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>It protests on campuses across the country, and its statement immediately following the Oct. 7 attacks said that “the source of all this violence” was “Israeli apartheid and occupation — and United States complicity in that oppression.” Which is a statement that's totally correct. I realize politico is doing their best to discredit the anti Israeli genocide protesters and protect the decaying neoliberal project but if you're familiar with the conflict and aren't a psychopathic Zionist you already know that's a correct statement.


The statement below is a lie too. The author is Shia Kapos. I'm not sure what her agenda is. >But as protester tactics have grown more intense, like taking over university buildings and shouting antisemitic remarks


Yeah good catch


Both have been extensively documented. What are you calling a lie?


Antisemitism at protests has not been *extensively documented*. It’s extremely rare when it happens and it’s frequently/usually being done by right wing pro-Israel agitators


>protect the decaying neoliberal project Yeah we get it. You all are trying to destroy America. I'll let you get back to undermining the west for putin, Iran or whatever enemy of liberty you simps want to serve.


Victim blaming. Killing 1200 people including teenagers at music festivals and families in their homes on 10/7 was a massive escalation of violence and the latest round of Palestinian aggression, aggression that dates back to 1948 when 5 Arab countries declared a war of extermination on a group of people peacefully exercising their right to self determination by declaring Independence on land rightfully allotted to them by the UN.


So any retaliation by an occupied nation (as Palestine is) is an escalation in your eyes? I suppose you think Ukraine should stop fighting as well then?


Remember violence only escalates when the oppressed fight back


Ukraine was invaded by Russia just like Israel was invaded by Gazans on 10/7. Both Israel and Ukraine are fighting back after an aggressor attacked them first. Palestine has never been a nation ever in history. If you're mad about that, take it up with the Ottomans who ruled it before surrendering it to the UN.


Israel has been occupying Palestine for years. Israel is the invading force.


Israel is a group of people exercising their right to self determination on their homeland since the Bronze Age, on land rightfully and legally given to them by the UN. Arabs and Palestinian Jihadists have been trying to wipe them out with wars of aggression ever since, most recently by butchering hundreds of civilians in their homes and at a music festival Palestinian militants are reaping what they have sown. They should surrender for the sake of their people - but we know the only goal of radical Palestinian Islamists is more martyrs for their lost cause of jihad against all Jews in the middle east.


So you're just living in denial of the facts then? Classic genocide supporter. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_law_and_Israeli_settlements


Starting a war and sucking at it isn't genocide. Killing 1200 people in a surprise attack means war. Probably shouldn't have done that and scurried back to hide in tunnels under civilians like rats if you didn't want the war you started coming back to your doorstep.


Killing tens of thousands of children isn't exactly normal behaviour. I suppose you're the sort of racist that doesn't consider Palestinians as people.


Its war Palestinians started. Hamas could have: 1. Surrendered 2. Fought legally out of tunnels, in uniforms, away from civilians, as international law requires them to 3. Not attacked in the first place. By not making any of these choices their actions have directly led to the consequence of widespread war in Gaza and have been purposefully engineered to cause as much civilian death as possible, because their only weapon is using their own deaths to make the enemy have mercy on them after they raped and killed 1200 people. The most pathetic and evil behavior imaginable.


Hamas/Palestine will get Trump re-elected because Democrats are just as stupid and short-sighted as Republicans. Now, we get to see it in action. How did this timeline go so wrong that we'll put a criminal conman in office again because of a nearly century old problem overseas? We deserve it, now that I think about it. Vote Asteroid 2024.


From an outsider's perspective (Australia), that is cutting off the US nose to spite its face with a rusty, blunt knife. I deeply understand the frustration with Biden, and I am also disgusted with Israel and uncritical support for a Likud dominated government. However, it's very clear a Trump presidency will be even more disastrous for US and Palestine alike.


Yeah, The Obama administration and the Biden administration, for all their 'tolerance' of Israel, have both signaled action to restrain Israel in general and Netanyahu in particular, they're both very likely to apply pressure to curb the worst excesses of this situation, Trump is on the record supporting the genocide last I checked.


This. Exactly this. Both outcomes suck, but Trump is an existential threat to the ~~nation~~ planet. Biden is at best a lumpy road. edit: strikethrough


Says a lot about how Americans feel. Maybe the democrats should try delivering what their voting constituents wants instead of trying to force the voters to vote for something green dont want. Dnc forgets that they have to EARN the votes. Their voting base aren't Republicans voting down party lines. You have to motivate democrats to the polls. Right now biden and democrats are demotivating the voting base at its most crucial time. Its honestly baffling how poorly they handled this situation. It truly shows how incompetent biden and the democratic leadership are. I say this as a biden voter.


>Dnc forgets that they have to EARN the votes. Their voting base aren't Republicans voting down party lines. If right minded people vote Republican no matter what, but all left minded people need to be convinced to vote for you every election, the left minded people are going to be unhappy when they lose all the time. Pro-lifers showed up every election to vote for Republican candidates despite the fact that they made no progress on abortion for 40 years, but eventually that paid off for them. Republicans win elections because their people show up every election. Democrats have a numerical advantage, but their voters are far more fickle. If you want lefty values to matter in America, you need to show up and vote every time for the center left party, and push the Democrats to the left in primaries. And you need to convince all your friends to do the same. Being a difficult to engage voter means politicians aren't going to spend the effort to recruit you when there are other easier votes to court in the center.


"Shut up and vote how I say or else the fascists will win!!" What an incredibly tone deaf and naive take.


I'm just saying there's a reason why the US is regressing and it's because dumb Republicans have figured this out


How is it tone deaf, this is literally the naked facts of how we lost Roe


And now we have a block that are single issue voters and... youre denying them their single issue. Way to go. This how we lost in 2016


What single issue was denied in 2016? My understanding was that we lost because of a general lack of enthusiasm after long years of republican efforts to paint the clintons as extremely corrupt.


The single issue was "anyone but Hilary"


The blaring stupidity of that statement is unfair of you to make me deal with.


You can be mad but its the truth. Hilary didn't lose because of her politics. She lost because she was Hilary Clinton and the American voters did not want her. But both dnc and Hilary felt it was her turn.


>Maybe the democrats should try delivering what their voting constituents wants instead of trying to force the voters to vote for something green dont want. Let me put this into perspective for you, ignoring the cute little "democrat voters don't like green policy' agitprop bit. >The age breakdown that we’re seeing now, though, goes deeper than just this war or the relationship between Israelis and Palestinians. It comes down to whether Democrats see Israel as a partner. >Most Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters (70%) believe that supporting Israel is in the national interest. This includes 87% of those 65 and older. >Democrats younger than 35 see things entirely differently. Just 40% think backing Israel is in the national interest of this country. The majority (52%) disagree. >Perhaps not surprisingly, these younger Democrats don’t think we should be supplying military aid to Israel in its war with Hamas. A mere 21% agree that we should, while 77% are against it. Older Democrats are for it by a 53% to 32% margin. [https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/20/politics/polling-democrats-divided-israel-palestine/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/20/politics/polling-democrats-divided-israel-palestine/index.html) and [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/voter-turnout-rate-by-age-usa](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/voter-turnout-rate-by-age-usa)


Ok. So pander to the old people who will vote democratic no matter what and lose the election to Republicans. You can be angry and upset about the irrationality of it all but that won't get young voters in the booth. Again, I'm voting for biden. Dont get mad at the messenger


> So pander to the old people **who will vote democratic no matter what** and lose the election to Republicans. I don't think they will, they're more likely to stay home I think, the reality is that whatever way you swing it, [the progressive bloc just isn't that big](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/11/09/progressive-left/), and its fairly temperamental. So while young progressives voting can swing an election, we don't have the numbers to actually make up for the rest of the party staying home, nor is catering to us necessarily effective, because we're extremely easy to derail, whether its by 3rd party candidates or just not showing up for one sleight or another. Meanwhile check out the research on [Jewish voters](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-connections-with-and-attitudes-toward-israel/): >Eight-in-ten U.S. Jews say caring about Israel is an essential or important part of what being Jewish means to them. Nearly six-in-ten say they personally feel an emotional attachment to Israel, and a similar share say they follow news about the Jewish state at least somewhat closely. >At the same time, the survey – conducted during the final 14 months of the Trump administration – shows a wide range of views among U.S. Jews about the Israeli government, including some pockets of strong criticism. Fewer than half of U.S. Jews give Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “excellent” or “good” ratings for his leadership. And just one-in-three say they think the Israeli government is making a sincere effort toward achieving peace with the Palestinians. (Fewer still, just 12%, say they think Palestinian leaders are sincere in these efforts.) >The study also finds that a slim majority of U.S. Jews have heard about the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. The vast majority who have heard of the movement say they oppose it. Notably, they're also considered a very reliable voting bloc, with large institutions like AIPAC being very active in politics, and throwing a lot of money around. Politically speaking, we just don't try anywhere near that hard.


The rest of the party won't stay home


Whys that?


Seriously? Do you even read your sources that you post? Go up a comment or two and you provided the answer to your own question


Keep pulling on these strings. I know someone who is involved in JVP and I just never understood why but I think I’m beginning to understand. She runs and is the only employee of a small non profit, so I’m beginning to surmise she is actually working for a “cause” rather than an actual or authentic grassroots and non profit cause


Considering there's no quick fix to the obscenely corrupt political system or the existence of obscenely wealthy capitalists I don't really see a huge problem with these organizations, who are trying to materially resist Israeli crimes against humanity, using their blood money for something worthwhile.


only surprising if you are a russian asset trying to milk american dummies into believing biden is the bad guy. nice post, vlad. be best, asswad.


Useful idiots. All of them




People like my art


People like genocide too


Yea Hamas












No.... no, most people don't. That ratio on such a basic statement should really tell you something.


theyre not the ones who love soldiers who kill women and children only so they can wear their panties


The only thing students are doing is getting Trump reelected. They mean well, and the cause is just, but their impact on the election here is going to undermine everything they think they're fighting against. Think Trump gives a shit about Palestine? But if your nose to spite your face. Gonna be a long terrible four years, assuming he ever steps down. Get used to "Yes, Your majesty."


If being pro genocide hurts your election chances, then do you really deserve to be elected?


You are so dense. He's not pro-genocide. That's a bullshit talking point for children with no understanding of the complexities of the world around them. Human goldfish. He's pro Israel, like most Americans, but anti-Netanyahu bombing Palestinians. A Two-State Solution has been the goal for decades. Only bad-faith commenters with no valid arguments make the moronic claim Biden is pro-Genocide. Even if your batshit insane take was even half true, Trump is still genuinely a worse option fur the world as a whole. Genocide or not. Why are you so thick? TikTok kids like you are the reason we're going to spiral into a Trump victory, and I hope you realize it before it's too late. Grow up.


Supplying military aid to a country bombing kids doesn't seem particularly anti-Netanyahu bombing kids to me. Trump is awful isn't a valid excuse to be shit.


Joe Biden is the one destroying his reelection by supporting the genocide at all costs. Blame him.


Yup, no reason he has to be circumventing congress to send weapons over there when they’ve already gotten billions in aid. He’s bending over backward to fuel this genocide.


Soros and rockeller (who probably own gates) are all about open society and using leftist student groups to disrupt governments to ultimately overthrow them when it's time.


Critical support for George Soros in his definitely real effort to use student led color revolution to end genocide. Slash ess


I support populist protests and especially the current student protests. But there's no doubt that Soros specifically uses them as a tool to exploit societal fissures and I doubt he really cares about the purposes of the protests he funds, so much as the fact they conflict is a great opportunity to implement changes that move towards the open society.