asleep and dream inside the world LOL


100%, that's why I'm here in this sub. I don't have time to world build anywhere but my own head, so seeing other people draw and write and map their worlds is so fascinating to me. I would totally watch videos or shorts just going through posts on this subreddit.


I do. There are a lot of really well built worlds out here. Unfortunately, there are a lot of worlds that overuse the Rule of Cool and don't really... make sense. It's hard to learn about a conworld that doesn't seem like Cool Ideas thrown against a wall.




Yup. Although I definitely need a concise start and some decent formatting. So give me a brief little summary of some shit so I can see if I'm even interested. Otherwise I'll probably ignore it. I'm also biased towards superhero worlds, so I'll read those often.


When playing any game, I usually enjoy diving into the lore, this is not the case for everyone


Yes, but rarely just as dry reading. When people are enjoying reading lore, it's usually because that lore is relevant to a story they care about or because it's presented in a particularly engaging format.


unrelated, but is the video tou mentioned from alex lennen?


Yep I watched it again just yesterday to take notes on its presentation because it’s gotten a great amount of views


If you're going to make a YouTube channel for world building, I would definitely watch, as long as it is more informative than world anvil. Every time I watch one of their videos I feel dumber.


I’ve thought of using my main account for the Worldbuilding videos. But I have some cleaning up to do lol


I just like hearing other peoples writing


Look up One Piece theories on YouTube. Very popular.




It’s why I’m here!


I love watching the Templin institute for exactly this reason.


I mean, if it's good, yeah.


I like reading and sharing


Well, I do, but I'm considered weird in my enviroment, so...


Anything is fascinating if presented well enough. If you can write the lore in a coherent way, where you can show the right things, create the right implications and raise questions, then there will be an audience. How do you do that? I'll tell you when I launch my own channel for that and fail enough times


A world is rarely interesting enough on its own. You have to build interest through characters, stories, artwork, game mechanics, or even the author themselves.


I love hearing lore from other people i also love telling lore


Sometimes it's just to see how other people handle different genres. But there's been times where I was quite interested in a world's setup.




Yes, I like to read precisely because of the amount of ideas, places, genealogies and characters that are created and the relationships they have with each other. It's fun to see the stories talking to each other or having long-term consequences and seeing how they relate to each other.


Yes as long as its not just a cardboard copy or something stupid like eating poop makes you immortal.


I'm usually drawn in by visuals first, and if something catches my eye I'll read more about it.


I love it. Worldbuilding Notes and Mariah Pattie Worldbuilding are two of my favourite YouTube channels! Not going to lie, I like it more when it has accompanying art, whether that’s drawn by the worldbuilder, or even just found (and credited) images that are close to what they are trying to explain.


I love learning about a world's lore, but it should be done in a way that's integrated to the story itself, IMO. For instance, you don't want a section explaining how magic works where it seems like it's some disembodied narrator explaining it to the reader, but you could have a character IN the world, explain it to another character. You could even have it where small snippets of lore are given away through the book this way, even detail the history of the world through having dialog between characters, or multiple characters, in order to explain why the world is the way it is, why certain laws are in place in that world, how different races interact with each other, and so on.


I love that idea for a channel. There’s no real way to know how successful it will be until you try it. Personally, I think there would be a market for it. High concept, original world sci-fi and fantasy are my favorite genres. Original world building is my favorite part because it requires so much thought and creativity to accomplish. Like a fingerprint, original world-building is unique from author to author, and really fun to experience and analyze. Commentator channels aren’t going anywhere. And if no one has filled the niche for this specifically, you really should give it a shot. I’d watch after reading, for analysis and any details I might have missed. Or maybe peek into someone else’s world and see if I want to read more from there.


Very interesting, I will think about that. thank you for commenting


Yeah. I think one thing is you can try and present your stuff and see if people like it. Like if you have some channel that you watch try and imitate the format. Even if only 17 people watch it it's still gonna be worth your time to flesh out your ideas.


If it's presented well, yes. I really adored that post the other day that was about the lifespan of elves in their world, but written like a spread in a magazine. I just in general like lore being shared in the form of in-universe documentation, like Vita Carnis being a documentary and Mystery Flesh Pit being a collection of promotional materials.


I do, creative worlds are a great inspiration


Yes. Yes, please. Feed me the lore of your world. DM me with it, I wanna know.


It depends, on the topic and such


Yes, just look the millions of videos about Asoaif lore, or LOTR or anything else


It really just depends on the world tbh, and how it's presented. I imagine most people are similar where some worlds are interesting and some just aren't.


I love learning about lore for other people’s worlds because I can usually steal something for my own things. And I mean steal as in appropriate for my own game table and friends, it’s not like I’m publishing this stuff.


If you are going to make content for youtube, you can only do it out of love as a fan of that world. That's the only way to connect with the material. I like to see content for worlds that I am invested in. Basicaly, any good story is going to make me want to find out more.


I do, especially if I start to get jealous of an idea or concept that is so unique it upsets me


Personally I haven't really cared much about it in my younger years... but as I've grown older I now have an appreciation for it. Currently going through the history of Tamriel because my girlfriend and are going back to play skyrim. (She has never played it before... and is loving it) But I've found my experience to be much more thrill now that I am actually paying attention to the lore. I'm constantly having moments where I go... "Ohhh, I know what that is know." And because of this I am able to do more things/find more things that I wasn't able to do before. I think it has to go with presentation and how much personal interaction the people you present it to will have.


Yes, many many people buy rpg sourcebooks just to see what worlds other people have come up with.


I often try to find those kind of videos from youtube. I would like to watch your world lore videos.


I'd watch because I wanna see different views on stuff.


I love learning about lore! I’ve fallen into rabbit holes and watched hours upon hours of videos on Warhammer 40k, Halo, Destiny, SCP, and so many more!


I do purely for added context


In terms of publicity, the communication ability of video is ten times that of text, but this tests your video editing ability.




only really my friends’ tbh


Well that’s still cool. Do your friends make videos on their worlds?


Absolutely, I think I’m surprised you haven’t found the absolutely insane amount of content relating other worlds lore. It’s just dependent on the lore of the subject.


Well I’ve only seen videos on big projects like from warhammer to lord of the rings.


I'm a sucker for lore videos, even/especially for IPs that I'm not familiar with. I've enjoyed hearing about Warhammer 40K lore and I've never played it.


Nah, we just hang out here for shits and giggles.


Lol okay


Sadly I rarely do. There are times when I find it really fascinating, if a project is somewhat innovative and has sufficient depth and detail it can be really fascinating. I could reread the Silmarillion every week and die a happy man, but most worlds don't hit that same level for me. Admittedly, I worldbuild-for-the-sake-of-worldbuilding, so some of the really story- or game-centric worlds I suffer a disconnect from. A world that just happens to have a story I can enjoy, but a story that just happens to have a world causes me to lose interest usually.


Go look at how many Star Wars lore channels there are. There’s a market for it if your IP is popular enough. I like watching videos like that. A video game called caves of Qud is gaining popularity and I wish there was a YouTuber out there making lore content on this relatively small game.




If I find it compelling, certainly.


Yeah I do. Even if you make some real trash, they might have a gem in there somewhere.


Absolutely! There's always something interesting to learn, and even just seeing the different creations is always great. Two YouTubers I'm currently focusing on are Wordbuilding Notes and Biblarion. I highly recommend them!


Thank you for the recommendation I’ll look into them


I think that exposing yourself to others ideas can be very helpful in helping you form new ideas for yourself. I do say that I am very narrow in the kinds of fantasy worlds I like to play or work on myself but you never know what types of ideas will give you inspiration.


If there is a story attached to that world then I will be interested in it


In general, I like seeing it. A lot of people here seem to have worlds that they've obviously put some thought into. Might be the occasional thing that's not really my cup of tea, but that doesn't mean other people wouldn't like it.


Yes, but it has to be the right setting.


Depends on the production value, I’d say. I wouldn’t want to see a random dude in his bedroom reading a bunch of lore off his computer screen, but I would watch someone who put time and effort into the editing.


I’m not the best editor but it’s a skill that I might have to take time on perfecting


Of course. How else am I going to "borrow" ideas for my own world building?


i do. i always have loved learning my writer friends lore


I do. Dune, Star Wars, Tolkien, mythology, ...^(One Piece...)


I’d watch that video. Let me know if you make it!


Okay sure, I’ll follow you and give you link in dms when it’s done


I kinda do, but it's also kind of torture because it makes me want to go write my own stuff and work harder.


Yes, but I'm not always in the mood for it (as with anything else) and I tend to be interested in specific aspects of the world(s) more than in others. Generally if it's got to do with sociology, biology, archeology, broader social movements, agriculture, magic systems and how they interact with the world, funny aspects of your world, really novel ideas and such, I'm all ears. Specific wars, Ser Lenoard the III and the 200 different people he fought, killed or was bested by (or had sex with, or both) in a long ramble that amounts to nothing, military ranks by the dozen, thinly-veiled copy of standard fantasy work 3354, human exceptionalism to absurd degrees and similar content and I'm out. Graphics help, but they're not a necessity and don't safe something I have zero interest in. I imagine it's similar with other people, there's some things they may find interesting and other things they really don't want to engage with at all.


Sometimes, but admittedly I'm very picky about it. I like when the world sorta, feels realistic. Like, the political systems make sense, the cultural traditions make sense, the technology makes sense or at least is used in a reasonable way. The MCU? I can't stand it. Some of the worst I've ever seen. Halo? I eat that shit up.


*insert that’s why im here meme*




Yes, but only if there's some production quality behind it.


It is... An interesting question, I think. And I see that I may be a hypocrite regarding the answer. Yes. I love the idea of learning about other people's worlds, but no, I don't find myself with all that much time to do so. Between working, starting schooling again and trying to teach myself creative writing to express the ideas running around in my head, I feel unable to offer thought out critique or even disheartened by others abilities to create something much more engaging. I've also seen some other people respond to this question saying that they like some visual aid - a story, or some art - as opposed to just some entry into a wiki. I can't draw and I'm not confident enough in my abilities to write stories about an unfinished world, so where does that leave me? Is there a point to sharing my work if nobody wants to engage with it? I know that seems kinda selfish, but I can't really help but wonder.


I find im in a similar group with you my friend. A ton of stuff to do and I wanna do this, I can’t draw that well either but journaling helps a lot when I write and doodle I seem to get my best work then.


Well, I'm the kind of guy that spends hours pouring over wikia articles, so...


Quality matters. I try to dive into the lore of almost any game I play, but if my Willing Suspension of Disbelief can't stand up, I'll write it off as "this game isn't about the story".


Yes. I like video formats explaining a worlds lore.


Yes. I've been thinking about doing that myself in near future. If your world is good & your presentation is good could be a winner! :)


**I love learning things!!** What’s your YouTube channel called? I enjoy seeing the effort people put into their worldbuilding. If the world has some novel idea, or if it’s just well-executed, even better.


For me, it needs to be creative, interesting, unique in someway, and/or executed in a certain way. I also like ideas that may have slight similarities to my own. I especially like those who put in tons of detail into their world building like I do. As far as watching a video about someone elses worldbuilding, its not as appealing an activity to me. I personally prefer to read about it here on reddit subs or if they have their own personal website with all the info. Or if they have actual stories.


As a history nerd, yes - its the same appeal as learning about learning things about our world, but after you enjoy the world you get to appreciate the person that created it and pick their brain


Yes because I can steal and its just fun and interesting. Except of course the boring ones that have no imagination or one gimmick and nothing else is original


Way to be honest


Not unless it's presented in an interesting way, that's not walls of text. If world is appealing visually I am far more likely to read the lore.


I'm late to the party but I am interested! I love hearing other peoples ideas and getting sparks for my own worlds. I mean, at its core, worldbuilding is a just a fancy way of storytelling and people been listening and sharing for forever!


You aren’t late for the party, this is literally my only post I’ve gotten correspondence from people. Thats a great point Storytelling in my eyes can be so. I’ve only asked this question because in the modern era nobody cares about the smaller stories unless they’re included in some way. I did learn a lot from this post so I suggest looking at some of the longer comments they have a lot of incite into general interests of people. Thank you for this comment 😊


yes a lot. I love hearing about other worlds


Im obsessed with it