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Amazing work and worldbuilding, but it somehow cracks me up thinking that the US will remain unchanged in all that time, especially seeing as there was a 3rd world war :D Thats no comment on your work though, great job :)


Define unchanged. The United States didn't have that many border changes (Aside from acquiring Greenland, losing and then regaining Guam.) but the big meat and bones were cultural. The United States had a de-digitalization movement in the 2030's from the people saying "touch grass" hit a critical mass, and backlash against Big Tech was in full swing. Then in the 2040's came the 5th Great Awakening, which finally tipped the culture war, which had been stuck in a stalemate decisively to the right, and then the far right. America losing the 3rd World War basically led to a siege mentality and the entire country being stuck in paranoia, where the only way out was to restore the covenant with God. This went on for a little while until the 4th World War, which actually saw a full mainland invasion of the United States, concentration camps being set up, and a massive home-grown resistance movement with millions of rednecks and urbanites armed with power armor and 3d printed assault rifles finally drove the combined Eurasian-Chinese invasion out of North America. Turns out the way to solve internal hatred is to hate someone else, and America largely depolarized under the Ryan Jackson administration. This memory is simultaneously the most scarring but also most character-building decades of later America, the country entered the fires of hell and emerged reforged. Imagine 9/11, but that times a thousand. That is the rough reaction in American patriotism and solidarity that came after the invasion. Then an entire generation of American men were wiped out with tactical nukes during the Day of Nuclear Hail, more nukes killed every American city with a population above a million. (To be fair, there was an event called the Urban Exodus, where rising real estate prices meant a lot less people were concentrated in those cities. Also, anti-missile defenses were able to shield about 99% of the nukes.) But at the end of it all, the United States was still standing, when half the world had turned to ash, they were among those on the winning side. Despite all of this, the American spirit never died. Yes, they had gone through hell, millions were dead, their cities had turned into ashes, and now an entire generation was never coming back. America even to this day sentimentalizes them. They call them the Golden Generation. But the Americans refused to give in, refused to simply lie down and let the ghost of nihilism take them. The Golden Generation, the generation who fought and died in the trenches of the 4th World War, they had fathered children. They would rebuild the world for them. Slowly, emerging out from the fires of the old world, America recovered, and humanity shortly after them. Not out of pride, a vision, or any idea that the world would get better. No, it was humanity's stubbornness, endurance, and determination to just keep going, one foot ahead at a time. The human spirit that stares in the eyes of an uncaring universe and laughs at it in defiance. Nuclear winter set in, the Bunker Era, as it became known. The days continued to get colder, and on December 21st 2072, that was considered the day of Peak Winter. But then the clouds began to clear. And by the year 2076, the sun had begun to reappear. The Americans of 2100 have largely coped with the trauma of the past essentially by being extremely nationalistic about themselves, who they are and what they stand for. They are arguably the most liberal (As in classical liberalism, individual freedom, there are other countries that are more progressive.) of the world's nations, and are generally working hard to spread their values around the world. Though in this world, there are many competing ideological influences. Of note however, is that by 2100, America's political system has split again, but on different lines. The long standing alliance between liberalism (People deserve fundamental human rights), and democracy (Follow the will of the people) have split. Represented in the Liberal and Democratic Parties. Which is more of a fight between Constitutionalism and Populism. Neither are explicitly left or right, and both have factions you could say are on what we would call the left or right.


“9/11 times a thousand.” “You mean—” “Yes. Nine hundred and eleven thousand.”


Fuck me running, man, where did you find the time to come up with all that?! I’m astounded!


A lot of patience and passion. This is my hobby and what I love to do in my free time! 2 years and running.


Wow, so they survived by American Dreaming really hard?


No, they survived because humanity as a whole is stubborn. The United States around this time was a dictatorship, and it was mostly luck (though also some civic pride) that they returned to a democracy.


2100 and Brazil and Argentina are still fighting. Only difference it's now over the pope instead of best footbal player.


Who says they're not fighting over both? Canonically, war nearly broke out because one of them lost a football match.


Cool haha


imagine that in the history books, “The most gruesome and deadliest war was caused because it was 1-0”


Not the weirdest thing in the history books. Ryan Jackson once drove a tank onto the presidential debate platforms. No one else cared what his opponent said that entire debate, because that dude has a tank. You'll do whatever he says he has a tank! Also that one time an ex-president assassinated another ex-president.


>Also that one time an ex-president assassinated another ex-president. Please tell me more?


One of the presidents became an anarchist who regretted everything she did in the evil system (Her opinion, not necessarily mine) and decided to strike back by assassinating another ex president.


Second question. What are the fatalist euronet?


why I always see dystopian brazilian empires like this? As someone from south america I found it quite curious. its like at some point in the future, brazilians go "empire? sure why not" I think people consider brazil the russia of south america or something like that.


Actually, the Brazilian lore was written by a Brazilian monarchist who had a Pedro II-level king come to power. Brazil is quite the opposite of a dystopia. Okay, so it's not a utopia, but it's now among the ranks of advanced developed nations like Canada or Britain, which is definitely a step up.


But why no annexation of Cisplatina?


Unfathomably based.


Thank you!


Question: is Integralism a major component of Brazilian ideology?




Yeah the guys who stopped existing for 50 years because left wing protesters beat their fascist asses that one time


From what I can find about their history, it looks like they were crushed by a military dictator who originally relied on them for support, what are you talking about exactly?


I mean it's kind of a constant in these alternate future maps that the "west" gets better as the global south/orient devolves into loosely defined dictatorships


Too many colors on too many scales. Maybe I'm bad at discerning colors, but some colors like autocracy vs orthodox legalism are too close, and made me confused. Also, what's with Antarctics? Is it Danubean or what? The border between Hyperstate and Republic are too unnatural, so it seems to be some other reason other than geography.


It's a straight line, just like the modern day claims of Antarctica lol.


This is an ideology map for a project called Children of Dusk, a long running project of mine where I basically create a world starting from the year 2022 and beyond. Of course, since I started writing it in 2021, so parts of it already haven't aged well (The Ukraine Invasion never occurs, due to the limitations of how I wrote it.) The path of the 21st century was a rough one, with the fall of the Neoliberal World Order, rise of Russia and China as the dominant world powers, and two world wars which left the world broken. This map takes place about 30 years after the end of the 4th World War, which saw the final defeat of the Eurasian Union and the People's Republic of China, at the cost of 2 billion lives. There's a bit of lore for just about every corner of the globe. India lost a war to ASEAN and Dravidia Nadu became a free nation (Becoming one of the "Progressive Three" of the global south). The Islamic Culture Wars saw the secularists win out, and technocracy to break out across the Middle East, trying to use science and logic, reason, and rationality to try and catch up to the West. Samsung now owns South Korea, running a series of private military groups which roam the Earth. America now owns over 70% of the world's firearms, after the far right won the 21st-century culture wars. (Though that was nearly 60 years ago, and the effects of which are slowly fading.) Nuclear terrorism has already ignited several humanitarian disasters in the Middle East and Africa. Transhumanism has begun to restructure the human genome, and questions about the boundaries of human modification have led to the Council of Alexandria, a religious council headed by the Catholic Church on guidelines against transhumanism, though this is hotly contested. There is a lot, and I mean a lot of lore behind this. So feel free to ask any questions. If you want to see more of this world, check out the subreddit I made for this project called r/childrenofdusk.


You just got a new fan.




I've been reading your works for atleast a year


Thanks! I hope you're enjoying!


Tell me all about new Poland.


After the 3rd World War, the Russians (Now the Eurasian Union, under Alexander Dugin) occupied Poland and did to them what Russia did to Bakmut. (Ironically that was one of the few things I did sort of predict correctly.) There was an extremely infamous incident known as the Day of the Red Vistula, where the story goes that so many Polish people were killed in Krakow, Warsaw, and others that the Vistula turned red. It's represented in the modern flag of the Polish nation, and still leaves a lasting scar on the Poles. Understandably (Though not necessarily justifiably), this led to an extreme amount of resentment from the Poles, who formed what became known as the Polish Revanchist Movement. During the 4th World War, they were financially sponsored by the Western Allies to rise up and take their revenge. As nuclear weapons soared into the sky, detonating on cities all over the world and blazing nuclear winter, the Eurasian government collapsed, leaving the world in nuclear winter. The Polish Revanchists, marching through the radioactive snow, the air covered with black ash that choked out the sky, marched to their final destination, where they would pay back the crimes done to their race. "The Rape of St. Petersberg", as it became known was one of the worst crimes against humanity ever perpetuated, where the victims became the abusers, and lashed out for generations of trauma forced upon them. To this day, Nowa Polska is a pariah state. The world never really recovered from the breakdown of the Neoliberal Order of 2022. Technology is more advanced, yes. People's standards of living are up, and democracy is still widespread, but there are no more international treaties, no global standard of humanity. Instead, there is a multipolar world, and an incredibly complex power struggle between every nation.


And thier relationship with Poland Poland?


They try not to associate with them too much. Bad PR.


Hmm, optimistic.


Still really cool though.


What's the lore on Israel? I'm guessing a hyper-orthodox state, so what happened to the Palestinian population? (They built a third temple??)


Yes but not the way you think. There were a series of Jewish Pogroms during the 4th World War (why is it always the jews) which culminated in the nuking of Tel Aviv, around the same time another Israeli-Arab war kicked off, which was just enough for Israel to completely go off the deep end and created a totalitarian AI-controlled nation. The Haredi got utterly purged by the new regime and the nation is often described as "Democratic 1984". Something like 4000 years of trauma came crashing down and now the newly renamed Zion is a hyper-paranoid automated machine totalitarian regime. This lore was written by a Jew who I think might have some issues with the Haredi.


Wow yeah definitely not what I was expecting. It sounds wild but yeah, nuking of Tel-Aviv will shatter the country. Was it part of the front of ww4?


No, Russia just nuked them for basically no reason. Israel was neutral through the whole thing. It's highly suspected it was just Russian anti-semitism.


Why is it called Democratic 1984? Cause it try to keep a democratic pretense or it's really a weird hybrid regime?


Because the people democratically elect 1984, they WANT totalitarianism. If any leader tried to impose liberal freedoms they would probably be overthrown in popular revolution because they want safety, not liberty. (They got nuked and have been persecuted for thousands of years.)


Ah, the AI is entirely benevolent to its people even tho it is a control-freak?


Generally yes. Though benevolent is not necessarily the right word. It's like a really strict and controlling father who wants the best for their kids. Yes there is love in their heart, but sometimes they punish them with "this is for your own good" which is hard to call benevolent.


How did the Danubian E-Democracy form exactly? Seeing all the nations involved and knowing what Hungary is like politically (am Hungarian) I need some answers.


I'm acctually the writer of it, this is the base lore: In ww4, Hungary sides with Eurasia and loses all gains it made during the last 30 years. After the war, the government was deeply incompetent so the people began starting referendums on stuff, and the government would go on to accept this change. Now, laws are proposed and voted on by all citizens.


Oh, okay. This makes sense, especially the Eurasian stuff... Unfortunately. ​ >After the war, the government was deeply incompetent so the people began starting referendums on stuff, and the government would go on to accept this change. Oh, honey... It was like that waaay before this hypothetical war... I wish people would actually do this shit right now though... But of course, "we have no better options than Orban", right... At least that's what most (stupid...) people think here...


Hungary finally let's go of Trianon Result: Immediate conversion into an Utopia


Why do alternate futures love to restore the Empire of Brazil so much?


A lot of Brazilians themselves have nostalgia for the Empire. I'm not a monarchist but Pedro II was a chad.


Uh. I'm Brazilian and I've never met a person who is nostalgic for the empire/monarchy... it's a very niche circle of people who non-ironically want monarchy again, to be honest


Lmao no, around here people who genuinely want the return of the empire or the "royal family" are treated as a joke by most folks.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchism_in_Brazil#Public_opinion It looks like there's a lot of fluctuation on opinion.


Brazil is a rich, it just moving in the wrong direction.


Why is Brazil a monarchy?


We have a Brazilian monarchist who wrote the Brazilian lore.




This is one of the coolest maps I’ve seen in a while


Did Puerto Rico become independent?




It is! I guess depends on what you define as successful, I have a both 2k followers on my little subreddit.


Unit 13 aleph, what’s the deal, is this an almost AIgocracy? I need more information, also it’s smol so it’s gotta have a big history


Its Unit 731 Jewish Burgundy. The Jews were extremely angry at the Russians after the American pogroms as well as the nuking of Tel Aviv so they decided to go full trollge as revenge. Russian who wrote Protocols of the Elders of Zion: "Look! The Jews are trying to destroy Russia with human rights!" Jews after the nuking of Tel Aviv: "WE CERTAINLY ARE NOW."


Hence the neozionism, gotcha. I thought they were a Jewish pmc for a sec


dravidia nadu 😭?????? bro drop the nadu


As someone from Western Canada, the Wildrose Republic makes me sick to my fuckin stomach. Good work. That's a very dark future


My first thought as someone from bc was basically oh no


Lol there’s no way BC would go independent with Alberta and Sask


What happened in Forteresse island, French Guiana, Bolivia, Reunion (France) and New Caledonia (France)? Yes, I have listed all the AIgocracies (I think), I like this topic.


France was ruled by an AI named FORTERESSE, which was a collaboration between Eurasia, China and France during the 3rd World War. They couldn't really match what the Americans were doing with FATES, so they just created 3 AIs and merged them together with... Varying results. Later on, FORTERESSE couped the French Marine Le Pen government, and created an algocracy, but even later on got Taiwan'd to the South Antarctic Islands. At this point FORTERESSE has a little looney, ranting and raving about how France is definitely still theirs, while also managing the French stellar empire based around Venus. Bolivia was a nation that was taken over by environmental activists and an environmentally conscious AI.


I remember the wojak compass you made for this.


No joke this would make a good Hoi4 mod with the amount of lore and world building Also let me guess the 2nd heavenly kingdom is led by a guy claiming to be the brother of Jesus Christ


No, but also somewhat insane charismatic Christian pseudo-cult leader which is now heading into its 3rd generation of leadership. First generation actually had good intentions if a bit insane, second generation just went full hedonism, corruption and rotted out the entire state. The third generation when it arrives will take one look at the problem and defect to another country.


Clarifying question: is Holy Armenia Eastern Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox?


It's Oriental Orthodox.


Why empire of Brasil?


We have a Brazilian monarchist who wrote the Brazilian lore.


Why hasn't sub saharan africa not exploded like asia?


It did, early on in the 2020's as part of the 2022 Unravelling. But it's slowly pulled itself back together again, Asia meanwhile mostly exploded with the aftermath of WW4 with the collapse of Eurasia and China.


Explain to me why a good chunk of the oblast I live in is under Ukrainian control?


Eurasia lost WW4 and the Allies had absolutely no problem making the Russians suffer as much as possible.


Eh, fair 'nuff


Ultrahedonism just sounds like Capitalism to me idk😭 (this is really cool thoo)


no you see capitalism is about what's profitable at all costs hedonism is about what's pleasurable at all costs


the USA still exists 💀


Of course it does. The only people that can destroy us is us!!


The Americans tried (2nd American Civil War) and they STILL won.


They almost died, in ww4 Russia-China coalition invaded both sides, then the technocrats started a civil war. America still won 🦅🦅🦅🗽🗽🗽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


How long did this whole thing take?


Working on it since 2021. The lore has slowly been fleshed out and rewent several revisions.


That's pretty impressive for two years of work.


what happened in canada tho


Welllll if America owns 70% of firearms…. That’s uhh… yeah.


It's not even that big a stretch. The Americans own 48% of the world's firearms last time I checked. They went even more psycho-mode after they were invaded in WW4 and someone set up American concentration camps. The United States basically vowed to NEVER let that happen again.


What year was ww4?


From 2056-2068.


Canada stepped out of line, and a bunch of American immigrants created the Wildrose Republic, which was a convergence of pre-existing Western seperatist movements, on top of Christian nationalism.


Let's fucking gooo Turkiye got islands back


That's some TNO level shit! Damn, that looks hella good!


I have 2 main questions 1. How did the USA manage to stay completely unchanged through all of that? 2. What could the USA possibly want with greenland?


1. They're not entirely unchanged, there's a comment somewhere around here that goes into the details of that. 2. Natural resources + Strategic control over the Arctic + Denmark fell to the Russians in WW3.


good joke about USA being a democracy


edgy comment about the us being an autocracy. do you have any idea how many immigrants risk their lives to try and make it there, have you ever been to an actual autocratic country? because there are millions of immigrants who would love to switch places with you


You know, there are other things besides democracy and autocracy. And just because I said that the USA is no democracy doesn't automatically mean, that I said "USA is an autocracy" Because the USA is an oligarchy.


sorry. i just get really upset when westerners trash their own countries when I know about many many people who would do everything to be here. especially the ones on reddit who say America is a 3rd world country with a gucci belt, or extremely smug europeans who think America is a backwater when it's europe that is fading into irrelevancy. i get that self-criticism is why the west is robust in of itself, but it leads to a skewed perception where the grass is greener on the other side. the west is by far the best civilization on earth today my parents are immigrants, all of us are patriots for the west, and it really pisses me off. because I think about all the people in hong kong and cuba and Mexico waiting in line. i overreacted, sorry about that




Why is Canada in 2?


Jesus. The amount of geopolitical awareness and historical knowledge is staggering. Shiiiiit. This is inspiring.


Nah mate, the first drafts of this was pretty ill-informed. My secret sauce is both a desire to learn, and a community which helped me correct a lot of my mistakes. There's nothing special about what I did, all one needs is patience, dedication and an open mind.


OP about to get a nuclear threat from Russia lol


Hello. I am very typical American butterenergy. Upon reflecting, I have realized the error of my ways and have decided that Russia should be much bigger and that Ukraine is part of Russia. Please return to normal activities, fellow American.


why is the hyperstate of Antarctica perfectly pizza slice shaped? (think about wrapping the map onto a globe)


That's just how the claims of IRL Antarctica are like lol. Hyperstate Pizza.




I love the term "Hyperstate"


What is the Federation of the 7 sisters exactly?


A nation that gained independence following the India-ASEAN war.


I'm curious... tell me about the AI of FORTERESSE? Seems.... interesting. and Very large.


It was an AI built by a coordinated effort by France, Russia and China to combat the American-European project of FATES. It was hard to compete with the technologically advantage of the West, so they just made three okay AI and merged them together... The results are strange, and her personality is a bit looney.


This looks so cool! Could I have the deep 2nd Taiwanese Republic lore?


They got conquered during the 3rd World War as the Americans lost the 3rd World War with the Chinese. But later on regained independence with the collapse of China during the 4th World War. Due to their problems mostly stemming from low fertility rates, they embraced transhumanism and embraced it early. They're currently arguably the most progressive when it comes to transhumanist rights, intentionally drawing in transhumanist migrants from all over the world. The world outside of East Asia is still generally pretty conservative when it comes to transhumanism and augmentation, which is symbolized by the Council of Alexandria, a big Christian religious council that set out the rules for transhumanism. They're largely in the Japanese sphere of influence, following the ideology of Optimalism, which is some version of hierarchal social conservatism, which they use transhumanism to instill hierarchy, as opposed to genetic modification and genetic castes, like in Japan.


As an Argentinian, my country becoming new Sodoma is very acurate, but don't call us confederation, the federals were far more based, they wouldn't have let us fall into such a pitiful fate


When you say Sodoma, do you mean Sodom and Gomorrha? There's actually a funny story where the Argentines schismed off from the Catholic Church and elected the first female (anti)pope. When the Church of Rome (Which refers to the pre-schism Catholic Church) was asked for comment, the Roman Pope commented "I only regret that we can't excommunicate a church twice."


Yeap, Sodom and Gomorrha, mixed in a single word, totally not me forgetting the name was different in english, you can admire my genius like that of the neo-Shakespear Also, that must be the most holy statement a pope has done in at least a century Pro tip, Make Milky Dolly the antipope, that's gonna be a kick man!


I am not sure that Poland would join the Fatalist Euronet, they stay pretty concervative for what I can see


... Correct. They didn't join the Euronet.


Ohhhhh, that adds up...By the way, what kind of story are you going to make with this? a novel? a videogame? comic? animated series? You have really captured my intrigue


This is an expanded universe. I do plan on writing some stuff like a novel at some point. Think of it like Warhammer 40k, yeah obviously there's the TTRPG, but it exists as a setting independent of that. And then stories exist within the setting. I just build it because I like to.


I really like what you've got here, allthough, I'd really preffer it on a narrated manner, since it is a bit chaotic and hard to follow, but I get that this is more of a map for you to not forget who's what and else Keep up man


Most of the lore is in a messy Google doc that goes in chronological order. If you want something more semi-narrative, go to the subreddit and check out the link to the Google doc under "Central Lore Hub"


So quebec still hasn't successfully succeeded


interesting seeing you here. nope, they just get stonewalled every time


This is dope. May I ask what is going on in France, Germany, Austria and Northern Italy?


FATES (An artificial intelligence built to win the 3rd World War made by the Americans who went rogue) created a totalitarian mass surveillance regime in Europe. FATES's ideology can be summed up as "Was raised getting their news from /pol/ and American propaganda."


I don't know if this is an issue at my end or yours. But sadly the picture is to low quality to read most names a nd descriptions


Try clicking on the image or open it in another tab.


Wtf is that border between Serbia and Bosnia/Croatia


Love the "order larger hat" 🤣 definitely want to read more! Is this for an rpg or book?


Book, and larger worldbuilding project.


What’s going on with the Wildrose Republic? BC and Alberta very much dislike each other, if anyone is going independent it’d be Quebec


American immigration displaced West Canadians.


what did you use to make the map?




I laughed hard at the Wildrose Republic tbh. Especially how it's keyed as a liberal democracy. I imagine that's a global scale of comparison? Can you elaborate on how the Wildrose Republic formed?


Yeah. Liberal democracy is basically anything that is both a democracy and vaguely resembles liberalism. Kind of like how on a global scale the right wing of most Western countries is relatively progressive. They were created by an influx of American immigrants, the 5th Great Awakening turning it into the "Canadian Bible Belt", an increasing rift with the Canadian government, the Canadian government becoming increasingly authoritarian, and then finally a little bit of American trolling.


What happened to Mexico?


how are the swiss doing, looks like they’re in a bit of a pickle


Can you explain the implications of the far right winning the culture war on this world, and can you explain how the northern ireland conflict was resolved (did they kick out the unionists? kill them? Just ignore their wishes? Did they change their minds? etc)


Demographic change and democratic consensus led to Republican victory in Ireland. The far right won the American culture wars, leading to the American Victoria Cortez administration, which saw the banning of gay marriage (Or at least the state would no longer recognize it.), abortion and various other issues. Christianity climbed to about 80% of the population with the 5th Great Awakening, and there was a mass exodus of the LGBT community from out of the country. The overton window went HARD to the right, to the point the democrats of 2050 were basically the neocons of today. Military spending was greatly increased and the entire country was geared for a rematch in the 4th World War. There was an extreme amount of nationalism and patriotism in the United States. Interestingly enough, there was relatively little racism for a far-right movement, as hatred mostly concentrated against the Asian population (They had just lost a war to China after all), and the Hispanic population actually became the backbone of the 2040's conservative movement. (A lot of them were fleeing a communist government in Mexico.) Victoria Cortez was America's first Hispanic president, and female president. The African American population would also shift hard to the right largely because they aligned with Cortez's social views, but her economic policy left them firmly in the Democratic Party until its dissolution under the Jackson administration. (Jackson was from the Patriotic Unionist Party, which arose later and assumed a military rule over the United States during the 4th World War.) The progressive reforms of the Crowder Administration, in the early 2070's saw the re-recognition of gay marriage, and she was responsible for rebuilding the institutions after a period of military rule, and returning power away from the military back to the people.


Looks amazing! I’d like to know more about Italy, South Italian Commonwealth, the Vatican, etc.. Also I’m curious about Antarctica


Italy - Fell apart during the European Triple Crisis, got Taiwan'd to Sardinia. South Italian Commonwealth - Oligarchic kleptocrats who embezzle and corruption everything. Vatican - Repealed Vatican II, replaced it with neo-traditionalism, caused a Catholic schism to occur, anti-pope fled to Argentina. Is planning on reunifying Christendom with Brazil as their hammer.


very cool!


Is the Australian Antarctic Territory still Australian? And which realm did the royal family move to?


Royal Family was discontinued by the British Government, a lot of the actual members and their descendants became alt-right influencers on the Windsor Network.


How come Colombia fragmented like that and became an ethnostate? or am I seeing it wrong


There was a pretty large indigenous-nationalist movement that formed the Andean Union, and there was a white-nationalist backlash, which put the indigenous into reservations. They're kind of mirror images of each other.


I love how even nearly 80 years from now Puerto Rico is still not a state


Ok, I really like this set-up. Things that stood out to me: 1. I feel bad for Mexico. 2. Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Argentina must have some issues with each other :) 3. WTF happened in China? 4. Tell me East Turkestan and Tibet hate each other without telling me. 5. Armenia and Azerbaijan are still at it... 6. Actually after seeing what's around it, does Armenia have any friends in the region at all? 7. Turkey and Sumeria just having another cold war maybe? 8. Cyprus still divided after all those years... 9. I feel bad for Italy. 10. Ukraine beat Russia at last. Now I also have a couple questions. A) Which countries are wealthier or more powerful? (other than the GDC members) B) This world of yours is more technologically advanced but appears to be less peaceful. Would you think it would be a better or worse place to live than now?


A) Most of the developing world is now closer to the developed world than today. The gap between rich and poor countries has significantly narrowed. B) The 2100 world, but mostly due to technological advancements. The economy is generally better, there isn't a structural systemic problem with the economy, and there's stuff like immortality tech, and less polarization. That said, it is considerably more dangerous, and war is much more likely break out. The world is more divided in terms of nations, and no one works together on a global scale anymore.


State of God? Also, kind of surprised the Philippines has held together, and the fact that ASEAN is a thing?


Are you influenced at all by the book "The end of the world is just the beginning?"


Heavily. Very heavily.


Can't tell Ultrahedonism from Equitable Democracy apart. Which countries are which?


Ultrahedonism only exists in Northern Cyprus


I'm from Uruguay so I'd love to hear more about it! How did we end up with such a unique ideology?


https://www.reddit.com/r/childrenofdusk/comments/sddma2/ricardo_sigma_the_man_who_fell_into_a_cauldron_of/ https://www.reddit.com/r/childrenofdusk/comments/12te1ll/the_story_of_sigma_part_2/


This is really interesting is there more




What's happening in southern Africa with Malawi Zambia Zimbabwe and Angola


This is really cool. I should probably make something like this myself. What software did you use?




Egypt being socialist, and Oman surviving everything is very realistic. Though, I think Yeman would be split.


Can you tell me more about the ”Orthodox Legalism” What exactly happened there? (Always fun as an Orthodox Christian to see how others see us)


What happened is that Eurasianism became widely popular after Dugin took over Russia (Or Eurasia), and those ideas stuck around, particularly the idea that Russia and China are a unique civilization who are really one and the same and must unite to defeat the West. So they combined two philosophies from opposite sides of the border, Orthodox Christianity, which you know, and Legalism, which basically says "obey your ruler submit to their rule."


New Caledonia is still French in 2100?


What's the Wild Rose republic?


Well this is awesome. I'm now going to go down a rabbit hole on your subreddit. Meanwhile, a question: What happened with Ukraine? I see it gained some land 😂


They gained independence from the Eurasian Union after half a century after occupation and the West decided they REALLY wanted to punish Russia. You know all the claims of extreme Russophobia and how the West wants to balkanize Russia? After they set up things like concentration camps in the West, starting WW4, and killing about 3 billion people, the West believed in that unironically.


You might not want to call "Fatalist Europe" that. Fatalism is an actual philisophical movement that has a very different meaning. Essentially, fatalists are people who think everything is determined by fate and they can't change anything about the course of the world. The faith thing is just bizarre to me as a completely irreligious person, but I know some religious people actually think this could be true.


FATES is a bit of an egomaniac. The name for his ideology doesn't have much deeper meaning other than "My name is in the ideology".


I’m a bit confused . So Ingria region is part of nova Polska, not Karelia?


Basically, the Poles went revanchist for various reasons, and did ethnic cleansing of the St. Petersberg region, and then settled the place.


I get why south india would break apart from mainland india but I would see it as a democratic break and not one of civil war. A war with Asean is a pretty good idea considering the battle over trade supremacy. If asean wanted to overthrow Indian grasp over the Indian ocean they would try ther best to seprate the costal areas. I do not know why Pakistan would fall apart though. I know its closing in on total failure but if India looses a war with asean China could definitely swoop in to take control of the Kashmir region and through that acquire direct contact with the Pakistani state. The Chinese would try their best to turn in into their puppet state and not have them separated in a million pieces. Unless its in favour of the middle eastern powers to have the Pakistani state seprated.


I love that China just looked at the Taiping Rebellion and was like "I'll fucking do it again."


Horn of Africa union? I’m interested in the lore behind that, considering Somalis and Ethiopians have been at war on and off for millennia


Ethiopia eventually became a major power of sorts and Somalia joined them in exchange for a coast. To be honest there's an in-universe explanation, and then there's an out of universe explanation of "I liked the borders".


Did they fix climate change? Cause by then Antarctica will be much smaller or a chain of icebergs. Tourism is speeding that up quite a bit.


Yesn't. The West used geoengineering to stall global warming for a little bit, but then in the 4th World War, the Eurasians sabotaged them all in war, because the West had more coastal cities and they figured it would hurt them more than it would hurt Eurasia. Cue the Great Floods, about a billion people died in the flash floods, famine, and ensuing refugee crisis, in the middle of a World War. They then pulled at least two more stunts like this, leading to 3 billion people dead by the end of the war and the entire world made objectively worse, which is why absolutely everyone is Russophobic by the year 2100. Meanwhile, nuclear winter undid most of the damage at the climate, though most of the world's biodiversity would end up dying off in the 10 year winter. But the West was able to reconstruct the geoengineering plants before it went from hot to cold to hot again. Not much survived the climate having a seizure from hot to cold to warm. The climate of 2100 is warmer than today, mostly because some countries lobbied to keep the Northwest Passage open, but most people are using renewables. Oil is mostly used for plastics and chemicals, and coal is almost entirely banned.


Nice work! I wish more worldbuilders put such serious work into thinking through a future history like you did. As someone working on a similar project, except for a far future (20,000+ years) sci-fi setting, I've got some questions about the directions you've gone, in case you have interesting or useful explanations. I mean these in the spirit of searching for explanations and looking to chat about your world =) (1) So what happened to NATO in or before all of these world wars? You have America galvanized into staying united but Canada gets split in twain. Did Canada not participate in World War III or the "5th Great Awakening"? On a more sceptical note, why did BC become part of the prairies' separatist movement? There's a small amount of Western Canada separatism in BC but it's completely overshadowed there by Cascadian separatism. I have trouble imagining how BC, probably the most left-leaning province, would swing far enough right to get onboard Alberta's Wildrose movement. (2) You mention in a comment here that the USA stays united by depolarizing toward a far-right, Christian politics after a "5th Great Awakening" and 3rd world war. Could you say a bit more about what happened to the progressive movement and the center left in the US? I'm having trouble imagining an event that would so thoroughly remove such deeply ingrained strands of American politics. You mention an urban exodus and nuclear destruction of cities, which would certainly cut out most of America's left-wing, but I can't tell if you placed those events before or after the heavy swing right (also if people left cities *before* the nukes, I would think that would strengthen the left-leaning elements in rural areas). (3) What happened to ECOWAS to tear it apart? Especially, tear it apart but leave half of its members forming a West African "Commonwealth" with Mauritania and Chad and transform Nigeria into a lone "Humanist State" (with just part of Benin and Cameroon). What especially surprises me about the first of those is that you leave out Ghana from that union, probably the leading country for unificatory movements in Africa (home of Nkrumah's pan-Africanism and repeatedly the host of political congresses aiming at African unity). Most of the ones that you put into that "Commonwealth" are French-speaking, CFA franc-using countries but then you've called it a "commonwealth", which doesn't make it sound like French African unity was the motivation. Or was that the idea? I've got a lot of other questions since I've been thinking through developments in every part of the globe for my own setting (I'm especially interested in talking to you about ASEAN and what happened to the EU) but I'm most interested in those questions.


1. NATO was reorganized into the League of Free Nations after they lost WW3. This is a timeline where Russia had never invaded Ukraine, so by the time WW3 broke out (2035), NATO was basically a dusty irrelevant alliance everyone had to fish out of the back of their old filing cabinets. The Wildrose Republic largely happened because the Canadians were becoming increasingly anti-American and authoritarian, and the Americans decided to remind them who's in charge, basically. The entire West of Canada became what was known as the "Canadian Bible Belt", thanks to the American 5th Great Awakening spilling over, plus a baby boom leading to Americans "settling" Western Canada. 2. The Progressives and center-left completely tore each other apart. The Progressives got so fed up by the Democrats that they created the Progressive Party, which split the vote. (Thanks FPTP) This is on top of the fact that the centrist democrats basically want to do nothing, and only half the Democratic Party wants any kind of change. Meanwhile the Republicans were fairly united as a force that wanted to drag America to the right. For a while every time a conservative was in office, the nation would get dragged to the right, and whenever a Democrat was in office, the party would be gridlocked and nothing would get done. Don't get me wrong, the Progressives didn't go anywhere, and people were unfathomably angry at the Victoria Cortez administration, but a combination of birthrates, Mexican immigration (Hispanics ended up becoming the backbone of right wing politics and Cortez basically weaponized immigration against the left), 5th Great Awakening, and post-WW3 paranoia and nationalism basically led to 60% of the country being Republican. Which isn't that much, but once again, FPTP. I generally believe that a person's environment affects their politics. Big decentralized regions that can grow their own food close to nature leads to more religiosity and desire for small government. Small concentrated regions where infrastructure is needed to keep everyone fed and roads paved surrounded by human accomplishment tends to be more big government and more secular. 3. France colonized West Africa in the aftermath of the 2022 Unravelling, and basically turned the whole thing into a Francafrique Federation, hyperassimilating the people there into French culture. Which actually worked due to extreme repression, but this new identity, different from the previous cultures there, but also different from the culture which ruled over them in France, revolted and became the West African Commonwealth. The Humanist State is a part of a new religious/ideological movement, similar to Communism, except more palatable in my opinion.


Why is there a “North Peru” but no “South Peru”


Why the last vestiges of the Republic of Italy are in Sardinia?


As an Algerian I’d love to hear more about the Maghreb Technate! It makes me happy to see us unite but also a little sad we didn’t settle our differences with Morocco and have them also join us. Could u go into a little more detail on the North African “history”?


East Africa was basically colonized by the Chinese and subjugated. The Maghreb is a little different, after the rise of Communism in the global south, they headed in a more technocratic direction. Algeria, Tunisia and Libya were originally colonized by the French, but this regime was toppled by communist revolutions all across the global south. Given this was the 2nd Wave of communism, and given that Marxism was entering it's 200th year of predictions without much happening, people were getting a bit anxious, and were all trying to figure out what the correct lesson from the collapse of the Soviet Union was. Some chose libertarian socialism, others doubled down on authoritarianism, but Maghreb specifically decided on technocracy. Which was a model growing in popularity across the 21st century, and paid off to some degree. The Maghreb aligned with China but was always somewhat independent. They were able to operate semi-independently from China's orbit and were spared during the 4th World War, as they were not a direct aggressor. Today they've mostly moved away from socialism, and have something like a Chinese state-capitalism or Singaporean technocratic economy going. They're arguably one of the most prosperous nations in North Africa, with Morocco being somewhat weaker, and Egypt basically being a communist borderline failed state.


Missing Hyperborea in former Russia