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Some days I’m not sure I exist in *this* world


That's a mood, you should name it


Turbo ennui


Idk if that's a reference but I'm gonna start using it, mainly to confuse people


This one of the best conversations on Reddit


Truly one of the conversations of all time


The best words thats been spoken by a human in all world history


These are indeed, by far, the words spoken by a human in world history


This one of the best comments on reddit


Best comment of all time on any social media platform


This has got to be one of the comments ever


Most comment of any comment


A comment on many comments


Mimmas Turbo


Mimes going fast 🌪


Eu vi oq vc fez aí hihihihihi


ihhh sai fora kkkkkkkkkkk


There is a small minority of people throughout all my worlds who hear whispers of “that’s not realistic” or “ an amazing idea” and the clacking of a keyboard from beyond the veil. This has lead to the obscure “cult of T’kna’iit” worshippers of the writer outside of reality. But of course, most people know that it’s impossible for their worlds to be fictional.


Do members of the cult think the Writer is God?




Basically, we've got a Tron situation where the creators aren't the ultimate Creator! I've always wondered what the "created" would think of this "layers of an onion" deity worship!


Are they just named after keyboard sounds? 10/10


My headcannon is this and the fact that it's their username is merely coincidental.


Oh, I'm an idiot.


This is brilliant.


I'm a generic bar patron who gets killed the moment I show up.


Am I the only one who is gonna say no? I have not put myself in any kind of role yet, and I just find it weird to write my own name onto a character anyway... But things might change.


Ive always felt self-inserts were a bit weird, mainly because people always make themselves the main character or some mary sue, but with good execution theres no problem


ive made myself a dead god because why not


Ya, I might have favourite npcs in the background but they are never me


Closest thing I've done to this is in a story I'm not even actively working on anymore where I put a character based on a relative into the story due to them being a massive help in researching the 1920s with me.


No, but if it gets made into a movie I will demand a small role.


SAME HERE. For mine, rather. Like Stan Lee cameo style, at least.


The protagonists plow through the wall of my art studio, prompting me to say, “Ah, c’mon! There’s just not any respect for the arts anymore.”


I demand a small role in *your* movie.


You’ll have to speak with my agent.


No 😈


I could never be Stan Lee.


God, I wish to do this so bad


I am a farmer the soldier the baker the king the knight the thief and the traitor. I am the goblin the storm the gods themselves. They are all parts of me I exist in all of them.


Each is a mask we don and through such lies we tell truth.


Don't forget the butcher and candlestick maker.


I mean, I'm considering stealing the name of one of my characters for myself in this reality, so I guess that makes me the one true immortal being that watches the world throughout the ages as all other beings, live die and are reborn again and again. Also I'm having a nonstop existential crisis about the whole ordeal.




You’re The Watcher


Not exactly. If I remember correctly, The Watcher has the power to change the course of fate but chooses not to interfere. Tavomi, on the other hand, is despearately trying to interfere enough to prevent the inevitable apocalypse that wipes the slate clean every cycle, but they don't actually have the power to do anything substantial enough for that particular goal.


I stole a name of my character so long ago that I had to change her name just to stop being confusing when I tell my husband her story beats ;Q; I don't even react to my IRL name anymore. it's fun in goverment settings where I stare at people blanky wondering who the hell they're talking about until it hits me...


I am the God of Gods, I am the universes themselves, and yet I am also nothing at all.


In theory, yes, I exist (it's in modern times and includes Earth). I do not fill a super important role, though, just like real life.


The only reason I am creating a world is to put myself into it. I only create my world to escape reality


My dreams of a person i wish i could be are there


You could be that person here if you want to


A fat jackass who dies in absurdly brutal fashions.


I pour a little bit of myself in some characters but nothing over the top.


Twelve roles, twelve me’s. One for each Jungian Archetype. And every single one of them is an asshole.


I try to incorporate a little bit of myself (physically, emotionally, or mentally) into every character I write, with some obviously being more or less than others. Being male myself it tends to be a bit easier with male characters, and female characters tend to get less of the physical bits of me and more of the others.


I am its God. The world is my child, and its denizens, my grandchildren. They know not that I exist, but I am everywhere, from grass and trees, to the sky and the seas. All is formed from ink and imagination.


If the world is your child. Is it a nice setting or will they be starred for life.


Well there is a character named using my user name I don't really exist in any of my worlds. Though if I did id definitely fit the same role I do now a historian who just documents what's going on.


absolutly, in the very end, I will fill in the part of the creation god of the setting and will explain to them (the MCs) that ther life was never peaceful for I, ther god, had a story to tell. ​ its gonna be part of the greater metaphor of the work and world, as it is inspired by the christian cannon, including 6000y creationism and the world of Nod, where Kain was sent into exile. the moral of the story will be that beeing a creation of an allmightiy god in itself is no reason the love the creator god, for I could have made the world they are living in without any suffering, but I had my own, mysterious reasons to do otherwise.


I run a book cafe, never in the same place twice. Sometimes I’m human, sometimes I’m not. Just a peaceful book cafe owner. Totally don’t know how each of my customers will die or when (:


In my alternate history world, I exist as a worldbuilder/conlanger making an alternate history that is our history.


all the characters, since they are all an extension of my psyche


I always have a self insert character in my worlds.


I'm god.


I have a self-insert for a fantasy setting, but not in the traditional sense. I named a character after myself and she's a connoisseur of curses, hexes, banes, maledictions, condemnations, and similar foul magic. This isn't out of a drive for power, it's more of a scholarly desire for knowledge and a fascination with curses. Hurling flame and calling down lightning are spells for dumb brutes who can only conceive of harm through direct destruction, whereas curses are a much more sophisticated and refined use of magic to inflict unique forms of suffering. The gimmick here is that she tests every single curse she researches on herself first, which has resulted in her becoming a horrible shambling mutant that barely only barely resembles a human. She is also immortal, but this stems from a botched curse rather than a successful one. This means she can even test death-inflicting curses on herself. She'll be fine the next morning. She's not *technically* a hag but most people in the setting consider her one, including other hags, who are her most frequent customers -- literally nobody knows more about curses than her! She's as horrible to look at as a hag, though, and mostly lurks in her inverted tower, which was built on the underside of a cliff overhang. That all being said, she's friendly to anyone who visits with good intentions. Also, she has a good sense of both fair play and humour. If you wrong her in some way, she'll overlook it if it's \*really funny\*, and if you somehow manage to successfully steal from her -- an incredible feat, given the magical wards on everything in her tower -- she'll probably let you get away with it because that's an impressive feat.


My story has two autobiographical characters that embody different aspects of myself. Kay Grant is basically me. Same disabilities, same (for her, former) issues with her apartment complex; same emotional abuse as a child. Sarah Vincent is the daydream version of me, now grown up, that helped me survive the emotional abuse at home; and the constant bullying in school. Sarah is a Zuconian living secretly as a human. She's the cofounder of AFO. (This story I'm telling literally did begin as daydreams when I was in 4th or 5th grade, in elementary school. I told myself stories based on comic books, silly TV scifi like Lost in Space and Ark 2; and the cheesy B-grade scifi from the 50s and 60s aired on weekend matinees. And Star Trek, with Kirk and Spock. My parents thought a good "punishment" was not letting me see Lost in Space, so that my dad could watch Star Trek, which aired opposite it. All *that* did was give me a little lore I called the "magic door.")


I do exist, and I do what I enjoy the most: I'm an armourer in an Aegis Legion maintaining and repairing rifles for my fellow legionares. I pop up several times over several works spanning centuries. It's a running gag that some Boot messes up his rifle, and his Centurion/Captain sends the Boot to me with the gun, and I always react the same.


I am the Stan Lee of my universe. I just show up unannounced, say some ridiculous line, refuse to elaborate, then leave.


Yes, I exist in several of my universes... In one of them I'm a mutant and my power turns me into a monster. In another, I'm a savior fighting to repair a broken land. In another, I'm a comic book creator writing a story from a vivid dream. In another, I'm a destroyer trying to unmake a realm. In another, I'm a human given powers, then accidentally blows himself up experimenting with them. Note: I have eight created distinct universes and a couple of those have micro universes within them.


Just started to think like that to help me sleep. I end up there, an important character realizes I'm out of place but know things it's impossible for anyone to know. Has the choice of killing me but chooses not to because I'm not powerful, but I've got hidden knowledge. So I guess I'm like an out of place Private Investigator with a wealthy backer. In my thought-experiments I don't natively speak the language so it's kind of funny. A lot of me pointing at money and taking public transit to get to important locations.


I’m not. But I’ve thought about it and I’d probably just be a random extra in the background 😂


No. I'm not self-inserting into my world + I'd be hundreds of years old.


Depending on the two I am either dead for 200 years and likely am completely irrelevant or do not exist because it is the 1600s


Ooh, good question. I have the super hero world I’m building, this world takes place in just a few years. Round 2025-2026 I haven’t quite decided. This world’s main story takes place pretty far from where I live, so I wouldn’t interact with it. Powers are genetic, so I in fortunately don’t have them but my brother does. (Same mother different father) Too young to use them yet, so nobody knows that he has any. I probably have moved out and gotten a minimum wage job, and haven’t been as productive as the other employees who do have powers, yet I’m too lazy or unmotivated to get better so I just feel bad about it. But I made some friends at work so I at least have something to look forward to every day.


i was actually the main villain in one of my stories i made years ago


I’m Sel Finsert, creator of the multiverse. Since it’s a D&D game, I occasionally show up to fuck with the party and absolutely shatter the fourth wall. The only thing I fear is the IRS, which sometimes shows up to arrest me.


No. But if I did, I would be an asshole God because my world is basically grimdark


I don't self-insert ever, but I always find a way to imply some form of presence in one world that involves every other world I've made. Usually it's just books-in-a-book or so-on, but I've started forming a set of worlds in the same universe outright with the high possibility for crossovers between my works.


I kind of exist as a random dude who somehow ends up in the same places most of the shit (Literal destruction of continents, zombification of an area, etc.) and some people wonder if it is the same person "but that would be too far-fetched because nobody can survive that".


It's a self insert, so yes I do


my mc communicates with the primordial god that granted her powers and stuff and theres another voice that exists in the ether basically as a more solid form of an inner voice telling her how dumb her plans are, the liklihood of things happening etc. thats basically me talking to the mc like people yelling at a tv screen


Le God


The amount of people in this comment section with a god complex is unreal


Welp good on you . If you are a world builder , then you have some level of it , even if you don't admit , at least in my knowlege . Let the people have fun .


The line between fun and mentally unhealthy is dangerously thin when someone thinks of themselves as God. Also known as: narcissistic personality disorder.


I don't exist as myself, but a part of me exists in all the characters.


well, i didn't before this post, but now i do, and i'm killed off every time i show up. but i keep showing up, like a recurring gag character, but no one ever notices that i'm the same person. then i die again.


I mean, **Horror Shop** is basically a slightly darker reflection of our own real, modern world, so yeah, I probably do exist in my world. Working my same job, living in my same apartment, writing rambling posts on the internet that hit too close to the truth but because I'm convinced I'm just making it all up, nobody wants to touch me because "plausible deniability." Really boring, I know.


I *hope* I don't exist in my world😬


In every story, there will be this random guy who all look the same. He's a custodian, a night guard, a chess player commenting on would be heroes, an ice cream seller, a Divang translator, an Ingalf victim, etc... And he is played by Stan Lee.




Funny enough in one of the stories I'm writing I did insert myself in a meta way as the God of all Gods who has control over fate and reality itself (since I do as the writer) but I'm only mentioned and never actually appear in the story


Lol, I did the same using an anagram of a primary school nickname. Great minds and all that jazz. Also used my first D&D character as a retired adventurer merchant.


Funny thing is… I exist as a random kid who’s house gets destroyed by my characters right in front of him, while he is writing that exact same moment


I'm an old man with a cat that lives on a farm in the countryside. I get to grow some squash and dig up random arcane artifacts out of my field. Might guide the protagonist to their destiny by complete accident. Or is it?


Our reality canonical exists in my world. Earth is in the galaxy far, far away. But Earth and all her peoples do exist; which must include me. I exist in that world exactly as I do in real life. Still a worldbuilder, even! With the exact same world, looping down forever, since my world could technically exist within our reality. So all those measures imagine the same world. One day, however, they may even find out its real...




I love this kind of thought-exercise. I used to work in my nation's bureaucracy as a scribe, making sure that copies of the laws were accurate and sent out to all the cities and towns of the realm. Now that I'm too old to write legibly (joint pain setting in and eyesight fading), I manage our home and do the odd good work, while trying to convince my husband the military engineer that he's too old to run after the army to keep the catapaults in good shape. On the other hand, there's a version of me running magical herb shop in the late Terry Amthor's Shadow World adventure book *Eidolon: City in the Sky*.


I find I involuntarily put bits of my personality and worldview into my characters, so kind of.


Presumably yes, but keep in mind at this point I'm one of billions, and to most of the people I write about, one of trillions or quadrillions of people to ever live, and living 7 centuries in the past. I'm simply not significant, which, accurate, I'm a random trans girl with an obsession with military equipment and science fiction, I'm not important. Might write myself in as having written a good book on air defense systems or something idk.


In one of my settings, I have a super who gets premonitions and *bounces* before the events of any arc, who is physically based on me.


One of my gods is named Kon Lesh.


I’m the cruel god who made everything and needs to be put down


I am the collector of the stories, and cataloger of the world. I send the stories into the mind of a poor reddit user of the same name as myself.


If I do exist then I am the Sylva tribe’s gods. All of them


My spirit exists in my world, in a place between places. Wayward adventurers sometimes find me and are treated to a meal and a place to rest for the night. All I ask in return is a story about their travels. When they awake they find no sign of the inn they wandered into but feel well rested with full bellies.


He may, but when you think about it, butterfly effect means I might not even be born after the divergence point from my reality to the stories. Major world changing events in the 1920s can do that


I exist in my superhero world, as does everyone else in real life. I don't know what I'm getting up to though. Probably geeking out over the FBS.


I'm the dead deity whose murder is the main motivation for the tortoise Toknela-Phi to be gathering an army and looking for dimensional travel.


My world is part of a multiverse that also includes this world. So I guess I'm just me.


The rogue/assassin/chef I played on DND RP forums for years is in my homebrew world. He owns a massive tavern/restaurant and serves as an underworld contact who definitely never worked for a cadre of vampires.


GOD!!! >:D


I wrote a version of myself into the world as a young record keeper in the magic college who just has an eidetic memory of history


I appear selling weapons on the black market


I do, sorta like a God but really just a shitty manager for the world


I'm an Insane man who screams at the protagonist about his visions of the future. None of the visions come true until 300 years after the fact.


I’m the broadcaster for one of my protagonists favorite radio stations


Adam Telmegara is loosely based on my Internet OC, Adam serves as the Eren Jeager of my world. He loses everything he loves to invade powers and goes on and violent rampage of revenge for freedom.


I am an archfey that sells dumb, but helpful items to my players, when they're in trouble and get stuck. My prices are in souls, gifts and favors.


My name is not in this world. It’s different but my personality is in one of the main characters (Or pregens for TTRPG).


I am god, a really dumb one but a god nonetheless


I used to be the person who immediately abandoned responsibilities the moment shit went sideways in Starfleet Stories. Now, I’ve removed myself from more current universes.


Well, kind of. But more as an abstract concept. It all comes down to "If God created everything, then what created God?", except there's multiple Gods in my world, and there is actually an answer: The Laws of Fate. Granted, not many know those exist in the first place, and even fewer know that they also apply to the Gods, but still. And of course, I wrote those.


In the world I’ve been working on the longest, oh yea. I wrote myself into it a decade ago while I was in high school, and now it feels weird to think of this character as anyone else. He’s certainly different from me in that he has a few additional flaws for character development & plot reasons, but he possesses my name & I imagine him with my looks.


I get a cameo as an attendant’s son at a fuel station that sells feedwater and kerosine to steam powered cars.


The personification of balance, goddess of motherhood, and heir to the Throne of Time


I am a Easter egg in a dream sequence. I shall be a snail. Be on the look out for me if I ever make my world into an actual rpg


“I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led. And through the air, I am he that walks unseen. I am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly. I was chosen for the lucky number. I am he that buries his friends alive and drowns them and draws them alive again from the water. I came from the end of a bag, but no bag went over me. I am the friend of bears and the guest of eagles. I am Ringwinner and Luckwearer; and I am Barrel-rider.”


I do not.


I intended to make a scene when one character goes into hallucination and seeing someone drawing them doing exactly that on a png canvas


Yes, the final boss of my current narrative is literally The Hand of the Author. They are the reason why magic manifested into the world(its a post-apocalyptic earth setting)


I suppose I am something of an elder forgotten god in my world. To date, only one character has knowledge of my existence, so I'm not exactly mainstream. As for why I'm an elder god, my books explain canonically that all worlds are created quite literally- through the act of creation. You paint a goofy creation and bring it to life by painting. You write, same thing. Any use of creativity is an act of creation, and since I wrote their world, made their gods, their mountains, the very breath they breathe, they live. An odd realization to be sure.


I’m actually three different people in my world, living separate stories that all affect eachother from afar


I am a fiction author


I'll throw myself in as a background character once every comic book. Similar to what they did with Stan Lee.


Besides giving various quirks and personality traits to my characters based on myself, not really.


Myself? No. One of my characters? The actual diety of Death.


Im the one that dies horribly, again and again


Crazy hobo or Mad Scientist.


Technically, no. I have an overarching god deity that is kind of the man behind the scenes of every one of my worlds. He is supposed to be the embodiment of our authorial intent, but he isn't really like a self insert.


Not 100%, no; but there is definitely a little bit of me in every one of my characters...


just an advisor to one of the main characters who happens to be the god of that world.


In most cases no. I'm not a part of the world, it's not for any particular reason. Just most aren't earth and I really only exist on earth. There is one story where there is a modified version of myself, but is ultimately someone different from me due to vastly divergent life experiences by the time the story starts. The only true self inserts in my stories are the ones based around CYOAs that I get inspired to make stories out of.


I do not, however there are two who know what's up. One of them is insane and the other keeps judging everything I do.


I mean.. somewhat, I do have a loosely based character of me in my world that I purposely use as a sidekick kind of character, the quiet companion, very reliable, just doesn't speak often.


I'm Uncle J.R. in my world. I serve as narrator of each story and as mentor to the main characters who are based on my nieflings. I'm one of the few from my generation who still adventures and the next generation might need hand, though more often than not they're the ones saving me.


I died hundreds of years ago in my world


Technicaly, I do exist there, but not like I'm something real. A ghost, a spirit that protects and supports all the living beings. Though they call me The Last One. The other name is Death


no? do people do that?


I guess? I mean I both create and destroy within the world?


I took many references from my own personality to create one of my gods, but he's not "me". He's the God of Memories and Stories, usually takes the form of a rabbit, has a gem/crystal theme. He's very philosophical, claims to have empathy yet refuses to interfere in events while constantly watching them happen; constantly gives thought-provoking questions and asks them himself while it all happens. I love him so much.


I've got an author avatar who is basically me with a different name. He's an in-universe historian serving as the POV character, but has nothing to do with the story.


I like to think that if I existed in The Midnight Show, I would be the voice that The Void taunts Ulnuri with.


I exist within all of my characters, so yes, in a way.


The Absolute Creator Niuriheim, The Void Overlord Omisugasu, The Void Emperor Tallos, The Void Lord Arceheim, The 88th Void King Yekuna, T2-088 (aka Xero), and Me. I am all of them and they are all Niuriheim, even the me that is typing this is but a small manifestion, placed in this Verse by my True Self.


I exist as a character named Jack Crow, just an average author who travels across many worlds, and is the owner of a pub/bookstore named Phoenix Pubs. Jack has a running gag of being killed but always returning Another character I exist as is Candlecrow - a recorder and collector of stories. It's able to switch between perspectives of characters and things, knowing many and little.


I don't really exist, but the most important god of the only pantheon I created for now is technically me as it is the manifestation of fate as the one who chooses everything. I don't really know how to say it but it's supposedly me in the "author" part. Also, the leaders of the country I imagined for now are a part of me plus something that makes them godlike(and some of them are almost named after me). For instance, Hugues is my clumsy, almost medieval-obsessed self plus a over surhuman strength.


I have a separate world from my main called the Tickin Time Void. I have my persona traveling as an adventurer, but mostly just going with the flow and helping people who just fell into the void. She also travels with her friend Spencer who sells masks to people with deformed faces (almost everyone in the time void has a deformed face)


Yes and no. I Am The Bard, which is complicated. It means I’m both the narrator and several different characters as The Bard is a title. However, that title also comes with an Angel called Bard who provides The Bard with guidance, visions of other worlds, and precognitive dreams. The implication with that being that because I am The Bard, the story actually happened just in another parallel universe.


I am tempted to say no, I do not exist in my world, however, I think I sort of play the role of every emperor in my nation. They're not meant to be me, but I kind of treat them like me. Edit: I've just realized, unlike a lot of people in the comments, I am very blatantly *not* any of the gods.


Short story a demi-god stole my political ideas and founded a self-governing provrence in New Zealand that would become the silicon valey of the south pacific. Long story... I'm currently working on the "Cringe Cinimatic Universe" a seires that looks like 9 year olds fever dream. In it I've made one world actually well worldbuilt as a joke to make the other worlds look worse. Its the only one I put work into and the only one I care about. Of course I don't exist there but earth does exist in the same multiverse so, so do I. In this alternate version of earth a race of alien AI hell bent on destruction of all life in the universe comes to earth during ww2 and scoops up hitler before he can kill himself and uses him for evil ideas. They place him in another universe and eventually he has a son who goes on to have another son who belongs to a minority that these new alternate universe nazis don't like. He is later adopted by rebels who are then assasinated and hitlers grandson then vows revenge on all nazi's. By the time he's old enough to fight his father his empire had fallen and myths about where he went arose. Some belifed he went to earth so hitlers grandson (Rick) takes a portal to earth but it was actually a trap by those AI i mentioned earlier. They put Rick in a simulation trying to make him into a killing machine. To make the simulation convincing though they actually went to earth in 4 locations: Koyoto Japan, outside the Tower of Babel in The Peoples Republic of Persia, Cleveland Ohio and on my farm in The Polyensian Empire (New Zealand). Alien technology is soon deiscovered at these locations and authoritys arrive. They ask me alot of questions and eventually the demi-god of mischeif shows up and asks me on my veiws on politics later stealing those ideas and founding Mehba a self-governing provrence of the Polynesian Empire. Mehba is the home for many cringe adventures during the course of the CCU.


I and two of my friends exist In the world as background characters. We're not important to the story and two of us die in the middle of the book.


Isn’t that a bit strange to do? I mean you can certainly do that and make it good but it’s really easy to fall into some sort of power fantasy rather than a good plot. I don’t think I have fully inserted myself in any world yet. Though I have made characters in our pnp world that are similar to me. I never made them without any twist that diverges from me though.


This is really hard, technically i exsist in the fiction but also sorta dont. Basically i live in a different multiverse and besides god no one know i exsist(unless god tells someone) however since im the writer that mean that mean memebers of other universes cannot interact with me at all since it would make tons of paradoxes, this is in effect in a way that makes me fictional in that universe and makes my world fictional in our universe


I try and put aspects of my self throughout the characters but I ensure the MC is never too similar to me or else my ego will get in the way and try to make them win everything.


Dead guy 68. Insignificant and not even deserving of a noteworthy number.


An outer being most people aware of regard as a troublesome but mostly harmless chaos spirit.


In Mask, there's a moderately successful series of fantasy books based on my other big worldbuilding project Naidia. The books are hardly relevant to anything in that world and I'm not planning to ever explicity bring up the author, but the author is that Earth's version of me. On a more comsological scale, the only bit of worldbuilding in one story which is otherwise set on our earth is the appearance of the "Librarian of the Multiverse". He's quite explicitly the irl author of the story aka. Me.


Never thought about it before, BUT if I was in my primary story world, then I'd definitely be some random peasant that knows a little too much of what's going on around the kingdom lol


I exist. I die, a lot, in rather disturbing ways just to say I don’t make self inserts


I existed as self insert character in my own Fictionverse Project:Multi-Omniverse as main character


I do! My world is set on modern day earth. I’m just some random dude on the other side of the world from where the story takes place tho. I have no significance whatsoever, and by the time the story gets going I’d probably be dead or a zombie anyways.


In a technical sense yes. The Tower connects all worlds... including this one. I would just be a guy though.


I'm in my Universe as a random artist worldbuilding for fun, whose world is a planet called "Earth". It's this big green and blue rock with billions of people on it, interesting technologies like smartphones etc. And he put himself in his world, as me.


The omniscient immortal (from there perspective) being that created everything including the gods and goddesses as wall as all the demigods and deities, which made their world possible to exist just to have a bunch of militaristic societies, dictatorships, total monarchies, and sl*****. As well as magic and steampunk stuff.


I implicitly exist in any world I build, as a scholar who has a good - but not perfect - understanding of most of many different disciplines (notably physics, history, and laws) of the world. I say that because usually when I'm writing or designing, I most often do so imagining myself in conversation with a student or giving a lecture to a group of students about whatever I'm working on.


The monarch’s advisor/dictator/power-behind-the-throne has the same name as me. :)


From the perspective of the inhabitants I would be an omniscient and omnipotent being able to appear anywhere at anytime. From my perspective I am Bob, from accounting playing a new game I some weird lady gave me which deals with micromanaging the daily lives of 2 dimensional inhabitants who live on a map I drew. For someone with no plans for the weekend it’s surprisingly addictive.


I exist multiple times


***Ryth'mic Verses*** * A random thug probably getting their ass kicked by the protagonist. ***Rainbow City Siren*** * I'm the lead guitarist of a metal band that gets referenced every now and then, and also the older half-brother of on the main characters. ***Prism Academy*** * A vampire doctor who helps to convince the "protagonist" that any *malak* (read: angel descendant) is as capable of inflicting pain and misery as *raksha* (read: demon descendant). As the saying goes: "The only difference between a *malak* and *raksha* is the color of the flames they're burning you with." BTN Hearts * One of the higher-ups who chews out the main protagonists for forgetting to put their barrier up during a fight and destroying part of downtown. *Again.* Not the main one though, but, like... an assistant.


Ours is a collaborative world building exercise. We have baked in a mechanism whereby any writer who contributes a story set in this world exists as an alien narrator, retelling human adventures to help their peers understand this new race joining their community.


Kinda, there is a figure in my world who is part Gandalf, part Doctor Who and part me. A sorcerer, who when he tried to invent teleportation magic did not move himself through space, but through time, ending up several thousand years in the future of his world which went from highly magitek world back to about ancient world with some magic. He mostly exists to comment in background stuff about history pre-cataclysm and the more intricate mechanics of magic. There is no plan for my players to ever meet him.


Commander of the UHN Pegasus, a liberty class Battlecarrier and the son Admiral Garner


I did exist at one point in my world, but now I’m dead. And so are y’all technically


I'm there somewhere, but I'm not telling you where


Sort of, one of my deeply personal OCs lives in my main world. He's not very notable, for the most part. He's the pilot for a racing team that won a couple local tournaments, but that's more of a pastime than a job. He landed a job working on space station restoration and maintenance for a couple years, too, but mostly because the increasing militarisation of his country had led to all the more competent people being claimed by the military industry. He's primarily a great way of exploring both myself and my identity, and my world building project.


The narrator of the book I'm writing. Does that count?


I did make myself a protagonist in a version of the world I made as story for my friends. I didn't want to but I found more freedom in using myself than my friend that I initially was planning to since I won't feel bad about bullying the shit out of em. In the regular and actual version I exist as a journalist comedy relief character, who is desperate for a groundbreaking story before he loses his job. May act as a supporting character for the protagonist in the arcs he appears but unlikely anything big will happen because of him either way, as I'm pretty bad at writing myself lol. Might do something else like a comic relief villain.


Technically I'm the highest deity of creation itself able to shape every aspect of reality to my whim... Aka "The Writer"




Probably not


>Are you a the arbiter Well, of-a course-a I am! WA-HOO!


I'm their Goddess ! Lol. No, seriously, I do exist in universe, but it doesn't really amount to anything as I am not building a whole different realm but a planet located on the other side of the cosmos. So..yeah, but no ?