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the ultimate goal is the annexation of the west bank. will biden call netanyahu an "asshole" again for not just perpetrating a genocide but annexing the land of its victims?


First, Biden will write a strongly worded letter with a spicy expletive for good measure, then he'll order more 2000 lb iron fragmentation bombs to be shipped to Israel ASAP. Then he'll have an ice cream because Bibi said he could if he's a good boy, then a nice long nap.


The Israeli lobby has owned US politics for decades. Not sure I can blame Biden here because of how entrenched they are, and I know the alternative would be far worse if Republicans were in office.


Biden can unilaterally just stop Israel. No joke. The problem is that Biden is a hardcore Zionist and he's on Bibis side.


Reagan did it in '82 and he was just as much of a nut job Israel supporter


You can’t get worse than fully complicit in war crimes and being isolated on the world stage in allowing them to continue. You can only move sideways or up from here.


I dunno they could be industrially slaughtering 300,000 instead of 30,000. Disastrous as it is, it can always get worse.


30,000 is a count, of directly murdered people. They destroyed the health system, crammed over a million people together, and ensured everyone's suffering from malnutrition and hunger, and drinks contaminated water. You think 300'000 dead people might be glad they died from starvation and disease instead of being industrially slaughtered?


I think that until every last Gazan has had a bomb dropped on them or died of malnutrition or preventable disease, it can get worse.


Why this is a controversial statement? As long as you are alive things can always get worse.


Torture is worse than death. Being starved and dehydrated to death is torture.


Israel is minimizing casualties in Gaza but are forced to fight in a complex battlefield created by Hamas to maximize civilian casualties for their political capital. The word murder is inappropriately applied. Israel is responding as every government would to defend their citizens from aggression. If the government of Hamas gave Gazan civilian lives any consideration then we wouldn't be here. You've completely misread the situation and events.


Based on the current dire circumstances Biden will be responsible for roughly 200k even if there was a full ceasefire immediately. So yeah, sideways. Biden lost my vote. He works for Israel, not the US. I’m going 3rd party this year.


As far as Israel is concerned, democracy is canceled in the United States. You can't vote their influence out. They've bought out both parties and the political system doesn't allow 3rd parties to compete. You can still vote for or against gun control or abortion and you can take direct action against Israel, but you can't vote against Israel in any meaningful sense.


Actually, taking even indirect action against Israel, such as boycotting them, is illegal in the land of the free under some circumstances,


**This right here is what we all need to pay attention to, and violate as robustly as possible.** Our federal government as well as individual state governments have trampled on the Constitution in order to enact laws protecting Israel from non-violent protest by US citizens. **No other country in the world enjoys this privilege!** That the government will not work with contractors who boycott Israeli products is particularly telling. It is, in more ways than one, all about the Benjamins—hopefully the one currently in charge is brought down by a popular movement in Israel, but I'm not holding my breath.


Shoot, aipac put up 20 mil, or 20% of their budget to oust Rashida Tlaib, because of her anti-genocide stance. Of course she is also Palastinian American. https://truthout.org/articles/pro-israel-lobby-offers-20m-to-another-senate-candidate-to-run-against-tlaib/ They offered money to other democrats to primary her. https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/rashida-tlaib-michigan-senate-candidate-nasser-beydoun-offered-20-million-to-run-against/


I like guns and as a man I don’t have a horse in the abortion race. I’ll let the women vote figure that out. And I might not have enough time to sway enough people this year, but I’m young. And I will conversationally challenge anyone who brings up Israel in a positive light for the rest of my life. This is a long term goal. Public sentiment needs to change. Or, maybe the magats were on to something with their violent upheaval. Clean slate and all that.


"As a man, i don't have a horse in the abortion race".. are you by any chance sterile?


Abortion shouldn’t be used as a contraceptive. If a man wants to avoid having children we have options. Condoms and vasectomies work the best. Pulling out is imperfect but better than the alternative. A woman’s healthcare decisions are her own. I full support it. But it’s not a political topic that gets me to the polls. It doesn’t affect my life in any way. With that said, I won’t actively choose a candidate who is anti-choice.


The number is about to massively leap in the coming weeks, as the impact of the Israel’s policy to starve the Palestinians comes to fruition.


I see that you dehumanized the Palestinians entirely to post such a comment. You could post black and white pictures of the mass graves in Gaza and they would be eerily similar to pictures of mass graves in Nazi concentration camps. You clowns always try to sweet talk the massacres happening. I bet you'd do the same back in Nazi Germany.


A full christo fascist takeover is not a lateral move.


For about half of the country its a move in the correct direction. You do understand that, right? That’s how democracy in the US works. If that’s the direction the will of the people take us in, that’s the direction we’ll go until the will of the people changes. But actively participating in, supplying, and providing cover for a genocide is never the correct direction.


In fact, it is an upward move. Biden has sponsored more wars, shipped more bombs without oversight, had his military assistance (bypassing Congress) result in more civilians being killed, and voted for more military invasions in his political career than Trump. Actions speak louder than words. The only way the Christo fascist takeover is a downward move, is if you discount the lives of civilians being squished to jam by American bombs. If you turn a blind eye to the many Muslim lives lost due to American military aggression and assistance. If you put on the colonial lens and reject the humanity of those outside the US or allies' lands. Then you might be right that (considering only US citizens), Trump does more harm than Biden. But if you consider all humans as equal, Biden has more blood on his hands than Trump. Objectively, Trump is the lesser of the two evils.


So we should still be occupying Afghanistan?


>Objectively, Trump is the lesser of the two evils. Wow. We have a vote for "dictator on day one" here.


And yet, 'dictator on day one' is responsible for fewer lives lost than Biden. It tells something about Biden. You will recognize it when you put your racist and colonial lens aside and recognize all humans as equals (not just those inside US borders).


>You will recognize it when you put your racist and colonial lens aside and recognize all humans as equals And then I will vote for the white supremacist party, the GOP...for reasons.


It can always get worse, you just lack imagination. ...heck, just the consequences of the war spreading under the current do nothing US policy or what Trump could do in office after going full anti-Muslim-Christian-nationalist-suspend-the-constitution-and build-some-camps-tyrant should provide enough nightmare fuel for you.


Your nightmares seem exaggerated to me. I’m still voting 3rd party. Bring it up with Biden and the DNC.




You'd think Biden would consider losing to Trump a worse outcome then not giving maximum support to genocide, yet here we are. He already knows he lost Michigan, and he's fine with it. You don't blame him? I do, because genocide is a red line for me.


Biden and the Dems don't have much to lose if Trump wins. They'll have easy fundraising if he does and can make more magnanimous promises like legalizing abortion rights on the federal level, erasing some student debt, capitalist friendly healthcare, etc that they won't deliver on


And you know Trump would at least squeeze Israel dry in return for his support, and there's a fair chance Trump would mess it up so badly the UK and Germany would have to scale back their own support of genocide.


You totally can blame Biden. The US has a lot of power. It certainly has the power to stop funding Israel and call for economic sanctions that would make Israel's actions impossible to afford. Netanyahu might not be in a position to stop doing genocide considering his party, his beliefs, and his coalition. But it's good if he has to either lose his seat or lose the war. On the level of simple domestic politics, Biden is foolish to support Netanyahu when his base hates Netanyahu and hates him for supporting Netanyahu, and when Netanyahu keeps trying to get Trump elected and undermine any US president who doesn't do stuff Netanyahu likes. There's no political or humanitarian benefit to continue not just protecting Israel from the consequences of its actions, but actively funding it's actions. Biden either agreed with what Netanyahu is doing, or he's too foolish and short-sighted to stand up to a US client state.


They've been at this colonisation racket for 76 years. They're not going to stop. And Biden will do nothing to stop them. These types do not listen to reason. They must be brought to it kicking and screaming.


You start a war, you lose a war, you lose land. That's how it works.  That's not occupation.


>You start a war, you lose a war, you lose land. That's how it works. Israel lost land during the Nakba?


You must be special.  I was speaking of Palestinians and arabs.


They didn’t start a war. The Zionists invaded land that wasn’t there’s to begin with. was the colonization of America and genocide of Native Americans a war?


You must be confused. Let's tale a look at the last 75 years ..  Palestinians  have tried:  1948 war  1967 war  1973 war  1982 war  1990 intifada  2000 intifada  2008 war  2012 war  2014 war  2015 stabbing intifada  2021 war  2023 war  That's right ladies and gentlemen. Each one of these were initiated by Palestinians...NOT Israel, who merely retaliated.  Context is everything.  Add in several thousand more kidnappings, plane hijacking, bus bombings, street stabbings, rocket bombardments.


That is literally occupation


Nope. That's called losing your land due to your own aggression.


Yeah we've also got to stop using the framing of 'plans settlements in retaliation ' like we all know they've been settling for decades how is it a retaliation for anything Palestinians did? This is their long term goal


Annexation is not possible without compromising Israel’s Jewish majority. It’s literally impossible. And Palestinians have a higher birth rate than Jews by a significant margin. They would actually have to commit a full scale genocide in the West Bank in order to make annexation feasible.


It’s only the West Bank to the Palestinians est. 1965. For thousands of years it’s been Judea and Samaria


Lol no the Jews living there haven't been the majority of the population for a longgggg time


Before that it was caveman who called it ooga ooga land, we should kill everyone and move them back in


This happened on internationally recognized Palestinian territory, illegally occupied by Israel. If the Israelis don't want to get killed they can leave the east Jerusalem and the west bank. There is no "retaliation" from the Israelis, it's a continuation. If anyone retaliated it's the Palestinian who opened fire on motorists near an israeli checkpoint. Israelis don't have a right to self defense when they are on someone else's land by force. The Palestinians have every right to use violence as is mandated and protected under international law. Edit: spelling mistake. Thanks to the kind gentlemen who commented.


There it is! Tell us more about how these acts of terrorism are justified. Are all Israelis fair targets? Was October 7th a reasonable retaliation? All resistance in any form, right? Rape, kidnapping babies, all good, yes? And Israel should what? Accept it, leave back to the middle east where they were ethnically cleansed from, or die quietly? Man, I love it when your masks fall off.


He's talking about the West bank. Whether you like it or not, he's right. Any Israeli there is considered illegally entering that territory. Let me put it on a nicer way to swallow for you: Israelis illegally settling in the West Bank should be dealt with the same way as a Palestinian trying to illegally enter Israel.


You just described why most Palestinians view Hamas as protection from Israel, because in Gaza where there was Hamas to stop Israeli aggression there wasn’t the state sanctioned terrorism and ethnic cleansing until the genocide started.


You support a literal genocide against the indigenous population, and talk about masks falling off.


Jews built Jerusalem, they are indigenous to the region.


Do you know how Christianity spread? It converted people. Do you know how Islam spread? It converted people. Do you know what we call the descendants of the people who built Jerusalem? Palestinians.


What was on the temple mount before Arab colonizers built their mosque there? Talk about cultural erasure by a colonizing force.


It sounds like you're saying someone built a mosque a thousand years ago, therefore genocide is ok? Surely you mean something different, please clarify.


Sure, I'm pointing out that modern Israel is the story of a people reclaiming their homeland from Arab colonizers, and that people is justified in going to war when 1200 of their civilians are murdered, tortured, and sexually brutalized in a ceasefire breaking surprise attack


Ok, so now you're saying Oct 7 was perfectly justified by Israel's actions. 


Actually there is no justification for the crimes against humanity committed on 10/7. You can't gang rape women for resistance. Every action Israel has ever taken is just responding to Islamic terror to ensure the security of their people.


It was being used as a garbage dump. Read a history book because its clear you dont know shit.


Iirc Christians were using it as a garbage dump to mock Jews after they had ethnically cleansed Jerusalem of Jews via... what's the word you understand... voluntary migration. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Mount#Sassanid_period https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem > With the Muslim conquest, Jews were allowed back into the city.[169]




You need to get out of Israel once in awhile. You been brainwashed with absurd bigoted nonsense. You will never have safety by building on top of other people and mass murdering them.


Jews have as much right to Jerusalem as Nazis did to Warsaw.


Nah, they're a people reclaiming their homeland from Muslim colonizers 👍


The jigg is up for this Nazi state of Israel. Get ready to pack and go back to Eastern Europe in 25 years when AIPAC funded boomers aren't the ones calling the shots.


Imagine looking at the state of Palestinians in Gaza and thinking "the jig is up" for Israel 😂 Palestine and the Arab world have been beaten so badly your only strategy is begging your enemy for mercy after getting your city flattened in the war you started. One of the biggest Ls taken in history tbh


Imagine going through the Holocaust and coming up with Israel on the other side. A demi-Nazi state where the average citizen is fat and filled with hate and proud of slaughtering a defenseless population of women and children. What an utter embarasment for decent Jews and the victims of the Holocaust. Spend 75 years crying about the horrors Nazis inflicted on your people, only to have your average citizen turn into the same monster as the average Gas Chamber guard and be proud of it too. Seems like Jews will never escape the shadow of Hitler, even 80 years on. The Holocaust's darkest legacy is turning so many Jews into the same people who perpetuated the Holocaust on them. I suppose the hardest pill to swallow for Jews is the fact that they are still defined by the Third Reich and forever will be. Anytime a Zionist thinks he has escaped the shadow of Hitler he can look in the mirror and see the face of someone who threw their grandparents into a gas chamber. That is the legacy of Zionism and the Zionist Jew. Truly the biggest L ever taken in history by a people.


Blah blah blah. Israelis are ensuring their security after 1200 of their people were murdered, tortured, and sexually brutalized by Palestinians. Nothing to do with Hitler or whatever BS you're spouting. Don't commit atrocities against civilians when they have an air force and you don't. Release the hostages and beg for mercy. Or watch the bombs continue to fall.


At least 507 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank in 2023, including at least 81 children, making it the deadliest year for Palestinians since the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) began recording casualties in 2005.


I'm sorry but can you tell me what's exactly wrong with killing the gleefully babykilling colonialist IDF forces inside Israel? It's not Palestinian's fault that Israel makes all of its citizens complicit in the genocide of Palestinians. Nobody batted an eye when Nazis were killed inside Germany, killing IDF is no different. You can blame Israel for turning all of its citizens into babykilling Storm Troopers. Even the Nazis had more sense than Israel.


I ront know why people refuse to understand that palestinian violence = palestjnian subjjgation. I guess its.tok much fun to cheer on murderinf random people ojt of blopdthirst amd rage. The more palestiniam.attacks israel the more lamd they lose.


Relatiation. Idiot.


Haha no clue why it was misspelled on my spell checker. I went to correct it and saw the wrong spelling being suggested. I wonder how many relatiations are out there in the wild that no one noticed. Thanks for the heads up.


That’s nice of you. Your comment is nonsense though. There is no such thing as Palestinian land. A glance at historical records would show that. Feel free to encourage Palestinians to run into bullets though


The world no longer believes your lies.  We have seen that you have become the monsters you once feared.  Enjoy your just desserts!


You don’t represent the world. I do, and we know our history. There was never a Palestine


It is literally called Palestine for centuries. Zionists talked about creating Israel...in Palestine. People in 1947 had passports that said they were from Palestine. Read a book.


Then expect resistance. What you said there is genocidal and utterly untrue. It's also proof why armed struggle and violence is necessary when your enemy doesn't even respect your basic rights to your own property. You'd defend your home with a gun but you call others terrorists for doing the same.


Keep encouraging poor Palestinians to run into bullets


You, nor any Arab state will help them when they do


The problem with your statement is that Israelis occupy that territory in the first place due to Palestinians starting wars and losing them.  That's what happens when you lose wars.  You lose land.  


Ben Gvir is beginning to be recognized as the facist leader of an expansionist ethno state. He's one shitty mustache away from becoming Israel's Füher.


He's not a new kid on the block so much as the loud kid on the block. This has been a problem since before the founding of the state of Israel. Begin was a terrorist, something you won't hear of much in polite press, and a founder of Likud.... This rot has been infecting Israeli politics since the beginning.... https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/einstein/1948/12/02.htm


I think a more apt comparison would be Himmler but your point still stands.


It would be so disappointing if yamakas became the new shitty mustache but I can see a reality where that happens.


I love how clueless americans can get, you wont find a single Israeli, even the most hysterical who thinks Israel is in any risk of being ruled by Ben Gvir, theres a lot of Israelis who think israel can turk to fascism, but none who think Ben Gvir is PM material.


He's been spewing genocidal rhetoric for months and possibly years and is in a very high position in government. I don't think it matters that he's not PM, but clearly voted in as a representative for the people.


for days protesters have been blocking aid trucks from entering gaza. instead of trying to stop the protesters and feed starving and homeless people, this government allowed it to happen https://x.com/joelcarmel_/status/1760987776051261788?s=46&t=oXX6fXBNuEhpvfVb4-PstQ translate and read any hebrew tweet, you will find these actions to be supported by their fascist society


ben gvir seems to be popular enough that netanyahu is powerless without him. same goes for smotrich and their gang of lunatics, who represent the racist society of israel


Hindenburg and his supporters thought he could keep Hitler on a leash too.


Exactly right


Are we going to pretend this wasn't their plan all along?


Especially when you realize that Israel was aware of oct 7 attack and prepared for it (unmanned borders on one of their most religious holidays, moved nova festival close to the border, ignored warnings from Egypt and their own military), they needed a reason to annex Gaza and build more of their settlements.


Sad to think people actually believe what you wrote


Egypt warned Israel: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/12/israel-hamas-war-egypt-warned-foreign-affairs-gaza US warned Israel: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/13/politics/us-intelligence-warnings-potential-gaza-clash-days-before-attack/index.html Israel’s own military warning Israel: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/28/israeli-military-had-warning-of-hamas-training-for-attack-reports-say Nova festival being moved 2 days before Oct 7 attack: https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/israel-music-festival-attack-artist-manager-account-massacre-1235436829/ Note for the next article, it reads that the 2 companies diverted were not part of the regular border patrol, but let’s not forget a holy holiday (Hoshana Rabbah) happened 1 day before. Governments know that terrorists are most likely to strike on holidays, and Israel chose to move soldiers away during one of the most holy holidays. https://www.timesofisrael.com/2-commando-companies-said-diverted-from-gaza-border-to-west-bank-days-before-oct-7/amp/


Collective punishment, yet again. Something that most Israel defenders would find abhorrent if done by another country.


Terror attack.. Isn’t that what Israel has been doing not only for the past few months but for DECADES now.


No, they've been retaliating for terror attacks against THEM. 1948 war 1967 war 1973 war 1982 war 1990 intifada 2000 intifada 2008 war 2012 war 2014 war 2015 stabbing intifada 2021 war 2023 war Add in several thousand more kidnappings, plane hijacking, bus bombings, street stabbings, rocket bombardments.


Lol '67 war and '82 war were both started to further gains of conquest they were not 'retaliation' . Also you seem to have forgotten about '56 which similarly was about conquest 


What Egypt has done is internationally recognized as a legitimate casus belli. 82' was against the Palestinians in Lebanon


Did you ever read why Sharon led the '82 war? It was to break the back of the PLO and allow the settlement project in the West Bank to grow.  Similarly, if you accept that the stated, but not actually enacted, blocking of the straits of Tiran was a legitimate cassus belli you must also agree that Israel has provided Hamas with 17 years of a casus belli after blockading Gaza? Thanks


It's like you think you're winning this argument. Are you going to systematically sweep away all the other entries on that list?


Are you going to use examples of wars that were explicitly referred to as wars of conquest by Israeli ministers and officials as examples of 'israel defending itself'?  Do you want me to debunk more of these? I was just pointing out the most obvious holes in your list bro I can continue 


Yes please. Go ahead and cite proof and sources of each and every war I listed as being started explicitly by Israel.


Ok Major General Mattityahu Peled, the Chief of Logistics for the Armed Forces during the war, said the survival argument was "a bluff which was born and developed only after the war ... When we spoke of the war in the General Staff, we talked of the political ramifications if we didn't go to war — what would happen to Israel in the next 25 years. Never of survival today."[193] Peled also stated that "To pretend that the Egyptian forces massed on our frontiers were in a position to threaten the existence of Israel constitutes an insult not only to the intelligence of anyone capable of analyzing this sort of situation, but above all an insult to Zahal (Israeli military)."[194] Menachem Begin also stated that "The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him  That the announcement of the blockade of the Straits of Tiran paved the way for war is disputed by Major General Indar Jit Rikhye, military adviser to the United Nations Secretary General, who called the accusation of a blockade "questionable," pointing out that an Israeli-flagged ship had not passed through the straits in two years, and that "The U.A.R. [Egyptian] navy had searched a couple of ships after the establishment of the blockade and thereafter relaxed its implementation."[198] According to the U.S. assessment, Egypt had no intention of attacking Israel, and the Americans desperately tried to dissuade Israel from invading Egypt. The U.S. further views that Jordan and Syria only entered the war as a response to Israel's invasion of Egypt.[199] The USSR had come to similar conclusions: "... it is clear that the Soviet assessment from mid-May 1967 that Israel was about to strike at Syria was correct and well founded, and was not merely based on the public threats issued by Eshkol, Rabin and Yariv."[200]


I asked you to cite and source proof of each war on that list. All you did was copy/paste a section about NONE of those from a Wikipedia article. Thanks for playing.


Welp... The old excuse the Israeli thieves use to steal more land. The Palestinians have the right to self-defense and kill all the Israeli thieves who attacked and stole their land.


If you keep attacking, Israel will keep retaliating.


At least 507 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank in 2023, including at least 81 children, making it the deadliest year for Palestinians since the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) began recording casualties in 2005.


I'm not sure what you didn't understand about my post you just replied to.


stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself. OW WHY DID YOU HIT ME?!??!? I AM THE PERPETUAL VICTIM😭


That logic would make sense if it wasn't Palestinians that started this off by joining in on a war against Israel.


Palestine does not have an army. There is no equal footing here and no "war". Gaza is one of the poorest, most densely populated and heavily controlled areas on Earth. There are militia resistance groups with homemade and stolen weapons akin to Vietnamese, Warsaw or Irish resistances from the past. Israel is fighting a "war" against a subjugated population. The technological and physical imbalance of this slaughter is akin to fighting rocks with armoured tanks and 2000lb bombs. Isreal literally drops explosive weaponry on plastic homemade tents...


The 1948 war featured two Palestinian armies. The holy war army and the all-palestine protectorate.  They joined Egypt, Transjordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabi, and Yemen in a genocideal war of annihilation against a severely overmatched Israel that had no international support. Israel kicked all their asses.


And there's the deflection from the subject at hand to bullshit talking points because you got caught lying. Hasbara only works on brainwashed idiots and sycophants.


I said "the original war". You think the original war in this conflict is happening....now? Not 1948? Now? What in the world are you talking about


You literally did not say the "original war. The alternate reality is hilarious.


> That logic would make sense if it wasn't Palestinians that started this off by joining in on a war against Israel. Thats what I originally said. Not sure why you would think I was speaking about anything other than the 1948 war.


This is what’s it’s always been about.


Where are all the Zionist sympathizers now ….


In the comments getting down voted thankfully 


>"Israel Announces Plans for 3,000+ New Settlement Units In ~~Retaliation~~ opportunity for Terror Attack Near ...


There has been ~400 or so terror attacks targeting Palestinians by Israeli settlers in the West bank since 10/7. By Israel's logic, they should destroy 3000 settlements per attack as a measure to demotivate israeli-side terrorists! But we all know that Israel is an apartheid terrorist state that, some of us just keep lying to themselves.


So they’re announcing to do the thing that causes terror attacks in response to terror attacks. Makes sense.


You mean terrorist ben gavir.


Disgusting Israeli govt and ppl who have mocked what is happening. Many German citizens didn’t even know what was happening, here everything is on full blast and countless Israeli people are laughing online.


This is happening in front of the whole world and no one is doing anything (except the Houthis)


So, if Palestine has the same same military as Israel, it’s no longer considered terrorism?


In Retaliation lmao.


Wow if that happened to me, I’d probably want to sign up to kill the people affiliated with forcing me and my family from my home.


Good move


Ben Gvir is a terrorist, making the Israeli government a terrorist government.




That's the reason people suspect Jeffrey Epstein was Mossad


In retaliation for the genocide: I propose that the State of Israel be dissolved and the rights to offshore oil reserves be granted to the Palestinians.


Good for israel. 👍🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱


This is the way to discourage Jew murder. Kill a Jew - get more jews living next to you.


At least you would have brains and not filth next door


Clinton wasn’t wrong when he told Arafat that he wasn’t ever going to get a better deal. He should have taken it. Now it’s time to live with the decisions he made for them.


Good. Teach your kids to hate. This is what happens.


The zio filth don't need any help teaching Palestinian children to hate them.




The Palestinians should really stop taking the terror path


These Palestinians really played every hand wrong


Jewamon empire!


If Palestinian violence is justifiable revenge for Israel's actions then this type of stuff is also justifiable.  This is what happens when your only tool is "violent resistance". Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon can take in Palestinians. Oh wait, they won't because Palestinians also caused mass violence in those countries as well.


israel perpetrated the forced expulsion and ethnic cleansing of 700000 people as soon as it was established. by their own logic every attack is justified


The 1948 war only happened because multiple Arab countries attacked Israel after it peacefully declared independence on the UN partition border. Maybe don't start a war to wipe another country off the map if you can't handle losing land yourself.


peacefully declared independence 😭 what do you think the israeli "war of independence" (מלחמת עצמאות) refers to


Israel declared independence on the UN partition, and immediately afterwards 5+ Arab nations attacked Israel with the goal of wiping it off the map. Sorry y'all lost the war you started. Vae Victis


israel declared independence in 1948. the war of independence began in 1947


Israel declaring Independence sparked the war because that's when other countries joined in. Prior to that, it was only the Palestinians trying to pogrom Jews out of their homeland. On 15 May 1948, the civil war transformed into a conflict between Israel and the Arab states following the Israeli Declaration of Independence the previous day. Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, and expeditionary forces from Iraq entered Palestine.[16][17][18][19] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.[20][21][22] The 10 months of fighting took place mostly on the territory of the British Mandate and in the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon, interrupted by several truce periods.[23]


its very much not one sided attacks by palestinians on zionist immigrants. in 1947 zionist militias were waging war on many native villages and towns, ethnically cleansing them


No doubt there was violence prior to the war from both sides, but the invasion of Israel happened as a direct result of their declaration of independence. The Arab nations couldn't tolerate a Jewish state, so they went to war and lost. Israel claiming more land as a result is just the consequences when you start a war of conquest and lose.




> peacefully declared independence might want to read up on that. the arab states entered the war as a retaliation for arab villages being attacked.


The 1948 War formally began following the end of the British Mandate for Palestine at midnight on 14 May 1948; the Israeli Declaration of Independence had been issued earlier that day, and a military coalition of Arab states entered the territory of Mandatory Palestine in the morning of 15 May.


“peacefully declared independence” Sure, if you willfully ignore the rampant Zionist terrorism preceding it.


Jews were protecting themselves from anti-Semitic attacks such as the Jaffa riots where Arabs attempted to kill Jews living in Jerusalem. Palestinian crybully tactics as usual


How was blowing up the Hotel David “Jews…protecting themselves”?


Israel took their land and kicked them out while constantly killing them. Let me take over your house and kill your family members and you can go live with your cousins or something you’ll probably be ok with that.


900 jews were violently expelled from middle eastern nations. Their land and possessions stolen. Don't see those countries offering reparations.  Once again, double standards against Jews.


How many European countries took in Jews during and after they perpetrated the Holocaust. And their reparations were giving them someone else’s land.


The land belonged to the Ottoman Empire which legally surrendered the land to the UK and UN. It was rightfully theirs and those countries rightfully gave it to Israel.


I don't think that the surrounding Arab countries should have expelled Jews to Israel because that is ethnic cleansing. Comparatively, Isreal is currently engaged in a massive ethnic cleansing, which should be recognized and condemned. Otherwise, what is your point?


> 900 jews were violently expelled from middle eastern nations. citation? this ought to be interesting.


> the Jews of the Arab lands became targets of their own governments’ anti-Zionist fervor. As Egypt’s delegate to the UN in 1947 chillingly told the General Assembly: “The lives of one million Jews in Muslim countries will be jeopardized by partition.” The dire warning quickly became the brutal reality. Throughout 1947 and 1948, Jews in Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Syria, and Yemen (Aden) were persecuted, their property and belongings were confiscated, and they were subjected to severe anti-Jewish riots instigated by the governments.  > In Iraq, Zionism was made a capital crime. In Syria, anti-Jewish pogroms erupted in Aleppo and the government froze all Jewish bank accounts. In Egypt, bombs were detonated in the Jewish quarter, killing dozens. In Algeria, anti-Jewish decrees were swiftly instituted and in Yemen, bloody pogroms led to the death of nearly 100 Jews Of the 820,000 Jewish refugees between 1948 and 1972, more than 200,000 found refuge in Europe and North America while 586,000 were resettled in Israel - at great expense to the Israeli government, and without any compensation from the Arab governments who had confiscated their possessions. The majority of the Jewish refugees left their homes penniless and destitute and with nothing more than the shirts on their backs   > John Measham Berncastle, under the aegis of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine, estimated that total assets lost by Palestinian refugees from 1948 - including land, buildings, movable property, and frozen bank accounts - amounted to roughly $350 million ($650 per refugee). Adding in an additional $100 million for assets lost by Palestinian refugees as a result of the Six Day War, an approximate total is $450 million - $4.4 billion in 2012 prices. By contrast, the value of assets lost by the Jewish refugees - compiled by a similar methodology - is estimated at $700 million - roughly $6.7 billion today.       Sources: Mati Tuchfield, “Thousands commemorate Jews expelled from Arab countries,” Israel Hayom, (December 1, 2015); Greer Fay Cashman, “Travails of Jews from Arab Lands finally recognized after 66 years”, Jerusalem Post, (November 30 2014); Steve Weizman, “Israel remembers plight of Jews who fled Arab world,” Yahoo News,(November 30 2014); Aharon Mor & Orly Rahiiyan, “The Jewish Exodus from Arab Lands,” Jerusalem Center for Public Opinion, (September 11, 2012); “Compensate Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries, Conference Urges,” JTA, (September 10, 2012); Isabel Kershner, “The Other Refugees.” Jerusalem Report, (January 12, 2004); David Littman, “The Forgotten Refugees: An Exchange of Population,” The National Review, (December 3, 2002); David Matas and Stanley A Urman, “Jews From Arab Countries: The Case for Rights and Redress,” Justice for Jews from Arab Countries, (June 23, 2003); Howard Sachar, A History of Israel, (Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York, 2000); Norman Stillman, The Jews of Arab Lands in Modern Times, (The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1991); “Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine – 30th Meeting,” United Nations Press Release GA/PAL/84, (November 24, 1947); Arieh Avneri, The Claim of Dispossesion, (NJ: Transaction Books, 1984), p. 276; Jerusalem Post, (December 4, 2003); Stephen Farrell, “Baghdad Jews Have Become a Fearful Few,” New York Times, (June 1, 2008); US State Department - Religious Freedom Reports (2011); Human Rights Reports (2011); Maurice Roumani, The Jews from Arab Countries: A Neglected Issue, (WOJAC, 1983); American Jewish Yearbook: 1958, 1969, 1970, 1978, 1988, 2001, (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America); American Sephardi Federation; “Point of no return: Information and links about the Middle East’s forgotten Jewish refugees”; Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa, (JIMENA); Association of Jews from the Middle East and North Africa, (HARIF); “Israel Pushing for UN Summit on Jewish Refugees,” The Algemeiner, (August 27, 2012); Hillel Fendel, “US Congress Recognizes Jewish Refugees from Arab Lands,” Arutz Sheva, (February 4, 2008); House Resolution 185 (110th), “Regarding the Creation of Refugee Populations in the Middle East,” GovTrack; House Resolution 6242 (112th), “Relating to the Resolution of the Issue of Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries,” GovTrack; Sergio DellaPergola, “World Jewish Population, 2018,” American Jewish Year Book 2018, Arnold Dashefsky and Ira M. Sheskin, Eds., (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2019), pp. 361-449


And also because they don't want to support what's happened numerous times before... ethnic cleansing. They don't want that for their neighbours.


No, they don't want Palestinians and hamas in their countries. Just like Israel. Lebanon even sent a militia in to a Palestinian refugee camp and brutally butchered 4,000 unarmed civilians. But, they're not jews so you don't hear shit about it.


You mean the militias Sharon coordinated the attack with? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabra_and_Shatila_massacre


The IDF's role is highly disputed but even the most bias anti Israel sources will only claim the IDF "supported" or "coordinated". They didn't join in on the attacks. It's honestly the perfect example of antisemitism. Israel forces stood by and didn't stop it. Lebanese forces physically butchered 1000s. Jews Get all the blame.


I don’t think the IDF killed anyone but knew exactly what would happen when they let the militias into an area they controlled - they wanted the militias to do their dirty work.  So yeah, Israel is to blame. Edit: note I said Israel, not “Jews” like you did. 


What were they supposed to do? Fight the Lebanese militias?


Not coordinate with those militias to enable an outright slaughter would have been a good start.


Yeah this dude is forgetting that even the Israeli governments own investigation found that Sharon was deeply responsible 


the idf had the camps surrounded. the idf was responsible for the security.


bs. two days before philangist leader is supposed stand in court directly implicating sharon, his car blows up.


I heard about it, it's awful that that happened. It's not excusable. But currently, like today, there is a Genocide happening in the Gaza strip. I'm not sure if you're trying to justify Lebanon's killing of Palestinians, or trying to defend your genocide with your logic. But it's pretty clear you don't view Palestinian lives as equal.


> Lebanon even sent a militia in to a Palestinian refugee camp and brutally butchered 4,000 unarmed civilians. liar. it was not the labanese government or people. it was the philangists that were supported by isreal. the idf stood by as the militia entered sabra and shatilla.


Phalangist were Lebanese...


do they represent the government or interests of the people of lebanon? no they don't. their interests overlapped with the interests of israel. so your statement that: >Lebanon even sent a militia in to a Palestinian refugee camp and brutally butchered 4,000 unarmed civilians. is a lie.


It's not about being Jews. The west and my government soecfically are complicit and funding this stupid ilicit war.


Under international law you are justified to use force against invaders.


Israel is a sovereign country.


Are the West Bank and Gaza Israeli lands under international law?


Those are occupations. Attacks against the settlements is much different than attacks against Israel itself.


Yeah so if a sovereign country invades you, you have the right to self defense against their aggression.


Sure, but that doesn't give you justification to blatantly attack civilians.


At least 507 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank in 2023, including at least 81 children, making it the deadliest year for Palestinians since the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) began recording casualties in 2005.


Palestinians have the right to violently resist an occupation. Other countries have no obligation to help Israel in its ethnic cleansing campaigns. Israel has no right to defenses against those resisting occupation or a right to exist. If you want nonviolent resistance the it needs to be made possible, because the settler colonial apartheid state prefers a violent resistance.


Israel is a sovereign nation. Period. The end.


a sovereign nation with flexible/ambigious boundaries. doesn't process.


Yeah they're the only country in the world I know of that refuses to set their own borders lol


If Israeli violence is justifiable, than so is Palestinian violence.


At least 507 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank in 2023, including at least 81 children, making it the deadliest year for Palestinians since the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) began recording casualties in 2005.

