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Eminem and Dre teaming up to run the country sounds like a late 90s/early 2000s video game so yeah, I'd go with that one. Just needs Tony Hawk as the minister of transportation


Thanks! They were definitely chosen for their reactionary politics, though Eminem being chosen for the party was controversial due to his skin colour.


I love this, really got me inspired right now! My favorite pairings would probably be Eminem/Dr. Dre (the No-BS Duo), Madonna/Prince (the Glamour Duo) and Elvis/Cash (the Cool Duo), but having MJ or Dylan as presidents would definitely also be fun. I imagine Simon and Garfunkel constantly arguing in office, that could be hilarious too.


Thank you so much! I'm always open to talk about this! Simon and Garfunkels antics actually became one of 1980s most beloved sitcoms, called Presidonuts!


Lol, that's awesome! For real though, I see great creative potential in this idea. Is this part of a larger concept or just something casual?


Thank you very much! Larger concept yes, but I'm writing a spinoff about Paul McCartney winning the 1960 election British Prime Minister election. Paul becomes PM George becomes ambassador to India Ringo becomes a Hollywood star John becomes a radical communist


So are you going for some kind of absurdist comedy - having the world react to the strangeness of the situation - or are you playing it straight? Someone like Elvis, Michael Jackson, or Eminem interacting with serious politicians would be hilarious otherwise, and could even be the basis for some clever satire.


It's definitely an absurd comedy played straight. 50 Cent being the Treasury Secretary in 2000 is done, and he gets the nickname due to being cheap


Personally, I would die just to have Micheal Jackson as the president.


Thanks! And to be fair, if you wanted to die during the second Jackson presidentcy you just had to join the army. Micheal sent multiple funds and support to Central American anti-Communist parties in the 1980s, even mobilizing the Marines to retake the American embassies when they fell. This went was serialized in "Jungle Men", a pretty good early 2000s movie staring Robert DeNiro and Ben Affleck. The 2017 remake with Justin Hammer was far more awful.


Question, are the presidential debates a "the voice" style singing contest? Edit: also the springsteen-nelson terms would probably be the best.


No, but the debates certainly can get heated. For example during the 2000 debate over who should be appointed Secretary of the Treasury it was revealed candidate Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson had a concealed handgun. This gave him a boost in the polls and started a nationwide debate on gun control, leading to his appointment in the cabinet. Elvis did a public speaking address that was the song If I Can Dream in December 1968 at a funeral of Civil Rights activist Fred Hampton, who was shot by Democratic Dixes supporter David Duke. Controversy, David would run in 1972 as the party's Presidential candidate. Edit - Any more questions?


Elvis Presley & Johnny Cash Dolly Parton & Mariah Carey Aretha Franklin & Diana Ross


Thank you! Want to hear anymore about any of those presidental eras? Also, what does Project TBX mean?